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I'm excited so here's a picture of another Vegeta figurine with an overly detailed Butt




See! Here we go. Everything you do has to do with your sexuality. Are you unable to contain your hormones? Jesus, man.


Who is Mochi, really? Other than just wanting ass all the time? That's honestly a legit question because that's all you let up.


See! Here we go. Everything you do has to do with your sexuality. Are you unable to contain your hormones? Jesus, man.


Who is Mochi, really? Other than just wanting ass all the time? That's honestly a legit question because that's all you let up.


to quote roughly quote SorceressPol


"And oh look, there's a fetish thread and a hook up one where y'all aren't lecturing other posters. It's like you're only targeting one person or sexual preference specifically. This is why unwanted hall monitors annoy me so much. Y'all are always lying about what you're actually bitching about, I should also add, what offends all of you so much is that Mochi is flagrant about a sexuality that you guys are uncomfortable with. There's foot sucking pics(being posted in other threads), but naw, Mochi and others attracted to the same sex need to act like we're at work on a fucking message board and only post what YOU deem to be appropriate."


this is the last reply I'm ever giving you


to quote roughly quote SorceressPol


"And oh look, there's a fetish thread and a hook up one where y'all aren't lecturing other posters. It's like you're only targeting one person or sexual preference specifically. This is why unwanted hall monitors annoy me so much. Y'all are always lying about what you're actually bitching about, I should also add, what offends all of you so much is that Mochi is flagrant about a sexuality that you guys are uncomfortable with. There's foot sucking pics(being posted in other threads), but naw, Mochi and others attracted to the same sex need to act like we're at work on a fucking message board and only post what YOU deem to be appropriate."


this is the last reply I'm ever giving you


Go get fucking laid, bro. So you can stop posting in a sexually deprived way, M'kay? M'kay.


you know moose[/member] I usually like to stay out of arguments like these

however mochi is telling truth however on the other half I can't find the post confirming it


sorry Meilag32 for disturbing the thread

me and moose at the ones who should apologize we're the ones bringing our argument with us

you know moose[/member] I usually like to stay out of arguments like these

however mochi is telling truth however on the other half I can't find the post confirming it


sorry Meilag32 for disturbing the thread


I believe that. But again that's a self-contained thread of weirdos. Mochi's problem is that he posts about his 'desires' wherever the fuck he goes.


Is it too much to ask to not hear about that shit in anything not pertaining to talking about fetishes for once? I don't give a damn about your kinks.


I believe that. But again that's a self-contained thread of weirdos. Mochi's problem is that he posts about his 'desires' wherever the fuck he goes.


Is it too much to ask to not hear about that shit in anything not pertaining to talking about fetishes for once? I don't give a damn about your kinks.


again we just have respect each other

despite the tastes we have




I'll respect him once he respects my wishes for him to tone that shit down.


So, you'll "respect" him once he shuts up and follows whatever ideal you deem is right?  It doesn't work like that.


Quit your bitchin'.  If it upsets your world view that much, simply change your settings so you can no longer see his posts. 


So, you'll "respect" him once he shuts up and follows whatever ideal you deem is right?  It doesn't work like that.


Quit your bitchin'.  If it upsets your world view that much, simply change your settings so you can no longer see his posts.

agree'd, that's what I did to him


also I'm not respecting any homophobe's wishes or ideas on how a "proper gay man" should behave


So, you'll "respect" him once he shuts up and follows whatever ideal you deem is right?  It doesn't work like that.


Quit your bitchin'.  If it upsets your world view that much, simply change your settings so you can no longer see his posts.


Then I ain't respectin' that sexually deprived low-life. Point fucking blank.


Watch your goddamn mouth when you're talking to me, fucking guy. I don't give a damn if this is your thread. Know that.


And yes, looks like I'm gonna have to block him, because the thirst is real and apparently he can't control his hormones worth a shit. Smh.






I swear, ever since Ben quit the boards, it's like Moose took up his former position as the "IMMA KINKSHAME ERRYBODY" guy.


I just don't see the point of being so open about it.


I swear, ever since Ben quit the boards, it's like Moose took up his former position as the "IMMA KINKSHAME ERRYBODY" guy.


Ben quit this place?


I guess that must have been caused by... an incident. And maybe I could hear about it.


I swear, ever since Ben quit the boards, it's like Moose took up his former position as the "IMMA KINKSHAME ERRYBODY" guy.

to be fair he isn't Kinkshaming he's just Gay bashing


I may flaunt a bit more than I should (granted that's just cause I'm terrified to be open offline), but Moose(and Ben) aren't shaming a specific "kink" I have (which I have many of but that's another story), they're basically just shaming the fact that I'm gay


which isnt a kink....it's just a small part of my identity


Ben quit this place?


I guess that must have been caused by... an incident. And maybe I could hear about it.

I was under the assumption he was banned


maybe he finally realized his behavior was unacceptable and decided to do some self re-evaluation


I'm not gay shaming anybody. I have no problem with you being gay,


I do have a problem hearing about your deepest desires.


What about that is hard to understand? Stop playing a victim






A Faulconer mix doesn't exist for Kai Buu yet. Sorry.

Yeah, no more Faulconer score. :( But at least we don't have to suffer through Justin Cook's, Sean Schemmel's, and Sonny Strait's "singing" during that ensemble version of Dragonsoul in the official score!

This animation is kind of hard to look at after seeing Super's gorgeousness.

DBZ actually had fairly decent animation for an 80's 90's anime


moreso classic Dragonball


The New Year's Banner is from Bleach.  Nice.


Rebels mid-season premiere was great tonight.  I also caught up on past weeks of JoJo and some other stuff, plus other things on my DVR, so I'd have space to record tonight's Toonami.


Anybody new to Dragonball Z, or at least those who first started watching since Toonami's airing of Kai, however few they may be, are going to be very confused.  Thankfully, I think most of us have seen Dragonball/Z countless times and should be fine?  Hell, we were okay when Dragonball Z was played before Dragonball, and then both concurrently.  This show isn't like X-files or anything.  You can miss stuff and watch things out of order and follow along just fine I think.


And I see we've got all the ASMB emoticons back, plus a redeco of the background and forum in general!  Nice!


this really feels like Japan never made Kai episodes for the Buu saga and Funimation just slapped them together in the Kai style to get more money out of the American market?

Japan did make Kai episodes for Buu


they just counted them as a seperate series due to the whole "the composer for the first half lost a plagiarism lawsuit and we had to fire him" thing


DBZ actually had fairly decent animation for an 80's 90's anime


moreso classic Dragonball

I thought the classic cel animation of Dragonball/Z looked better.  Super is so overly bright and vivid, and lacking in detail and contrast.  The art and character designs seem a bit different in Super as well.  I suppose I'll get used to it eventually.  But, to me, the old stuff looks better.

Six minute recap....plus new intro. Already 1/3 finished with this episode.


Not complaining. I'm eating popcorn as I'm watching this. But I think it's hilarious.


at least dragon soul was a song i could sing out loud without someone asking me if I'm even speaking english at that point....Most Anime Openings don't have great translations so most of the time it comes off as broken engrish that makes zero sense


Whoa... that sounds like the guy from Head Cha-La and/or We gotta Power!  :o  : o


This is like the classic JP OPs!  Now this is more like it!

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