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Apparently, there *is* a Thanksgiving marathon this year

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You know what I'm talking about. 11/25 is the date.


So I guess that one-year experiment didn't work. I know one could assume it's due to laziness, but I am implied to agree. Thanksgiving is the one holiday every year where most people travel, so if they're on the road and don't have access to a TV, it's for the better that they don't miss any shows. Also, they're going to be showing the final episode of Countdown anyway, so this is probably to get more people interested and make the stay-at-homes watch a marathon. You know how well Parasyte did for Thanksgiving '15. And the final episode of this TIE is six minutes long, which could severely fuck things up and probably makes marathon scheduling easier, but I have no idea if this influenced the decision.


More information on this stuff as it comes, maybe.


Im actually surprised because I figure they’d want as much eyes in the finale of Countdown as possible considering it probably means changes to the block. Maybe last years results weren’t great.


Glad there’s a place to discuss this. They banned talk of the backdoor schedule on Reddit :(.


Da fook???


Yeah there’s a new rule that says you can only talk about information on the official schedule. I think the mods got tired of a new “Hey there’s a new blank spot on the schedule” thread every few weeks. They especially don’t want us talking about anything in the “Better” unofficial schedule that’s linked here.


It is just four hours of DeMarco bitching out Toonami fans for not tuning in to watch Jojo soil things and getting Toonami cancelled.


Scenario B : It is four hours of One Piece as Demarco's final troll before Toonami gets cancelled.


It is just four hours of DeMarco bitching out Toonami fans for not tuning in to watch Jojo soil things and getting Toonami cancelled.


Scenario B : It is four hours of One Piece as Demarco's final troll before Toonami gets cancelled.


This is all a bunch of nonsense.


Here's what I HOPE they do on November 25th:


11 PM Countdown Finale

11:10 PM Premiere of Blade Runner Blackout 2022

11:30 PM Marathon (hopefully JoJo) begins



I'm thinking they might do a Hunter × Hunter marathon. I don't know, but Greed Island seems about as worthy of representing "the feast" to me. But I'd be happy with pretty much any show, unless they somehow decide to marathon DBZ or (oh lord) Samurai Jack again.


I'm thinking they might do a Hunter × Hunter marathon. I don't know, but Greed Island seems about as worthy of representing "the feast" to me. But I'd be happy with pretty much any show, unless they somehow decide to marathon DBZ or (oh lord) Samurai Jack again.


It's extremely unlikely that it would be a Samurai Jack marathon. It's too soon after the last Saturday marathon for that even if they want to pimp the complete series for holiday shoppers.


Hunter x Hunter is a good possibility since it's possible to get a good chunk of an arc in and people would still know what's going on no matter when they tune in.

Lupin is also high on the list since there hasn't been a Lupin marathon, they really wanted the series and most of the episodes can stand alone so it's not like it has to start and end on a particular one. This would depend on what the contract says though - do they have it for a set period of time or a set amount of airings.


You know what I'm talking about. 11/25 is the date.


So I guess that one-year experiment didn't work. I know one could assume it's due to laziness, but I am implied to agree. Thanksgiving is the one holiday every year where most people travel, so if they're on the road and don't have access to a TV, it's for the better that they don't miss any shows. Also, they're going to be showing the final episode of Countdown anyway, so this is probably to get more people interested and make the stay-at-homes watch a marathon. You know how well Parasyte did for Thanksgiving '15. And the final episode of this TIE is six minutes long, which could severely fuck things up and probably makes marathon scheduling easier, but I have no idea if this influenced the decision.


More information on this stuff as it comes, maybe.


Yeah, but Thanksgiving is also the holiday where people are indoors stuffing their faces watching TV.  They'll probably even try to watch as much TV as possible so they can minimize interacting with the family members they can't stand.


They announced on FB that they're having a Dragonball Z Kai marathon for thanksgiving.


... see that??? Now it's not SUPER that's having a marathon! It'S KAI now!!!  TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the different Kai premiere at 8:30 and 8 PM! 




Well, color me disappointed, although not really surprised. I knew with a super-long Countdown, they would either have to do something else special in the first half-hour (such as Blade Runner Blackout 2022) or have to go for a show that runs for less than normal, and Kai fits the bill. Plus, it was a natural conclusion that it would be a marathon since they often contain fewer bumps and other interstitials.


This marathon will go back to 9/9, the week after the last DBZ Kai Marathon. Well, can't say they're not consistent about giving the Buu saga a 2nd play-through! And that means I get a chance to re-record the episodes that got screwed up on 10/7 and 10/14.


As for "why not Super"? Every episode of Super already gets AT LEAST THREE on-air airings. It is the LAST show that needs a marathon. Meanwhile, I'm over here like "give me another chance to record the episodes of JoJo and Gundam IBO my DVR screwed up!" Hopefully this Christmas, I'll still get that chance. Gundam IBO will likely have 9 episodes out by then, which might be enough for a marathon with some really long interstitials (I'm thinking if they bookend it with something, perhaps BRB2022, like they did with Scavengers for JoJo last year), and JoJo: Stardust Crusaders will be at 18, which is more than enough.



What did I fucking say? shithead


Toonami, you let me down, but there wasn't going to be much complaining to begin with since it's a marathon. My main problem is that, if they decided to run DBZ Kai again so soon, is there much else stopping them from doing Samurai Jack S5 again in December? I'd like to watch part of least one marathon for a change.


What did I fucking say? shithead


Toonami, you let me down, but there wasn't going to be much complaining to begin with since it's a marathon. My main problem is that, if they decided to run DBZ Kai again so soon, is there much else stopping them from doing Samurai Jack S5 again in December? I'd like to watch part of least one marathon for a change.


I REALLLLLY hope they don't do that! JoJo and Gundam could use some binge-watchin' love!


Unlike the Jack marathon, I probably WILL watch the Kai marathon, but it will likely be on in the background while watching something else...


They announced on FB that they're having a Dragonball Z Kai marathon for thanksgiving.


... see that??? Now it's not SUPER that's having a marathon! It'S KAI now!!!  TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the different Kai premiere at 8:30 and 8 PM! 



[hands you a bottle of meds]


It's official. They totally blew the budget early, and now they have to pay the price for it.  I am NOT happy, and only look forward to when the budget resets in 2018.


The last Kai marathon did better than their regular schedule had in months. They pretty much had to try it again.


Blowing the budget on Super and Gundam probably wasn't the best idea.


They announced on FB that they're having a Dragonball Z Kai marathon for thanksgiving.


... see that??? Now it's not SUPER that's having a marathon! It'S KAI now!!!  TOTALLY DIFFERENT than the different Kai premiere at 8:30 and 8 PM! 




Well, dang. I was hoping for an evening of greedy grabbing by a certain monkey-faced thief since I tend to fall asleep near the end of any given episode and have to rewatch it in Japanese. :D I suppose watching a giant blob eat everything in sight will have to do.


[hands you a bottle of meds]


And they even liked it. At this point, the Like button should be renamed to "I don't hate this". I want to work for mine again.

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