brianycpht Posted August 7, 2017 Posted August 7, 2017 On 8/7/2017 at 4:58 AM, Blatch said: I feel like we're going to see something along the lines of R&M getting 3M, but less than 600K for JoJo's. How long DeMarco can stiff these complaints before the other shoe drops? Assuming it does, of course. If the ratings are even worse this week, theres no telling what they are going to do. Saturday as a whole is hurting bad. Toonami needs prime time Saturday to do better .We are getting the newer Rick and Mortys at 9:00, but they are also replaying on Fridays as well. So we are getting the third airing of it on Saturday. If Family Guy is not getting over a million, then neither will Toonami. The only silver lining is that Super isn't losing a whole bunch to Family Guy right now and the blocks retention isn't horrible right now from where they start. If Family Guy starts doing a lot better and Super doesn't rise as a result, then we got problems with that show in particular as the earlier premiere could be eroding the numbers. I think they will continue to play with the lineup, probably a month at a time. I think August will stay just like this for now and hopefully things will improve. We had an all FOX lead in during 2015 after the cut down which really helped things, but they don't seem to be able/want to anymore for various reasons. Maybe they will do that again as a hail mary if things get really bad. The annual loss of 8pm will be interesting because I don't see them airing Super at 9:00/9:30 and then 11:00. Something is going to have to shift at that point. If Jojo falls further, I don't see them keeping it at midnight for the entire 48 episode run. I honestly don't know what show on the lineup would hold DBZ better though. Someone on Twitter was suggesting that Outlaw Star would perform better than Jojo is at midnight following DBZ, which sounds nuts and they'd never do it, but with this Toonami audience that loves nostalgia, who knows?
CaptainStarwind Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 On 8/7/2017 at 5:26 AM, brianycpht said: The annual loss of 8pm will be interesting because I don't see them airing Super at 9:00/9:30 and then 11:00. Something is going to have to shift at that point. I didn't think of that until now, but you're entirely right. If it really is Toei forcing them to premiere that early in the night, then they wouldn't change their policy just because Adult Swim loses 8:00 PM for a few months. I imagine Super will be pushed back at that point, though with the way things are now I don't see them moving it back further than 12:00 on the block.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 There may not be an annual loss this year. I mean what the hell would CN do at this point, just play another hour of Teen Titans GO?
CaptainStarwind Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 On 8/8/2017 at 3:44 AM, OwlChemist81 said: There may not be an annual loss this year. I mean what the hell would CN do at this point, just play another hour of Teen Titans GO? The loss has happened for what, the last two years? I don't see why they won't do it again this year. Honestly I'd rather Cartoon Network just take 8-10 back permanently.
brianycpht Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 On 8/8/2017 at 4:24 AM, CaptainStarwind said: The loss has happened for what, the last two years? I don't see why they won't do it again this year. Honestly I'd rather Cartoon Network just take 8-10 back permanently. It would probably be for the best IMO,at least on Saturdays where primetime AS isn't doing that great. if that were the case they could : 10:00 Rick and Morty 10:30 Family Guy 11:00 Family Guy 11:30 Toonami (Just make it an even 5 hours or throw on some WS original at 4) 4:30 Rick and Morty 5:00 King of the Hill 5:30 King of the Hill (Since it seems to do well with the 6am Sunday Mass crowd ) Only thing, of course is if, TOEI still has the network by the balls (please AS never let a production company program your network again), then that sort of doesn't work
The1gairon Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 On 8/8/2017 at 3:44 AM, OwlChemist81 said: There may not be an annual loss this year. I mean what the hell would CN do at this point, just play another hour of Teen Titans GO? They aren't that stupid. They WILL have the annual loss this year because I see no reason why they shouldn't.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 Well, if it does happen, then I suppose that will mean no more 3-peats for Dragon Ball Super, and it will play at 9 PM and 11 PM. I believe DBS premieres at 8:30 PM MIGHT actually be preparation for it to slide up 30 more minutes. Like it or not, we're kinda stuck with 11 PM-3:30 AM right now, since I don't see Outlaw Star being jettisoned to 3 AM in the middle of its run, and for goodness sake these shows need to stay in their current timeslots for awhile so they can grow audiences! Like, for example, what we saw evidence of this week: Never thought I would actually be HAPPY to see a show get 700K at midnight, but that's where we're at. More importantly, Kai & JoJo completely obliterated the competition in 2 key demographics: Adults 18-34, and Men 12-34. In the latter, neither Live PD, ESPN Top Rank Boxing, nor UFC Fight Night even came close! 8/5/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8:30) #10 (-2) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.35 Estimated 18-34 - 238,000 ( 32.08% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.31 Estimated 18-49 - 397,000 ( 53.50% ) Total Viewers - 742,000 8/5/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters #3 (+1) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.53 Estimated 18-34 - 360,000 ( 42.30% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.39 Estimated 18-49 - 500,000 ( 58.75% ) Total Viewers - 851,000 8/5/2017 JJBA: Stardust Crusaders - #4 (+3) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.48 Estimated 18-34 - 326,000 ( 46.44% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.34 Estimated 18-49 - 436,000 ( 62.11% ) Total Viewers - 702,000 8/5/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #6 (+5) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.43 Estimated 18-34 - 292,000 ( 43.98% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.32 Estimated 18-49 - 410,000 ( 61.75% ) Total Viewers - 664,000 8/5/2017 Lupin the 3rd - #18 (STEADY) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.27 Estimated 18-34 - 183,000 ( 39.02% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.24 Estimated 18-49 - 308,000 ( 65.67% ) Total Viewers - 469,000 Almost everything up from last week! The only exceptions were DBS's 18-34, Lupin's 18-34, and Lupin's total viewers. Still, I guess this is what a good night is like in this day and age. But I'm optimistic that the audiences for these shows will grow from here with few missteps, until we get deep into College Football season, at least.
The1gairon Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 Whatever. Someone tell me when ratings go back up so I can return to this thread.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 I'm thinking what we can expect from here is a slow build. Rick & Morty Season 3 seems to be helping! Hopefully this Fall we'll be looking at JoJo Stardust Crusaders consistently in the 900Ks and occasionally even cracking a million. For now though, gotta take the small victories and be happy with them!
Blatch Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 JoJo's went up, and I guess that's all I wanted from this schedule. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for them to move the entire lineup down three weeks after the first shift. We saw what happened last year on such a short notice.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 There really WAS no shift, at least not in Toonami, until 7/29. All shows and their replacements had maintained their same timeslots since 10/1/16, with the exception of Gundam Unicorn/Lupin the 3rd and Naruto: Shippuden. It just FEELS like there was a shift because we abruptly lost 11 PM on 7/8/17. However, that does only apply to Toonami as there indeed WAS a shift in its lead-in. Family Guy had been consistently 10-11 PM for 4 months, jumped to 10:30-11:30 for 3 weeks, then back down to 10-11 PM for 2 weeks. That's anything but consistency and it explains the tumult in July. Well that, and the glitch that struck DirecTv and one other major cable service on 7/22. That's another reason I feel like things are now back on a generally positive trajectory. As for what happens when we lose an hour, well here's my best guess: 9 PM DBS Premiere; 9:30 PM R&M Season 3 rerun; 10 PM Family Guy x2; 11 PM Toonami
Daos Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 On 8/8/2017 at 4:06 PM, elfie said: Whatever. Someone tell me when ratings go back up so I can return to this thread. The starship Toonami may have hit a bit of a snag.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 Well whaddaya know? 11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 851,000 12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 702,000 (82.49%) 12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 664,000 (94.59%) 1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 574,000 (86.45%) 1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 469,000 (81.71%) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 453,000 (96.59%) 2:30 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 386,000 (85.21%) 3:00 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 403,000 (104.40%) 3:30 AM Samurai Jack (NPOT) 363,000 (90.07%) The 11:30-3 AM time frame was down 37% compared to Toonami's block footprint last year, which is actually a much more palpable downtick than the past 2 weeks! AOT S2 also gained on GITS HD in 18-49 by 0.01!
brianycpht Posted August 8, 2017 Posted August 8, 2017 I'm really curious to see how primetime performed and if the new Rick and Morty episodes did indeed help the lineup do slightly better. I'm guessing that Super at 11 probably did something in the 900s and Family Guy did around 1 million. I hope that they stick with this lineup for ahwhile to see if it can grow an audience. I really wish they could just brand the 8pm hour Toonami as well and pair Super up with something suitable but I guess that can be disjointing.
Ginguy Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 So, JJBASC soiled the sheets after a lackluster lead.
PokeNirvash Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 On 8/9/2017 at 1:32 AM, Ginguy said: So, JJBASC soiled the sheets after a lackluster lead. [dislikes]
CaptainStarwind Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 I mean... in the grand scheme of things the ratings aren't so bad, but I'd like to think that we could at least get both Dragon Balls over 1000K if Super was a premiere.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 Full numbers finally in. Super back over 900K and 0.42 18-49: Thus, and assuming that 569K for Lupin is wrong, we now have: TOTAL VIEWERS RETENTION 8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 667,000 8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 742,000 (111.24%) 10:30 PM Family Guy (NPOT) 1,159,000 11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 918,000 (79.21%) 11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 851,000 (92.70%) 12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 702,000 (82.49%) 12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 664,000 (94.59%) 1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 574,000 (86.45%) 1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 469,000 (81.71%) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 453,000 (96.59%) 2:30 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 386,000 (85.21%) 3:00 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 403,000 (104.40%) 3:30 AM Samurai Jack (NPOT) 363,000 (90.07%) TOONAMI TOTAL VIEWERS AVERAGE - 602,222 ADULTS 18-49 RETENTION 8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 304,000 8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 393,000 (129.28%) 10:30 PM Family Guy (NPOT) 654,000 11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 541,000 (82.72%) 11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 504,000 (93.16%) 12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 435,000 (86.31%) 12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 407,000 (93.56%) 1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 375,000 (92.14%) 1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 308,000 (82.13%) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 271,000 (87.99%) 2:30 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 229,000 (84.50%) 3:00 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 240,000 (104.80%) 3:30 AM Samurai Jack (NPOT) 216,000 (90.00%) TOONAMI TOTAL VIEWERS AVERAGE - 367,778 CURRENT SHOW AVERAGES Total Viewers Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 843,889 (27 episodes) Dragon Ball Super (Toonami) - 1,054,607 (28 episodes) Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 975,931 (29 episodes) JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 670,000 (2 episodes) Tokyo Ghoul - 679,647 (17 episodes) Hunter × Hunter - 782,705 (61 episodes) Lupin the 3rd - 511,286 (7 episodes) Naruto: Shippuden - 834,985 (168 episodes) Ghost In The Shell HD - 488,120 (25 episodes) Attack on Titan Season 2 Rerun - 386,000 (2 episodes) Adults 18-49 Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 410,074 (27 episodes) Dragon Ball Super (Toonami) - 638,679 (28 episodes) Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 589,103 (29 episodes) JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 396,500 (2 episodes) Tokyo Ghoul - 415,706 (17 episodes) Hunter × Hunter - 467,426 (61 episodes) Lupin the 3rd - 302,571 (7 episodes) Naruto: Shippuden - 463,296 (151 episodes) Ghost In The Shell HD - 299,440 (25 episodes) Attack on Titan Season 2 Rerun - 225,000 (2 episodes) Adults 18-34 (Estimated) Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 262,654 (26 episodes) Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 398,310 (29 episodes) JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 285,500 (2 episodes) Tokyo Ghoul - 278,235 (17 episodes) Lupin the 3rd - 203,857 (7 episodes)
Daos Posted August 9, 2017 Posted August 9, 2017 Super's retention is embarrassing. Oh and 2.3 mil for Rick and Morty. The number 2 show behind Game of Thrones.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 Well, so much for "positive trajectory..." 8/12/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8:30) #5 (+5) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.38 Estimated 18-34 - 258,000 ( 34.35% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.32 Estimated 18-49 - 410,000 ( 54.59% ) Total Viewers - 751,000 8/12/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters #4 (-1) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.48 Estimated 18-34 - 326,000 ( 38.63% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.39 Estimated 18-49 - 500,000 ( 59.24% ) Total Viewers - 844,000 8/12/2017 JJBA: Stardust Crusaders - #8 (-4) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.35 Estimated 18-34 - 238,000 ( 35.00% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.31 Estimated 18-49 - 397,000 ( 58.38% ) Total Viewers - 680,000 8/12/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #21 (-15) Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.31 Estimated 18-34 - 211,000 ( 33.92% ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.27 Estimated 18-49 - 346,000 ( 55.63% ) Total Viewers - 622,000 8/12/2017 Lupin the 3rd - #58 (-40) Adults 18-34 Rating - #N/A Estimated 18-34 - #N/A ( #N/A ) Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.19 Estimated 18-49 - 244,000 ( 53.16% ) Total Viewers - 459,000 Yeah, that's right. A show did so poorly at 1:30 AM we don't even get to find out how well it did in 18-34. Well, at least Gundam never did THAT! Despite Toonami's relative enfeeblement in total viewers and adults 18-49 compared to 2 years ago, I don't think it's in danger of getting cancelled because it's still owning the 18-34s in its timeslot. Live PD still won the night versus an NFL Preseason game, but will it do as well against College Football? And what will that do to Toonami? Hopefully Outlaw Star will be just what Toonami needed in a 2:30 AM anchor show for a while, because GITS was an unfortunate failure in that regard if Lupin and Shippuden weren't even cracking 0.2 in 18-49.
brianycpht Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 I forgot to tell you, I asked the guy on that site why Hunter X Hunter is never listed and he says that Adult Swim lists it as a rerun. I'm sure its another night where Family Guy didn't do so hot. It doesn't seem to matter what they do. If they want Toonami on earlier they have to deal with a lower rated Family Guy which starts the night off low. That late you can only expect a show to try and hold the previous one and if the night starts out at 1 million, its just downhill from there. They are doing well in 18-34 though which is what they really care about when it comes down to it.. Man I just looked at Rick and Morty on Sunday and it did another night north of 2.5 million! The reruns of the season do not seem to be helping Saturday too much though unfortunately. Kind of the age we live in, reruns just don't play well when DVRs and On Demand allow people to catch up easier. This applies to the people who only catch DB Super at 8:30 as well. I really wish they were allowed to really premiere it at 11. EDIT: I had a comment about Jojo not having a bad drop, but I misread the numbers and it did!
Jman Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 And with Netflix and Crunchyroll existing as Super King Big Nuts, most of Toonami can be viewed as reruns.
Ginguy Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 Time for them to consider picking up Fairy Tail. Seriously, it is cheap, loaded with akshun and bewbs and will play forever. IBO might help some but I kind of doubt it. They definitely need to tell Toei to pound sand and premiere Super at 11:00.
The1gairon Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 3:48 PM, brianycpht said: I forgot to tell you, I asked the guy on that site why Hunter X Hunter is never listed and he says that Adult Swim lists it as a rerun. *_* I... er ....
OwlChemist81 Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 I'm no TV exec, but I don't understand why they can't air a Toonami promo lineup during the middle commercial break of Rick & Morty premieres. Seems like it would be an easy thing to do and would probably raise views for Toonami shows by about 100-200K! It's like Toonami has won the prize of an 11 PM start time but ratings superiority on Saturday nights just doesn't matter anymore as long as Sundays are doing ok. Well, if they know what's good for them, they'll at least play a Dragon Ball Super promo after Decker: Mindwipe this week. It's its season finale and the Apollo Gauntlet that follows is a rerun. Or maybe Stardust Crusaders is doing so bad because everyone knows these 3 episodes are test dubs, and this week it starts doing a bit better? Hopefully Outlaw Star's return will get people watching through 2:30 AM once again at least, and if this strategy pans out, maybe replace it with G Gundam next year?
Misaka Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 7:11 PM, OwlChemist81 said: I'm no TV exec, but I don't understand why they can't air a Toonami promo lineup during the middle commercial break of Rick & Morty premieres. Seems like it would be an easy thing to do and would probably raise views for Toonami shows by about 100-200K! It's like Toonami has won the prize of an 11 PM start time but ratings superiority on Saturday nights just doesn't matter anymore as long as Sundays are doing ok. Well, if they know what's good for them, they'll at least play a Dragon Ball Super promo after Decker: Mindwipe this week. It's its season finale and the Apollo Gauntlet that follows is a rerun. Or maybe Stardust Crusaders is doing so bad because everyone knows these 3 episodes are test dubs, and this week it starts doing a bit better? Hopefully Outlaw Star's return will get people watching through 2:30 AM once again at least, and if this strategy pans out, maybe replace it with G Gundam next year? They won't ruin a great comedy series by showing weeb crap I've seen dbz super commercials during robot chicken and that's a horrible way to promote a series
brianycpht Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 7:11 PM, OwlChemist81 said: I'm no TV exec, but I don't understand why they can't air a Toonami promo lineup during the middle commercial break of Rick & Morty premieres. Seems like it would be an easy thing to do and would probably raise views for Toonami shows by about 100-200K! It's like Toonami has won the prize of an 11 PM start time but ratings superiority on Saturday nights just doesn't matter anymore as long as Sundays are doing ok. Well, if they know what's good for them, they'll at least play a Dragon Ball Super promo after Decker: Mindwipe this week. It's its season finale and the Apollo Gauntlet that follows is a rerun. Or maybe Stardust Crusaders is doing so bad because everyone knows these 3 episodes are test dubs, and this week it starts doing a bit better? Hopefully Outlaw Star's return will get people watching through 2:30 AM once again at least, and if this strategy pans out, maybe replace it with G Gundam next year? AS has a problem similar to Jack where tons of people show up for Rick and Morty but don't stick around for the next shows. They don't seem to have much loyalty to the rest of AS. I'm thinking people just aren't digging Jojo sad to say.
Daos Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 7:11 PM, OwlChemist81 said: Or maybe Stardust Crusaders is doing so bad because everyone knows these 3 episodes are test dubs, and this week it starts doing a bit better? Hopefully Outlaw Star's return will get people watching through 2:30 AM once again at least, and if this strategy pans out, maybe replace it with G Gundam next year? You're grasping at straws there! No one cares if its a test dub =P Jojo doesn't do well because it's Jojo. It has no mainstream appeal, people just get tricked into thinking it does because of memes. Much like Lupin, it's anime that appeals to anime fans only. It's currently my favorite show on the block ..... but the first two parts got bad ratings, and there was no reason to expect anything else from part 3. And like TG the anime is from 2014. Ratings might be a bit better if it was only a year old, but 3 years old is pushing it. And Outlaw Star is nice, but again.... you're not going to bring in ratings with old anime you put on at the graveyard spot. Also Gundam = ratings poison. I'm sure it would do great if you were airing it in Japan.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 7:16 PM, Misaka said: They won't ruin a great comedy series by showing weeb crap I've seen dbz super commercials during robot chicken and that's a horrible way to promote a series It's not "weeb crap". That would be subtitled anime shown only on Crunchyroll and Netflix. It's not rocket science--you've got one HUGE premiere, so why would you not market your 7 other premieres that aren't doing so hot on another night of the week. AMC did The Son and Turn promos during The Walking Dead/Fear TWD and now does Halt and Catch Fire promos during Preacher. What night do those 3 shows air? Saturday nights at 9/8C. So why can't [as] follow suit and do the same with its highest-rated premiere Rick & Morty, which has been shown to have a pretty decent crossover audience with Toonami's dwindling audience? Instead, they promote Old Spice in lieu of one of their promo spots, which strikes me as an incredibly dumb move! You don't see AMC doing anything like that! However, as bad as Lupin the 3rd did, it STILL managed to beat Turn's series finale in 18-49, so maybe on-air promos really don't do THAT much for shows? Oh yeah, I've got numbers, for what it's worth, as ShowBuzzDaily has updated: Adult Swim’s animated line-up was mostly down from last week: DRAGON BALL Z steady at 0.39, the primetime DRAGON BALL SUPER up a tick to 0.32, JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE down 0.03 to 0.31, TOKYO GHOUL down 0.05 to 0.27, HUNTER X HUNTER down 0.03 to 0.26/567K, LUPIN THE 3RD down 0.05 to 0.19, NARUTO down 0.05 to 0.21/501K, GHOST IN THE SHELL down 0.01 to 0.17/389K, ATTACK ON TITAN down 0.02 to 0.17/365K, and SAMURAI JACK down 0.04 to 0.13/299K. 11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 844,000 12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 670,000 (79.38%) 12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 622,000 (92.84%) 1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 567,000 (91.16%) 1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 459,000 (80.95%) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 501,000 (109.15%) 2:30 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 389,000 (77.64%) 3:00 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 365,000 (93.83%) 3:30 AM Samurai Jack (NPOT) 299,000 (81.92%) Yep, I'm afraid JoJo dropped the ball. Too bad he wasn't playing Rugby... But Naruto--wow! I question if Lupin wasn't really 559K, though why would they screw it up 2 weeks in a row (some sites reported Lupin as 569K last week instead of 469K)? But Shippuden beat it in 18-49 as well by 0.02, so I'm thinking this time it's right. Adios, GITS! You gotta think that Outlaw Star will continue Shippuden's positive trajectory following Lupin next week, but I guess we'll see! And AOT still manages to retain pretty well afterward before Jack screws it up outside Toonami. Face it, with all that was going on in Charlottesville, this was a ROUGH week. Notice that in the Top 50, 21 slots went to cable news networks. That's why Lupin came in #58. We've seen something like this before, on January 21st, when Gundam Unicorn placed #50 and Dragon Ball Super's 8 PM premiere also placed exactly #58. So what happened then that gave news stations a huge edge? That's right, Trump's inauguration and the Women's March! So in conclusion, this is NOT normal. Even though Live PD is now a constant thorn in Toonami's side and there are the recurring nuisances that are UFC, Boxing, and the like, on days that those are a thing it usually does better than this, at least in terms of rankings. And still, with a 12:30 JoJo that came in #36 that week while 12:30 Tokyo Ghoul came in #21 this week, it appears that Charlottesville may not have done QUITE as much damage as the Trump inauguration/Women's March, even if numbers are lower these days on average than they were then. Edit: I checked, and I'm right. January 21st was WAY worse than this. This week Toonami/[as] managed 3 shows in the Top 10, while then DBZ: KFC only managed #20. A whopping TEN timeslots on CNN and 3 on Fox News ranked higher than that!
Misaka Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 7:44 PM, OwlChemist81 said: It's not "weeb crap". That would be subtitled anime shown only on Crunchyroll and Netflix. It's not rocket science--you've got one HUGE premiere, so why would you not market your 7 other premieres that aren't doing so hot on another night of the week. AMC did The Son and Turn promos during The Walking Dead/Fear TWD and now does Halt and Catch Fire promos during Preacher. What night do those 3 shows air? Saturday nights at 9/8C. So why can't [as] follow suit and do the same with its highest-rated premiere Rick & Morty, which has been shown to have a pretty decent crossover audience with Toonami's dwindling audience? Instead, they promote Old Spice in lieu of one of their promo spots, which strikes me as an incredibly dumb move! You don't see AMC doing anything like that! The comedy team wouldn't want to ruin their slots with anything Demarco has so they want him to die off It's very simple to see this Also you forget AMC has a wider selection of shows now if HBO went and played GoT on the toonami nights that would end toonami without care
OwlChemist81 Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 7:52 PM, Misaka said: The comedy team wouldn't want to ruin their slots with anything Demarco has so they want him to die off It's very simple to see this Also you forget AMC has a wider selection of shows now if HBO went and played GoT on the toonami nights that would end toonami without care This is straight-up nonsense. There is no "comedy team". DeMarco and Gill are HUGE fans of Rick & Morty, Decker, and Apollo Gauntlet. Hell, DeMarco is not only the head of Toonami, he's also VP of programming. Why they can't pull an AMC to promote their side project Toonami during the mainstream shows on Sunday nights is beyond me, though it is important to remember this is temporary and Toonami is more or less permanent. I seriously doubt the next 11:30 Sunday show will be able to outdraw Rick & Morty. And GOT already airs reruns on Saturday nights and that really doesn't hurt Toonami that much.
Misaka Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 8:35 PM, OwlChemist81 said: This is straight-up nonsense. There is no "comedy team". DeMarco and Gill are HUGE fans of Rick & Morty, Decker, and Apollo Gauntlet. Hell, DeMarco is not only the head of Toonami, he's also VP of programming. Why they can't pull an AMC to promote their side project Toonami during the mainstream shows on Sunday nights is beyond me, though it is important to remember this is temporary and Toonami is more or less permanent. I seriously doubt the next 11:30 Sunday show will be able to outdraw Rick & Morty. And GOT already airs reruns on Saturday nights and that really doesn't hurt Toonami that much. I'm talking about airing the new seasons of Games of Thrones on Saturday night only
CaptainStarwind Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 7:37 PM, Daos said: Jojo doesn't do well because it's Jojo. It has no mainstream appeal, people just get tricked into thinking it does because of memes. Much like Lupin, it's anime that appeals to anime fans only. This is entirely right, as sad as I am to say. I think we all need to get out of this mindset that JoJo is going to be pulling amazing ratings on Toonami. JoJo is popular, yes, but it's popular as a meme. And as we're well aware, online popularity is not equal to real life popularity. Look at Toonami's ratings, for example. Toonami shows trend on Twitter every Saturday, but that doesn't translate to ratings for the block. You can apply the same concept to JoJo: It's a veritable fountain of memes on the internet, but casuals aren't going to get into it, because, like Daos said, there's no mainstream appeal. And that isn't to say JoJo doesn't have a lot of fans, but if those people wanted to watch Stardust Crusaders, they would have done so when the show was airing in Japan. They weren't gonna wait for the dub. As for the ratings overall, what needs to be said? JoJo dropped the ball, Shippuden gained on Lupin. While I really do hope that Shippuden leaves the block after the Pain arc is finished, if it doesn't, one can almost make a case for the show to move up on the block.
brianycpht Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 8:41 PM, CaptainStarwind said: This is entirely right, as sad as I am to say. I think we all need to get out of this mindset that JoJo is going to be pulling amazing ratings on Toonami. JoJo is popular, yes, but it's popular as a meme. And as we're well aware, online popularity is not equal to real life popularity. Look at Toonami's ratings, for example. Toonami shows trend on Twitter every Saturday, but that doesn't translate to ratings for the block. You can apply the same concept to JoJo: It's a veritable fountain of memes on the internet, but casuals aren't going to get into it, because, like Daos said, there's no mainstream appeal. And that isn't to say JoJo doesn't have a lot of fans, but if those people wanted to watch Stardust Crusaders, they would have done so when the show was airing in Japan. They weren't gonna wait for the dub. As for the ratings overall, what needs to be said? JoJo dropped the ball, Shippuden gained on Lupin. While I really do hope that Shippuden leaves the block after the Pain arc is finished, if it doesn't, one can almost make a case for the show to move up on the block. Shippuden did so well in comparison because Lupin did so poorly. I'm hoping it goes to after Pain, but if it would help the front so be it. These drops are terrible and it almost seems like Outlaw Star would hold DBZ better than Jojo.
Daos Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 I'm not sure if it means anything but the live action Jojo bombed hard in Japan. Gintama did great though. Japan Box Office: "Gintama" Tops 3 Billion Yen in 30 Days "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" super-quickly disappeared from the top 10 "Meanwhile, Takashi Miike's box-office disappointment JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable Chapter I super-quickly disappeared from the top 10 in its second weekend of release, dropping from the debut weekend's 5th to 11th. From this dismal failure, we probably can't expect to see "Chapter II."
Blatch Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 JoJo's at least held steady for its own timeslot, which is about what I'd ask for. And BTW, on the topic of ads during Rick and Morty, this thing with Old Spice has actually been happening for a while. They had advertising during every new episiode of Samurai Jack as well.
PokeNirvash Posted August 15, 2017 Posted August 15, 2017 On 8/15/2017 at 9:50 PM, Daos said: "Meanwhile, Takashi Miike's box-office disappointment JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable Chapter I super-quickly disappeared from the top 10 in its second weekend of release, dropping from the debut weekend's 5th to 11th. From this dismal failure, we probably can't expect to see "Chapter II." That sounds pretty damn opinionated to me. As to be expected from C-Roll.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 16, 2017 Posted August 16, 2017 We finally have Programming Insider's report, which fills in the rest of the numbers: Note that Adult Swim still rules the night in 18-34, despite Live PD's recent success. But it's actually more WOMEN watching Live PD in the target demographics than men. That's a sign that Toonami needs to get a program with a strong female lead next year--they need Sailor Moon or something like that. Then again, it's unclear that even that would combat something like Live PD effectively since it would have to get a prime time encore. Live PD's rerun apparently doesn't do nearly as good as its live first run, so in that respect it's kinda like sports, which have an inconclusive effect on Toonami. TOTAL VIEWERS RETENTION 8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 622,000 8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 751,000 (120.74%) 10:30 PM Family Guy (NPOT) 1,164,000 11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 901,000 (77.41%) 11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 844,000 (93.67%) 12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 670,000 (79.38%) 12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 622,000 (92.84%) 1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 567,000 (91.16%) 1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 459,000 (80.95%) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 501,000 (109.15%) 2:30 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 389,000 (77.64%) 3:00 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 365,000 (93.83%) 3:30 AM Samurai Jack (NPOT) 299,000 (81.92%) TOONAMI TOTAL VIEWERS AVERAGE - 590,889 Note: NPOT = Not Part of Toonami Dragon Ball Super's premiere steadily gains on its encore, but its official Toonami airing, its 2nd play, has the worst retention of the night in total viewers. I guess that's still OK, but we've seen how on other nights 11 PM gains from its lead-in. Small price to pay for having Toonami at 11 PM, right?? JoJo and GITS were the other worst-retaining shows of the night, but I believe those two problems will be mitigated somewhat because we're out of the "test dub" now with JoJo, while GITS is replaced by Outlaw Star. As for the Rick & Morty hour at 9 PM (not shown), the 9 PM airing actually VALLEYS after the Super premiere at 8:30, which speaks highly of the strength of Super premieres even in a crappy timeslot. ADULTS 18-49 RETENTION 8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 299,000 8:30 PM Dragon Ball Super (NPOT) 414,000 (138.46%) 10:30 PM Family Guy (NPOT) 698,000 11:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 531,000 (76.07%) 11:30 PM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 498,000 (93.79%) 12:00 AM JJBA: Stardust Crusaders 404,000 (81.12%) 12:30 AM Tokyo Ghoul 341,000 (84.41%) 1:00 AM Hunter × Hunter 332,000 (97.36%) 1:30 AM Lupin The 3rd 248,000 (74.70%) 2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden 273,000 (110.08%) 2:30 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 222,000 (81.32%) 3:00 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 220,000 (99.10%) 3:30 AM Samurai Jack (NPOT) 170,000 (77.27%) TOONAMI TOTAL VIEWERS AVERAGE - 341,000 Same pattern with the 18-49's, though 8:30 PM Super gained MUCH better on its lead-in, a rarely-seen over 1/3 as many viewers!! Its 11 PM airing did slightly worse, but both JoJo and GITS retained this demographic a bit better. Of course as with total viewers, Shippuden is once again retention champ of the night, which bodes well for it leading-in to Outlaw Star next week, and AOT may have looked like a chump in 12:30 premieres, but in 3 AM reruns it looks more like a champ! I daresay some weeks we might even see a progression in which Shippuden gains on Lupin, Outlaw Star gains on that, and then AOT gains on THAT! Perhaps [as] has finally achieved a "late night comeback" at 2-3 AM on Saturdays that it gets by rerunning AD/FG on weeknights! Oh yeah, and finally... CURRENT SHOW AVERAGES Total Viewers Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 840,571 (28 episodes) Dragon Ball Super (Toonami) - 1,049,310 (29 episodes) Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 971,533 (30 episodes) JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 670,000 (2 episodes) Tokyo Ghoul - 676,444 (18 episodes) Hunter × Hunter - 779,226 (62 episodes) Lupin the 3rd - 504,750 (8 episodes) Naruto: Shippuden - 833,009 (169 episodes) Ghost In The Shell HD - 484,308 (26 episodes, finished) Attack on Titan Season 2 Rerun - 386,000 (3 episodes) Adults 18-49 Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 410,214 (28 episodes) Dragon Ball Super (Toonami) - 634,966 (29 episodes) Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 586,067 (30 episodes) JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 399,000 (2 episodes) Tokyo Ghoul - 411,556 (18 episodes) Hunter × Hunter - 465,242 (62 episodes) Lupin the 3rd - 295,750 (8 episodes) Naruto: Shippuden - 462,044 (152 episodes) Ghost In The Shell HD - 296,462 (26 episodes, finished) Attack on Titan Season 2 Rerun - 225,000 (3 episodes) Adults 18-34 (Estimated) Dragon Ball Super (Prime Time Premieres) - 262,481 (27 episodes) Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - 395,900 (30 episodes) JoJo's Bizarre Adv.: Stardust Crusaders - 269,667 (3 episodes) Tokyo Ghoul - 274,500 (18 episodes) Lupin the 3rd - 203,857 (7 episodes) Note no change to Lupin's 18-34 average since its 18-34 wasn't reported this week as it failed to make the Top 50. But in an ironic twist of events it actually stays above 200K on average! Keep in mind that even with crap numbers like these, Toonami still rules the night in 18-34, which is why it remains a valuable programming block and isn't going anywhere! As for Ghost In The Shell's first (and most likely only) HD run's final ratings average: well under 500K total viewers and just under 300K adults 18-49. Those are the numbers to beat for Outlaw Star!!
Misaka Posted August 16, 2017 Posted August 16, 2017 12-2am just shit the bed horribly Naruto regained more views than lupin Naruto at 1:30 lupin at 2am Or Naruto at 12am and just move everyone else down Frankly JoJo wasn't a good choice lupin is a horrible choice tg was a stupid move Get lagoon to replace lupin or tg
brianycpht Posted August 16, 2017 Posted August 16, 2017 I think they missed the boat on Sailor Moon as its already available for streaming audiences. However, we need to go back and find some newer shows that appeal both to male and female audiences. 2015s lineup of Kill la Kill, Sword Art, Michiko and Hatchin, and Akame had very strong female leads and its easy to see how they had mass appeal over stuff like Jojo, Gundam, and Lupin. You need shows that have strong character relationships, interesting concepts and a bit of light humor. On top of that, you need to find relatively newer shows that people haven't already seen or heard about in order to give them incentive to check them out. Super does well for the 8:30 timeslot which really irritates me as Toonami should be reaping the benefits of this show and its not.
OwlChemist81 Posted August 16, 2017 Posted August 16, 2017 I think one interesting potential twist they might try at some point in the future would be to move the 11 PM hour to the 9 PM hour and let comedy have 10-midnight. But I personally wouldn't like to see that because I'm rarely at home at 9/8C on Saturdays. Sports events always seem to take precedence in that hour. Hell, I rarely watched the 8 PM premieres, and I still haven't seen an 8:30 DBS premiere on anything but my smartphone. I wonder if JoJo would be tame enough for 9 PM encores leading-in to Rick & Morty? But it's probably a moot point because DBS will most likely be forced back to a half-hour at 9 PM (and no more "3-peats") when CN inevitably claims their extra hour this fall. On that note, we're only 17 days away from September 2nd, the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, and we still don't know what marathon Toonami intends to air then! I'm thinking DBS will get rare 4th (and sometimes even 5th) episode runs, though Kai would be nice since it would contain that July 22nd episode that got screwed with on DirecTv, and would ultimately give us a chance to re-record everything that got screwed up. Tokyo Ghoul and Lupin the 3rd are lower-rated so they seem like longshots. But as bad as JoJo's been doing after Kai, I would still pencil it in for the Halloween marathon this year (Oct. 28). After all, it will have 12 episodes out then, but perhaps more importantly, Episode 4, the one coming up this weekend and first of the Egypt trip, would begin the marathon! Back to September 2nd, another longshot would be for Toonami to finally air the DBZ movies from 2013 and 2015 that the most recent arcs of Super were based upon, but considering that we haven't heard anything about that yet, I'm assuming that's probably not in the cards.
StarPanda Posted August 16, 2017 Author Posted August 16, 2017 Shippuden gained viewers yolo As good as Lupin is, its looking like a bad pick up. It wouldn't surprise me if it's moved further back
Daos Posted August 16, 2017 Posted August 16, 2017 Super managed to retain worse than Jojo yet again. Ouch. Running GITS just because a terrible live action movie was coming out was probably a mistake from looking at those numbers. I'm sure they never expected Lupin to do well, but that's still pretty awful.
Blatch Posted August 16, 2017 Posted August 16, 2017 On 8/16/2017 at 5:23 PM, OwlChemist81 said: On that note, we're only 17 days away from September 2nd, the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, and we still don't know what marathon Toonami intends to air then! Outlaw Star doesn't even have an episode title nor content rating up there yet and it's just three days away. Methinks those schedule people are being lazy.
Blatch Posted August 16, 2017 Posted August 16, 2017 In regards to the general lack of promotion? That's more of a flaw inherent in the system, but it could easily be fixed.
PokeNirvash Posted August 16, 2017 Posted August 16, 2017 Well, until the schedule does get updated, there's always this fan schedule I made, complete with personal content rating. Just ignore the other three shows up there.
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