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wow. you must really hate your job. call center work is extremely stressful - its not for everybody. good luck.



also... @ the interviews i had everyone was looking for experience center workers. i think the reason is if you arent accostumed to it they know you wont make it.


wow. you must really hate your job. call center work is extremely stressful - its not for everybody. good luck.



also... @ the interviews i had everyone was looking for experience center workers. i think the reason is if you arent accostumed to it they know you wont make it.


I just want something with better hours than what I have now.


Everything I've seen says that call centers will take just about anybody.


what you do now?


Direct care worker at a residential facility for people with disabilities.


I like it well enough just hate my hours and the fact that they scheduled me off for a weekend and then took it away and basically said "lol sucks to suck" when I asked why they did that.


I just want something with better hours than what I have now.


Everything I've seen says that call centers will take just about anybody.


depends where and what youre doing. verizon wireless only hires 3% of the people they interview. one job i interviewed for and waiting to hear back they had a interview and two tests you had to pass then a second panel interview with 3 managers. so no, they dont just hire anybody unless its like Dial America were you telemarket and thats with sales quotas and shit.


also if its an easy call center to get into its probably 24 hours and as a newbie youll be right back on 3rd shift working weekends.


depends where and what youre doing. verizon wireless only hires 3% of the people they interview. one job i interviewed for and waiting to hear back they had a interview and two tests you had to pass then a second panel interview with 3 managers. so no, they dont just hire anybody unless its like Dial America were you telemarket and thats with sales quotas and shit.


also if its an easy call center to get into its probably 24 hours and as a newbie youll be right back on 3rd shift working weekends.


Yeah I don't think I could ever do outbound stuff but the one I applied to said they have openings in their inbound customer service department so idk. It said some nights and weekends required but it would depend on how often.


Athena92[/member] I have no fucking idea why you are looking for literally any other job just because you hate your hours. If you like/tolerate your current job excepting the hours, then looking for a similar job somewhere else with better hours would probably be better than an abrupt and desperate shot in the dark career change.


Athena92[/member] I have no fucking idea why you are looking for literally any other job just because you hate your hours. If you like/tolerate your current job excepting the hours, then looking for a similar job somewhere else with better hours would probably be better than an abrupt and desperate shot in the dark career change.


The problem is similar stuff pays like, $5 less an hour than I get now :| Or has hours just as bad. Or both. And it's not like this is a permanent plan, just to I can go back to school.


I worked for one for about two years, and while I'm glad I'm an EMT now, I can't say I hated the job. But then again, the environment there was pretty lax compared to some of the shit I've heard about, so maybe I was lucky or something. I don't really know.

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