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Anyone played Okami?

Still Me

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Me I just bought Okami HD for ps4 not too long ago, but some asshat(s) came into my house while I was gone and took my ps4.. Beserk and the band of the hawk was in the system.. I have the case for Okami but the disc is missing so I guess they just took the f-ing disc..

The shit for brains also took my wii u game pad without taking the console.. I hope they have fun with that..

I was away for like 10 mins at the corner store and forgot to lock my door :(

Needless to say CCTV is in full effect at my house..

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On 7/10/2018 at 9:43 PM, Still Me said:

I made a mask....of Amaterasu....for a cosplay....that I wanna do...


holy shit, wait a minute.  who used to get harassed for being a cosplayer on ASMB?  that wasnt you was it?


do you remember everyday for a few weeks there were about 5 or 6 people involved and some of the trolls were hating on "western" cosplayers... lololol


as if all cosplayers are asian!  so stupid.  but it got ugly and got into body issues and personal issues and the people involved were really offended....


do you remember all of that?  and were you one of them?

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4 hours ago, mumbo13 said:

holy shit, wait a minute.  who used to get harassed for being a cosplayer on ASMB?  that wasnt you was it?


do you remember everyday for a few weeks there were about 5 or 6 people involved and some of the trolls were hating on "western" cosplayers... lololol


as if all cosplayers are asian!  so stupid.  but it got ugly and got into body issues and personal issues and the people involved were really offended....


do you remember all of that?  and were you one of them?

Jesus fucking Christ...calm down spaz...

the answer is no...

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