Jman Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 That's absurd! MLB games don't do THAT good in the ratings! My point is that Toonami's softer ratings cannot be viewed in a vacuum.
CaptainStarwind Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 Toonami blows and is aimed at a teenage generation that is the worst ever. No wonder CN canned it, they figured this might happen eventually. Zeni, you a busta.
Blatch Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 I miss you being banned. You could just block him and move on... since you're not doing us any favors with putting his message out in the open. ::]::
MasqueradeOverture Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 You could just block him and move on... since you're not doing us any favors with putting his message out in the open. ::]:: But I like verbal abuse...
Zenigundam Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 Samurai Jack and Gundam Unicorn were the only decent things on Toonami recently, and Samurai Jack was originally a kids show. Toonami's definitely getting cancelled. Nobody is gonna stand for this endless Dragon Ball, Hunter, and Naruto drivel, and the clichéd melodramatic slops that are Attack on Titan Season 2 and Tokyo Ghoul. I haven't seen Lupin yet, but the 70s one was only good for its time, so bringing that same crap up to date ain't gonna make it a great modern anime. Wow Toonami is really destroying itself with poor taste in animation it seems.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 Samurai Jack and Gundam Unicorn were the only decent things on Toonami recently, and Samurai Jack was originally a kids show. Toonami's definitely getting cancelled. Nobody is gonna stand for this endless Dragon Ball, Hunter, and Naruto drivel, and the clichéd melodramatic slops that are Attack on Titan Season 2 and Tokyo Ghoul. I haven't seen Lupin yet, but the 70s one was only good for its time, so bringing that same crap up to date ain't gonna make it a great modern anime. Wow Toonami is really destroying itself with poor taste in animation it seems. You're forgetting JoJo, you goofy doofus! Part 3 begins 2 weeks from today! And HOW DARE you call Hunter x Hunter drivel!
Zenigundam Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 JoJo and Hunter x Hunter suck so badly. No way Toonami survives if it's getting things like another JoJo series and Gundam: IBO Part 2. Wow... Smdh... They don't even notice how they're destroying their own existence with bad decisions.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 15, 2017 Posted July 15, 2017 You're living in a dream world! I'd say H×H is probably the best show on Toonami right now! I'll admit the Hunter Exam and Heaven's Arena arcs were lackluster, but this Yorknew stuff is endlessly bad ass!! Hell, I'd say it's not that much of a stretch that Toonami and Adult Swim might even look to co-produce new episodes of Hunter × Hunter after its current run ends in 2019, depending upon how much of the manga Togashi has done by then. It could be their biggest co-pro to date since it would likely be a seasonal serial!
CaptainStarwind Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 Samurai Jack and Gundam Unicorn were the only decent things on Toonami recently, and Samurai Jack was originally a kids show. Toonami's definitely getting cancelled. Nobody is gonna stand for this endless Dragon Ball, Hunter, and Naruto drivel, and the clichéd melodramatic slops that are Attack on Titan Season 2 and Tokyo Ghoul. I haven't seen Lupin yet, but the 70s one was only good for its time, so bringing that same crap up to date ain't gonna make it a great modern anime. Wow Toonami is really destroying itself with poor taste in animation it seems. Zeni, you a busta.
PokeNirvash Posted July 16, 2017 Posted July 16, 2017 JoJo and Hunter x Hunter suck so badly. No way Toonami survives if it's getting things like another JoJo series and Gundam: IBO Part 2. Wow... Smdh... They don't even notice how they're destroying their own existence with bad decisions. TELL ME HOW TO BLOCK YOU YOU HACK.
Jman Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 Hey at least he didn't suggest Diet OPM. (Academia. God I hate that show).
OwlChemist81 Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 Hey at least he didn't suggest Diet OPM. (Academia. God I hate that show). Wow, I'm afraid you're in the minority there, buddy! But as much as I dig Hunter x Hunter, I wonder if it would have been in Toonami's better interest to acquire Fairy Tail instead?
The1gairon Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 How is it, ever since joining these ASA/Toonami-themed boards since 2006, all the members I have a problem with ALWAYS hated the anime I like?!? No matter what year. No matter what anime.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 Anyone who is worried about Toonami's ratings as of late should watch this, courtesy of Toonami Faithful! The funniest part might be when DeMarco mocked haters of Gundam IBO S2... [suck it, haters]
The1gairon Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 Love it. I really give props to CJ for spending his time, energy and finances to make these interviews a reality!
Daos Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 Damn Jman how can you hate MHA so much, what don't you like about it exactly? Too sappy? It has more in common with Fairytail than OPM. If they love mecha so much how about Aldnoah instead of tanking the ratings with Gundam?
Jman Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 Damn Jman how can you hate MHA so much, what don't you like about it exactly? Too sappy? It has more in common with Fairytail than OPM. If they love mecha so much how about Aldnoah instead of tanking the ratings with Gundam? Shit premise. It should have more in common with OPM at least as a subversive story. I pictured the kid being the universe's Marshall Law, someone who hates and hunts "heroes". But no, that would be interesting.
Daos Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 How many episodes did you watch? I mean the premise isn't groundbreaking or anything. Kid wants to be a hero and goes to hero school. But it does a lot with it, it's pretty much the hottest Shonen out there right now.
naraku360 Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 How many episodes did you watch? I mean the premise isn't groundbreaking or anything. Kid wants to be a hero and goes to hero school. But it does a lot with it, it's pretty much the hottest Shonen out there right now. I liked the premise of "most people have powers but protagonist has to prove he's able to be a hero despite no power" more than "most people have powers but protagonist has to prove he's able to be a hero despite no power.... until his idol happens be be able to give him a power". Spends the introduction bashing you over the head repeatedly with a simple message of heroism coming from intent rather than power, only to immediately undermine the point in a matter of episodes. It'd be a lot more interesting to see him outwit villains as a normal kid than to have them literally give him, like, the strongest known ability.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 Toonami had very strong trending this week, as #LupinThe3rd reached the #3 spot, and several other shows trended, including #DragonBallSuper:
OwlChemist81 Posted July 17, 2017 Posted July 17, 2017 So who would shit the bed this week? Any bets? You mean worst retention?? Beats me! (Probably DB Super...)
CaptainStarwind Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Attack on Titan or DB Super. Of course it isn't so much of a problem if it was AOT, being that it's done after this week, but if it's DB Super, then they should really think about shifting the schedule again...
Misaka Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 You mean worst retention?? Beats me! (Probably DB Super...) Super aot or lupin That's my bet I mean op really shit the bed and no one could remove the stains afterwords
AnimationFan14 Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 So who would shit the bed this week? Any bets? I just personally hope it's not Hunter x Hunter because it doesn't deserve it
Daos Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Worst retention Super... followed by AOT. The time slot AOT is in takes a hit no matter what you put there. At least it seems that way.
Blatch Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 I liked the premise of "most people have powers but protagonist has to prove he's able to be a hero despite no power" more than "most people have powers but protagonist has to prove he's able to be a hero despite no power.... until his idol happens be be able to give him a power". Spends the introduction bashing you over the head repeatedly with a simple message of heroism coming from intent rather than power, only to immediately undermine the point in a matter of episodes. It'd be a lot more interesting to see him outwit villains as a normal kid than to have them literally give him, like, the strongest known ability. Everyone I've seen who watches the show blithely ignored that and are currently focusing on the frog girl instead. And the well-animated fights. </3 Also, any ratings won't be in this post because I'd much rather you guys put your anger into something meaningful, such as... everything other than anime arguments. But they're out there, just to let you know.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Saturday night SEEMED successful on the surface, as numerous shows trended into the top 10, and we even had a character trend in Majin Buu. But as it turns out, the bar was just really, really low. However, I'm going to point out something in the full chart before I post my usual 18-49/18-34 estimates since it might well be considered a mitigating factor: I have no idea what in people these numbers mean, but note that Toonami captured the Top 3 of Men 12-34. Lupin just barely missed the Top 5 at #6, #4 was the DBS 8 PM "sneak" premiere, and #5 was a show that should probably be on Toonami someday (Justice League Action). Toonami also did well in Men 18-49, especially in the 12 AM hour, as DBZ KFC was #2 and AOT was #3. And of course, though the bar is still low, 3 shows in the Top Ten (#3, #5, and #10) in Adults 18-49 and also winning Adults 18-34 is remarkable. Granted, that's over when College Football begins, even if overall numbers go up. Now, for the bad news: 7/15/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) #11 (+1) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.32 Estimated 18-34 - 217,000 ( 34.07% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.26 Estimated 18-49 - 333,000 ( 52.28% ) Total Viewers - 637,000 7/15/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters #3 (+1) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.47 Estimated 18-34 - 319,000 ( 43.05% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.35 Estimated 18-49 - 449,000 ( 60.59% ) Total Viewers - 741,000 7/15/2017 Attack On Titan - #5 (+1) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.40 Estimated 18-34 - 272,000 ( 41.27% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.31 Estimated 18-49 - 397,000 ( 60.24% ) Total Viewers - 659,000 7/15/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #10 (+1) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.34 Estimated 18-34 - 231,000 ( 40.17% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.26 Estimated 18-49 - 333,000 ( 57.91% ) Total Viewers - 575,000 7/15/2017 Lupin the 3rd - #19 (-2) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.29 Estimated 18-34 - 197,000 ( 37.67% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.22 Estimated 18-49 - 282,000 ( 53.92% ) Total Viewers - 523,000 Yes, NOTHING over 750K, not to mention 500K 18-49. Still, I'm sure that when Adult Swim looks at the bigger picture, they'll still be happy because Toonami remains relevant to the Adults 18-34 and Men 12-34 at whom their ads are targeted. Now what does Toonami need to recapture its former success: a stronger lead-in lineup! I imagine viewers might come back if this is what preceded it: 8 PM Dragon Ball Super 8:30 Rick & Morty x2 9:30 American Dad x2 10:30 Family Guy x2 But I might be wrong. A&E's "Live PD" is a juggernaught to which some of Adult Swim's loyal viewers may have jumped ship and probably aren't coming back. But American Dad could fare well if counterprogrammed to it once again.
Misaka Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Now imagine if Games of thrones S7 was on during Toonami Toonami would be Royally fucked
Misaka Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Saturday night SEEMED successful on the surface, as numerous shows trended into the top 10, and we even had a character trend in Majin Buu. But as it turns out, the bar was just really, really low. However, I'm going to point out something in the full chart before I post my usual 18-49/18-34 estimates since it might well be considered a mitigating factor: I have no idea what in people these numbers mean, but note that Toonami captured the Top 3 of Men 12-34. Lupin just barely missed the Top 5 at #6, #4 was the DBS 8 PM "sneak" premiere, and #5 was a show that should probably be on Toonami someday (Justice League Action). Toonami also did well in Men 18-49, especially in the 12 AM hour, as DBZ KFC was #2 and AOT was #3. And of course, though the bar is still low, 3 shows in the Top Ten (#3, #5, and #10) in Adults 18-49 and also winning Adults 18-34 is remarkable. Granted, that's over when College Football begins, even if overall numbers go up. Now, for the bad news: 7/15/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) #11 (+1) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.32 Estimated 18-34 - 217,000 ( 34.07% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.26 Estimated 18-49 - 333,000 ( 52.28% ) Total Viewers - 637,000 7/15/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters #3 (+1) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.47 Estimated 18-34 - 319,000 ( 43.05% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.35 Estimated 18-49 - 449,000 ( 60.59% ) Total Viewers - 741,000 7/15/2017 Attack On Titan - #5 (+1) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.40 Estimated 18-34 - 272,000 ( 41.27% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.31 Estimated 18-49 - 397,000 ( 60.24% ) Total Viewers - 659,000 7/15/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #10 (+1) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.34 Estimated 18-34 - 231,000 ( 40.17% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.26 Estimated 18-49 - 333,000 ( 57.91% ) Total Viewers - 575,000 7/15/2017 Lupin the 3rd - #19 (-2) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.29 Estimated 18-34 - 197,000 ( 37.67% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.22 Estimated 18-49 - 282,000 ( 53.92% ) Total Viewers - 523,000 Yes, NOTHING over 750K, not to mention 500K 18-49. Still, I'm sure that when Adult Swim looks at the bigger picture, they'll still be happy because Toonami remains relevant to the Adults 18-34 and Men 12-34 at whom their ads are targeted. Now what does Toonami need to recapture its former success: a stronger lead-in lineup! I imagine viewers might come back if this is what preceded it: 8 PM Dragon Ball Super 8:30 Rick & Morty x2 9:30 American Dad x2 10:30 Family Guy x2 But I might be wrong. A&E's "Live PD" is a juggernaught to which some of Adult Swim's loyal viewers may have jumped ship and probably aren't coming back. But American Dad could fare well if counterprogrammed to it once again. Well Aot shit the bed Lupin just did a drunken header into the toilet and Tokyo ghoul is just horrible as usual
Jman Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Apparently everything is down, and Toonami is a symptom.
Blatch Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Well, the demographics are green, which is good enough for me. And Lupin is really holding up down there.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Now imagine if Games of thrones S7 was on during Toonami Toonami would be Royally fucked You ain't kiddin'! GOT got 10.1 MILLION watching it on HBO cable Sunday night, and another 6 million watching its reruns and online. Oddly enough, Mike Tyson Mysteries fared pretty well against HBO's juggernaught, but DBZ KFC beat Decker and Apollo in the same timeslot the next day:
Misaka Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 You ain't kiddin'! GOT got 10.1 MILLION watching it on HBO cable Sunday night, and probably another 6 million watching it online. Oddly enough, Mike Tyson Mysteries fared pretty well against HBO's juggernaught, but DBZ KFC beat Decker and Apollo in the same timeslot the next day: I'm just slowly getting into the series however I can see it being a threat to toonami if they ever decide to change the show time And ten million? Is that a record?
MasqueradeOverture Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 I'm just slowly getting into the series however I can see it being a threat to toonami if they ever decide to change the show time And ten million? Is that a record? 20 years ago ten million viewers would be reason for cancellation on some networks. Tells you how times have changed.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 I'm just slowly getting into the series however I can see it being a threat to toonami if they ever decide to change the show time And ten million? Is that a record? Yes, it's a record. The previous high last season was like 8.89 Million. That's a record not only for Game of Thrones, but for HBO as well: And there IS a replay of the episode taking place this week from 10:20 to 11:20 on Saturday night, which will of course re-air on HBO West from 1:20-2:20. However, I doubt it will affect Toonami all that much, especially since it did pretty bad this week even with no interference from GOT. It might actually go up despite the newest episode of GOT airing opposite it for the umpteenth time. GOT would really have to go down in the ratings to get its premieres moved to Saturday nights, and that just ain't happening!
OwlChemist81 Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 20 years ago ten million viewers would be reason for cancellation on some networks. Tells you how times have changed. Not on HBO, because it's a premium service! I doubt 10 million viewers have EVER been a reason for cancellation on cable. On the big networks, maybe. Maybe if something started at 10 million and dwindled to 5 million?
Jman Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 20 years ago ten million viewers would be reason for cancellation on some networks. Tells you how times have changed. Technically 16 million, plus the millions... AND MILLIONS... Of The Rock's fans people who saw it over the week via Go and Now following HBO's servers CRASHING.
naraku360 Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Everyone I've seen who watches the show blithely ignored that and are currently focusing on the frog girl instead. And the well-animated fights. </3 Also, any ratings won't be in this post because I'd much rather you guys put your anger into something meaningful, such as... everything other than anime arguments. But they're out there, just to let you know. "Frog girl" and "well-animated fight scenes" aren't enough to excuse characterization that amounts to 10 consecitive scenes of "Midori wants a power and doesn't have one" followed by a complete undercut of a simple theme that's actively difficult to fuck up. Shonen series aren't exempt from criticism on basis being shonen.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 And the loser is... *drumroll* 12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 741,000 12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 659,000 (88.93%) 1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 575,000 (87.25%) 1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 555,000 (96.52%) 2:00 AM Lupin The 3rd 523,000 (94.23%) 2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 504,000 (96.37%) 3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 442,000 (87.70%) Tokyo Ghoul!! Still, an 87.25% retention isn't THAT bad! "Adult Swim’s late-night line-up fared as follows: DRAGON BALL Z down 0.07 to 0.35 (the primetime episode was down 0.02 to 0.26), ATTACK ON TITAN down 0.03 to 0.31, TOKYO GHOUL down 0.03 to 0.26, LUPIN THE 3RD down 0.02 to 0.22, HUNTER X HUNTER down 0.03 to 0.24/555K, NARUTO down 0.03 to 0.20/504K, and GHOST IN THE SHELL down 0.03 to 0.17/442K." One year ago, One Punch Man premiered with 1282K total viewers, 815K 18-49, and about 571K 18-34. Saitama saved us then, but can Jotaro now? Also, OPM may be a year old now but Toonami has NOT lost the rights! You can stream the first episode now, plus the last 2 with no cable log-in, and many others with it!
Daos Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Hey wait till you see what Super retained before declaring Ghoul the winner =P It's looking like Super is a Toonami killing silver bullet.
Daos Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 20 years ago ten million viewers would be reason for cancellation on some networks. Tells you how times have changed. The finale of MASH drew a total audience of 121.6 million viewers. Things were different back when there were like 5 channels.
Blatch Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 I don't know why Decker airs in that slot when it gauges so many viewers. 638K is a little over half of what the new MTM got. This must be another advantage of [as]' extremely low ratings floor.
OwlChemist81 Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Hey wait till you see what Super retained before declaring Ghoul the winner =P It's looking like Super is a Toonami killing silver bullet. You're right, though the 8:30 PM Samurai Jack rerun is actually lowest of the night. It was a mistake believing Super's audience could be split like this, and its premiere "sneak peek" at 8 PM. That's useful to anyone who only watches Super and then just wants to party all Saturday night, as was apparently the case this week. Restoring new episodes to 11:30 and making the 8 PM showing an encore of the previous week as was the case with DBZ Kai in 2015 and 2016 would be best if they can do it. But as it is, an unadvertised "sneak peek" plus an advertised "premiere" that is actually a rerun just doesn't seem very smart at all! Also, why not encore DBZ Kai at 8:30 instead of Samurai Jack? Just give it a try and see what happens? TOTAL VIEWERS RETENTION 8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 637,000 8:30 PM Samurai Jack S5 456,000 (71.59%) 11:00 PM Family Guy 1,019,000 11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 855,000 (83.91%) 12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 741,000 (86.67%) 12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 659,000 (88.93%) 1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 575,000 (87.25%) 1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 555,000 (96.52%) 2:00 AM Lupin The 3rd 523,000 (94.23%) 2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 504,000 (96.37%) 3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 442,000 (87.70%) 3:30 AM Samurai Jack S5 419,000 (94.80%) TOONAMI TOTAL VIEWERS AVERAGE - 606,750 That average would be a low for 2017 if not for the AOT marathon. Super did even worse with 18-49: ADULTS 18-49 RETENTION 8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 334,000 8:30 PM Samurai Jack S5 218,000 (65.27%) 11:00 PM Family Guy 659,000 11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 522,000 (79.21%) 12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 446,000 (85.44%) 12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 392,000 (87.89%) 1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 338,000 (86.22%) 1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 312,000 (92.31%) 2:00 AM Lupin The 3rd 283,000 (90.71%) 2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 257,000 (90.81%) 3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 221,000 (85.99%) 3:30 AM Samurai Jack S5 215,000 (97.29%) TOONAMI TOTAL VIEWERS AVERAGE - 346,375 Again, 2nd lowest of 2017 just atop the marathon. Hopefully more people will watch next week? At this point, hope is pretty much all we can do. CURRENT SHOW AVERAGES Total Viewers Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 848,800 (25 episodes) Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 1,079,920 (25 episodes) Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 1,000,192 (26 episodes) Attack On Titan Season 2 - 786,364 (11 episodes) Tokyo Ghoul - 694,786 (14 episodes) Hunter × Hunter - 794,603 (58 episodes) Lupin the 3rd - 540,750 (4 episodes) Naruto: Shippuden - 841,985 (165 episodes) Ghost In The Shell HD - 501,545 (22 episodes) Adults 18-49 Dragon Ball Super (8 PM, Estimate) - 412,160 (25 episodes) Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 654,040 (25 episodes) Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 604,231 (26 episodes) Attack On Titan Season 2 - 470,364 (11 episodes) Tokyo Ghoul - 427,571 (14 episodes) Hunter × Hunter - 473,983 (58 episodes) Lupin the 3rd - 307,000 (4 episodes) Naruto: Shippuden - 467,369 (148 episodes) Ghost In The Shell HD - 308,545 (22 episodes) Adults 18-34 (Estimated) Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 264,125 (24 episodes) Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 408,500 (26 episodes) Attack On Titan Season 2 - 310,727 (11 episodes) Tokyo Ghoul - 286,000 (14 episodes) Lupin the 3rd - 214,250 (4 episodes) DBZ Kai: Final Chapters is about to drop below a million and 600K 18-49 on average and that's pretty scary.
brianycpht Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 All that is true , but then again we have bigger problems with the lineup when Family Guy at 11:30 does just shy over a million.
Daos Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Kai had unusually bad retention. It usually does way better than that.
Blatch Posted July 18, 2017 Posted July 18, 2017 Wow, that's a really weak pre-Toonami schedule. Part of the problem is why they decided to start airing Venture Bros. reruns from Season Two, which isn't in HD. Maybe it'll get better. In two weeks, new episodes of Rick and Morty encore on Saturdays... and Friday. People might actually want to watch this stuff.
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