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Go time, motherfucker

André Toulon

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If you have Pokemon Sun/Moon, this is an open challenge, nay, a call out for battle.  I don't care if you're Panda, or whoever.....I'm calling you out.  In fact, sound off if you have the game, and if you deny my challenge, I shall put you an the list of bitches than can sit on the bench while the real trainers force our pets to burn, drown, shock and maim themselves for our shot at glory.


Is no one up to the challenge........Do any of you dare step into the arena? 

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count me in when im not at work.


Cool, what's your usual free time.


10pm-2am is a safe bet for me pretty much any given night, but I can squeeze some time in most evenings depending on whether or not I'm being a daddy.  Mondays are an anytime day for me.....It's whatever on Monday.  Thursdays and Fridays I'm "working" nights so I'm willing to play 11pm-7am all the time on Thurs/Fri.

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Cool, what's your usual free time.


10pm-2am is a safe bet for me pretty much any given night, but I can squeeze some time in most evenings depending on whether or not I'm being a daddy.  Mondays are an anytime day for me.....It's whatever on Monday.  Thursdays and Fridays I'm "working" nights so I'm willing to play 11pm-7am all the time on Thurs/Fri.


sunday and monday nights and very early morning.

also when im off from work to about the time i got to sleep around 9-11 am.

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sunday and monday nights and very early morning.

also when im off from work to about the time i got to sleep around 9-11 am.


All of that works perfectly in my schedule, I get up at 5am or before every morning anyway....I'll add my Friend Code to my sig in a few minutes....You can give me yours however you like.

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Panda_Kabob[/member] naraku360[/member] stilgar[/member] imchapp.in[/member] Leon[/member] blueraven1999[/member]  Distortedreasoning[/member]  @ whoever else plays


Let's get a tournament going


I don't have anything ready to go right now.


I'm working on trying to get a perfect Ralts.


I don't intend on interrupting that to battle you guys.

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Bottle cap, lvl 100, Excuse moot.......Fite me irlfggt


If it was just about having the perfect Ralts, I could pay for Pokemon Bank and bring in one of the ones I made in one of the older games.


It's kind of a ritual for me at this point, I need to do this before I do anything else.


So you can take your bottle caps and shove them up your ass.

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If it was just about having the perfect Ralts, I could pay for Pokemon Bank and bring in one of the ones I made in one of the older games.


It's kind of a ritual for me at this point, I need to do this before I do anything else.


So you can take your bottle caps and shove them up your ass.


SOunds painful, but really, once you level a pokemon up to 100 and have to drop stats just to perfect on with bottle caps, it feels kinda wasted to me........I get what you're saying, I love the grind as well.


Still, fite me.  Kanga thirsts for your blood.

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Don't have it. Won't get it. Nothing personal. Wish I could challenge you, though.


Do you have a 3ds?


I mean if you do, it's kind of one of the main reasons to have one.  If you don't like Pokemon, I get it, but if you do there is no reason not to have it.  Even if you just play through the story, it's one of the best.

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Do you have a 3ds?


I mean if you do, it's kind of one of the main reasons to have one.  If you don't like Pokemon, I get it, but if you do there is no reason not to have it.  Even if you just play through the story, it's one of the best.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE Pokémon. I don't have a 3DS. I'm not going to buy one simply for a single game. The same held true for the, Wii, Wii U, Switch, Xbox 360, and Xbox One for me.

I'm sure the story is awesome, I just will hate the mechanics. Why? Because a low level Pokémon can wipe a super strong one with the right item. No actual skill involved.

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She's (Boo) comfortable with who she is. Haven't you realized no one likes you? Every time you're on your bullshit, everyone calls you on it, and NO ONE comes to your aid, because you're a dumpster fire waiting to happen.

get over yourself and get back to your daughter,  for whom you still don't know the father.

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She's (Boo) comfortable with who she is. Haven't you realized no one likes you? Every time you're on your bullshit, everyone calls you on it, and NO ONE comes to your aid, because you're a dumpster fire waiting to happen.

get over yourself and get back to your daughter,  for whom you still don't know the father.


Um i do know the father. How late are you to the party? I posted him texting me asking me to have another kid.

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I mean, if you want to be a bitch, that's your business, I suppose.


I just wanted to keep this thread from the Dumpster Fire.


But it's apparent that you're as unreasonable as the human garbage known as fugg, so fire away.


:D  :Dyou get butthurt easy...I got no beef with you I was trying to be funny...then again I don't get your humor either sooooo...lol

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I'm sure the story is awesome, I just will hate the mechanics. Why? Because a low level Pokémon can wipe a super strong one with the right item. No actual skill involved.


This seriously isn't true at all, definitely not in the campaign where you outlevel everyone and even the toughest opponents don't use items except for z crystals, and anyway levels aren't a factor when you battle someone 1v1 like what we're talking about they're all set to level 50. There are no nuclear items, like they're useful but the best ones are defensive IMO and the best offensive ones have serious drawbacks like costing you HP or locking you into that move until you switch out.


When I battle Buddy most of my Pokemon are either level 100 or levels 1-30. Doesn't matter, they're all set to have the stats they'd have at 50. You don't even have to level them up to get most of their best moves anymore, you can just buy heart scales and trade them to tutor your Pokemon moves they learn at higher levels.

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you can just buy heart scales and trade them to tutor your Pokemon moves they learn at higher levels.


Wait, I don't think that's accurate, because if so I could teach Typhlosion eruption right now.  If this is true, I'm wasting a lot of time with this thing when it's only purpose is to breed a Torkoal with eruption.


Let me check.

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you really are a petty bitch.


I really fucking dislike you.


She's petty and stupid....I don't gasp or wheeze....I'm, being treated for sleep apnea because I sleep badly, but I really didn't want to explain something i already went over on my wall where she jacked the information. 


NaBlarney[/member] the Torkoal I've been working on tonight is almost perfect......I just need a better item for him than Charcoal because I'm not completely sure if it even effects eruptions power.  Might put that assault vest on him since even at half HP, that eruption with drought kills anything grass, bug or steel.

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She's petty and stupid....I don't gasp or wheeze....I'm, being treated for sleep apnea because I sleep badly, but I really didn't want to explain something i already went over on my wall where she jacked the information. 


NaBlarney[/member] the Torkoal I've been working on tonight is almost perfect......I just need a better item for him than Charcoal because I'm not completely sure if it even effects eruptions power.  Might put that assault vest on him since even at half HP, that eruption with drought kills anything grass, bug or steel.

i honestly imagined her trying to run. but part of me thinks she gasps and wheezes when she's sitting on the computer at home. getting all worked up by people telling her the truth.
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