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Anyone ever legitmately want to kill someone or have them dead?

Age of S'jet

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There is only one human being that I've ever genuinely hoped dead in my life. That's my sister's paternal relative, because of the way he treated my sister and my mom, and the way he spoke about our family, for nearly 20 years. There might have been a very slight chance of reconciliation at some point, but when my mom died, none of us ever recieved a single word of condolence from Shitstain. So that, on top of the verbal abuse, and what he's said to her and to us, made him a personal enemy of mine.

I'm too much of a wimp to ever shoot or stab anyone, but if I ever cross paths with him again, I am absolutely going to beat the shit out of him. He'd better pray to whatever God he thinks will forgive him that I don't have a large blunt instrument nearby, with which to cave his fucking skull in. And I promise you, with all of my heart and soul, that despite all of my own health issues, I WILL outlive him, and I WILL visit his grave and piss on it. If I'm in a coma, I'll make sure someone unhooks my piss bag and empties it on top of that cunt's grave, if need be.

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32 minutes ago, Poof said:

Oh please I was joking I don't kill people they have accidents

The only person i truly wanted to kill who was my father's "wife" who never lived with us ..she broke into my house and took whatever she wanted after my dad died and the police wouldn't do anything cuz she was married to my dad

Well she died of a freak accident 3 years later.

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5 hours ago, 🍬Candy🍬 said:

The only person i truly wanted to kill who was my father's "wife" who never lived with us ..she broke into my house and took whatever she wanted after my dad died and the police wouldn't do anything cuz she was married to my dad

Well she died of a freak accident 3 years later.

You had her taken out, didn't you?

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