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Seemingly nobody has the TV rights or home video rights to Re: Zero here. A similar situation to what Parasyte and HxH had while they were simulcasting on Crunchyroll before Sentai and Viz were able to secure the distribution rights. The rights may be caught in a bidding war.


Can't air something that doesn't even have a dub yet.


I heard Aniplex got the rights to it and considering their success with SAO I'm sure Re:Zero's a strong possibility, would much rather Fate Zero instead though.


I'm pretty sure if DeMarco and company wanted to air a show, a dub would be made. Available dubs are nice to have, it makes the process faster and easier, but clearly they have the ability to get a dub made if one doesn't currently exist.


OPM had no dub before it aired on Toonami.


Viz licensed the show and said they were dubbing it quite a while before the cast was announced and Toonami announced they were airing it.


While it's possible for Toonami to pick up a show from a Japanese distributor as they did with Sunrise for Gundam but that tends to require a prior relationship with the Japanese company. All you can really fault Toonami on in this case is perhaps not having Re:ZERO on their radar because it's not licensed. Even if it was on their radar there's only so much they can do to get it if the Japanese producers don't want to work with them directly.


I'm pretty sure if DeMarco and company wanted to air a show, a dub would be made. Available dubs are nice to have, it makes the process faster and easier, but clearly they have the ability to get a dub made if one doesn't currently exist.


I wouldn't go quite that far. They occasionally speed up a distributor regarding getting a show dubbed but if there is no dub planned they aren't known to get one in motion. They don't exactly have the financial clout with their regular budget to make dubs happen if they were not going to unless they wanted to air a show.


At least this week those "delusions" are delusions of grandeur, as everything improved markedly!




Yes, both shows won their timeslots among cable originals in Adults 18-49, plus JoJo WON THE NIGHT in Adults 18-34 and Males 12-34!


12/3/2016 JoJo's Bizzare Adv.

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.55

Estimated 18-34 - 374,000

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.48

Estimated 18-49 - 610,000

Total Viewers - 1,062,000


12/3/2016 Gundam IBO

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.50

Estimated 18-34 - 340,000

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.42

Estimated 18-49 - 533,000

Total Viewers - 950,000


That's better than JoJo has done since 10/22, its 3rd best ratings yet! And better than Gundam has done since 10/15!


Hopefully things get even better next week for Gundam IBO's Season 1 Finale; I would like to see it inch above a million just once more!


At least this week those "delusions" are delusions of grandeur, as everything improved markedly!




Yes, both shows won their timeslots among cable originals in Adults 18-49, plus JoJo WON THE NIGHT in Adults 18-34 and Males 12-34!


12/3/2016 JoJo's Bizzare Adv.

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.55

Estimated 18-34 - 374,000

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.48

Estimated 18-49 - 610,000

Total Viewers - 1,062,000


12/3/2016 Gundam IBO

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.50

Estimated 18-34 - 340,000

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.42

Estimated 18-49 - 533,000

Total Viewers - 950,000


That's better than JoJo has done since 10/22, its 3rd best ratings yet! And better than Gundam has done since 10/15!


Hopefully things get even better next week for Gundam IBO's Season 1 Finale; I would like to see it inch above a million just once more!


A nice upswing from November.


Hey AL while you're waiting for the rest of the ratings could you track down the series averages of Parasyte, AGK and Dimension W? And if you're willing also the series averages for KLK, SAOII, Michiko, Final Act and Champloo if you have them on hand?


18-34 averages for what is available along with 18-49 and total viewer averages. Only if you have them on hand, don't go to the trouble if you have to do all that math again.


Yeah, I've got all that; no problem!!



Akame ga KILL! (12:30 A) - Ended 2/20

Total Viewers - 1,245,042

Adults 18-49 - 723,708

Adults 18-34 (Estimated) - 493,792


Parasyte -the maxim- (1A) - Ended 4/9

Total Viewers - 1,048,458

Adults 18-49 - 601,208

Adults 18-34 (Estimated) - 405,542

Rerun Total Viewers - 619,208

Rerun Adults 18-49 - 355,125


Dimension W (12:30 A) - Ended 5/14

Total Viewers - 1,197,000

Adults 18-49 - 701,250

Adults 18-34 (Estimated) - 466,083


Samurai Champloo (1:24 A) - Ended 7/9

Total Viewers - 904,885

Adults 18-49 - 526,231


KILL la KILL Rerun (3 A) - Ended 4/9

Total Viewers - 696,500

Adults 18-49 - 408,708


One-Punch Man (12:05 A) - Ended 10/8

Total Viewers - 1,235,833

Adults 18-49 - 737,000

Adults 18-34 (Estimated) - 495,000


Finished Shows 2015 #eps Avg. Time Total Viewers Adults 18-49 Adults 18-34

Sword Art Online II     24 1:16 AM         991,375                 597,875         422,762

KILL la KILL                     24 12:30 AM     1,161,208                 675,375         473,154

InuYasha: The Final Act  26 1:25 AM       869,692                   511,308         394,250

Gurren Lagann             27 1:47 AM       724,667                 404,963

Attack On Titan             25* 3:00 AM       752,760          435,720

Deadman Wonderland 12* 2:47 AM       723,667                   413,917

Michiko & Hatchin       22 1:12 AM               1,041,545                 612,727


Now back to present-day:




The 12-2 AM time frame appears to have won its timeslots, but Shippuden REALLY dropped the ball and just barely made the Top 100 in 18-49, plus was edged-out by a 2 AM episode of the Simpsons Marathon! This of course means One Piece didn't make it, and One-Punch Man missed the mark on Sunday as well. In fact, no 3 AM Toonami shows have snuck onto the Sunday Top 100 since Episode 2 hit #56 back on 10/22.


And ShowBuzzDaily also got updated, so here's what we have now:


12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 1,426,000 (89.01%) 0.61 (+0.07)

12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 1,062,000 (74.47%) 0.48 (+0.08)

1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 950,000 (89.45%) 0.42 (+0.07)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 845,000 (88.95%) 0.38 (+0.04)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 726,000 (85.92%) 0.31 (-0.01)

2:30 AM One Piece - 640,000 (88.15%) 0.27 (-0.01)

3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 611,000 (95.47%) 0.24 (-0.05)



It really IS the tale of two halves here, as the top half triumphed while the bottom half languished, and Saitama REALLY blew it this time!


Still no update from Programming Insider yet, but an estimate of the numbers SBD provided shows that the lineup got about 600K in 18-49 from 12-2. However, 2-3:30 really stunk it up, making the whole block average only about 492K, but those are just my estimates!


Oop, here we go!!


12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 777,000 (88.67%)

12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 615,000 (79.15%)

1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 538,000 (87.48%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 483,000 (89.78%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 400,000 (82.82%)

2:30 AM One Piece - 345,000 (86.25%)

3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 306,000 (88.70%)

ADULTS 18-49 AVERAGE - 494,857


That's a little better, but still not above 500K. Maybe next week?


And here's how all the averages so far stack up:



Dragonball Z Kai - 1,375,344 (96 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 1,012,714 (7 episodes)

Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 944,250 (24 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 907,700 (30 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 889,893 (138 episodes)

One Piece - 803,206 (164 episodes)

One Punch Man Rerun - 643,000 (6 episodes)


ADULTS 18-49

Dragonball Z Kai - 792,260 (96 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 600,571 (7 episodes)

Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 559,167 (24 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 533,300 (30 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 491,047 (138 episodes)

One Piece - 436,067 (164 episodes)

One Punch Man Rerun - 376,400 (6 episodes)


ADULTS 18-34 (Estimated)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 383,571 (7 episodes)

Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 368,458 (24 episodes)


JoJo is saved from falling under a million on average, but Gundam IBO S1 will be hard-pressed to beat 950K, and will also end under 600K 18-49 and 400K 18-34; THANKS PHANTOM BLOOD ARC!


Yeah, hopefully Part 2 can retain the viewers better than part 1 from whatever replaces Kai. It's a mild shock to see Jojo struggle these past few weeks, thought that since the Toonami crowd loved Akame Ga Kill and Parasyte that they wanted more shows with some bite.


Phantom Blood continues to make its case for being the worst arc.


And if it's the worst JoJo has to offer, I'm super pumped to see what the rest of the show brings.


And if it's the worst JoJo has to offer, I'm super pumped to see what the rest of the show brings.


Worst is kind of hard to say about Part 1, since I think it's a lot of fun and is goofy and it is very short, but it's also kinda half-baked and doesn't really feature a lot of things that JoJo becomes, which is completely understandable since it is the beginning.  But Araki during parts 1 through 4 does a lot of hammering out what JoJo is, with Part 3 being the big step forward for what it becomes.  Part 2 is definitely where the tone/themes of the series comes into its own.  JoJo is an always evolving series.  If I gave you a very vague basic rundown of what the current Part (8: JoJolion) is about, when you've only watched Phantom Blood, you'd probably call me a liar.


By now I'm sure you've heard the news: We've got Dragon Ball Super coming in at 11:30 next year and DBZ Kai continuing with The Final Chapters at Midnight.


BUT DBS is also playing at 8 PM. It's unknown at this time if those are going to be premieres or encores. Toonami's facebook has not yet commented on the 8 PM airing.


What does this have to do with ratings, and why does this distinction even matter? Simple: Show Buzz Daily only reports on Cable Originals, and at this time it's still rather unclear if the 8 PM airing will be the encore or if the 11:30 PM airing will be! But which ever one is first will be the Cable Original, and it's the one that we will get detailed ratings information from on SBD.


DBZ Kai Final Chapters, meanwhile, is airing at Midnight. It's unknown whether it will be treated as a cable original, or if it will get Hunter x Hunter and Naruto: Shippuden's inexplicable treatment and not be reported upon, despite the fact that both shows have never been on cable before unless it was one of those obscure Japanese channels as raws. It's unknown if that's the case for DBZ Kai FC.


One thing's for sure: 1/10/17 looks to be a very interesting day!


Phantom Blood continues to make its case for being the worst arc.


Yeah that's how it appears to be...


At least from the perspective of someone who has never seen JoJo at all before October (ie. ME), it seems that most of the hype about the show comes from the arc after Phantom Blood.  My friend is a huge JoJo fan and says that it get's really crazy and really good there.  Not to say Phantom Blood is bad, but it at least makes sense as to why the ratings are a bit down.


It was reported on Saturday night during the finale of Gundam IBO Season 1 that #GundamIBO was the #1 trend in America!


So the question that must be asked is, will that social media buzz transform into ratings success for the season finale?


Unfortunately, not so much.




12/10/2016 JoJo's Bizzare Adv.

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.52

Estimated 18-34 - 353,000

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.40

Estimated 18-49 - 508,000

Total Viewers - 897,000


12/10/2016 Gundam IBO

Adults 18-34 Rating - 0.49

Estimated 18-34 - 333,000

Adults 18-49 Rating - 0.39

Estimated 18-49 - 495,000

Total Viewers - 859,000


But to be fair, it DID retain JoJo pretty well, 96% overall and about 97.5% in Adults 18-49! Only 94.5% in Adults 18-34, which means that almost every person ages 35-49 who was watching JoJo stayed glued to their seats for Gundam! I guess we'll see how the whole block did a little later on today, plus how JoJo retains JoJo this time next week!


Yeah, and I'm sure that pretty much actionless Kai epilogue episode didn't do the block any favors! If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say 1M/0.45 18-49, but we'll know soon!


On that note...




12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 1,364,000 (81.63%)

12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 897,000 (65.76%)

1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 859,000 (95.76%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 805,000 (93.71%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 727,000 (90.31%)


There was certainly a "Force" to be reckoned with even for Family Guy! DBZ Kai actually did pretty admirably, even managing at least a rounded 0.6 in 18-49, but JoJo is a complete ratings trainwreck. Gundam IBO and Hunter x Hunter each also performed admirably by hanging on to JoJo's rounded 0.4 before Shippuden confused viewers even more. And as usual, One Piece missed the Top 100. For what it's worth, DBZ Kai, JoJo, Gundam, and Hunter x Hunter all won their timeslots in 18-49, but Shippuden might have dropped the ball to boxing on HBO.


Holy FUCK ! That's gotta be the biggest drop for a show within Toonami so far since the block came back.


Poor JoJo.... I'm not surprised though. Like I said, the show may just be WAYYYYYY too campy for the mainstreamers.


Phantom Blood = Worst arc.


The drop from Super/Kai to the other shows is going to be monumental.


Well, maybe not. If Battle Tendencies really is a LOT better than Phantom Blood, it might keep pace. JoJo at 12:30 may yet be viable, though at this point it's been an embarrassment to everything else that has aired consistently at 12:30--except Gundam IBO.


Battle Tendency is alot better than Phantom Blood.


But it's not like Phantom Blood is terrible. It's really good as well.


And yet look at it.


I don't think show quality dictates ratings.


For example, I'm sure Tokyo Ghoul would do gangbusters and that show suuuuuucks.


And like I said, no matter what arc it's in, Jojo is still very much Jojo in that it's campy as hell.


And I think that's what is holding it back from gaining an audience on Toonami.




Alright, even Demarco has to admit that a schedule mixup is in order for next year.


Yeah, I think maybe some new blood is needed at 12:30, but would Lupin III Part 4 fit the bill? And it's a real shame that Mob Psycho 100 is off the table!


The old Lupin series didn't really do all that well, but that might be because it looked old as hell. Maybe this one would do better, but I don't think the Lupin brand has enough power to maintain 12:30am.


Honestly.... and it pains me to say this.... but Tokyo Ghoul seems to be the most likely candidate to hold DBZ well. That edge-lord crap is what Americans love.


I adore JoJo but if Part 2 doesn't hold DBZ better than this then I honestly think they should swap it and Hunter which has almost always held its lead well and is ramping up. I feel if HxH is pushed to 2am this year that they have made a huge mistake casting it aside so soon. It hasn't ever really done badly regardless of the slot and that ought to be rewarded instead of punished. They should at least keep it at 1:30 if they don't see fit to move it up.


Though double DB is a tough act to follow for anything short of One-Punch or Attack on Titan premieres, it may vey well be the case that this audience isn't going to appreciate JoJo. It's a darn shame but they shouldn't let JoJo stay at 12:30 if it can't hold DBZ at least as well as Gundam or Dimension W.


The question that must be asked is: "Is JoJo doing this badly BECAUSE it's not a dub premiere?" We can see that Gundam IBO did worse at 12:30 but it WAS a dub premiere, so maybe we should still cut it some slack despite that distinction?


It's also interesting that in 2017's first few weeks of Toonami, strictly speaking only DBZ KFC and Hunter x Hunter will be dub premires. Super as well, but at 8 PM. It kinda feels like there NEEDS to be a 3rd dub premiere during Toonami at this point, and Lupin III Part 4 would indeed fit that bill. But not withstanding that outside possibility, the "Dub premiere vs. non-dub premiere" distinction alone should be enough to swap HxH and JoJo. Hell, JoJo's already "easing down" to 1 AM for one episode during the "Power Hour" on 12/17/16.


About that, you think Star Wars Parts V and VI are indeed a timeless classics worthy of kicking the asses of everything else on Cable TV? Then I've got bad news for you: on 12/17, they're replaying them--at 10:45 PM and 1:32 AM, head-to-head with Toonami!


I dunno if dub premiere has any significance. After all, look how Kai is preforming.


I think the mainstreamers just don't want JoJo.


Of course, all the mainstreamers want are DBZ, the current top flavor anime (AoT, OPM), or something edge-lord (Akame ga Kill, Tokyo Ghoul) so screw their opinions, really. >_>


What do you believe the current top-flavor anime to be then? Is it something that Toonami should go after (or have they already?) Remember JoJo seemed like a sure thing a year ago; now it's a major bust!


Top flavor would be the years most popular show. Like Mob Psyco, My Hero Academia or Keijo (I know, lmao, it is tho) would fit that bill.


Jojo... I mean, the portion airing now is old so it's not really buzzing.


But if we're talking about ratings, idealy,  the hot 'new' popular show from Japan should be what typically follows DBZ.


Toonami would not be desperate enough to air Keijo after publicly calling it out on a bump.


Granted, I would love to see it just for the reactions but Fujiko couldn't air, why would boob and butt sumo?


Because Fujiko showed actual nudity and sexual heavy themes.


Keijo is just a bunch of fanservice through bikinis, in your face as it may be.


Well, Show Buzz Daily updated, so here's what we know so far:


12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 1,364,000 (81.63%) 0.61 (steady)

12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 897,000 (65.76%) 0.40 (-0.08)

1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 859,000 (95.76%) 0.39 (-0.03)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 805,000 (93.71%) 0.37 (-0.01)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 727,000 (90.31%) 0.32 (+0.01)

2:30 AM One Piece - 614,000 (84.46%) 0.27 (steady)

3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 583,000 (94.95%) 0.26 (+0.02)


ESTIMATED ADULTS 18-49 AVERAGE (0.37) - 475,343




The block just can't seem to get over 500K 18-49 average since 11/5/16, and if you count all the timeslots (not just 12-3:30), THAT also fails. The last time Toonami's 18-49 block average has been over 500K is 10/22/16!




Let's wrap this week up, shall we?




12:00 AM Dragon Ball Z Kai - 782,000 (84.35%)

12:30 AM Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 515,000 (65.86%)

1:00 AM Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans - 494,000 (95.92%)

1:30 AM Hunter × Hunter - 469,000 (94.94%)

2:00 AM Naruto: Shippuden - 405,000 (86.35%)

2:30 AM One Piece - 346,000 (85.43%)

3:00 AM One-Punch Man (rerun) - 330,000 (95.38%)

ADULTS 18-49 AVERAGE - 477,286


Gundam IBO S1's final episode retained over 90% for the first time in the series, let alone 95%! Does that bode well for Unicorn? And Hunter x Hunter and One-Punch Man retained admirably as almost always!



Dragonball Z Kai - 1,375,227 (97 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 998,000 (8 episodes)

Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans -        940,760 (25 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 904,387 (31 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 888,713 (139 episodes)

One Piece - 802,666 (165 episodes)

One Punch Man Rerun - 633,000 (7 episodes)


ADULTS 18-49

Dragonball Z Kai - 792,155 (97 episodes)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 589,875 (8 episodes)

Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 556,560 (25 episodes)

Hunter × Hunter - 531,226 (31 episodes)

Naruto: Shippuden - 490,336 (139 episodes)

One Piece - 435,322 (165 episodes)

One Punch Man Rerun - 368,667 (7 episodes)


ADULTS 18-34 (Estimated)

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - 379,750 (8 episodes)

Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - 367,040 (25 episodes)


I guess that's a fair finish for IBO S1. Certainly not bad enough for Toonami to pass on IBO S2, though I would say it won't begin at 12 or 12:30. JoJo drops below 1 million total viewers and 600K adults 18-49 on average, so might need to move down, but let's see how the double-shot does next week!


Why is this so?


Is the art style too old / off-putting? Are people rejecting the pointiness / muscular nature of its aesthetic? Do people want shit that looks like SAO and AGK?


I'm starting to believe it's more of a visual problem. Doesn't matter if there's cel dirt or not; if it looks too old or is too inspired by an older art style...is that a detraction? Could Gundam Unicorn suffer as well if this is the case?

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