PokeNirvash Posted February 25, 2017 Author Posted February 25, 2017 The first of Joseph's battles against the Pillar Men has concluded. With one Wedding Ring of Death having been disintegrated, all that's left for him to do is fight Wamuu to rid himself of the other, and then move forward into the inevitable final battle. But before he can do any of that, he finds it imperative to warn Lisa Lisa that the remaining Pillar Men are about to make their move. But unbeknownst to him, the supposedly defeated Esidisi isn't done with him just yet... In more treacherous parts of the schedule, a pissed-off Vegeta proceeds to throw everything he's got and thensome at Lord Beerus, Team Four Star (SHUT THE FUCK UP BEN) guest stars (or so we hear) in a so-called historical account of the Cell Games, Banagher learns exactly how the Unicorn Gundam is the "key" to Laplace's Box, Kurapika and the other bodyguard applicants find themselves having to face their prospective client's army of masked soldiers before they can even do anything, blah blah Naruto filler blah blah, Brook finally makes good on the promise he made to Luffy at the start of the arc less than a year ago, and the death of a former colleague pushes Togusa to figure out who did it and why. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #8 - Goku Makes an Entrance! A Last Chance from Lord Beerus!? - TV-PGV ... 11:30 - Dragonball Super #8 - Goku Makes an Entrance! A Last Chance from Lord Beerus!? - TV-PGV 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #106 - Who is the World's Greatest? The Tournament Preliminaries Begin! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #18 - Von Stroheim's Revenge - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14LSV (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #8 - Laplace, Where it All Began - TV-PGL 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #40 - Nen Users Unite? - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #147 - The Rogue Ninja's Past - TV-PG 2:30 - One Piece #381 - A New Crewmate! The Musician, Humming Brook - TV-PG 3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #4 - INTERCEPTER - TV-14 [niiiiiiiiiiiiiice] Quote
BUU8800 Posted February 26, 2017 Posted February 26, 2017 JoJo Suzie Q's Italian Orihime voice remains absolutely adorable. So very cute and...holy fuck naked Lisa Lisa! Those tits! That ass! I'm dead. Oh okay that thing was Esidisi's brain. Well as long as it doesn't take over anyone's body ala John Carpenter's The Thing...oh goddamnit! Possessed or not Stephanie Sheh should be forbidden by law to use such foul language, she's too pure! So JoJo and Caesar double teaming a girl saved her life...seems legit. Now's really not the time to admire your fallen foe JoJo. Off to Switzerland! One of us may come back in a body bag. Will it be JoJo? Caesar? Lisa Lisa? Or Mustache Guy? Hmmm...I wonder. JoJo to Suzie Q before leaving: "Don't worry I'll be back to impregnate you later!" He's such a romantic. Kars apparently likes dogs. Arms? Not so much. Geez, nazis again...lovely. Robo-Von Stroheim? Yeah, that might have surprised me except ya know...the episode title. Still, was this a good episode? Was Lisa Lisa naked for over half of it? Gundam Geez 6 minute recap and opening...again! Marida lived! Yay! She's going to Earth to be experimented on or something! Boo! Space pool looks like fun. Brown-haired Hitsugaya's angst is over 9000! I hope they can rescue Marida, but I'm feeling doubtful about their chances... Hunter Time for the A-Team to show off their abilities! Uryu makes soldiers. Discount Sensui controls dogs. Kurapika's good with chains and pokemon-esque dowsing. Beaver Boy can...huh? Girl?!? Uh...whatever you say Togashi...can hear hearts. Kuwabara's Dad has fire haikus. And Tits, the best member, has super sexy powers! These are their official names, unless I forget them. Were we supposed to recognize the tied up guy? I didn't. Gon and Killua still sailing. Gon/Killua: "We might be able to find info on Jean." Me: Who's Jean?.....30 seconds later......oh fuck they mean Ging don't they? Yes, that actually happened. Goddamnit dub you can't keep confusing me like this! Pronounce that second g! Quote
EmpressAngel Posted February 26, 2017 Posted February 26, 2017 JoJoSo JoJo and Caesar double teaming a girl saved her life...seems legit. I hope that's covered by my insurance next time I go to the ER. Jojo- Uh you got a thing on your back. I'm pretty sure Jojo's fight was tougher than Caesar's. Susie sounds like Brad Pitt's attempt at Italian in Inglorious Basterds. HELLOOOOO LISA LISA. Susie has the best job. Good god he's attractive. YES YOU'RE HANDSOME. You shut your mouth, his lips are great. It's okay baby I love you enough for multiple women. Bang that maid, Jojo. Ohhh that can't be a good thing. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't do the same thing. Boner alert. NICE. Wait what that's not right. OH THIS IS NOT GOOD. Sorry Jojo, there goes your best shot at getting laid. Aw fuck gotta go find the boat. Oh hey Caesar nice of you to join us. This is a weird day for everyone. Sorry Jojo, Casesar's gonna bang her instead. Goddammit Caesar could you do anything helpful. ACDC loves calling people dickheads. That's gotta suck for Susie. Well at least you tried. Aw fuck you failed. Owww that's gonna hurt. I mean at this point you'd might as well just kill her. Poor Jojo come here let me hug you and make out with you a little. Y'all can go ahead and double team me too after this. Did that screen just say 'nipple' because great. Now he's a Futurama brain again. He's so sweet I love him. She's had a bad day. Why the hell are they in Switzerland? That car is way too small for so much muscle. If I were her I'd take this time to get beyond drunk. He's such a giant dork I'm gonna fuck him. Awwww puppy. Nooooo puppy. Thanks, Kars. Let the boy sleep he's had a long day. STOP HONKING YOU FUCKER. Aw fuck it's more Germans. Oh no this can't be good. I want that necklace. I don't trust these Nazis. Thanks for the history lesson, narrator. This is just getting worse by the minute. How tall are they in American? And then they all died. Oh I got something you can eat, baby. Wait isn't he supposed to be dead? Why is he a goddamn terminator. I guess I should look on the bright side, at least this time the presumed-dead Nazi terminator didn't show up and shoot my boyfriend in the face. Gundam- Seriously show, thanks for the endless recap. Full Frontal is the most disappointing name. Did that lady die? I guess not. Ouch right in the babymaker. She's having a rough day. I dislike Benedryl. She's having a rough day. Yay BB-8 is here. I don't really like anyone in this show and that makes it really hard to care. So was the box just a bunch of money then? Dude's got a point, if you don't wanna be a soldier stop running out in the middle of fights every day. I don't really understand all this coordinate stuff. Never mention someone's family that's a great way to get them dead. Hunter- Just go out the window, guys. He stole those balls from Jojo. I would also take a bullet for a sweet rack. I like mustache guy. Stab him in the face! Shadow clone jutsu. Blond Sasuke is way smarter than me. I don't trust this guy, stab him in the face anyway. Seriously just go out the window, y'all. Is your tiny little ball a lie detector now? How did he even do that. Thanks for the lesson, mole man. I like the mole man he seems like a good friend. Wait what mole man is a mole girl wow that's unfortunate for her. That's some fantastic power right there. Okay buddy how much do I have to pay you to write me some filthy Jojo porn. You guys could have just done this first and saved some trouble. Talk to the boobs. That is the best power and I want it. MAKE OUT WITH ME, WOMAN. This is an awkward boner for everyone. Puppies! Well that was surprisingly easy. I want them all to be friends. Don't be rude to the sweet mole girl. Well I mean you got one of those items right there in your face. Meanwhile, fucking weeb. CAW CAW MOTHERFUCKER. I miss the hot idiot. Naruto- Quick question can you drive from Venice to Switzerland and then back to Rome in like five days? I don't know distances...or car speeds...or basic math. One Piece- Please just let me stop crying, show. SONG, DRINK. Brook I'm pretty sure you went completely bonkers for awhile there. Hug that skeleton, Luffy! FUCK YEAH, SKELETON CREW. You idiots. I too know how it feels to be drunk and confused. I LOVE BROOK SO MUCH. Yaaaaay happy whale! He's so happy I'm gonna cry. No really, is his bounty still valid? I'm already proud of you, Brook! YOHOHOHOHO. Music buddies! Awwwww they made a grave for them that's so nice. Ah yes, the beloved crewmate UFCJ03JTUSA MRRUKAFAT. Song, drink! Oh hi Zoro you can move. I'm never gonna get tired of the skull jokes. I love you, Lola. Show me some mermaids! Mermaids don't wear underpants, Brook. I'm sure Lola's mom won't be important later at all. Oh hey that's a nifty idea. AAAAAAAAAAAAACE. I get two boyfriends in one night I am a lucky girl. OH NO WHY DOES EVERYTHING I LOVE DIE. Is it time for Ace rescue arc? Bye Lola and everybody else. Oh fuck what is that. I'm not okay with this, go rescue him now! Go bail him out or I'll get mad. If he dies I'm punching you. MORE PARTY. Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted February 26, 2017 Posted February 26, 2017 Jojo... Did that screen just say 'nipple' because great. Naruto- Quick question can you drive from Venice to Switzerland and then back to Rome in like five days? I don't know distances...or car speeds...or basic math. It was "ripple." Sorry to disappoint you there. This is only a rough guess based on a map, but I'd say you're looking at between 900 and 1000 miles total, depending on where in Switzerland you're going. As for doing that in five days, maybe, if they were dealing with modern paved roads, which isn't a given for the whole trip due to when this part of the story takes place. There's a reason rail travel was the way to go for long trips back then. BUU: I'm not ready to agree with you about Baise yet, but I certainly won't disagree at this point. DBS - Vegeta did well. Granted, he was going all-out with the fate of the Earth on the line, while Goku was trying not to rile Beerus to prevent him from getting worked up enough to destroy the Earth, but the fact remains that Vegeta scored more than one hit on Beerus and made him actually block instead of simply dodging. Still, Goku was tougher, since it only took one hit to put Vegeta on the deck instead of the two it took to knock Goku to the ground. I feel like Bulma talked Beerus back into the idea of destroying the Earth after he was willing to give it a reprieve due to the quality of our cuisine by framing it as sparing us until he was done with his tasting tour of the world. Oolong rock-paper-scissoring with Beerus for the fate of the Earth was dumb, and Oolong was dumb to throw the same thing three times in a row. He deserved that kick from Puar. DBZK - At least the ring announcer guy, who was around back in DB, knew the score. I liked when he asked Piccolo not to blow up the ring this time. I don't believe Krillin. Certainly all of the fighters who came with him to enter could easily defeat Mr. Satan. Even Chi Chi, who isn't fighting, could probably do it. However, he said everyone, and that includes Marron, who he came with could defeat Mr. Satan easily. You, know, his young daughter who possibly has no training at all. While Krillin is a strong human fighter, he attained that strength through years of training (and a little boost from the Grand Elder on Namek). It's not like he passed any special genetic potential for power to Marron, like Goku did to Gohan and Goten. She could become strong eventually, if she puts in the effort, but she's far too young and inexperienced to take on Mr. Satan. However, Krillin was right that Gohan has caught the attention of a cute one in Videl. Ah, yes, the "malfunctioning" punching machine. At least Vegeta showed the other human fighters what their group was truly capable of doing if they felt like it, and he gave the officials an excuse to bring out another machine rather than tinker with the one that was there. I forget whether we get to know what Videl's score is. Now I'm curious. I guess it'll have to wait for next week. While having a Junior Division is a good idea in principle, having it be one group of 15-and-under is a bit too broad. Were Goten and Trunks ordinary children of their ages (7 and 8, respectively), then the blond mullet kid would be too much for them because of his probably better coordination and much longer reach. Poke, that was mean. Calling this movie Team Four Star's telling of the Cell Games is a vicious insult to Team Four Star's writing talents. JoJo - I take exception with the bumper as we head out of DBZK and into the pre-JoJo commercials. It's the part where Joseph, before learning that Speedwagon survived Staitso's treachery, said to give Speedwagon his best in Hell. That implies that Speedwagon is/was Hellbound. I would like to believe that the influence of Jonathan and later Erina on Speedwagon was such that Speedwagon repented of his earlier villainous thug ways, got right with the Lord, and lived an upright and honorable life. Suzie, you're cute and all, but my goodness, woman! It's just a shirt for the day! Pick one! To the surprise of no one, Lisa has a rather shapely booty. I wasn't expecting her to go commando, though. That's not a complaint. It's just a statement. What, Suzie? Surely you're not serious. The breath control mask didn't hide that much of Joseph's face. As for Joseph's shameless flirting, I would expect as much at this point. Shameful, Joseph. Sure, Lisa is hot, but peeping isn't cool, yo. Frankly, I was surprised that Lisa didn't somehow lay a hamon trap to zap Caesar or Joseph if they tried that. Thankfully it worked out that Joseph was able to rush to Lisa's aid when the brainjacked Susie started to threaten Lisa. I liked the simultaneous voices for infested Suzie. That sounded super creepy, and I think that's exactly what they wanted. Joseph talking so much about hitting the controlled Suzie with a hamon punch telegraphed that he wouldn't do it. I'm not sure about the way they drove Esidisi's brain out of her, though. The different polarities of the hamon cancelling one another would protect her, but that should also negate their effect on Esidisi's brain. Oh well. Once the brain was out, I was cool with Joseph letting the sun melt it. However, I'm not cool with Suzie surviving as she did because of something we didn't see. She bled a lot from the wounds Esidisi inflicted on her. I would expect that she lost several pints of blood. I would've expected her to need at least an i.v. of saline to increase her blood volume after Lisa (or Caesar, or Joseph) healed her wounds with hamon, if not a blood transfusion, but we saw neither of those fluids administered to her, and yet she was on her feet, alone and unsupported by any implement, to see them off mere minutes after Lisa got dressed and the car was brought around so they could give chase to the Star of Aja. Um, nope. It sure was convenient that the customs checkpoint stopped the train long enough for our group to catch up to it. As for the German Army intercepting it, rats. Since the JoJo manga is from the 1980s and 1990s, then I guess the FMA series writers ripped off cyborg!von Stroheim when they came up with Terminarcher. I was curious as to why he was able to walk so naturally as he left the train, and I'm with Kars in wondering why he (von Stroheim) didn't show up in Kars energy-detection sweep. At first, I started to feel bad for the stray dog that was about to be hit by the drunk driver, but then I remembered that were Kars to intervene, it wouldn't be to remove the dog from the dangerous location, but rather to act on the dangerous object to cause it to change trajectory. I can't really feel bad for a drunk driver crashing and killing himself and his soused passenger, but he wasn't truly at fault in the crash, since Kars severed his hands while he was driving, which caused him to lose control of the vehicle. MSG: U - Okay, Audrey and Riddhe made it into the lower atmosphere without incident. That's a good sign. Links, even if you had a mini mind-meld with Marida, it still feels like you're talking out your butt about things you don't know. Oh well. I guess that's what wide-eyed idealism is supposed to look like here. It makes sense that a technological Newtype like Marida would have scars from her conversion procedure, but I'm guessing Links was responsible for several of her injuries as well. I'm not sure why her heart rate spiked and she started tensing up like that, but I'd guess it has something to do with the medication that Dr. Hasan mentioned, which a Federation ship may not have, since they weren't the side that made technological Newtypes. It is interesting that Marida's Zaku has pirated elements of the psychoframe technology that the Unicorn Gundam uses. Maybe that's why Links was able to commandeer her drones in their last fight. If the psychoframe serves as (part of?) the interface between the pilot and the drones, then the signal from the Unicorn Gundam could simply have been a stronger signal (due to it being a newer, more refined version of the technology) which overrode her Zaku's signal. As for Daguza riding in the Unicorn Gundam with Links to some coordinates, maybe we'll get some answers about what information the Unicorn Gundam and Laplace's Box are holding next episode. Also, it looked like it was shown as La+, not Laplace. Now I'm curious to know which is the case. HxH - Of course Milluki was able to get the information he needed to rebuild Greed Island from the memory card. Why not? Good luck beating the game, kid. Okay, Kurapika's nen chain can dowse. Neat. Plus, Basho can make what he writes, to an extent, come true with his nen. I forget the name of the buck-toothed one, who is evidently an old woman, is but that heartbeat detection thing seems like a very useful skill. Good on Kurapika and the others for finding the two plants in their midst and getting them to call off their attacks. However, regarding Squala and the dogs, it's entirely possible that the Dobermans would attack anyway, because that's part of their territorial and "protective" nature. Baise has some self-defense skills, but not such great ones that she didn't need to use the enthralled butler as a human shield. Poor guy. Regarding each bodyguard applicant needing to find one of five objects, it strikes me as more deception through which the Hunters must see. They already saw through there not being enough objects on the list for each applicant, but now they have to contend with one another seeking out the same items, with the possibility that one (or more) applicant(s) might try to get more than one of the items in order to increase their odds of getting the job. However, the mummy hands and a "scale" from someone with a rare skin condition are things that there are likely far more than one of them in the world to be had, so one of the applicants getting one would not preclude another applicant from getting a different one. Shippuden - At least Yamato and the Mist ninja captain were able to reach an agreement to prevent an escalation of violence between their Villages. Really, Hotaru? A scrape made you feverish that quickly? Are you sure you don't have an immune disorder? Utakata said the forbidden jutsu was carved onto Hotaru's skin, but that looked like something was implanted in her torso. Without seeing it from the front, I can't be certain that it doesn't go straight through her. If that is the case, then how was it implanted without damaging her spinal cord? Well, even if it doesn't go through her, I would expect it to be at least partially integrated into her spinal cord so that she has no choice but to protect it with her life, since losing it would kill her or cripple her from that site down. Either way, yes, yes, she's like Naruto in that she has this dangerous thing in her which she didn't volunteer to accept, and she'll die if it's ever removed. I'm somewhat curious what the thing in Utakata is or was. As for whether his master tried to remove it or implanted it, I would like to know what actually happened. OP - Getting Brook to join was probably the easiest ask-and-answer Luffy's ever had. I don't remember Ace giving Luffy that Life Paper, so if anyone can tell me when that happened, I would like to know. As for Ace's shrinking, that sure sounds bad, given what we know about Blackbeard capturing him for the W.G. The Paper growing when things are going well for the person sure sounds like magic to me, but eh. Now I'm curious as to who Lola's mother is and what the circumstances will be of the Straw Hats meeting her. Zoro leaving his rust-destroyed sword with the memorial/grave for the Rumbar Pirates was nice. Thanks for making it so intricate, Franky, and thanks for getting the Rumbar Pirates' ship ready for Lola and her crew to sail it. Okay, now I want to know what the glowing red lights in the fog of the Florian Triangle were. Actual ghosts? Giants? Sea kings? Aliens? What's the story, show? GitS - Yep, a simple lack of the proper paperwork being done in advance re-opened the can of worms for TLM and the suppression of the Murai Vaccine. That's some mighty impressive hacking, though. Not only did TLM impose the graphic on the news feeds, but he hacked Daido's eyes to see it as well, all while controlling the body of someone who was ostensibly resisting and would have a formidable defensive barrier for his cyberbrain. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted February 26, 2017 Author Posted February 26, 2017 Poke, that was mean. Calling this movie Team Four Star's telling of the Cell Games is a vicious insult to Team Four Star's writing talents. Hey, the lineup promo from Run the Jewels night promised me a , and I was just basing my schedule rundown off of that. Don’t blame me for the blatant false advertising that was on display there, blame FUNimation for being complete fuck-ups! ::: DRAGONBALL SUPER I actually didn’t watch the 8PM premiere this time. Had to eat dinner late, so I took advantage of the fact that my family now gets Cinemax to watch the end of Dirty Harry, and then the beginning of Summer of ’42 before my folks decided that Dallas Buyers Club on one of the HBO stations we also now get was more worth their time. So yeah, going into it mostly blind this week. If you don’t count me browsing through the Wikipedia synopsis… -_' Say what you want, but Gotenks deserved to get hurt. Now it’s Vegeta’s problem. And then he went Super Saiyan 2. Twenty bucks says Goku doesn’t make his entrance ‘til the end. I love that whole column of open space in the water effect. I imagine that rocky surface is what the bottom of Enies Lobby looks like. Is that the Final Flash? I think that’s the Final Flash. “Say goodbye, you repugnant bastard!!” The only word that goes good with “repugnant” is “maggot”. I blame Sera. Apparently Beerus only gets visibly injured whenever it comes out of nowhere, like Bulma’s bitchslap. Whis is still the best. SUPER SAIYAN STATUS: SWITCHED OFF. GRATUITOUS VEGETA CROTCHSHOT. [mochi intensifies] OH FUCK YOU BEERU-never mind. Thank you, Bulma, for saving everyone’s asses. For the time being. You think the Pilaf Gang even noticed that Beerus was there? FOOL! YOU NEVER FORGET THE LEFTOVERS! …Come again? Okay, so he does know that Beerus is there. And so marks the first time Oolong’s been relevant since Dragonball. Oh hey, Gohan’s joined the rest of the comic relief characters. That’s what happens when you’re knocked out in one blow, apparently. “Let’s rock.” I get it! Again. Whis. The best. I really need to get back to my Jack marathon. IT’S A TIE! That is a surprisingly good point, Oolong. Speaking of tea… Hopefully this doesn’t turn out like the Regular Show pilot. And by “any prize”, she means her used panties. [facepalm] Dammit Oolong, why is it always scissors with you? Oh yeah, Puar still exists. YOHOHOHOHOHO. Always a fearful optimist, that Krillin. TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH GOKU. I had a feeling he was gonna point out how ridiculous Beerus’s decision to destroy Earth was. Super Saiyan please. Man, I don’t know whether to like Beerus or hate him. Maybe both? That’s our Goku, always popping in at the last second even when he has no reason to. Huh, no ending narration this time. Come to think of it, has there ever been one this season? TOP BILLING: Beerus, for both last week and this week. DRAGONBALL Z KAI “I shall call you Mini-Me.” “Actually, my name’s Goten.” Fuck you, blonde reporter lady. And of course, Vegeta and Piccolo agree. Way to go Piccolo. I kinda like the simple design of these attendant guys. Oh hey, even furries are competing! This announcer is a really cool guy. HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN! Is that Tao Pai Pai I see in the background there? Krillin is on point this episode. Eh, 137 ain’t that high. To be honest, I forget if Tien showed up with them or not. “I’d let her knock me out anytime.” And I bet you regretted it in Future Trunks’ timeline. Huh, Goku was actually holding back more than Krillin there. Fuck yeah Vegeta. I bet you anything TOM’s thoughts on this game are pretty much Demarco’s exactly. So does that mean he’s a #1 seed? Welp, time to kill some more time. Krillin totally ships Gohan/Videl. He made a good call there. GO GO SATAN. It’s funny when Satan gets hurt. Oh boy, this is the best part… By the way, here’s the original version. THIS SHORT FILM BROUGHT TO YOU BY WAVES AND ROCKS, AND VIEWERS LIKE YOU. …Okay, that was not the dub I was expecting, nor the one that was advertised. It sounds like they just remastered the audio from the above link instead of trying to be original. I WANT MY TEAM FOUR STAR PORTRAYAL GODDAMMIT! I WANT MY ‘HIS COOLNESS IS OVER NINE THOUSAND’!! Eh, at least I can appreciate them combining the old not-so-good dub with the new and better one for the true Cell Games Reenactment experience. Yo, check out the southern hick. Fuck you and your mullet! TOP BILLING: Gohan last week, some attendant this week. Also, boo on the credits people for crediting 18 as “Artificial Human”. Even Shenron is intimidated by Lord Beerus! Also… “We’re screwed.” > Piccolo, you the best excluding Whis. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE SCREENCAP #1: A beautiful morning shot with frightening implications. Nah, that heavy feeling is coming from that brain latched onto your back. Okay, I think I might be getting used to Suzie Q’s accent, but I still think Bryce Papenbrook does the bad Italian one better than Stephanie Sheh. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Susie sounds like Brad Pitt's attempt at Italian in Inglorious Basterds.” Eh, she was actually attempting an accent, so I’d say it was more like the Bear Jew’s attempt at Eye-talian. ITALIAN DOUSHIO. We may have been gypped out of a TFS rendition of the Cell Games Reenactment tonight, but at least we’ll always have naked Lisa Lisa. :fap: SUDDENLY JOSEPH. I can’t fault his lips looking weird, they were almost burned off by Esidisi just last episode. GRATUITOUS JOJO ASS SHOT. It’s natural to think of Joseph as being hot, especially once you get used to the JoJo art style. [MENACING] What a mouthful, subtitles. And now for a part that is in no way disappointing. Unlike you-know-what… ::]:: NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE~. Clearly Joseph was so distracted by Lisa Lisa’s hot bod that he didn’t notice her surroundings. Ectoplasm! Clearly the mansion is haunted by perverted ghosts. Oh god, it’s nothing but sclera! With the occasional weird iris pattern. Okay, I’m kinda loving how kino the shading here is. One of the things I love about this episode is the overlap between Suzie Q and Esidisi’s voices during their speaking lines throughout the whole possession scene. Caesar, you so tsundere. It’s kinda funny that the Esidisi-possessed Suzie Q thinks Caesar won’t pick on her, since they both have obviously faked Italian accents. Another thing I love is that while Caesar is trying to warp this situation into a clichéd misunderstanding, Lisa Lisa – who actually knows what’s going on – is backing Joseph up in his insistence that it’s not. They said “dickheads”. AND THEY SAID IT AGAIN! Bluff Status: failed. There’s something oddly attractive about the possessed Suzie Q. Turns out Demarco liked the game after all. SCREENCAP #2: The Italian postal service doing their job. Welp, there goes the attractive quality. Ah yes, Von Stroheim. You’d think his exploding would cause the nightmares, but you’d be surprised. Two opposite types of Hamon working together in a manner that will destroy Esidisi but spare Suzie Q. Now that’s a good plan. It’s rare to have a protagonist that’s compassionate to those he’s rightfully enemies with. HAMON HYPNOSIS OVERDRIVE. We going to neutral territory now! ROAD TRIP! Okay, I think I ship those two now. That puppy looked like it got punched in the face, but it turns out that’s just how its cheeks look. FUCK YOU DRUNK DRIVERS. AND THANK YOU KARS. I also love how the passenger starts downing the whole wine bottle upon realizing he and his buddy are fucked. Oh no, it’s the Nazis! That dude in the back looks awfully familiar… “I don’t know any German soldiers!” No alive ones, anyways. German spies are very covert. Better it be in the hands of the Nazis than in the hands of the Pillar Men. That may sound ridiculous, but you’ll thank me later. REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “How tall are they in American?” About 6 ft. Oh god, the one half-head on top of the other’s head. How grotesque. FUCK YEAH CYBORG VON STROHEIM. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 What series is worse with its use of recap: this show, or One Piece? 666? Well isn’t that subtle. I still have no idea why that woman looks so butch. So that means she’s infertile, right? Alberto’s such a loser. He wasn’t brainwashed, in fact his mind is saner than it’s ever been! “Don’t look at me with those big ol’ eyes.” Oh geez, that’s a nasty burn. Banagher made a smart move, getting out of there before things got worse. FUCK YEAH 3D BILLIARDS. Haro is fun. Now who are these guys? Blond Sasuke’s parents, maybe? Random British guy. The more I look at that woman on the comm, the less attractive she looks. Damn you, ‘80s art style! I say listen to Richard Epcar, he makes some very good points. The captain dude just wants to make some tea, not listen to Banagher bickering with people more qualified than him. And then Alberto left the series, never to be seen again. Why is the music in this series so good? YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. Oh hey, that’s Patrick Seitz’s voice! Yep, that guy’s totally dead. Dang, I’m just not with it this week in regards to the preview, am I? What type of first name for a lady is Sloane anyways? HUNTER x HUNTER Has anyone else noticed that Kurapika’s outfit looks kinda… different? Bald rat girl seems pretty dang nervous. IT TAKES THAT MANY CHARACTERS TO SPELL “NEN USERS UNITE”!? I was wondering why the butler in that scene had heart eyes and was taking the bullets, and Baise’s Nen technique from last episode answered that perfectly. That guy with the pompadour and facial hair is so cool. I love the femdom chick. Turns out there was a mole in their midst, and it wasn’t the one that looks like one. Excellent detective skills there, Kurapika. And in the end, the only casualty was the butler. I’m surprised Kurapika didn’t correct him on that. NOW IT’S TIME FOR THE JUDGEMENT. Of course the sensor goes off near the brown dude. Seeing how he was already at the mansion last episode while calling his girlfriend about taking care of her dogs, I’m not really surprised that he’s the other mole. Guy made the right move, refusing the girl’s overpriced lemonade. At least he didn’t ask if it was Ice-T. The rat girl is oddly cute for someone so conventionally unattractive. Pretty cool, too. Oh hey, pompadour dude is doing something! TOONAMI HAIKU TIME! ;D I love this dude, no homo. Anyone who hates this show can go home. That means you, Ben. Kurapika: “I swear I’ve heard that sound effect somewhere before.” Before now, “180 Minute Love Slave” meant listening to this for three straight hours. Well, that scene sure was something. owo But I wanna know what the bulldog was gonna do. So she would keep a man as a pet then… Uh… Who’s this dude supposed to be? RANDOM LATIN CHANTING! Meanwhile, at the Zoldyck family estate… Wipe your mouth, dude. Best seat in the house. Is it just me, or do Killua’s sleeves make him look kinda femboyish? FALCON INCOMING! Oh, so that’s why he’s wearing the elbow sleeves. You fools! Smoking will never die! Especially when they find a way to give us cigarettes with all the joys and none of the negative side effects. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Okay, that one guy down there definitely looks too much like Haku to be coincidence. Maybe he’s his brother? Or perhaps his sister? He’s only gonna need one shadow clone for this job. I’m still way too distracted by the Haku doppelganger to comment on anything else. Though the Kirisame technique is pretty cool. “Don’t be aggressive, Naruto.” What’s the better phrase to drink shots to: Bingo Book or Trump Card? YAMATO: MASTER NEGOTIATOR. Oh hey, their leader’s here. Good that he’s more reasonable than his underlings. Woo, success! Things changed after Zabuza got himself killed. I’m still waiting for the context behind that flashback. His master looked like a creepy dude, or maybe that was just the lighting. REVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENGE! Utakata’s such a dick, and yet I hate Angelo more between the two Sinterniklaas characters. Yamato is the best character of this arc. Clearly the first thing you should do is check and see if Sakura’s doing alright by herself, it’s been forever since we last saw her. If he tries to run away, threaten him with Draconian methods, that always works. MUSIC VIDEO OF THE MOMENT: The video was neat and the main girl was cute. The song, however, was really shit. Like, a 3/10 on my stilted scoring system. “I wonder why he doesn’t want me to call him Master.” Not everyone’s into the whole dom/sub thing, girl. Sir doesn’t really work either. Sensei is always a good pick in the Narutoverse, though. I personally feel like Iruka was more of a father figure to Naruto than Jiraiya, but I get what he’s saying. Damn, if only Sakura were here! :-\ Huh, Naruto knows a little something about medicinal herbs. Guess getting beaten by that middle-aged lady for pulling some out with her weeds really taught him a bit. Like know which plants to pull out while weeding. It was an easy find, but it could’ve been soooo much easier. “Uh… It’s not what it looks like!?” Still, that’s one freaky growth on her back. To hell with forbidden jutsu, indeed. And now we have a sympathy angle. What the actual fuck was that commercial. A singing shrimp? That sounds like a worse dream than the one I had two nights ago. ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Brook, for both last week and this week. Does that one dude have pigtails? I still don’t get what the big deal is about the whole “chopsticks up the nose” thing. Looks stupid and kinda uncomfortable. Well, that and your dreams. Brook’s head thing is so cool. ;D I knew Brook was gonna join the Straw Hats, well, the first time I saw him with the others in the promotional material, but it was pretty much a given after he got his shadow back. But still, congrats to the 9th official Straw Hat Pirate! Robin giggling is actually pretty cute. <3 SKULL JOKES~. To confusion! Alright, now I’m starting to feel secondhand embarrassment. But the 45-degrees thing is impressive, all the way down to the shadow. Meanwhile, Laboon’s having a little celebration of his own. I love all these newspaper articles covering Iceberg’s search for a replacement secretary. Is that a Yagara trying to audition for the spot? Now that is an introduction-acceptance speech. Bravo, Brook. Luffy gets two beers because Zoro’s too unconscious to drink for himself. Remember Franky’s guitar? I can’t read shit on that tombstone. Nice to see that Franky’s come to accept the name selected for the Sunny, even though he designed the head to look like that of a lion. Still so very moving… :'( Oh hey, Zoro’s awake again! Goodbye, rusted sword. The Halloween-themed Chance the Wrapper commercial will always be the best one. The bandages already did their job, hence he no longer needs them. Almost forgot all about Brook’s love of panties. “Mermaids don’t wear any panties~.” That they do not. BEST NAMEDROP THUS FAR AND YOU’LL SEE WHY IN HALF A YEAR. And a little sneak preview into where the manga currently is on top of it all! Speaking of, has that Veevr card been used yet? One Piece worldbuilding is actually pretty neat and informative. ACE FLASHBACK, GO! That burning must have something to do with his upcoming execution. SO LONG, THRILLER BARK! T_T7 As far as Luffy’s concerned, that’s the second-best seat in the house. Ooh, how intimidatingly interesting… CHEERS! Welcome to the wonderful world of air travel, Brook. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX When I was younger, I tended to have strange and nonsensical theories about certain things, one of which surrounded this episode. One Moral Orel episode I saw half of on one of the nights where I woke up super-early to record the weekday anime reruns over a decade ago had the Italian family move to a new house after their old one was torched, and the one that aired the next day had the daughter inexplicably confined to a wheelchair. Now, I know it was setup for the joke that this cute and friendly puppy could fix even the injuries of the crippled, but I came up with the theory that she was put in the wheelchair because one of the boxes her family was unpacking in the previous episode fell on her legs. That’s the reasonable part. The unreasonable part was my belief that the father sued the moving company over that stunt, explaining why the GITS episode – this episode – that followed the latter Moral Orel episode had a FedEx box that didn’t have FedEx’s name on it, but that of a knockoff name; because the moving company that was sued had to change it. It’s a stupid theory, but it was fun, and there’s no denying that. Also, cyborg Babycakes is the best minor character. [i wanna live on a mountain] Quote
Blatch Posted February 26, 2017 Posted February 26, 2017 MUSIC VIDEO OF THE MOMENT: The video was neat and the main girl was cute. The song, however, was really shit. Like, a 3/10 on my stilted scoring system. I barely even listened to it. For the most part, I just wish we had more music videos that didn't rely on trippy visuals as a selling point, like the video from Royal Crown featuring the guy beheading convenience store mascots. That one was an all-timer. As for this week... I enjoyed both Dragon Balls. The scene with the punching machine in KFC was funny. I bet the people in charge probably thought about straight up cancelling the tournament when Vegeta broke the machine, and they probably would have if he had broken it using a modicum of less effort. JoJo's was fun, as were Gundam and Hunter. I wish I had remembered to make a comment for last week about how the butler in that mansion place looked like an evil Hayakawa, but even now, he still is. And I wish he had gotten just a little bit more exposure. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted February 26, 2017 Posted February 26, 2017 I don't remember Ace giving Luffy that Life Paper, so if anyone can tell me when that happened, I would like to know. Back when they arrived in Alasbata with Vivi, Ace showed up to play around, fought Smoker, and gave Luffy his paper without explaining what it is. Quote
moose Posted February 28, 2017 Posted February 28, 2017 Back when they arrived in Alasbata with Vivi, Ace showed up to play around, fought Smoker, and gave Luffy his paper without explaining what it is. I don't blame him for not knowing though, since Toei stupidly added that important canon plot-point into the tail end of a filler episode (a terrible one at that). Quote
Ginguy Posted February 28, 2017 Posted February 28, 2017 DBZ Super- Well, so much for Vegeta. It was interesting to see Bitch Goku though, that doesn't happen very often. We'll see how Chenron handles things, probably by saying nope to everything and sending the DB scatting across the globe again. Jojo - I think Lisa Lisa is pretty much the only reason to watch at this point. Is there a Godwin's Law for anime, I feel there should be one. About the only time of late I felt like ignoring this was Izetta, but that was because it was really well done and not flagrant about it. HxH- Kurapika sure improved himself, and he did it using his mind, which is a nice change of pace. Vengeance type quests end badly though, someone should fill him in on that. I am enjoying the series though. Gundam Unicron - So, we find out a bunch of backstory, which is important, and find out that not every soldier is a total tool. Unrelated, apparently there is a remastered version of SEED. Hmm, HD Lacus, this warrants investigation. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted February 28, 2017 Posted February 28, 2017 I don't blame him for not knowing though, since Toei stupidly added that important canon plot-point into the tail end of a filler episode (a terrible one at that). You mean you didn't like Ace dicking around with a giant lizard? Quote
Cille Posted March 1, 2017 Posted March 1, 2017 Can't... stop... watching... In other news, I had a dream this morning about being naked in a bath with a similarly naked Jojo. And then the alarm went off. :| :| :| Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 1, 2017 Author Posted March 1, 2017 Eh, it's more relevant to this thread than the dream I had last weekend about President Trump buying me Asian hookers. Quote
Cille Posted March 3, 2017 Posted March 3, 2017 Hey man it was my dream he chose to show up in. Quote
Ginguy Posted March 3, 2017 Posted March 3, 2017 Clearly this can only be settled in a kiddie pool full of jello. Quote
Cille Posted March 3, 2017 Posted March 3, 2017 Naked Jojo in a kiddie pool full of Jello, I endorse this. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 4, 2017 Posted March 4, 2017 I feel like Jojo has enough room in his heart for both of us. I mean like literally, you could motorboat those pecs. He might not fit in a kiddie pool though but I am still 100% cool with the nudity. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 4, 2017 Author Posted March 4, 2017 In their pursuit of the Super Aja separated from them by Esidisi, Joseph, Lisa Lisa, Caesar and Messina have headed to Saint Moritz in Switzerland to get it back. On their way there, a group of German soldiers retrieved the Red Stone for their own purposes, and agreed to an alliance with our quartet of heroes to keep the Pillar Men from getting their hands on it. However, upon their arrival in the Swiss resort town, the Pillar Man known as Kars finally makes his move. As far as we know, only one man can stop him. Or rather, one machine... Before I start bragging about the wonders of German science, Goku brings out the Dragon Balls to wish Beerus up a Super Saiyan God, Goten and Trunks show off their skill sets in the World Martial Arts Tournament Junior Division, Banagher and Daguza arrive at the supposed location of Laplace's Box, Gon and Killua finally make landing in Yorknew City but they aren't the only ones anticipating the grand auction, Naruto and Utakata return to Mount Katsuragi to find out how to remove the jutsu seal on Hotaru's back, the bane of Angel's existence returns to once again throw her into her own personal hell (but on the bright side, Porche!), and the Major passes up the chance to lez out with her friends in favor of Section 9's newest task: investigating the police's suspect in the Laughing Man case. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #9 - Thanks for Waiting, Lord Beerus! A Super Saiyan God is Born at Last! - TV-PG ... 11:30 - Dragonball Super #9 - Thanks for Waiting, Lord Beerus! A Super Saiyan God is Born at Last! - TV-PG 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #107 - Everyone is Surprised! Goten and Trunks' Super Battle! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #19 - A Race to the Brink - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14LV (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #9 - Retribution - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #41 - Gathering of Heroes - TV-PGL 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #148 - Heir to Darkness - TV-PG 2:30 - One Piece #382 - The Slow-Slow Menace! "Silver Fox" Foxy Returns - TV-PGL 3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #5 - DECOY - TV-14LS Now, I know what you're thinking. "Man, more Naruto filler? Hasn't Ghost in the Shell been run into the ground by now? WHY THE HELL IS FOXY ON MY TV SCREEN!?" Well, if you have Turner Classic Movies, try switching over to it for two hours. Believe it or not, they're actually airing a legitimate anime tonight! Granted, it's from 1973, super-experimental, and nearly bankrupted one of Osamu Tezuka's anime studios, but hey, it's kid-unfriendly anime on basic cable. Might as well live it up before it disappears like Chiller Ani-Wednesdays. 2:15 - Belladonna of Sadness - TV-MA Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 4, 2017 Posted March 4, 2017 2:30 - One Piece #382 - The Slow-Slow Menace! "Silver Fox" Foxy Returns - TV-PGL 2:15 - Belladonna of Sadness - TV-MA FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Wait what holy shit. Quote
Cille Posted March 5, 2017 Posted March 5, 2017 I feel like Jojo has enough room in his heart for both of us. I mean like literally, you could motorboat those pecs. He might not fit in a kiddie pool though but I am still 100% cool with the nudity. This is very true. There's little point in fighting over him when he would probably be ecstatic to have a harem of hot babes throwing themelves at him. Or a mini-harem. Whatever two hot babes count as. I guess if we counted Suzie Q that would be enough for an actual harem. Now I want to see Jojo wearing a kiddie pool as like a poncho or something. Anyway. I guess I'll have to DVR that whatever it is if I can find what channel TCM is. Quote
Top Gun Posted March 5, 2017 Posted March 5, 2017 TIL that we only get TCM in standard-def because Verizon is dicks. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 5, 2017 Posted March 5, 2017 So what, we each get him to ourselves for two days and then group date on Sunday because I can roll with that. The kiddie pool is full of tequila. Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 5, 2017 Posted March 5, 2017 JoJo TV issues just as JoJo starts...wonderful. Robo-Von Stroheim looks so much like Colonel Guile from Street Fighter. Chest machine gun vs arm scythe chainsaw...chainsaw wins. But laser eye beams win over all! The red stone! It's very slowly sliding away! Now THAT'S a cliffhanger...oh no, wait they went over. This fall sure is taking awhile. Nice idea using the stone as a shield JoJo. Icicles...is there anything they can't do? Gah! That laugh! Rivals Esidisi for creepiness. Well this episode still has time to kill, how about we have JoJo troll a cat who was asking for it? I see Kars went with the Fright Night look for his house...nice. Caesar what's wrong? You're acting uncharacteristically angsty. Must be his time of the month...flashback/backstory time that is! Honestly though his sudden mood swing felt kinda forced and definitely out of nowhere. Gundam Yay more padding! Damnit Marida don't save him he's gonna experiment on you! She certainly looked badass though. Too bad they didn't save her...I think? Uh oh, Richard Epcar pulled an Android 16. Luckily so did the dad whose family we saw...okay, not luckily. RIP And insert song ending to reflect on what happened. Hunter That interactive game website reminds me of Yu-gi-oh! Died in the game? SAO writer must be a fan. Time for a money making montage! And wow, for once the montage falls well short of the goal. So if a bodyguard fails they get Han Soloed in Carbonite eh? Neat. Meanwhile the remainder of this episode will literally be nothing but character introductions and buildup. Great, I couldn't be bothered to remember Kurapika's A-Team by name and now I'm expected to remember all these Phantom Troupe members? Uh...no. Well at least there are some more females finally. The cleavage on that one was fucking fantastic! So Kurapika's client is a spoiled young girl? She's admittedly kinda cute, in a non-romantic sense of course. And oh my god, she had Puu from Yu Yu Hakusho as a keychain! Creepy writing powers too. Too bad she doesn't own a Death Note. The Troupe boss gives the death order while Kurapika broods over the eyes again. One thing's for certain: some serious shit's going down at this auction. So where's Leorio? At home, washing his tights...I assume. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 5, 2017 Posted March 5, 2017 Well this episode still has time to kill, how about we have JoJo troll a cat who was asking for it? The pussy jokes are so easy my brain short-circuited. Jojo- DOUBLE SHOCK. I love how it's been hours and he just now figured out it was the Nazi. Goddamn Germans and their automail. Good you can chop off his leg again. And after this, have a seat on the sofa and watch me work too. Fight me Kars, my lungs are protected by inches of boobs and uncontrollable thirst is the strongest motivation of all. This isn't even the weirdest posing in this show. Are we really supposed to root for the Nazi here? GUN GUT. This entire show really must have been insanely fun to dub. Is it too much to hope that they kill each other? SECRET CHAINSAW. Whelp so much for the Nazi. Block it with your big ol' dick, baby. I'm sorry Jojo you have to suffer because I love you. I really hope that's a fake stone. That is one resiliant Nazi. Hey honey maybe stop narrating and pick it up. Oh hey guys nice of you to stand there doing absolutely nothing. You could say it was a Kars accident. If you get that stone I'll suck your dick. I'm so proud of you take off your pants. NO WHY DOES EVERYTHING I LOVE DIE. Jojo's having a bad day. Thanks, narrator. Stop killing my boyfriend you son of a bitch. Do literally anything at all to help him, you assholes. Oh hey Caesar nice of you to join us. You're both idiots and I love you. CAESARINO. This is going too well. At least he didn't hurt the flowers. I am uncomfortable with that laugh. Now you should probably get that other ring out of your chest. Hi kitty! Ohhhh my god, fuck me. Come here baby put your face in my boobs you'll feel better. Blow up that building! Boyfriend is surprisingly smart right now. Boys don't fight you're both pretty just make out. Oh no, he's fully cocked here. And then Caesar was on fire. Now rip each other's clothes off. Okay so Caesar's definitely about to fucking die. Oh boy we've unlocked his tragic backstory! Gundam- This recap takes up like half the episode and yet I still can't keep track of this show every week. As long as we're talking about boxes, my other group of thirsty Jojo hoes agreed that Joseph is by far the most likely to ruin Christmas with an ill-planned dick in a box. I was pretty sure that lady died last week but I guess I stand corrected. Full Frontal is by far the most disappointing name every week. I still can't follow the mecha fights in this show but I think it's going well? Or not? Kid you sure are getting a lot of people killed for somebody who doesn't want to be a soldier or fight. Okay I have no idea what the hell is going on now. Is that the end of the show? Hunter- Show me more of the boob lady and her magic sexy powers. I'm sure that hunter site is full of Hisoka's nudes. I like the old wild west saloon theme. Oh man imagine how fun the porn is in this universe. IF YOU DIE IN THE GAME YOU DIE IN REAL LIFE. You guys are seriously stuck in a mediocre creepypasta. Gon, your dad's a dick. Time to hit up eBay. You kids got scammed. Oh I hope nobody got the eyes. Well this seems simple enough. He is way smarter than me. It's easier to protect your boss if you have some idea of who's gonna attack, douchewad. I'm pretty sure that's one of the zombie paintings from Thriller Bark. Aww she's cute I like her stuffed animals. I mean she collects human body parts like Beanie Babies so you should probably still keep your distance. I automatically don't trust these people. Nice rack. Oh she's a fortune teller that's cool. I want her and Perona to be friends. Oh hey it's that one girl with the arms. I don't like Hisoka either, guy. Does that fortune say somebody's gonna fuck their brother? I like her she's so much fun. GO AWAY, HISOKA. That's a nice face tattoo you got there. This dude's got a rage boner going. Ewwww who's selling an old tissue. Ohhh that is an unfortunate request, again. Naruto- So I've been marathoning Samurai Jack before it starts back up next week (I'm calling it my Jack-Off because I'm a mature adult) and I definitely feel like I was way too stupid and inattentive to appreciate this show back when I was a kid. One Piece- NOOOOOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE I'd rather slam my tits into a brick wall than watch more Foxy. Quote
BUU8800 Posted March 5, 2017 Posted March 5, 2017 One Piece- NOOOOOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE I'd rather slam my tits into a brick wall than watch more Foxy. And I'd rather watch you do this. ::spin:: Quote
FoleyisGood149 Posted March 5, 2017 Posted March 5, 2017 Jojo... Are we really supposed to root for the Nazi here? Naruto- So I've been marathoning Samurai Jack before it starts back up next week... and I definitely feel like I was way too stupid and inattentive to appreciate this show back when I was a kid. One Piece- NOOOOOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE I'd rather slam my tits into a brick wall than watch more Foxy. I know! He was even in the S.S., so he's even worse than most of the German military of the time. I'm torn here, too. I wasn't a kid when it first aired, but I probably didn't pay enough attention until its prior run on the revived Toonami, either. But you missed out on Nami and Robin in sexy swimwear and open-shirt Sanji. Well, I'm sure you can find stills of those three somewhere. Thanks for the OP history answer. BUU: Puu cellphone charm is best cellphone charm. Poke: Yep, the guy behind Goku and to his left (our right) sure looked a lot like that assassin from DB, but un-cyborged after his second run-in with young Goku. DBS - I'm going to guess that Shenron's knowledge about both Beerus and the tale of how to create a Super Saiyan god came from Kami's memories of the applicable Namkeian texts. Whis paid better attention to detail than I did. I was happy to hear that Videl is expecting. Chi Chi will make a far better grandmother than Goku would make a grandfather. Mr. Satan is the one who would be the better grandfather. As for the difficulty in the first attempt with the right number of (partial) Saiyans, give the unborn child a break, guys. (S)He has no idea what her/his energy even is, let alone what it means to channel said energy into someone else. I'm okay with god-form Goku having red hair. It is curious that he looks younger, though. Maybe it's because of all the (partial) Saiyans involved, only Vegeta is older than him. DBZK - Krillin, it’s probably a positive thing that kids aren’t told to out-swim sharks as part of their training anymore. I forgot about the mullet brothers' mom sitting down so close to Bulma and Chi Chi, but it was still fun to see them gloat after her ignorant bragging was proven in error. Plus, yep, Chi Chi still has it. Good luck with your exhibition match against the Junior Division winner there, Mr. Satan. Yeah, Goten and Trunks are both enjoying this. JoJo - Shame on you, Joseph! Don't be cruel to animals like that. I notice that cyborgs typically ignore the fact that the person still needs most of their internal organs intact in order to survive for more than a few weeks. At least cyborg!von Stroheim's abdominal machine gun needed an external ammunition belt, so that wasn't volume occupied in his torso by something other than organs. I was amazed that he survived being cut in two. To me, that says that everything below the severing was completely artificial. If not, he would've bled out. Also, he should've used the UV laser eye more. No, Kars. Your chainsaw-style blade shouldn't be. 1. You shouldn't have enough iron in your body to make the blade teeth, let alone the chain. 2. There's no muscular contraction mechanism to rotate a drive sprocket in your arm. Oscillate, sure, but not rotate. 3. While hand-crank sprocket-driven chainsaws were a thing as recently as the late 1700s, that's still long after you were encased in your stone pillar. Chainsaws wouldn't have been present in the mine for you to study while in the pillar, either. It's a technology you shouldn't have experienced. So, no. Just no. It's like the author wanted to make Kars more dangerous and intimidating than a simple razor-sharp armblade (how is that not dangerous and scary enough?) would make him, but failed to consider all the complications this aspect of the blade would produce. I'm not sure that Joseph kicking the snow would provide enough braking force to stop him, but eh. Until Kars starting running after the Red Stone, I thought, "sure. Go ahead. Let it be lost. Kars is the one that really needs it, not our hamon-users." As for attacking Kars when he leapt for the Red Stone, I feel like Joseph didn't pick the right target. If he hit Kars' torso, then that could've propelled him farther off the cliff and out of his blade's reach of Joseph. However, if he missed, then Joseph would've gone flying off the cliff. I'm reluctant to believe the narrator's explanation of using hamon to grab an icicle. I find it hard to believe that when there's snow all around there would be melting of an icicle in a ravine in the Swiss Alps at night, other than from the heat of Joseph's hand. Still, Joseph excels at pulling life-saving moves out of his rear, and this and the icicle "rope" were in keeping with that trend. Plus, they were falling for waaaaaaaay longer than five seconds. Blah, blah. Different motivations for Caesar and Joseph. Whatever. What I don't get is why they didn't opt, once they determined where Kars' likely hideout was and that it was abandoned, to burn the whole building down and stay a goodly distance away from it in open daylight while it burned around him. All you need is to deprive him of his sunlight-blocking shelter, and fire should do a decent job of that. Sure, it would attract the attention of local authorities, but it also looked remote enough that it would be as engulfed in flames as it could be by the time any firefighters could get there, and since it was abandoned, then they'd focus their efforts on keeping the fire from spreading to the forest. Oh, they could get arrested. Big deal! Our group is willing to risk bloody, painful death to stop the Pillar Men. Getting arrested for arson of an abandoned structure is hardly an equal consequence. MSG: U - Daguza was right. Showing mercy on the battlefield is a quick way to get yourself or your allies killed. The Sleeves mounting a rescue mission for Marida is a nice sentiment, but I'm not sure how long she'll survive in an open section of the Nahel Argama without her normal suit's helmet. It's a shame that Gilboa chose to defend Full with his life. As for Full trying to recapture the Unicorn Gundam, I think that the psychoframe may be part of the Laplace program, so they might need more than just the cockpit intact to use it to find the Box. The wreckage of the first U.C. P.M.'s residence going through a set of coordinates once a day is surprising given what happened to that station and how long it's had for the orbit to degrade. It's even more strange that the Unicorn Gundam started playing an old speech by the first U.C. P.M. upon entering the wreckage. Maybe there's some information in the message, either in the plain wording or encoded somehow, that will be crucial to finding the Box. Sooo... is Links going to fall to Earth or what? Was it my imagination, or did the recap state that the first U.C. P.M. was named Marcenas? That's the same family name as the blond guy who took Audrey to Earth. HxH - Okay, this Neon girl is the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. I'm down with her using nen to connect with the Akashic Record. The real question is into which category of nen-user she would fall. I didn't expect we'd meet all of the Phantom Troupe (P.T.), but okay. I'm not going to remember most of those names for a while, but I will remember Hisoka, Pakunoda and Machi. While Pakunoda has bigger boobs than Machi, I think Machi is hotter overall. There's another cute female, Shizuku, but I feel like I'll have trouble remembering her name. As for the boss guy, I don't think we were given his name. Stealing all of the items up for sale at the underworld auction is a bold move and a tremendous statement of confidence in the P.T.'s abilities not only to get the items, but also to withstand any retaliatory moves that numerous parties might make. I'm confused. What were Gon and Killua doing after getting the information about Greed Island sucking nen-users into it? Were they buying items to auction? I don't feel like trying to flip things at the auction will get them the money they need to get a Greed Island copy. Plus, even if they do get a copy of the game, how can they be sure it's the one Ging played? Ging might be one of the lucky few to find his way out of the game and is unwilling to sell his copy, but I guess it's also possible that both all the games connect to one pocket dimension and Ging is trapped there. We'll probably see eventually. Shippuden - Naurto, you dummy. If Hotaru chose to carry the jutsu for the honor of her clan, then don't deny her that service. Also, wow, that was stupid of you to promise that you'd bring back someone in a couple days when you were armed with only a given name and the knowledge that they'd been sent "away" years ago. That guy could've been in some non-ninja village hundreds of miles away, and all you have for transportation is your legs. Sure, for story convenience, he's a fillain, and thus he's nearby, but that's dumb luck as far as you're concerned. I was glad to hear that there's a process for removing the jutsu from Hotaru's back safely. One of Pain's giant beasts appearing can't be a good thing. OP - While I can't object to bikini-clad Nami and two-piece-wearing Robin, I was disappointed to see Foxy. At least Portia was stacked in her bikini, and Foxy was gone after the first half. A process for making gemstones. Okay. They have chemical compositions which can be determined and are mostly formed by prolonged applications of heat and pressure, so making them artificially should be possible. The question is whether it would be cost effective to do so, since artificial gems of jewelry-quality flooding the market would cause their value to plummet. It's the reason why companies that produce artificial industrial diamond for tooling don't adjust their equipment to make gemstone diamonds. Well, that and that De Beers would hire mercenaries to demolish the industrial diamond production facilities not associated with them in order to protect their market share. The young girls were cute kids, and I hope that not only is their father's research vindicated, but also that they find him alive. However, this being OP, I'm not holding my breath for that last part. A shape-shifting Sea Racoon being a stand-in for a tanuki is okay by me. Chopper was right to call out the younger girl on misidentifying him. I don't get why a successful businessman like Spa Island's proprietor would kidnap a child for access to research which may not prove cost effective in producing another revenue stream. It's inviting trouble (after he'd seen what just two of the Straw Hats could do) when he already has a really good thing going here. Was Nami's hair shorter than it was last episode? I think it was. GitS - Several people using the exact same phrase when talking about someone certainly is a red flag that they've been hacked and had their memories altered. Even if he was assisted, it was a skillful hack job by Nanao Ei to feed false therm-optical data through both the SIU's Interceptors and Section 9's Net-feeding camera. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 5, 2017 Author Posted March 5, 2017 I know! He was even in the S.S., so he's even worse than most of the German military of the time. I'm torn here, too. No, Kars. Your chainsaw-style blade shouldn't be. 1. You shouldn't have enough iron in your body to make the blade teeth, let alone the chain. 2. There's no muscular contraction mechanism to rotate a drive sprocket in your arm. Oscillate, sure, but not rotate. 3. While hand-crank sprocket-driven chainsaws were a thing as recently as the late 1700s, that's still long after you were encased in your stone pillar. Chainsaws wouldn't have been present in the mine for you to study while in the pillar, either. It's a technology you shouldn't have experienced. So, no. Just no. It's like the author wanted to make Kars more dangerous and intimidating than a simple razor-sharp armblade (how is that not dangerous and scary enough?) would make him, but failed to consider all the complications this aspect of the blade would produce. this Neon girl... The real question is into which category of nen-user she would fall. As long as he’s not advocating the mass slaughter of minorities, I say we treat Von Stroheim like he’s one of the good guys. And again, Pillar Men aren’t exactly humans and have abilities as bizarre as the show title implies, so I’d just run with the human illogicality of his Brilliant Bone Blade. Not to mention weeks have passed since he woke up, so he could've looked up how chainsaws worked in order to emulate one, assuming the Pillar Men didn't create the process themselves before humans figured out how to work it too. Judging from the silhouettes in the cold open explanation of Nen user types from the two previous episodes, my money’s on Specialist. DRAGONBALL SUPER I just now realized that there are letters on Roshi’s Hawaiian shirt in the OP and it looks like they’re supposed to spell something. Uh, so they capitalized “at” for emphasis, huh? So the Dragon Balls are actually known as “Wish Orbs”, huh? Neat bit of worldbuilding there, show. THE SKY TURNS DARKER THAN THE BLACKEST VOID AND OUT OF IT COMES A HUGE DRAGON. And that is why you never doubt Pilaf. I can just feel the secondhand embarrassment. Oh Bulma, you so sassy. Gohan looks off for some reason. I’m sure Vegeta would’ve rejected had Goku called him “Best Buddy”. This show is so meta. Well that’s certainly intense-looking. Okay, that was a pretty awesome lineup promo. Loved the end where Sakura punched out the token filler tranny. Thanks for the basic math lesson, Whis. You know, it’s hard to really enjoy Beerus when he’s trying to destroy the Earth every five minutes. Gohan really did get lucky, even if his wife lost all her tomboy charm between then and now. In which Chi-Chi forgets about Goten. I’m gonna hafta agree with Beerus here, get on with it! Goddammit Goku don’t go insulting your future grandbaby. And then Videl became an honorary Super Saiyan. Piccolo’s just waiting for this to be over. Sweet, it’s a whole bunch of nimbus clouds. Where’d that napkin come from anyways? [iNSERT OBSCURE KIGUMA REFERENCE HERE] All weather events, happening at once. LOL at Roshi getting the hail. And then they were taken over by…. VIBRATRONICA. The combined vibrating and music makes me feel like this should be part of an Off the Air episode, preferably one with Dan Deacon’s music. Alright, for as dragged out as it was, the Super Saiyan God ritual was pretty damn beautiful. So what makes a Super Saiyan God? Brighter clothes, a slight tan, and hair capable of absorbing all green light. Funny how Piccolo had to get a go-ahead from Dende to smile at this. TOP BILLING: Goku, but I doubt that’s accurate, since Trunks somehow got second place. DRAGONBALL Z KAI Last time, Toei solidified its place as the worst anime studio of all time by blackmailing FUNimation into pretending the Team Four Star dub of the Cell Games Reenactment never existed. But at least Lani’s speedy shilling of Mr. Satan merchandise made it through unscathed. : ) I had a feeling that vaguely Southern woman was that blonde douche’s mother. They have a kid named Pepperoni out there? Man, these names are getting unoriginal. Ah, the joys of kids fighting other kids. It feels like this is more a pre-show for the actual tournament than a tournament all its own. Question: is it against the rules to use the announcer as a human shield? As far as Mr. Satan’s concerned, even losers are winners. Mini-Trunks. Battle of the mothers right there. AUTOMATIC KNOCKOUT. Idasa, you a busta. I love smug Bulma. Crying is always the best form of deception. Hmm, Goten looks like he’s way more nervous about this than he should be. I had a feeling that Goten’s opponent was Idasa’s brother. FUN FACT: Both are voiced by Josh Grelle. JACKIE CHUN FLASHBACK CAMEO SPOTTED. Of course the second machine had to have technical errors. : I have no idea why, but I enjoy watching Idasa and Ikose’s mother’s antics. > FUCK YEAH CHI-CHI. Isn’t that black boxer guy a little old to be in the Junior Division? Of all the things I was expecting out of Sand Whale and Me… I was not expecting it to be a Let’s Play. -_' Now to see how evenly matched these two are… Shut the fuck up jerks, he’s been waiting more patiently than the rest of you knob-jobbers. >( Dammit, I almost failed to recognize Yamcha again. Oh hey, they finally made it. SO MANY REACTION FACES. Poor Oolong. I swear, the further along this fight goes, the awesomer it gets. :-D And everyone out there agrees! TOP BILLING: Goddammit they’re putting all out of order again, those bastards. Who cares about Goku vs. Beerus, tell me who did that promo song. In other places, I’m starting to become convinced that making a live-action GITS was a terrible idea. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE SCREENCAP #1: Rudol Von Stroheim, your new favorite WWII-era German soldier. DOUBLE SHOCK! “Apart from being affiliated with the Nazis, he’s actually not all that bad.” Oh, so that’s where Wamuu is. GERMAN SCIENCE IS THE GREATEST IN THE WORLD!!! :D Pluck him like a chicken. FUCK YES VON STROHEIM YOU ARE THE COOLEST NAZI CYBORG. When I first watched this with my uncle, he thought the light from Kars’ bone blade was Hamon. That’s when I reminded him that Hamon being lethal to Pillar Men is kind of the point of their motivations. : HERE HE COMES HERE HE COMES HERE HE COMES. “Taste my organic chainsaw!” It’s been a long time coming, and it finally came. ANCIENT GERMANIC LASER BEAMS! Quick, to the chasm! “Kars happened.” Well said, Caesar. H-HAYAI! Are the Pillar Men psychic or something? They seem to be really good at predicting Joseph’s next moves. This show is just too good, and I feel sorry for everyone who either dropped or doesn’t like it. Between the Kong sympathizers and Samuel L. Motherfucking Jackson, I have no idea who to root for. SCREENCAP #2: The most ridiculous image you’ve ever seen. A lot can happen in five seconds. Well, the blade’s out of his chest, so… mission accomplished? :-\ FUCK YEAH JOSEPH. Thank you, Caesar. Caesarino~. ;-D And thus the flowers were saved. But for what purpose? [maniacally laughs externally] A place for manly men to play manly sports. In the snow. In which Joseph dicks around with cats. Huh, I’ve got nothing for this. What to do: attack him at his weakest, or avoid running the risk that they might have the upper hand there still? “Only engage in a fight when victory is assured… when you have the flu.” Yeah… I wouldn’t exactly say Joseph is cool-headed. “Half-cocked” was also a cheap shot at his penis size. In this scene, Joseph represents the “you don’t need to read part 1 to understand part 2” party, while Caesar stands for those who read JoJo in order as properly intended. Did he almost call him an asshole? Hmm, so Lisa Lisa and Messina are actually seeing things Joseph’s way. Which means that Caesar’s taking this thing rather personally. Is it really a hidden past if you know about it? I always love it whenever Roundabout kicks in. What the hell was that commercial even, M&Ms? MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM UNICORN RE:0096 The only thing I’m confused on is, when over the course of the last two episodes did the La+ Program reveal the coordinates of Laplace’s Box? I don’t remember anything like that ever happening. Well, at least I now understand what I should be seeing now. Oh hey, I recognize that message. The message is coming from inside the Gundam! Banagher’s Newtype senses are tingling! Can’t talk, show requiring too much attention from me. Well, Marida’s awake, that’s good, I guess. But why did she save him? I don’t know what this “Belko Experiment” is, but I hope whoever came up with it gets his dick cut off. Huh, paying attention to the show has made me notice how irregularly the lip flaps match up to the dialogue. So you’re saying that the Unicorn is a machine of peace? One crafty son of a bitch. If I didn’t say it earlier, I’ll say it now: Daguza is actually pretty cool. And now for the best sacrifice in Gundam history (as far as I know). That pre-mortem salute, man. T-T7 I don’t know what that sound effect is, but I love it. Yeah, suck it, Dean Venture! Good news: he didn’t miss. Bad News: he hit the wrong person. Welp, he’s never gonna see his family again after that. And now for some good music. HUNTER x HUNTER Say what you will, I still think Killua’s armbands look attractive. Oh, the title card came right after the OP finished, that’s new. Fuck yeah, internet cafés! Neat, the website’s modeled after an old-timey saloon, complete with cowboys! With the power of Nen, you can actually go into the computer! I wonder if that’s how Sand Whale and Me’s supposed to work… On other topics, that bartender sounds awfully familiar. Hmm, that game definitely sounds like a challenge, and awfully familiar for some reason… Holographic liquor… MY FAVORITE! Level G sounds pretty low, even for a rare game such as that. He brought another laptop over just to share the booth with Gon. I swear, Killua is totally gay for him. :-D So I take it they’re feeling they got gypped? Hmmm. And so the Kurta eyes remain uncollected. Hmm, that seems like a simple enough mission for a couple of bodyguards. Kurapika has an earring? How did I never notice that until now? Fuh-reaky. Turns out the Boss was a cute girl all along! :3 I understand the whole “Major tries to get revenge on those trying to use her like a tool” thing, but how does Section 9 play into this? Wow, that city looks bombed-out to all hell. What’s the deal with that woman’s nose? I like the mummy boxer dude. PATRICK SEITZ HAS ARRIVED! That glasses girl is cute and I would waifu her were Baise not already holding that position in regards to this show. The Boss’s oversized shoe-slippers look very comfy. Check it out, that blue penguin thing from YYH is on her cellular phone! So cute. owo And then she was Ghostwriter. Both of their theories sound very reasonable, if you ask me. Meanwhile, more Phantom Troupe members! One of which is Haystack Calhoun with freakishly long Buddhist earlobes, apparently. That creepy dude with the black hair sounds like he’s voiced by Todd Haberkorn. Of course those two would be rivals. Oh hey, are they playing Old Maid? REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “Does that fortune say somebody's gonna fuck their brother?” I don’t know where that even came from, but hey, if you’re gonna go SAO, you might as well go all the way. That must be the Big Boss. HISOKA HAS ARRIVED. Oh man, now that’s what I call a heist! And, naturally, there’s going to be murder involved. Of course the Kurta eyes would be on that list. That’s a lotta new cast members, all of which I recognize. Been a while since Beau Billingslea’s been in anything. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN A random flashback to the first episode? Sure, why not? Huh, never realized that one girl was voiced by Stephanie Sheh. Okay, that “seeing into a room through a painting” jutsu is pretty neat. In which Naruto’s emotions once again get the better of him. “Well… Don’t I feel foolish.” Wait, so was the jutsu put in her back before or after her grandfather kicked the bucket? Sakura has no idea what’s going on. That bat randomly turned into a scroll. Sure, why not? Huh, now that I see it, Hotaru actually does have a nice rack. “Get a hold of yourself.” Wait, what happened to Sai? I assume Shiranami is that guy hiding in the bushes. You have Sakura, sure, but Jiraiya? Hoo boy… [wipes forehead] MUSIC VIDEO OF THE MOMENT: Oh hey, it’s a more feel-good sequel to that one video from a while back. That’s pretty nice. Wow, what happened to the perspective just there? Wow again, I’m actually starting to feel that there’s nothing worth talking about in this filler. “Why are you sitting there in the road.” “Uh… exhaustion?” Thank you, old farmer man. Oh, there’s Sai. HOLY SHIT A DEMON DOG. It’s pronounced N-C-Double-A, you idiots. ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Rina, whoever that is. Nami wins for the canon characters, thankfully. [insert emoticon with hearts for eyes here] Also, this episode was apparently recorded before Scott Freeman’s arrest. Huh, no regular exposition intro this time. Then again, it’s a beach episode, so who needs it? Nami’s bikini is the best so far. Oh Usopp, you scaredy-cat. This place has so many different accommodations, it’s impressive. Aaaaaaand somewhat suspicious too. This has to be the first time I’ve ever heard of a “cola bath”. It’s taking Luffy all of his willpower to not eat the entire food stand right now. Oh, so this is the island that’s said to rain candy. For some reason, this guy’s special One Piece laugh is making me feel uneasy. S: You could use that much money to buy a copy of Greed Is-wait wrong show. I don’t know what I like more: Chopper’s arm-floaties or Luffy having two innertubes. Apparently they’re partaking in some type of soap racing. I assume that little girl is “Rina”. And it was on that day that Luffy learned that there is such a thing as having too full a mouth of food. FUCK YEAH WATERSLIDES! Don’t be rude, filler loli. Now that’s a raccoon dog. [poof] And now he’s a penguin. [facepalms] And even she has no idea what a reindeer looks like. Hee, even Chopper’s aware of the hypocrisy. Here, have some friendship meat. Hey, when it comes to pirates on their downtime, it doesn’t get any sillier than the Straw Hats. Rina’s sister will just settle for sandwiches, TYVM. Sanji’s Boner Status: AT FULL MAST. And now the status has transferred over to the furries. Hey, a miniature Nami’s better than no Nami at all. Who else thought that by “too small”, he meant the breasts? THAT LAUGH. I can hear Angel’s screams of anguish from here. Oh well, at least Porche looks hot. <3 Yeah, Second Gear could kick the Slow-Slow Beam’s sorry ass. Oh god that ugly head looks like it came out of the 80s. Always leave it to Foxy to cheat his way to victory. IIIIIII HAAAAAAATE THAAAAAAAAT BEEEEEEEEEAM. Okay, that is definitely not good. By the way, here’s a reminder that Franky and Brook have never met the Foxy Pirates, so this is their first time laying witness to… THE DREADEDNESS. ::: Thank god for Devil Fruit powers. TEAM FOXY’S BLASTING OFF AGAAAAAAAAAAIN~! [splash] Oh good, a child safety commercial that doesn’t need to kill kids to make a point. LEARN FROM THIS, NATIONWIDE. Meanwhile, Zoro got lost again. I assume Usopp’s filling Franky and Brook in on the events of the Davy Back Fight arc, plus their little encounter with Foxy before they ran into Aokiji. Ooh, scientific equations. Random Robin arm. I wouldn’t say those sorts of things, cursing fathers usually lead to their disappearances later on in life. The fuck is that man’s voice. I guess he really was a moron after all. Like I said, disappearances. Random one-way transponder snail. Okay, maybe not-so-random. Filler or not, the Straw Hats are always up for helping those in need who need it. Fuck you, conveniently placed trap door. I knew I couldn’t trust that guy! Even before that custom laugh, I felt his glasses reminded me too much of a Foxy pirate. He probably isn’t affiliated, but I’m interested in knowing just what his affiliation is. GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX Of everything that happened this episode – from Batou randomly barking and the porn movie playing on that one yakuza’s laptop, to the Major’s lesbian slumber party and that anime sex doll Nanao used to troll Section 9 – my favorite part will always be Borma walking in with those random pizzas. The Laughing Man hijacking the morning news was fun, too. Huh, so they’re finally releasing that CHiPS movie. If only Moltar was still alive to see it in action… [may the power of ponch compel you] Quote
Ginguy Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 Haven't had a chance to watch much else, but I gotta say Belladonna was fucked up. Like, "do not take the brown acid" fucked up. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 6, 2017 Posted March 6, 2017 To me, that says that everything below the severing was completely artificial. Stroheim ain't got a dick. Everybody point and laugh. Quote
Kohikki Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 welcome back Hikki Hi, I can't believe this thread is still going I should tell Trunks, if he doesn't already know. I doubt he'd come back, but I think he'd get a kick out of it, regardless. What's good on [as] anime-wise that I should watch btw? (Is Jojo too far along for me to get into it?) Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 10, 2017 Author Posted March 10, 2017 Oh hey Hikki, it's been a while! We're only 19 episodes into JoJo, so you don't necessarily have to rush to catch up if you want to. HxH is pretty good, but that's just me. Also, Samurai Jack returns tomorrow and I should really get to marathoning those last 31 episodes. ::HMM:: Quote
Kohikki Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Oh hey Hikki, it's been a while! We're only 19 episodes into JoJo, so you don't necessarily have to rush to catch up if you want to. HxH is pretty good, but that's just me. Also, Samurai Jack returns tomorrow and I should really get to marathoning those last 31 episodes. ::HMM:: Oh shit, Samurai Jack returns tomorrow huh?? Good timing on my part, I guess. I keep forgetting when things are supposed to air. I wanted to see that one. Also hi again. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Jojo lured me in with a false sense of security and then the second part started and those ridiculous goddamn buff muscles ruined my fucking life. Definitely recommend it. 10/10 would watch again. Also hi BFF I missed you <3 Quote
Cille Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Holy shit WAT Good to see you. Jojo is totz awesome and you should totz watch it. Start at episode 10 if you feel like 19 episodes is too much. We finally converted angel so she can vouch for it. Also there's a bunch of fanfic on a snazzy new website to catch up on if you're still interested in that. I have to say you picked kind of an unfortunate time to stop reading that. Quote
Kohikki Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 WAT Good to see you. Jojo is totz awesome and you should totz watch it. Start at episode 10 if you feel like 19 episodes is too much. We finally converted angel so she can vouch for it. Also there's a bunch of fanfic on a snazzy new website to catch up on if you're still interested in that. I have to say you picked kind of an unfortunate time to stop reading that. Oh hell yes I am all about catching up with that. Also life got in the way I feel like, when I stopped reading and then when i was ready to pick it back up the ASMB had gone all wacky on me (dying and that, you know) Re: Jojo - That sounds good. [as] is still on the first... series? Arc? of that, right? I know there's like a million different series or arcs of it with different characters/plot lines (??) Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 10, 2017 Author Posted March 10, 2017 Technically they're still on series 1, but going by arcs, they're slightly over halfway through Battle Tendency. Quote
Cille Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 They're on the first season, which encompasses the first two story arcs. The first arc is episodes 1-9, which is why episode 10 is a decent starting point if you want to get caught up with the current storyline. The first arc is fun too, but you can always go back and catch up on that later. You'll just know stuff about how it ends since they talk about it in the second arc obviously. Still definitely worth watching, especially if you ever wanted to see Patrick Seitz chewing ALL THE SCENERY. Oh also you might not know why Speedwagon is so awesome if you start with the second arc. But it's up to you. I'd say start at the beginning if you have the time, or start at episode 10 if you want to get up to speed on current episodes ASAP. As for the fanfic, I believe chapter 50 is where you need to start (unless you want to refresh your memory, in which case I would also direct you to the tl;dr page for chapter summaries). I don't know if it's sad that I know that's where you left off, except that there are only 3 people still reading this thing and I happen to know that you disappeared right before a certain plot element was introduced. Quote
Top Gun Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Man, you leave the fence door open and there's no telling who will wander in... Quote
mochi Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Hi, I can't believe this thread is still going I should tell Trunks, if he doesn't already know. I doubt he'd come back, but I think he'd get a kick out of it, regardless. What's good on [as] anime-wise that I should watch btw? (Is Jojo too far along for me to get into it?) all of it, I mean, naruto is the worst thing currently on the block and I admittedly even enjoy watching that in a "mystery science theater 3000" type way Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 The first anime covers the first two Jojos. The second anime is part 3, then part 4. I blame these people every day, my life was perfectly fine until Joseph fucking Joestar appeared out of nowhere with his amazing goddamn biceps like the second coming of Ace. Quote
Cille Posted March 10, 2017 Posted March 10, 2017 Since we're already talking about the fanfic, I've always kind of wondered what would happen if angel reread that "Roundabout" chapter now that she knows who Jojo is. Quote
EmpressAngel Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 What happens is my character bangs Jojo. *slides you $20 and some cookies* Quote
Ginguy Posted March 11, 2017 Posted March 11, 2017 Well, whaddaya know. Welcome back Hikki. As far as Toonami goes, you could get in on Samurai Jack premieres, DB Super is still early on, Jojo isn't that hard to get into, basically Jojo trolls a bunch and helps Nazi's fight vampires, now yer good to go, Gundam is about half over, main guy still emo, Hunter is good, you could probably get into it easily enough. The rest are shonen, pretty much the same as always. Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 11, 2017 Author Posted March 11, 2017 I know there's a thread for this already, but... One Piece is off the block starting March 25. Tokyo Ghoul is now in. Premiere time TBD. [as predicted by chiller ani-wednesdays] Quote
PokeNirvash Posted March 11, 2017 Author Posted March 11, 2017 He's treating it like it's the end of the world, telling Jman to fuck off, and shouting IT'S NOT FUCKING FUNNY at the top of his lungs. If that's not nuclear, it's at the very least an 11:59 on his personal Doomsday Clock. For two straight generations, the patriarchs of the Zeppeli family have made it their mission to destroy the mysterious and deadly Stone Masks with the equally mystical powers of Hamon. Like his grandfather Will and his father Mario, Caesar Zeppeli has made it his mission to do what he can to prolong his family's quest to its completion, leaving his old life behind to pursue a new one where his actions may dictate the fate of the world. But as with Baron Zeppeli and the Chain Deathmatch in Wind Knight's Lot 50 years ago, Caesar's venture into the abandoned hotel in Saint Moritz, where the Pillar Man Kars waits for him, is without a doubt deadly. How will Italian Bryce Papenbrook fare with such impossible odds? Meanwhile, allow me to tell you a story. Long ago, in a distant land, I, Cartoon Network, show-cancelling master of hiatus, unleashed an UNSPEAKABLE EVIL. But a foooooolish samurai cartoon wielding an interesting plot stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final season was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into cancellation a hiatus, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return tonight at 11:00 P.M., and undo the future that is Cartoon Network! That's right. Jack is back, and he's kicking off the block 50 in-show years after the finale, exhausted in his quest but nevertheless unwilling to give into failure. After he stuns all of you just like he stunned the critics, Goku throws down with Beerus but is having trouble getting used to his Super Saiyan God form, Goten and Trunks' Junior Division battle reaches its climax, stuff happens on Earth but more importantly the inventor of the patented Brightslap finally makes his appearance, Leorio finally shows up in Yorknew City while the writers ship Kurapika with the ugly-cute rat girl, I don't even know how to describe this Naruto filler anymore, the Straw Hats have to save the filler loli's sister from the nefarious grasp of Spa Island's manager, and the Laughing Man reaches meme status, confusing Section 9 greatly. 8:00 - Dragonball Super #10 - Show Us, Goku! The Power of a Super Saiyan God! - TV-PGV ... 11:00 - Samurai Jack #53 - XCII - TV-14V 11:30 - Dragonball Super #10 - Show Us, Goku! The Power of a Super Saiyan God! - TV-PGV 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #108 - The Junior Champ is Finally Decided! Who Will Fight Against Mr. Satan? - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #20 - Young Caesar - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-14LV (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096 #10 - From the Scorching Earth - TV-PGLV 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #42 - Defend and Attack - TV-14L 2:00 - DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ADJUSTMENT GOES HERE 3:00 - Naruto Shippuden #149 - Separation - TV-PGV 3:30 - One Piece #383 - The Great Scramble for Treasure! Collapse! Spa Island! - TV-PGL 4:00 - Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX #6 - MEME - TV-14LV There. Now, back to my Jack-a-thon. [not as dirty as it sounds] Quote
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