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Do you think Mr Brightside is a "timeless" song?

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I watched a video on YouTube the other day said these songs were "timeless" I dunno it's a good song but i dunno. The list is pretty garbage imo


18 hours ago, SwimModSponges said:

No, THIS is timeless.


Yay, a song that became a huge hit because of one silly lyrical line in the chorus and a video consisting of the group in silly monkey suits.

Do you know this band's music aside from this song? Because I'd like to know why virtually all music webstores that carry a wide variety of genres file these guys under "metal." Because this song is about as metal as N*Sync (not in the same way, of course).

45 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said:

Literally all of their songs are just euphemisms for fuckin.

Its awesome. 

the roof is on fire isn't all euphamisms for fuckin'. there's like a half a verse dedicated to it. the rest is just oxymorons and pop culture references.

26 minutes ago, SwimModSponges said:

Eh, good enough I guess. Wikipedia (which is what I'm assuming that's from) is notoriously bad at reporting what particular sub-genres bands / artists fall in so I was hoping for your own personal take.... 

That's a wide variety of genres, with punk rock probably the closest to metal listed there. But still neither metal or any metal subgenres listed. Electronica would probably fit that particular song which is why I was always like "WHY THE FUCK IS THIS BAND IN THE METAL SECTION????" It's probably not that these sites file them under metal strictly, they probably file them under a whole bunch of genres that they do and / or don't belong to just to cover their bases.

Thank you for your response.


Dunno about timeless but the whites do seem to really enjoy it.


Do I also know all the words?








Yes I do. 





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