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If we combined Naraku and Zeni


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4 minutes ago, naraku360 said:

Don't bother me right now, I'm busy asking someone on okc what cheese she puts in her cheese drawer and it's really important. It better not be bleu or feta unless her "drawer" is actually a garbage can.

Umm, why did you copy me and join OKC? Everybody's trying to be like me all of a sudden, all of these new members joining OKC because I put it on the map. You wanna be alpha so badly.

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1 hour ago, Mix said:

we could make Mathew Mcconaughey....think about it 

that was horribly mean.  youre saying Naraku is boring and untalented.

it just goes way past the point.  here i'll help you out


@Naraku4656, if you and Zeni some how formed one youd have a

sober whitney houston librarian that didnt get laid or do drugs,

and lived through all the baths of her 60's.



Edited by mumbojummie13
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4 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

I don't get the joke, but I also know very little about McCaughnahey or his movies (or how to spell his name).

his name is in the op and pretty much all over this thread....it's in the post right before your post for Xenu's sake

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5 minutes ago, Nabloom said:

I think the zeni wildcat DNA would override naraku's meekness and we'd end up with Killer Joe 

Naraku's DNA will act as a sort of downer...a sedative of sorts....do not underestimate just how much Naraku can deflate a situation, only someone like Zeni can be brought down to acceptable parameters, anyone else would go into a coma like depressive state....

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8 minutes ago, Doom Metal Alchemist said:

You think I want to scroll to wherever his name is, highlight it, ctrl+c, scroll back down to my post, and ctrl+v just to make an off-hand remark about someone I don't care about?

nope, just read a word and have the requisite brain power to remember how it's spelled mere seconds later...:|

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