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2 hours ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

Sleep is stealth releasing their new album The Sciences today/tomorrow (4/20). 


Update: The new album has leaked, and is also available on iTunes (supposedly it is also available on Apple Music). 

Pretty good, not disappointed. The first track sucks though. 3 minutes of the guitarist playing with the pickup selector. :|

BTW, for those who haven't heard of them, they are one of the more legendary stoner/doom metal bands from the 90s.

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20 minutes ago, empty said:

Ain't no party like a kief bowl party cuz a kief bowl party where are the brownies?

I've been saving it for so long. Last week I gulped a cloud of it for the first time all year and fell out the chair and couldn't get up off the ground for a few seconds. I think I had a weed seizure


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I have some mental issues that are exacerbated by marijuana, which really really sucks, because I used to like getting high. Sober I'm usually pretty good, but when I have cannabis in my system I tend to have mood swings, anxiety, paranoia, start having auditory hallucinations and if I go HAM I'll have panic attacks and depersonalization events. Never had full blown psychosis, but I know I was headed for it. Not embellishing, either, I'm as tolerant toward cannabis as anyone you'll meet and was a habitual user throughout my teen years.

Oh well. You take the good you take the bad you take them both and then you have... the facts of life.

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Just now, empty said:

I doubt it.

They usually go for several packs of different flavors, ya know, for variety's sake.

Really? At the gas station I worked at, it was extremely common to see customers come in and buy whole display boxes of Swishers on 4/20. And, because corporate never approved our requests for more Swishers, it always royally fucked our inventory for the rest of the week (or sometimes the next 2-3 weeks).

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1 minute ago, Nabloom said:

I like the gas stations that drop all pretenses and just sell glass pipes

Every once in a while I'll get some poor soul in there asking me if we sell torch lighters or the "roses in a tube".

We did sell torch lighters for a minute but they kept getting stolen, so that stopped.

This company likes to purport themselves as a "family business" so they usually don't have much in the way of paraphernalia, but we do have Chore Boy, so that's saying something.

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