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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

I think sometimes the best boon for the block will be when DBZ Kai ends, and it's crazy to think about that since it WAS responsible for the highest-rated episode yet on the block 3 years ago. But it's clear DBS needs to lead-in to SOMETHING fresh in the 2nd half of 2018!

Do you actually think they would use the 11:00 slot for anime premieres that aren't DBZ Kai? I dare say Made in Abyss (or something else that popular) would be an ideal replacement.

Edited by Blatch
Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Blatch said:

Do you actually think they would use the 11:00 slot for anime premieres that aren't DBZ Kai? I dare say Made in Abyss (or something that popular) would be an ideal replacement.

Attack on Titan Season 3, then Made In Abysss in the fall

Edited by brianycpht
  • Like 1
6 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Well, it's Tuesday, and we've got a new set of ratings! Brace yourselves, because these are pretty awful, even by today's standards:


Final Cable 2018 Apr 14.SAT

52 BLACK CLOVER ADULT SWIM 1:00 AM 30 0.18 361

I think it's pretty obvious some people just flipped over to Dragon Ball Super between two NBA Playoffs games on ESPN. How else can you explain the precipitous decline between DBS and DBZKFC that's WAY worse than usual? Unfortunately, it seems that pattern will continue next week. It COULD be that FLCL is some sort of sacrificial lamb during the early part of the playoffs season, because later on FLCL Progressive won't be up against Finals games, since they occur on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.

P2+ Last Week This Week Change
DBS 1,042,000 1,020,000 -22,000
DBZKFC 818,000 793,000 -25,000
Countdown 688,000    
JoJo 568,000 489,000 -79,000
Gundam 515,000 410,000 -105,000
Bclover 462,000 361,000 -101,000
    AVERAGE -66,400
A 18-34 Last Week This Week Change
DBS 0.57 0.59 +0.02
DBZKFC 0.50 0.40  -0.10
Countdown 0.44    
JoJo 0.34 0.30  -0.04
Gundam 0.33 0.24  -0.09
Bclover 0.26    
    AVERAGE -0.04
A 18-49 Last Week This Week Change
DBS 0.48 0.47  -0.01
DBZKFC 0.40 0.34  -0.06
Countdown 0.34    
JoJo 0.26 0.23  -0.03
Gundam 0.26 0.20  -0.06
Bclover 0.22 0.18  -0.04
    AVERAGE -0.04

Only Dragon Ball Super went up slightly in 18-34, and it and Kai only down slightly in total viewers. Everything else pretty much sucked big hairy ding dong.

As for retention:

Total Viewers  
Show People Retention  
DBS 1,020,000      N/A  
DBZKFC 793,000 77.75%  
JoJo 489,000 61.66%*  
Gundam 410,000 83.84%  
Bclover 361,000 88.05%  
Adults 18-34
Show Rating Estimate Retention
DBS 0.59 401,000      N/A
DBZKFC 0.40 272,000 67.80%
JoJo 0.30 204,000 75.00%*
Gundam 0.24 163,000 80.00%
Adults 18-49
Show Rating Estimate Retention
DBS 0.47 603,000      N/A
DBZKFC 0.34 436,000 72.34%
JoJo 0.23 295,000 67.65%*
Gundam 0.20 256,000 86.96%
Bclover 0.18 231,000 90.00%
Adults 18-49  
Show     Rank Change  
DBS   #7  -3  
DBZKFC   #9  -4  
JoJo   #20  -4  
Gundam   #39  -20  
Bclover   #52  -22  

*Calculated by dividing the 12:30 slot number by the 11:30 slot number; i.e.: not a "pure" back-to-back retention percentage.

Boy oh boy. What the hell happened with 18-34?? The drop from DBZKFC to JoJo was over a whole hour, but somehow DBS to DBZKFC did even worse than that! Not the case with total viewers and 18-49: The drop from DBZKFC to JoJo was worse, as expected, but DBZKai still retained pretty badly. Once the 2nd through 4th shows bled viewers, Gundam and Black Clover actually retained pretty well. And of course everything dropped in the rankings, though Black Clover may be the crap pace-setter, as it has fallen from #15 on March 31st to #52 just 2 weeks later! Guess that's what being on an hour and a half later does for ya.

That's all for now, until SBD updates a little later on this afternoon!

Cheesus Christ.

Just now, PokeNirvash said:

[notices you quoted the whole fucking post]

Cheezus Christ indeed.

Cheesus Christ is so delicious, it only deserves the best quoted posts!

1 minute ago, PokeNirvash said:

[notices you quoted the whole fucking post]

Cheezus Christ indeed.

Since it got left behind on the previous page, I think it was appropriate.

On THAT note...

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:

SBD Updated: http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-top-150-saturday-cable-originals-network-finals-4-14-2018.html

"Adult Swim’s late-night line-up performed as follows:  DRAGON BALL at 0.47/0.34 compared to last week’s 0.48/0.40, FOOLY COOLY at 0.27/607K, JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE down 0.03 to 0.23, MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM down 0.06 to 0.20, BLACK CLOVER down 0.04 to 0.18, HUNTER X HUNTER down 0.04 to 0.18/347K, NARUTO down 0.04 to 0.17/334K, SPACE DANDY down 0.01 to 0.17/352K, COWBOY BEBOP down 0.03 to 0.16/341K, and GHOST IN THE SHELL down 0.03 to 0.16/326K." 

The rest of the night couldn't get out of the 300Ks, but at least it didn't get any worse than that. However, the average was a mere 489K, 15th so far for 2018, i.e.: DEAD LAST. And here are the retention figures for total viewers...

4/14/18 - Total Viewers
Show Viewers Retention
DBS 1,020,000 N/A
DBZKFC 793,000 77.7%
FLCL 607,000 76.5%
JoJo 489,000 80.6%
Gundam 410,000 83.8%
BClover 361,000 88.0%
HxH 347,000 96.1%
Shippuden 334,000 96.3%
Dandy 352,000 105.4%
Bebop 341,000 96.9%
GITS 326,000 95.6%

Dandy actually ended up retaining far better than any other show! And it turns out FLCL retained slightly worse than DBZKFC, though JoJo retained slightly better. We'll see how well everything retained in 18-49 a little later on, but here's what we know for now...

4/14/18 - Adults 18-49
Show  Viewers Retention
DBS 0.47  
DBZKFC 0.34 72.34%
FLCL 0.27 79.41%
JoJo 0.23 85.19%
Gundam 0.20 86.96%
BClover 0.18 90.00%
HxH 0.18 100.00%
Shippuden 0.17 94.44%
Dandy 0.17 100.00%
Bebop 0.16 94.12%
GITS 0.16 100.00%

I think sometimes the best boon for the block will be when DBZ Kai ends, and it's crazy to think about that since it WAS responsible for the highest-rated episode yet on the block 3 years ago. But it's clear DBS needs to lead-in to SOMETHING fresh in the 2nd half of 2018!

Cheezus Christ indeed!

Going back a week, Super continues to do well in Live +3: 


Since it actually got a 0.48 in 18-49 Live+Same Day, and was boosted once again to a 0.7, that means that it gained anywhere between 0.17 and 0.26 for a total of 0.65-0.74, and once again, that's a total of up to 953K adults 18-49 who watched DBS between 9:30 PM Sunday and 3 AM Wednesday!

It also appears that it's only made this Top 25 this year, and this is only the 3rd time it's happened, but the 2nd in a row... 


Edited by OwlChemist81
3 hours ago, brianycpht said:

Attack on Titan Season 3, then Made In Abysss in the fall

That depends on if the former is only one cour. I thought I heard that it was going to be longer, but nothing official has been said, and I feel like that may just be wishful thinking from the show's fanbase.


So that was the worst of 2018 so far? 

Don't worry Demarco says the block is doing great. Everythings fine... we're all fine here now. How are you?

1 hour ago, Daos said:

So that was the worst of 2018 so far? 

Actually, not really. Only in total viewers. In Adults 18-49, it was only #13 out of 15 weeks so far this year, and both 1/27 and 2/17 were worse.

So I guess that means for target demos, the lows are getting lower, and the highs are getting higher? That is good.


Well the ratings for Gundam aren't horrendous.... but.....  it gets the same ratings that any mediocre show could do in that spot. It's not the year 2000 anymore, there's better Sci-Fi and Mecha anime. I don't understand the fascination Demarco has with Gundam just because he liked it 20 years ago.

So why run the block with the aim of being mediocre? 

Has any restaurant ever stayed in business by aiming to serve mediocre food?

Toonami's saving grace is still the fact that CN is in horrible shape and the networks ratings are horrible and they have to run TTG 30x a day. But that might not always be the case. 



Adult Swim PROGRAM Viewers (000) A1849 rating A1849 (000)
10:30 Dragon Ball Super 1020 0.47 602
11:00 Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters 793 0.34 439
11:30 Fooly Cooly (r) 607 0.27 348
12:00a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 489 0.23 301
12:30a Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 410 0.20 257
1:00a Black Clover 361 0.18 226
1:30a Hunter X Hunter (r) 347 0.18 226
2:00a Naruto: Shippuden (r) 334 0.17 220
2:30a Space Dandy (r) 352 0.17 220
3:00a Cowboy Bebop (r) 341 0.16 206
3:30a Ghost In Shell: 2nd Gig (r) 326 0.16 204

The 18-49 average was 295K, again, 13th out of 15 for 2018. Below average, but at least NOT the worst.

4/14/18 - Adults 18-49
Show Total Viewers Adults 18-49
DBS 602,000  
DBZKFC 439,000 72.92%
FLCL 348,000 79.27%
JoJo 301,000 86.49%
Gundam 257,000 85.38%
BClover 226,000 87.94%
HxH 226,000 100.00%
Shippuden 220,000 97.35%
Dandy 220,000 100.00%
Bebop 206,000 93.64%
GITS 204,000 99.03%

Not much change from the hundredths version posted earlier. Only main difference is Gundam didn't retain as well as JoJo, and Black Clover didn't quite retain 90%.

Turn the page...


THIS JUST IN!!! Dragon Ball Super beat its Family Guy lead-in in total viewers and in ALL target demographics!


Family Guy (ADSM, 10:00 PM, 30 min.)
– 1.018 million viewers (#32)
– 0.64 HH (#33)
– 0.43 A18-49 (#11)
– 0.53 A18-34 (#5)
– 0.37 A25-54 (#18)

Dragon Ball Super (ADSM, 10:30 PM, 30 min.)
– 1.020 million viewers (#31)
– 0.61 HH (#35)
– 0.47 A18-49 (#6)
– 0.59 A18-34 (#4)
– 0.40 A25-54 (#13)

(Yes, Family Guy still won households, but that's not technically a "demographic.")

Of course the 3 NBA games took #1-#3 for the primetime portion of the night in 18-34, but DBS took #4. Boo-yah! And if you're wondering about 18-49, the NBA games were once again #1 through #3, Live PD was #4, and the #5 show is an unlisted rerun. Ah, what could have been...

Anyway, I think an ideal ratings pattern for Toonami would be if the 11:30 show (this year, FLCL Prog/Alt) wins the night, and the previous 2 shows build up to it. FLCL Prog/Alt definitely have that "World Premiere" thing that worked out so well for Samurai Jack, but what could be a potential replacement in that pesky 11 PM slot, which is currently occupied by the underperforming DBZ KFC? I say it's either gotta be AoTS3 or Boruto. Bo might just build from Super; we saw it a few times with Bleach and OG Naruto at midnight and 12:30 back in 2013. Alternatively, AoTS2 had to lead-in to the ho-hum Tokyo Ghoul, but let it S3 lead-in to World Premiere FLCL, and it's probably gonna do better! So, I think we'll see one of the following beyond DBZ KFC (and please note that marathons are an unpredictable X-Factor in both...):

Scenario #1 10:30-12:30:
6/30: DBS; Boruto; FLCLP#5; JoJo; etc. OR Marathon
7/7: DBS; Boruto; FLCLP#5/6; JoJo; etc. OR Marathon (if not on 6/30)
7/14: DBS; Boruto; FLCLP#6 or AoTS3; JoJo; etc.
7/21: DBS; Boruto; AoTS3; JoJo; etc.
8/25: DBS; Boruto; AoTS3; Special TBD; etc.
9/1: Marathon
9/8: DBS; Boruto; AoTS3; FLCLA#1; etc.

Scenario #2 10:30-12 AM:
6/30: DBS; Special TBD; FLCLP#5; etc. OR Marathon
7/7: DBS; AoTS3; FLCLP#5/6; JoJo; etc. OR Marathon (if not on 6/30)
7/14: DBS; AoTS3; FLCLP#6 or other show TBD (Boruto?)

Either way, for AoTS3 to premiere in July, looks like we're gonna need another special.

It's also possible that FLCLP is simply reran in the 11:30 timeslot before FLCLA takes over, but I'll bet their ratings for classic FLCL are making them think twice about that!

Also, please note that NONE of this covers the REAL elephant in the room: what goes into that 12:30 timeslot on 5/5, assuming no more schedule shakeups?


It BARELY beat Family Guy, and Family Guy wasn't even that high to begin with, though we HAVE been getting more weeks where that didn't even break a million.

Will this mean we get more basketball-DBZ memes on TV?

11 minutes ago, OwlChemist81 said:

THIS JUST IN!!! Dragon Ball Super beat its Family Guy lead-in in total viewers and in ALL target demographics!


Family Guy (ADSM, 10:00 PM, 30 min.)
– 1.018 million viewers (#32)
– 0.64 HH (#33)
– 0.43 A18-49 (#11)
– 0.53 A18-34 (#5)
– 0.37 A25-54 (#18)

Dragon Ball Super (ADSM, 10:30 PM, 30 min.)
– 1.020 million viewers (#31)
– 0.61 HH (#35)
– 0.47 A18-49 (#6)
– 0.59 A18-34 (#4)
– 0.40 A25-54 (#13)

(Yes, Family Guy still won households, but that's not technically a "demographic.")

Of course the 3 NBA games took #1-#3 for the primetime portion of the night in 18-34, but DBS took #4. Boo-yah! And if you're wondering about 18-49, the NBA games were once again #1 through #3, Live PD was #4, and the #5 show is an unlisted rerun. Ah, what could have been...

Anyway, I think an ideal ratings pattern for Toonami would be if the 11:30 show (this year, FLCL Prog/Alt) wins the night, and the previous 2 shows build up to it. FLCL Prog/Alt definitely have that "World Premiere" thing that worked out so well for Samurai Jack, but what could be a potential replacement in that pesky 11 PM slot, which is currently occupied by the underperforming DBZ KFC? I say it's either gotta be AoTS3 or Boruto. Bo might just build from Super; we saw it a few times with Bleach and OG Naruto at midnight and 12:30 back in 2013. Alternatively, AoTS2 had to lead-in to the ho-hum Tokyo Ghoul, but let it S3 lead-in to World Premiere FLCL, and it's probably gonna do better! So, I think we'll see one of the following beyond DBZ KFC (and please note that marathons are an unpredictable X-Factor in both...):

Scenario #1 10:30-12:30:
6/30: DBS; Boruto; FLCLP#5; JoJo; etc. OR Marathon
7/7: DBS; Boruto; FLCLP#5/6; JoJo; etc. OR Marathon (if not on 6/30)
7/14: DBS; Boruto; FLCLP#6 or AoTS3; JoJo; etc.
7/21: DBS; Boruto; AoTS3; JoJo; etc.
8/25: DBS; Boruto; AoTS3; Special TBD; etc.
9/1: Marathon
9/8: DBS; Boruto; AoTS3; FLCLA#1; etc.

Scenario #2 10:30-12 AM:
6/30: DBS; Special TBD; FLCLP#5; etc. OR Marathon
7/7: DBS; AoTS3; FLCLP#5/6; JoJo; etc. OR Marathon (if not on 6/30)
7/14: DBS; AoTS3; FLCLP#6 or other show TBD (Boruto?)

Either way, for AoTS3 to premiere in July, looks like we're gonna need another special.

It's also possible that FLCLP is simply reran in the 11:30 timeslot before FLCLA takes over, but I'll bet their ratings for classic FLCL are making them think twice about that!

Also, please note that NONE of this covers the REAL elephant in the room: what goes into that 12:30 timeslot on 5/5, assuming no more schedule shakeups?


11 minutes ago, elfie said:

It BARELY beat Family Guy, and Family Guy wasn't even that high to begin with, though we HAVE been getting more weeks where that didn't even break a million.

Will this mean we get more basketball-DBZ memes on TV?

I think when taking DVR into account Super dominates Family Guy, because who is recording Family Guy?

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, OwlChemist81 said:

Either way, for AoTS3 to premiere in July, looks like we're gonna need another special.

I've already mentioned that they could drop the slot for a couple of weeks. Even if they schedule a marathon for June 30, you could start it at 11:00 after a preemption the week before to maintain continuity. It would at least look better on my personal ratings grid. B|

That date is farther from the holiday, but the benefits are that AoT S3 starts alongside the full lineup instead of airing before a marathon, and FLCL Progressive is preempted with two episodes left instead of one... not that there isn't precedent for both situations.

Edited by Blatch

they could air Scavengers 1 before 2 in the same 30 minute slot to fill one of those weeks, but only if the new one is ready by then

1 hour ago, elfie said:

It BARELY beat Family Guy, and Family Guy wasn't even that high to begin with, though we HAVE been getting more weeks where that didn't even break a million.

Will this mean we get more basketball-DBZ memes on TV?

But 0.06 in 18-34 and 0.04 in 18-49 ain't exactly "barely". That's a pretty considerable difference, like 40K on both counts.

Yes, it did just edge it out in total viewers, though.

Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, Blatch said:

I've already mentioned that they could drop the slot for a couple of weeks. Even if they schedule a marathon for June 30, you could start it at 11:00 after a preemption the week before to maintain continuity. It would at least look better on my personal ratings grid. B|

That date is farther from the holiday, but the benefits are that AoT S3 starts alongside the full lineup instead of airing before a marathon, and FLCL Progressive is preempted with two episodes left instead of one... not that there isn't precedent for both situations.

I don't think they could drop the 10:30 DBS without also bringing back the 8 PM sneak peek, and just what the hell would the point of that be for a week or two?

I think it's a lot more likely they'll double up Super, but even THAT could be problematic.

Maybe this time they could play Intruder II?

And AoTS3 CAN'T air one episode before a marathon; it wouldn't be ready yet on June 30, unless you're going off the fact that it's already July in Japan by then. Don't even know how in the hell that would work anyway. I guess kinda like Space Dandy. Besides, we don't even know what day of the week AoTS3 will premiere in Japan. In what timeslot did AoTS2 air in Japan?

Edited by OwlChemist81
2 hours ago, OwlChemist81 said:


Also, please note that NONE of this covers the REAL elephant in the room: what goes into that 12:30 timeslot on 5/5, assuming no more schedule shakeups?

Wanna take any guesses about when that news comes out?  It HAS to be this week you'd think? 


I'm still expecting the usual Facebook announcement, or maybe they announce it on Pre-Flight for a change.

They've managed to drag this out to a downright comical extent, so I can't see them not announcing it beyond this weekend. The fandom wanting to utterly lose it doesn't help things.

Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, Blatch said:

I'm still expecting the usual Facebook announcement, or maybe they announce it on Pre-Flight for a change.

They've managed to drag this out to a downright comical extent, so I can't see them not announcing it beyond this weekend. The fandom wanting to utterly lose it doesn't help things.

They should just keep it going to troll us. 

But if I said didn’t look at Facebook every hour for the last month I’d be lying 😀.

We’ll all get excited and they announce the return of SJ season 5 and the lineup shifting again 

Edited by brianycpht
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

Well, it isn't Re:Zero, but it IS something that has been a glaring omission from Toonami for a while now...



Also note that Black Clover got demoted AGAIN!

Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Thanks 1

If you ask me, JoJo should be at 12, HxH at 12:30, BC at 1, and FLCL at 1:30.

And of course, FLCL Progressive should be pushed to June 23 or 30 and replace DBZ KFC at 11 PM while another classic takes over at 1:30 on June 2nd.

FLCL being back on the block leading-in to Progressive makes sense, but having it air at 11:30 or even Midnight might be a tall order.

I have a theory that the original plan was to have MHA replace DBZ KFC, but because FLCL was underperforming, it got moved up. If I'm right, then it could even get 11 PM after DBZ KFC ends.

  • Like 1

If I were to take a guess at what the 'original plan' was, this probably wasn't going to come until late June with DBZ Kai ended. The line-up would have been Super -> Kai -> FLCL 1/2 -> Black Clover -> JoJo -> Gundam/Gundam replacement -> rest of Toonami until then. BC underperforming caused them to change plans and push MHA up to be Gundam's replacement instead to bolster the front of the block.

This is probably more schedule shifting than they wanted, but I do like the idea of having this line-up until the likely Memorial Day marathon. Then FLCL Progressive premieres at 11:30, which moves MHA to 11 PM (going back to the original plan on where to slot it) and bumping DBZ Kai back to 12 AM until it ends and the next premiere (which would have likely been the original replacement for Gundam) takes its place there.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

Twenty bucks says the next schedule change pushes Black Clover after Naruto.

After Naruto beats it a few times? Yeah probably.

  • Haha 1
On 4/18/2018 at 3:01 AM, Daos said:

Toonami's saving grace is still the fact that CN is in horrible shape and the networks ratings are horrible and they have to run TTG 30x a day. But that might not always be the case. 

Out of curiosity could you go into more detail on this? Haven't paid attention to CN at all post-2008, is their situation (or even cable in general) really that disasterous at the moment?



It would kind of suck to move DBZ Kai down to midnight for its last three episodes. Even if The Final Chapters hasn't been as well received as the original, I still want it to have a good denouement. Still, unlike with Bleach, everyone should be able to watch the finale regardless of their cable provider. ;)

I agree with Moltar's theorizing, but it doesn't take Attack on Titan S3 into account. They're going to be forced to do some funky things with the schedule if they want to air it. For one thing, the first episode of a same-day simuldub would likely air on July 7, which is also a likely marathon date. They would have to either run the normal schedule up to a certain point, or just play the first new AoT episode by itself at the very beginning of the block and have a marathon take up everything else. And if the former schedule includes FLCL Progressive, that means they could air all six episodes in a row, but then it would upset the balance of airing a rerun of it because there would be an empty slot after it reruns for six weeks. In other words, a total mess!

The only "easy" solution would be to expand the block to 10:00 for AoT, and they may very well go for it. But I'm also not sure if Jason is comfortable with the block running six hours or more again. Heck, it probably wouldn't hurt Toonami to be shorter right now.

30 minutes ago, Lawliet720 said:

Out of curiosity could you go into more detail on this? Haven't paid attention to CN at all post-2008, is their situation (or even cable in general) really that disasterous at the moment?


I'll let some videos do the talkin =P

Less than a year ago, their daytime programming was losing to Nick at Night.


1 hour ago, Daos said:

I'll let some videos do the talkin =P

Less than a year ago, their daytime programming was losing to Nick at Night.


Thanks for this.

Wow. Just...how on earth is it possible to fuck up worse than the Snyder Era. O.o



Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Blatch said:

It would kind of suck to move DBZ Kai down to midnight for its last three episodes. Even if The Final Chapters hasn't been as well received as the original, I still want it to have a good denouement. Still, unlike with Bleach, everyone should be able to watch the finale regardless of their cable provider. ;)

I agree with Moltar's theorizing, but it doesn't take Attack on Titan S3 into account. They're going to be forced to do some funky things with the schedule if they want to air it. For one thing, the first episode of a same-day simuldub would likely air on July 7, which is also a likely marathon date. They would have to either run the normal schedule up to a certain point, or just play the first new AoT episode by itself at the very beginning of the block and have a marathon take up everything else. And if the former schedule includes FLCL Progressive, that means they could air all six episodes in a row, but then it would upset the balance of airing a rerun of it because there would be an empty slot after it reruns for six weeks. In other words, a total mess!

The only "easy" solution would be to expand the block to 10:00 for AoT, and they may very well go for it. But I'm also not sure if Jason is comfortable with the block running six hours or more again. Heck, it probably wouldn't hurt Toonami to be shorter right now.

Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind an all-premiere 10 PM-2 AM block that encores from 2-6 AM! Considering we lost the online block stream, it seems to me it would be apropos. Only problem is, what the hell do you do for spring forward and fall back? I'd say for spring-forward, play 3 hours from 10 PM-1 AM, pre-empt the last normal hour for a no-repeat hour special at 2 AM, then finish the night with a repeat of 10 PM-1 AM from 3-6 AM. Then for fall back, simply air a no-repeat special in the bonus 2 AM hour.

Edited by OwlChemist81
Posted (edited)

CN's failure is a big reason why Toonami gets more hours and gets to keep existing despite the massive decline in ratings. So it's kind of good news.

Just think if CN does even worse maybe half the network will turn into anime!

Much longer video on CN's problems


Edited by Daos
On 4/19/2018 at 12:42 PM, OwlChemist81 said:

Well, it isn't Re:Zero, but it IS something that has been a glaring omission from Toonami for a while now...



Also note that Black Clover got demoted AGAIN!

Black clover needs the 230 slot not Shippuden it's still ruining the rest of the block however JoJo really screwed up last week

  • Haha 1

Jojo retained better than Kai last week.. barely. But I honestly don't like Jojo at the moment. It's gone on too long and its the same thing every week. I was really expecting more from a series that had such notoriety.

But the fact that Jojo can't hold a 20 year old rerun of FLCL is embarrassing.

What's more embarrassing is that BC is struggling to retain Gundam. 361k total viewers. A dandy rerun at 2am did 352.... 9k less. 

Bebop at 3am did 341.. only 20 k less.

Looking at those numbers, its quite possible that BC is still so bad that every single show after it could outperform BC if it had BC's timeslot.

Posted (edited)

This feels, in a lot of ways, like the next-to-last ratings report of an era:


Final Cable 2018 Apr 21.SAT

Dragon Ball Super was a more talky less action-y episode than usual, so it was also lower than usual this week, but many other shows were way up, and Black Clover is back in the Top 50, and in fact just barely missed the Top 25 for the night in 18-49.

P2+ Last Week This Week Change
DBS 1,020,000 953,000 -67,000
DBZKFC 793,000 790,000 -3,000
JoJo 489,000 512,000 23,000
Gundam 410,000 472,000 62,000
Bclover 361,000 452,000 91,000
    AVERAGE 21,200
A 18-34 Last Week This Week Change
DBS 0.59 0.59 +0.00
DBZKFC 0.40 0.47 +0.07
JoJo 0.30 0.30 +0.00
Gundam 0.24 0.28 +0.04
    AVERAGE 0.03
A 18-49 Last Week This Week Change
DBS 0.47 0.45  -0.02
DBZKFC 0.34 0.38 +0.04
JoJo 0.23 0.24 +0.01
Gundam 0.20 0.23 +0.03
Bclover 0.18 0.22 +0.04
    AVERAGE 0.02

Note I don't list Black Clover in the 18-34 comparison as last week's 18-34 number was not available since it failed to make the Top 50. As for retention, well, maybe we're being a bit hasty to kick Black Clover down to 1:30, and here's why...

Total Viewers  
Show People Retention  
DBS 953,000      N/A  
DBZKFC 790,000 82.90%  
JoJo 512,000 64.81%*  
Gundam 472,000 92.19%  
Bclover 452,000 95.76%  
Adults 18-34
Show Rating Estimate Retention
DBS 0.59 401,000      N/A
DBZKFC 0.47 319,000 79.66%
JoJo 0.30 204,000 63.83%*
Gundam 0.28 190,000 93.33%
Bclover 0.29 197,000 103.57%
Adults 18-49
Show Rating Estimate Retention
DBS 0.45 577,000      N/A
DBZKFC 0.38 487,000 84.44%
JoJo 0.24 308,000 63.16%*
Gundam 0.23 295,000 95.83%
Bclover 0.22 282,000 95.65%
Adults 18-49  
Show     Rank Change  
DBS   #8  -1  
DBZKFC   #11  -2  
JoJo   #20 +0  
Gundam   #24 +15  
Bclover   #26 +26  

It actually GAINED on Gundam in 18-34! Such could be expected occasionally from a show that came out this year over one that came out last year (in Japan), I suppose. But what about a show that came out (in Japan) in 2013, Hunter x Hunter, which will be slotted ahead of it come May? Perhaps [as] is trying to make the 1:30 bump that they see other nights of the week with Bob's Burgers a thing on Saturday nights, and I suppose using the show with newest animation back-to-back with one of the ol' Big 3 is not a bad way to go about it! 

*Represents a non-back-to-back retention (DBZKFC -> FLCL -> JoJo)

Edited by OwlChemist81
Posted (edited)

The ratings are probably just stabilising after a chaotic couple of weeks with preemptions. In other words, this is pretty okay.

Moving Black Clover down another slot after less than a month is not a good look, so I wonder if maybe the Toonami crew didn't want it on that late but were overridden by the high court of schedulers. Either that, or Viz was peeved at HxH being moved later.

Edited by Blatch
My phone isn't too good... >_<
  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

SHOWBUZZDAILY updated; here is the result:

"The Adult Swim late-night line-up performed as follows:  DRAGON BALL at 0.45/0.38 compared to last week’s 0.47/0.34, FOOLY COOLY steady at 0.27/579K, JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE up a tick to 0.24, MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM up 0.03 to 0.23, BLACK CLOVER up 0.04 to 0.22, HUNTER X HUNTER up 0.02 to 0.20/415K, NARUTO up 0.02 to 0.19/398K, SPACE DANDY down 0.01 to 0.16/341K, COWBOY BEBOP down 0.01 to 0.15/333K, and GHOST IN THE MACHINE steady at 0.16/323K."

Wait, what? Ghost In The Machine on Toonami?? They play one movie, and then THIS happens... :D

Image result for ghost in the machine

That bit of silliness aside, the average was back over 500K, 506,182, as a matter of fact, which is 12th out of 16 weeks so far in 2018. And total viewers retention went down like this:

4/21/18 - Total Viewers
Show Viewers Retention
DBS 953,000 94.4%
DBZKFC 790,000 82.9%
FLCL 579,000 73.3%
JoJo 512,000 88.4%
Gundam 472,000 92.2%
BClover 452,000 95.8%
HxH 415,000 91.8%
Shippuden 398,000 95.9%
Dandy 341,000 85.7%
Bebop 333,000 97.7%
GITS 323,000 97.0%

FLCL reruns clearly don't belong at 11:30; fortunately we've got the hero we need but don't deserve coming to save us in 2 weeks!


Edited by OwlChemist81
  • Like 2

Yeah FLCL reruns definitely don't belong at the start of the block, but need to be there to give all the people who never saw it a chance to see it before the sequels.

Super... little lower than usual. 

Kai... still sad that more people aren't tuning in for the big final fight.

Black Clover probably belongs before Gundam. But you know how I feel about Gundam.

  • Sad 2
3 hours ago, PokeNirvash said:

And Gundam's ending this week, so it's not like whether it belongs before or after really matters. 9_9

It's Demarco... Gundam will never end.

  • Thanks 1
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Daos said:

It's Demarco... Gundam will never end.

I'm telling y'all--we're totally getting Thunderbolt in October to close out 2018! Well, either that, or the sequel to Gundam Unicorn, Gundam Narrative!

Oh, look...


Family Guy (ADSM, 10:00 PM, 30 min.)
– 1.009 million viewers (#21)
– 0.65 HH (#23)
– 0.43 A18-49 (#11)
– 0.51 A18-34 (#4)
– 0.37 A25-54 (#17)

Dragon Ball Super (ADSM, 10:30 PM, 30 min.)
– 0.953 million viewers (#32)
– 0.62 HH (#26)
– 0.45 A18-49 (#9)
– 0.59 A18-34 (#3)
– 0.39 A25-54 (#16)

Adult Swim PROGRAM Viewers (000) A1849 rating A1849 (000)
10:30 Dragon Ball Super 953 0.45 585
11:00 Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters 790 0.38 486
11:30 Fooly Cooly (r) 579 0.27 354
12:00a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 512 0.24 308
12:30a Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 472 0.23 293
1:00a Black Clover 452 0.22 288
1:30a Hunter X Hunter (r) 415 0.20 255
2:00a Naruto: Shippuden (r) 398 0.19 243
2:30a Space Dandy (r) 341 0.16 202
3:00a Cowboy Bebop (r) 333 0.15 198
3:30a Ghost In Shell: 2nd Gig (r) 323 0.16 203
4/21/18 - Adults 18-49
Show Total Viewers Adults 18-49
DBS 585,000 105.98%
DBZKFC 486,000 83.08%
FLCL 354,000 72.84%
JoJo 308,000 87.01%
Gundam 293,000 95.13%
BClover 288,000 98.29%
HxH 255,000 88.54%
Shippuden 243,000 95.29%
Dandy 202,000 83.13%
Bebop 198,000 98.02%
GITS 203,000 102.53%

Average in Adults 18-49: 310,455. That's 11th out of 16 so far for the year.

And once again, Dragon Ball Super won the night on [as] in 18-49, 18-34, and 25-54! Third in 18-34 behind only two NBA games.

Next week, with no NBA playoffs on TV, it just might capture #1 18-34!

Edited by OwlChemist81
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