Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 Pretty much what I thought it would turn out as, I am a Centrist with strong right leanings towards Patriotism, strong left leanings towards Social Policy and very slight left leanings on everything else though they are very close to the center. Probably would have been more close to center on the other three had the questions been worded a bit differently or had the middle answer been "both are equally important" in some cases where the questions were a comparison. All in all, it's not a bad survey.
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 libertarian socialism....whatever the fuck that is my results after answering some questions I stayed neutral on, lol w/e I dunno what any of this shit means :catlol Libertarian Socialism is pretty much Bernie Sanders area, though it may vary in specifics from person to person.
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 gay marriage should be illegal Quackers[/member] You're literally the best. I <3 you.
1pooh4u Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 Libertarian Socialism is pretty much Bernie Sanders area, though it may vary in specifics from person to person. The Libertarian part threw me off, I thought Libertarians want small to no government involvement with just about anything.....I don't really know what a Libertarian is, I will however admit to being a socialist
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 wuts the difference between that and mine? i tried googling it but all the explanations were TL;DR Naraku4656[/member] Master-Debater131[/member] It's a form of Libertarianism, it's one of the opposing forms from Social-Libertarianism mainly in that it values free market principles highly. I know because had you polled me with this about 6 to 8 years ago I probably would have had this as my result. I guess you could say this is a Fiscal-Libertarian perspective.
1pooh4u Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 I got very similar results to you, but it seems you're more of a lefty than me. And for shits and giggles, I tried to go as far right as possible: :catlol
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 The Libertarian part threw me off, I thought Libertarians want small to no government involvement with just about anything.....I don't really know what a Libertarian is, I will however admit to being a socialist 1pooh4u[/member] The most effective way I can illustrate what Libertarianism actually is this: Imagine you have a grid like this: Capitalism | Nationalism | / | / | / |/ Authoritarian -------------------------------- Civil Liberalism / | / | / | / | Globalism | Socialism Where: Authoritarian - Civil Liberalism axis would be like the X - axis in a mathematical cartesian coordinate system Capitalism - Socialism axis would be like the Y - axis in a mathematical cartesian coordinate system Globalism - Nationalism axis would be like the Z - axis in a mathematical cartesian coordinate system If you were to plot two points somewhere directly along (or close too) at least two of the respective axis above in 3D space and draw a line between them you would have a graphical representation of the modern definition of either a Liberal or a Conservative of some type e.g. fiscal-conservative, social-conservative, fiscal-progressive, social-progressive, etc... If you were to plot two points somewhere around halfway between at least two of the respective axis above then you enter the libertarian realm, e.g. fiscal-libertarian, social-libertarian, national-populist, etc...
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 Also sorry if that was too technical of an explanation... I have been doing programming on a project for about 6 hours now, so my Right brain is kicked into overdrive atm... tl;dr it's basically a fancy or technical terminology for saying I'm unusual because I'm very much out in the middle between at least 2 of those axis in one direction or the other. Most people are not libertarian of any form btw, at least not in the U.S., if you go to say Canada you will find a large portion of the population could be considered a Social-Libertarian by our standards.
1pooh4u Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 1pooh4u[/member] The most effective way I can illustrate what Libertarianism actually is this: Imagine you have a grid like this: Capitalism | Nationalism | / | / | / |/ Authoritarian -------------------------------- Civil Liberalism / | / | / | / | Globalism | Socialism Where: Authoritarian - Civil Liberalism axis would be like the X - axis in a mathematical cartesian coordinate system Capitalism - Socialism axis would be like the Y - axis in a mathematical cartesian coordinate system Globalism - Nationalism axis would be like the Z - axis in a mathematical cartesian coordinate system If you were to plot two points somewhere directly along (or close too) at least two of the respective axis above in 3D space and draw a line between them you would have a graphical representation of the modern definition of either a Liberal or a Conservative of some type e.g. fiscal-conservative, social-conservative, fiscal-progressive, social-progressive, etc... If you were to plot two points somewhere around halfway between at least two of the respective axis above then you enter the libertarian realm, e.g. fiscal-libertarian, social-libertarian, national-populist, etc... Thanks for trying to explain this to me but I still don't get it :catsad I never really learned how to math
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 See above post I modified, for a much more brief explanation. You're just special and much more specific in those areas than a large number of people (at least in the US where most of the populous is Centrist of some type) that's all. I've been doing 3D graphics stuff today so my brain is all coordinates and matrices.... fucking shoot me. You'd also be considered the direct opposite type of libertarianism as say Master-Debator, though some of the principles will overlap in all forms of libertarianism.
1pooh4u Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 See above post I modified, for a much more brief explanation. You're just special and much more specific in those areas than a large number of people (at least in the US where most of the populous is Centrist of some type) that's all. I've been doing 3D graphics stuff today so my brain is all coordinates and matrices.... fucking shoot me. lol, I never had a grasp of numbers or any type of mathematics, probably an undiagnosed learning disability :catlol
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 I've always excelled at Math and Science, actually, most subjects in school but those are my best. I'm very bad at specific aspects of things such as spelling and grammar.... creativity of writing I'm fairly good at though when I'm not trailing off onto OCD typical explanations or tangents. Another way you might think of the difference is that while Master-Debater is of the spectrum of Libertarianism that is highly concerned with National Government interventionism into things like Free-Market capitalism, you would be in the spectrum of Libertarianism that is highly concerned with Corporate Control and interventionism. So pretty much the exact opposite, though you two might overlap and agree on some unrelated areas or you might not. I used to be of the Fiscal/Civil Libertarian branch which is a mixture of Fiscal libertarian and saying basically the government shouldn't interfere with anything that people do that otherwise doesn't affect others to any significant degree. That was about 6 to 8 years ago. Since then I've moved far closer to a centrist viewpoint with some strong left leanings on social policy and strong right leanings on national identity or patriotism with everything else being somewhat liberal...
1pooh4u Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 I've always excelled at Math and Science, actually, most subjects in school but those are my best. I'm very bad at specific aspects of things such as spelling and grammar.... creativity of writing I'm fairly good at though when I'm not trailing off onto OCD typical explanations or tangents. Another way you might think of the difference is that while Master-Debater is of the spectrum of Libertarianism that is highly concerned with National Government interventionism into things like Free-Market capitalism, you would be in the spectrum of Libertarianism that is highly concerned with Corporate Control and interventionism. So pretty much the exact opposite, though you two might overlap and agree on some unrelated areas or you might not. I used to be of the Fiscal/Civil Libertarian branch which is a mixture of Fiscal libertarian and saying basically the government shouldn't interfere with anything that people do that otherwise doesn't affect others to any significant degree. That was about 6 to 8 years ago. Since then I've moved far closer to a centrist viewpoint with some strong left leanings on social policy and strong right leanings on national identity or patriotism with everything else being somewhat liberal... Oh, now I think I get it, lol Actually MD and I do agree with a few things, mostly weed related :catlol
Ginguy Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 i actually expected you to be further on market. you seemed more of a Ayn Rand person I believe in competition, free markets and the ability of people to choose. I do however know that there are some people who would abuse that freedom, and that there does need to be a restricting force on the markets. The problem is that people want to restrict the markets to such a degree that innovation is stifled, and progress is retarded, usually under the guise of "fairness". This is often done to divide people in an attempt to garner votes, as opposed to addressing an actual imbalance.
Naraku4656 Posted October 26, 2017 Author Posted October 26, 2017 I got very similar results to you, but it seems you're more of a lefty than me. And for shits and giggles, I tried to go as far right as possible: i'm not that much further left than you
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 I kind of find it funny that this thing placed me far more towards the Center than like 99% of the people in here... lmao. My social progressiveness was lower than fucking Naraku and Kidney!!! WTF MATE! It's no wonder I don't get more kudos and get yelled at when I post here, you guys are all extremists to one end or the other.... I'm betting most of the other posters that are centrists avoid commenting on political or social stuff. @__@
Naraku4656 Posted October 26, 2017 Author Posted October 26, 2017 I kind of find it funny that this thing placed me far more towards the Center than like 99% of the people in here... lmao. My social progressiveness was lower than fucking Naraku and Kidney!!! WTF MATE! It's no wonder I don't get more kudos and get yelled at when I post here, you guys are all extremists to one end or the other.... I'm betting most of the other posters that are centrists avoid commenting on political or social stuff. @__@ wut are u talking about. i'm not extremist on anything...
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 You scored over 60% on every category... not to mention nearly 85% on societal axis lol... look at those results and then look at mine... Yours isn't as extreme as most of the others though. After all you like money....
Naraku4656 Posted October 26, 2017 Author Posted October 26, 2017 You scored over 60% on every category... not to mention nearly 85% on societal axis lol... look at those results and then look at mine... Yours isn't as extreme as most of the others though. After all you like money.... i think you're probably further right than i am, but yes money is pretty
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 That's what I'm saying... I just find it funny is all...
Naraku4656 Posted October 26, 2017 Author Posted October 26, 2017 but i don't hold any extreme opinions on anything really because that involves caring too much
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 I dunno, if you could jump through a money bin like Scrooge McDuck I'm pretty sure you'd feel pretty strongly about that. ?
Naraku4656 Posted October 26, 2017 Author Posted October 26, 2017 I dunno, if you could jump through a money bin like Scrooge McDuck I'm pretty sure you'd feel pretty strongly about that. ? if it was my money then yeah but that's not going to happen
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 You know I'd shower you with gold coins if I was a rich sultan or something. I like making people happy. ?
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 Giggity. Golden Showers really aren't my thing, but I do like to make people happy... ?
Ric Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 And, I'm centrist.
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 And, I'm centrist. Finally, someone else that's not a zealot.... ??
Naraku4656 Posted October 26, 2017 Author Posted October 26, 2017 uh just because you're a bit further left or right doesn't make you a zealot, just as being active in a church group doesn't necessarily make you a bible thumper.
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 Calm down Mr. Serious Also, I just realized after I checked in Firefox if my special emoji app is working on here that it doesn't show up the same... now I'm a sad panda...
Naraku4656 Posted October 26, 2017 Author Posted October 26, 2017 idk you write these Luuv-esque tl;dr posts now so idk what you think and what you don't
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 I've always written like that... only when I'm responding to something seriously... I just never wrote like that in IB, cause it was my place to act goofy and relax. Much like this place.
Hornshire Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 1pooh4u[/member] This just happened to be in Our suggested list and We thought it uncannily relevant. Not great, but a decent starting point.
Swimmod_Luna Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 I kind of find it funny that this thing placed me far more towards the Center than like 99% of the people in here... lmao. My social progressiveness was lower than fucking Naraku and Kidney!!! WTF MATE! It's no wonder I don't get more kudos and get yelled at when I post here, you guys are all extremists to one end or the other.... I'm betting most of the other posters that are centrists avoid commenting on political or social stuff. @__@ I'm not an extremest I just want to sieze the means of production.
Naraku4656 Posted October 26, 2017 Author Posted October 26, 2017 I'm not an extremest I just want to sieze the means of production. and i want progress. GIVE ME FLYING CARS
Swimmod_Luna Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 and i want progress. GIVE ME FLYING CARS What good are flying cars if the bourgeois scum are the only ones that can ever afford them. Sieze the means!
Sandstone Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 I'm not an extremest I just want to sieze the means of production. Athena Ninety-two[/member] This is made all the more epic and funny based on the fact there is a cow in your avatar. Also, the extremist part was a joking exageration... see what I mean? I can't go anywhere with yous guys.
pail Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 Intj Now just do a fedora tip and you'll have won at life.
Master-Debater131 Posted October 26, 2017 Posted October 26, 2017 Oh, now I think I get it, lol Actually MD and I do agree with a few things, mostly weed related :catlol <3 We probably agree on a lot of stuff, but yea, <3 :420:
Chapinator_X Posted October 27, 2017 Posted October 27, 2017 Got the Libertarian Socialism option, and as confused about what makes it different from the Social Liberalism option other than a couple points towards one side. Edit: Okay, I'm starting to get it. It's more libertarian in a textbook sense of a wide span of civil liberties. Our current real-life libertarians are more free market-centric, but the textbook definition would steer towards social freedoms as well (pot, porn, etc.). I probably hit more buttons in the latter sense while the economic side was for more of a regulatory process.
SwimModSponges Posted October 27, 2017 Posted October 27, 2017 81.7% socialist. 73.9% peaceful 79.2% libertarian 87.0 progressive. Libertarian socialist. Also a globalist cuck i guess?
Satou Kazuma Posted October 27, 2017 Posted October 27, 2017 so many Libertarian Socialism people in this thread.
Naraku4656 Posted October 27, 2017 Author Posted October 27, 2017 Got the Libertarian Socialism option, and as confused about what makes it different from the Social Liberalism option other than a couple points towards one side. Edit: Okay, I'm starting to get it. It's more libertarian in a textbook sense of a wide span of civil liberties. Our current real-life libertarians are more free market-centric, but the textbook definition would steer towards social freedoms as well (pot, porn, etc.). I probably hit more buttons in the latter sense while the economic side was for more of a regulatory process. i think it's further left than i am
Naraku4656 Posted October 27, 2017 Author Posted October 27, 2017 so many Libertarian Socialism people in this thread. not meeeeeeeeeee
Sandstone Posted October 27, 2017 Posted October 27, 2017 so many Libertarian Socialism people in this thread. Bunch of Commies, the lot of you.
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