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First look at ratings is out, and we have a probable triple-million, folks!! At the very least DBZ KFC cracked a million; no word yet on whether or not it rose from there over 18K over Super.






6/24/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - #9 (+8)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.38

Estimated 18-34 - 258,000 ( 32.78% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.31

Estimated 18-49 - 397,000 ( 50.44% )

Total Viewers - 787,000


6/24/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters - #3 (STEADY)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.64

Estimated 18-34 - 435,000 ( 42.73% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.50

Estimated 18-49 - 641,000 ( 62.97% )

Total Viewers - 1,018,000


6/24/2017 Attack On Titan - #5 (+1)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.54

Estimated 18-34 - 367,000 ( 42.77% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.42

Estimated 18-49 - 538,000 ( 62.70% )

Total Viewers - 858,000


6/24/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #7 (STEADY)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.49

Estimated 18-34 - 333,000 ( 45.99% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.38

Estimated 18-49 - 487,000 ( 67.27% )

Total Viewers - 724,000


6/24/2017 Lupin the 3rd - #17 (+5)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.35

Estimated 18-34 - 238,000 ( 47.60% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.26

Estimated 18-49 - 333,000 ( 66.60% )

Total Viewers - 500,000


Almost everything is up over last week. Lupin lost in total viewers but gained in both its target demos. Also, the top 3 shows (DBZ KFC, AOT, and Tokyo Ghoul) actually smashed the competition in men 12-34 by a pretty wide margin, as you can see above. But women chose Nick over Toonami pretty much across the board, though most of those shows are Saturday morning. I'm not sure Adult Swim minds that Thundermans beats Dragon Ball Super at 8 PM nearly every week since the latter gets its 11:30 replay.


Despite Doctor Who's cult following, Lupin the 3rd beat it in almost every category, INCLUDING total viewers. It only got edged by Dr. Who in 25-54, and of course beat by it in 50+. I guess Lupin doesn't appeal to older Toonami viewers as much as they had hoped? I'd like to see what it could do with encores right after Dragon Ball Super at 8:30 PM, but I doubt we ever will.



Do you think Toonami has a female viewer problem? It just kind of dawned on me that the lineup we had in 2015 (KLK,SAO,M+H, AKG) had a lot of girl power and shows that appealed to both genders. I'd say for sure now that Toonami has primarily shows that appeal more towards a male base. Could be this is who they are after though I suppose.


Doctor Who's problem is the timeslot.Not a lot of people home at 9:00 PM on a Saturday. I believe it is a heavily DVR'd show. This is what I would point to when people insist that Toonam's main issue is "That it's on so late!". It would actually do worse earlier and would get murdered by competition in the desired demographic.


Oddly enough, this week might go down as one of the better weeks of 2017, while 2 years ago, it was actually one of the worst in 2015:




But you are correct that the F12-34 numbers were higher, though not by much. The show that really brought the girls was InuYasha: The Final Act, and when that ended, things softened quite a bit, though SAO II also kept that going.


Oddly enough, this week might go down as one of the better weeks of 2017, while 2 years ago, it was actually one of the worst in 2015:




But you are correct that the F12-34 numbers were higher, though not by much. The show that really brought the girls was InuYasha: The Final Act, and when that ended, things softened quite a bit.


Yeah I forgot about that one.  What's interesting though if you watch the ads during the shows, it's primarily fast food, video games, shaving stuff, ect... There really is no secret who AS is really targeting.


As far as Lupin goes, I think this was purely put on out of love for the show. The crew loves Lupin . I asked Demarco on ask about a year ago if he thought Lupin failed on AS and he attributed it to primarily the age of the show. So I'm sure someone thought a newer Lupin would do better. At 2am, it can't really do much damage. Since they don't seem keen on moving HxH, I would love for 2AM to be used for things that are a little niche or older.


Well, SHOWBUZZDAILY updated, and a surprising show didn't retain well:


12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 1,018,000

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 858,000 (84.28%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 724,000 (84.38%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 561,000 (77.49%)

2:00 AM Lupin The 3rd 500,000 (89.13%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 480,000 (96.00%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 470,000 (97.92%)


Yes, at least after Midnight, Hunter x Hunter was the worst retainer this week, which is quite unusual. It's sad how far down that show has fallen, when it's at the end of what arguably is its first great arc; I just hope they finish it out at this point. Never mind the fact that it's on only half an hour later than it debuted and it's doing just over half as good.




People saw that ep of TG and were like... ok that's enough anime for me this week.


You're probably right.




The results are in, and we've only a double million, as Jack REALLY dropped the ball this week!



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 698,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 1,385,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 (Rerun) 972,000 (70.18%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 1,035,000 (106.48%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 1,018,000 (98.36%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 858,000 (84.28%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 724,000 (84.38%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 561,000 (77.49%)

2:00 AM Lupin The 3rd 500,000 (89.13%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 480,000 (96.00%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 470,000 (97.92%)




That average is down 16% from Toonami last year, and the 11:30-3 portion is down 15%. Considering that the year-to-year for the entire week of Adult Swim is down 22% this year, that's pretty good, but...



8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 359,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 777,000

11:00 PM Samurai Jack S5 (Rerun) 577,000 (74.26%)

11:30 PM Dragon Ball Super 653,000 (113.17%)

12:00 AM DBZ Kai: The Final Chapters 639,000 (97.86%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan Season 2 542,000 (84.82%)

1:00 AM Tokyo Ghoul 483,000 (89.11%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter 380,000 (78.67%)

2:00 AM Lupin The 3rd 334,000 (87.89%)

2:30 AM Naruto: Shippuden 318,000 (95.21%)

3:00 AM Ghost In The Shell HD 317,000 (99.69%)




Despite the block starting out with a thud with Samurai Jack's rerun dropping 200K 18-49 from Family Guy, Dragon Ball Super's "official" premiere actually gained 13% in 18-49 from Jack, making it look like a total champ instead of a chump as it has seemed following premieres of Jack through March, April, and May. Guess that's the "Frieza effect" that also sent the ratings into the stratosphere 2 years ago. And as for the average? Down only 6% year-to-year, and 5% for the 11:30-3 AM time frame!





Total Viewers

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 860,696 (23 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 1,099,130 (23 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 1,013,583 (24 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 799,556 (9 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 705,583 (12 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 801,411 (56 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 522,500 (2 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 845,739 (163 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 503,550 (20 episodes)


Adults 18-49

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM, Estimate) - 418,000 (23 episodes)

Dragon Ball Super (11:30 PM) - 665,957 (23 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 613,542 (23 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 483,556 (9 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 439,583 (12 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 479,054 (56 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 319,000 (2 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 469,950 (146 episodes)

Ghost In The Shell HD - 315,250 (20 episodes)


Adults 18-34 (Estimated)

Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - 267,455 (22 episodes)

Dragon Ball Z Kai: Final Chapters - 415,375 (24 episodes)

Attack On Titan Season 2 - 318,556 (9 episodes)

Tokyo Ghoul - 294,583 (12 episodes)

Lupin the 3rd - 224,500 (2 episodes)


For all its trouble looking like a champ, Super also actually dropped under 1.1 million average for the first time this week. AOT S2 meanwhile just might pull above 800K average, while Hunter x Hunter might fall below.


That's it for this week; now we wait until at least Wednesday of next week to see what the AOT S2 marathon does!



Jack may have valleyed, but the show that did the worst in 18-49 and lost like 39% over its venerable lead-in?




Seriously, just what the hell is that doing on after Dragon Ball Super? It makes about as much sense as when they tried to run Aqua Teen Hunger Force after DBZ Kai encores, a move that cost us both the DBZ Kai encores and the ill-fated ATHF reruns! Ironically, we seem to be headed down the same path this year, maybe, except that since Super is a premiere at 8 PM it seems to be insulated from that fate. But 8:30 is just begging to be occupied by something better. Hell, even Lupin encores would probably do better. After all, the premiere did beat the 3:30 AM Cleveland Show!

a move that cost us the DBZ Kai encores


They probably just needed an excuse to pull them after ratings had been sagging for a while. Heck, seeing that one guy whine over the possibility of not having such an insignificant rerun probably made them relish to pull the trigger. And mustard, too.


[we talk too much]


Jack may have valleyed, but the show that did the worst in 18-49 and lost like 39% over its venerable lead-in?




Seriously, just what the hell is that doing on after Dragon Ball Super? It makes about as much sense as when they tried to run Aqua Teen Hunger Force after DBZ Kai encores, a move that cost us both the DBZ Kai encores and the ill-fated ATHF reruns! Ironically, we seem to be headed down the same path this year, maybe, except that since Super is a premiere at 8 PM it seems to be insulated from that fate. But 8:30 is just begging to be occupied by something better. Hell, even Lupin encores would probably do better. After all, the premiere did beat the 3:30 AM Cleveland Show!


Glad they finally did something about 8:30 Cleveland Show, even if it took Samurai Jack at 11 PM with it.


Actually, now Samurai Jack replaces Cleveland at 8:30, but also 3:30 AM. Only time will tell if that 3:30 AM airing will be part of Toonami. I kinda hope that it is, but I guess we'll find out after the AOT marathon tonight!


(Boy, wouldn't it be funny if they stealth-premiered Episode #35 of AOT at 3:30 AM??)


Also, we have delays, as you should have guessed. Hopefully we'll find out how the AOT marathon did this afternoon! http://www.showbuzzdaily.com/articles/ratings-delays-due-to-independence-day-2.html



well how badly did it shit?




ESPN claimed the Top 5 slots which probably came as a surprise to absolutely no one since the boxing match was big news, as "Pac Man" got beat by Horn, and like 5 different character strings from that event trended even into the late hours of the AOT marathon. We probably won't know how the AOT marathon did until Programming Insider posts those numbers, which will probably be tomorrow.


Justice League Action did grab the #13 spot though!


Huh so aot might of just killed the block


No, the block isn't dead, but it has just lost 11 PM, which is not like being decapitated, but more like getting a haircut.


Also, this change was made BEFORE the marathon aired, so there's no blaming AOT on this! Also, please note that since those AOT episodes WERE reruns, there's no way it would have made an SBD chart anyway.


It was a rerun against a Manny Pacquiao fight on ESPN so Top Rank can launch a monthly boxing series on basic cable.  Of course the rerun was gonna lose.


There must be some mistake. I don't see AoT anywhere on that ranking list. Oh well. I'm sure they'll correct it soon!


ShowBuzzDaily's chart only shows premieres and AoT was all reruns. For Toonami in particular because most of it is premieres they include the ratings of most of the shows on that chart and then everything else except the Super encore tends to be added to the paragraph above the chart but on holiday weekends with marathons they sometimes don't list anything.


Egad!  :poop:, I say!!






8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 441,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 1,012,000

11:00 PM Attack on Titan #26 825,000 (81.52%)

11:30 PM Attack on Titan #27 716,000 (86.79%)

12:00 AM Attack on Titan #28 664,000 (92.74%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan #29 590,000 (88.86%)

1:00 AM Attack on Titan #30 488,000 (82.71%)

1:30 AM Attack on Titan #31 457,000 (93.65%)

2:00 AM Attack on Titan #32 467,000 (102.19%)

2:30 AM Attack on Titan #33 460,000 (98.50%)

3:00 AM Attack on Titan #34 465,000 (101.09%)






8:00 PM Dragon Ball Super 200,000


10:30 PM Family Guy 585,000

11:00 PM Attack on Titan #26 486,000 (83.08%)

11:30 PM Attack on Titan #27 429,000 (88.27%)

12:00 AM Attack on Titan #28 406,000 (94.64%)

12:30 AM Attack on Titan #29 332,000 (81.77%)

1:00 AM Attack on Titan #30 259,000 (78.01%)

1:30 AM Attack on Titan #31 242,000 (93.44%)

2:00 AM Attack on Titan #32 260,000 (107.44%)

2:30 AM Attack on Titan #33 255,000 (98.08%)

3:00 AM Attack on Titan #34 279,000 (109.41%)





In case you're keeping score at home, not a one of these timeslots beat any premiere despite the first 3 being on earlier. That, I'm afraid, is the lowest we've seen out of ANY Toonami lineup since that "unholy megabomb" that aired the night of 12/13/14 which featured Hellsing Ultimate's final episode (X) and FMA: Sacred Star of Milos. Of course, that was screwed by Black Dynamite and Attack on Titan reruns. This, the perfect storm of a pro boxing fight that made all of Adult Swim feel inferior, and, oh yeah, Attack on Titan reruns.


Well, so much for the theory that marathons do better than movies! Maybe time to try movies again! Labor Day would be an excellent time for Toonami to air Battle of the Gods and Resurrection of F to recap the first 2 arcs of Dragon Ball Super (which, BTW, will have just ended) in a unique way not available to other series!


Well, next week 11 PM is gone, and things return to normal, hopefully, low though 2017's "normal" is. Gone is the golden age of February 2015 through May 2016 and it's time to just accept that.


8:30 Samurai Jack ® 332


Woah those are some Comedy Central numbers.


Yeah, really! Even so, I believe this to be a bad judge of what it can do at 8:30. Season 1 of Jack did better than this in that timeslot. Also, the 3:30 airing did BETTER! Perhaps it SHOULD be part of Toonami?


I'm sure Jack will do better next week in both timeslots. This does prove that 8:30 and 3:30 are far enough apart for same night encores to work decently.


They'll still run marathons as long as they cost next to nothing. Movies of course unless it's given to them cost too much for a 1 time airing.


The thing is Labor Day is unique since it's also when DragonCon happens. Toonami could play it off as a special event for DragonCon attendees, then use commercial breaks to cut away to a host and have Dragon Ball and Toonami giveaways.


Also, Labor Day seems to have had the higher-profile marathon or shows every year, and it seemed to do best among the marathons in 2014 and 2016 to boot:

2013 had the premiere of Evangelion 2.22

2014 had the first Attack on Titan marathon

2015 had a Michiko & Hatchin marathon which also featured "Rattle That Lock" by David Gilmour

2016 had the One-Punch Man marathon


So, 2017 stands to get the biggest holiday event of the year. Don't get me wrong: I kinda hope they air a Lupin marathon, but Toonami viewers SHOULD have the chance to see the newer DBZ movies at SOME point, and Labor Day after the DBS arcs have ended just might be about right to break from recent tradition and air them.  Even with an 11:30 start time, Battle of the Gods would be a 2-hour timeslot since it's 85 minutes long, and that would start Resurrection of F at 1:30. Resurrection of F is 94 minutes, so Toonami would need to be extended to 4 AM unless it were to take over 11 PM for one night only; then the movies would air at 11 PM and 1 AM respectively.


Oh boy... total suckage retained.


I'd like to know how low a marathon would have to rate in order for it to lose money. They could probably get half of these numbers and it'd still be a "success". I ask this mostly because I would be all for the double DBS movie showcase, even though movies seem to only happen on bizarre occasions now.


The more things change, the more they stay the same...






7/8/2017 Dragon Ball Super (8 PM) - #12 (-3)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.35

Estimated 18-34 - 238,000 ( 30.24% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.28

Estimated 18-49 - 359,000 ( 45.62% )

Total Viewers - 787,000


7/8/2017 DBZ Kai: Final Chapters - #4 (-1)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.49

Estimated 18-34 - 333,000 ( 35.50% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.42

Estimated 18-49 - 538,000 ( 57.36% )

Total Viewers - 938,000


7/8/2017 Attack On Titan - #6 (-1)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.41

Estimated 18-34 - 279,000 ( 35.09% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.34

Estimated 18-49 - 436,000 ( 54.84% )

Total Viewers - 795,000


7/8/2017 Tokyo Ghoul - #11 (-4)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.35

Estimated 18-34 - 238,000 ( 34.74% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.29

Estimated 18-49 - 372,000 ( 54.31% )

Total Viewers - 685,000


7/8/2017 Lupin the 3rd - #17 (STEADY)

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.31

Estimated 18-34 - 211,000 ( 35.46% )

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.24

Estimated 18-49 - 308,000 ( 51.76% )

Total Viewers - 595,000


Man, I miss the days when the show after DBZ Kai unequivocally kicked the NBA Summer League's ass. Dragon Ball Super at 8 PM got beat by Tokyo Ghoul Root A. And while Lupin might have hit an unimpressive new high in total viewers, since percentages of demographics were down compared to 2 weeks ago, it pretty much tied its Episode 1 series lows.


Can JoJo save us?? Toonami is gonna have to acquire a humdinger of a show if it wants to steal that #1 spot from LIVE PD. Could Jotaro Joestar be the man of destiny, the one who can STAND up to this police state-fueled reality TV travesty? Because it's clear the German-laced Kaiju mess that is Attack on Titan isn't cutting it. I daresay Season 3 won't get 12:30 back next year. It will instead follow Gundam IBO S2 at 1 AM while some NEW BLOOD gets 12:30 (plus JoJo Part 3 won't be over yet by then). But then again, since by that time we'll probably have Boruto at midnight, all bets are off.


In case you just noticed, I actually just predicted the lineup this time next year:


Spring/Summer 2018:


11:30 Dragon Ball Super

12 AM Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

12:30 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3: Stardust Crusaders

1 AM Attack On Titan Season 3

1:30 Hunter x Hunter

2 AM ???? (I seriously have no clue what might replace Lupin. Probably not more Gundam while IBO is still at 1 AM)

2:30 Shippuden

3 AM ???? (Who knows what they'll rerun after GITS or if we even get 2nd Gig HD directly following season 1...)


Wild Cards: Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt (could take 12 AM instead), Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight Axis (3-minute minisodes plus 8-minute finale; wouldn't need its own timeslot and finale can premiere on a holiday marathon day), Flip Flappers (C'mon, Toonami, pull that stick out of your ass and get something for the girls from Sentai already!)


Wait until full night ratings come.  I'd be willing to bet that Family Guy at 11 didn't have too many viewers.  The schedule change was pretty unannounced, so a lot of people probably thought Jack was still there.  On top of that, those that did watch Family Guy probably saw the Super rerun and fled for the hills.

Can JoJo save us?? Toonami is gonna have to acquire a humdinger of a show if it wants to steal that #1 spot from LIVE PD. Could Jotaro Joestar be the man of destiny, the one who can STAND up to this police state-fueled reality TV travesty? Because it's clear the German-laced Kaiju mess that is Attack on Titan isn't cutting it.


I actually wouldn't go that far. Also, it doesn't matter if a show gets #10 that late as opposed to #1, because it could still be the best for its timeslot.


But then again, since by that time we'll probably have Boruto at midnight, all bets are off.




Flip Flappers (C'mon, Toonami, pull that stick out of your ass and get something for the girls from Sentai already!)


At least this is a good idea... even if I've never seen the show, and it might be too niche for a good slot.


[666th post]


You know, I'm in such a good mood today, these ratings don't even bother me.


What's really bothersome, though, is the like button not working. And right when I'm one away from my 666th...


I'm picking Bo to replace Kai. But I would LOVE for the 12 AM timeslot to get something that isn't super shonen. I've never actually seen Flip Flappers but I've heard good things about it and it's often been compared to KILL la KILL.


There was a UFC that weekend too.


Look, it's a different economy.  Online kills.


It's not just that. They're running an anime block without running any actual mainstream hits except for AOT.


And in addition to AOT getting a bad timeslot, the second season has been pretty disappointing.


You know, I'm in such a good mood today, these ratings don't even bother me.


What's really bothersome, though, is the like button not working. And right when I'm one away from my 666th...



It's already been discussed the like button is not a priority

Try the forum report thread for more answers


It's not just that. They're running an anime block without running any actual mainstream hits except for AOT.


Hold the phone. If these shows aren't mainstream, then just what the hell IS mainstream in terms of adult-oriented animated action?


It's hard to get more mainstream than DBZ and DB Super. Sure they're not airing Mob Psycho 100 or My Hero Academia, but there's no way you can call anything on Toonami with the exception of Lupin the 3rd not "mainstream" and be correct.



I used the qualifier "hit" for a reason =P


DBZ was a mainstream hit... 20 years ago.  Maybe GITS was also? But these are both basically reruns.


Super and Naruto might be mainstream, but they're certainly not hits. Naruto may have been many years ago but people don't really care anymore.


Ghoul might be mainstream, but it's certainly no hit in the US. HxH is riding the back of the block, not exactly a hit there.


Lupin is niche.


Top requested shows were what, MHA, One Punch man S2 and Fairy tail? Well none of that's happening any time soon if ever.

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