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It's worth every hot flash.


last november..i didn't have my period...for the first 3 months..i thought i was preggos again  >:(


but, then another 6 months went by, and no baby.  >:D


so i was all like YAY  ME! then...i had my annual at the VA, and  of course


BLOODY OF COURSE! i started my bloody period.


i hate my uterus.



The getting there process sucks. I had 3 or 4 false starts before I actually succeeded at the magic year.


that's what doc. told me. i was so sad.


so...very very sad.


oh..and yeah..i get all the hot flashes AND the grossness too.


lucky me.  :|


That's a great idea...you can donate all of your unused supplies to a homeless shelter and we can drink pina coladas while we say aloha to them. And then we can have really spicy food because everybody will be sweating already anyway.


That's a great idea...you can donate all of your unused supplies to a homeless shelter and we can drink pina coladas while we say aloha to them. And then we can have really spicy food because everybody will be sweating already anyway.


love all of this. especially the donate part


let's do it!


If y'all are talking about sweating the night away just by sitting, I would suggest whoever either has the best AC or the best weather for an outdoor porch sit. :D


You have to have enough AC for everybody to be standing right up next to it.  But hey - for party favors, we can have paper fans. Big, sturdy paper fans. (And it's a good way to tell who the hot flash fairy is visiting at any given moment.)


well, i have a pretty big place. and could even do it outside, enough room for a band.


*edit, but it's GA and we only have 1 week in january when it won't be 90 degrees.  S:


My place then - I'm in upstate NY, and although it's been hot this week, I'm looking at 60's and 50's starting tomorrow. Plus if you want a band, we may be able to arrange something with the bandstand on the village triangle - the mayor is my stepbrother, so maybe I can get some kind of family discount. (And the library is just across the street, I have keys, so we have restrooms.


My place then - I'm in upstate NY, and although it's been hot this week, I'm looking at 60's and 50's starting tomorrow. Plus if you want a band, we may be able to arrange something with the bandstand on the village triangle - the mayor is my stepbrother, so maybe I can get some kind of family discount. (And the library is just across the street, I have keys, so we have restrooms.


oh that would awesome. i lived in VT for a while. and i so very much new england and surrounding areas.


and it sounds like you got the hook up for real. my daughter just moved up there. taking a job at cornell.


That's a pretty part of the state. It is, however, not where I am, which is also pretty but generally a little colder. And less civilized. No wineries near here - we got us a brewery.


BTW - you have a daughter ? Forget donating unless you buy by the crate. It seemed like every time my daughters came to visit, somebody had forgotten something necessary, and any surplus quickly evaporated.


That's a pretty part of the state. It is, however, not where I am, which is also pretty but generally a little colder. And less civilized. No wineries near here - we got us a brewery.


BTW - you have a daughter ? Forget donating unless you buy by the crate. It seemed like every time my daughters came to visit, somebody had forgotten something necessary, and any surplus quickly evaporated.


true story. i have 3. so...i suppose donating to them will work just fine.  >:D




Ever have an annual shanking already scheduled, then SUDDENLY your period starts on the day when you have to go through THIS?




In addition to the poking, prodding, drilling, and shanking, having your gynecologist press down on your waist because he/she wants to check and see if you're pregnant, when you already said you're NOT.


In addition to the poking, prodding, drilling, and shanking, having your gynecologist press down on your waist because he/she wants to check and see if you're pregnant, when you already said you're NOT.

I don't understand that shit.


I have a friend who's literally never even had sex and her doctor still made her take a pregnancy test.


I don't understand that shit.


I have a friend who's literally never even had sex and her doctor still made her take a pregnancy test.


There are those gynecologists, who automatically assume that every female is sexually active. If she happens to say no, they either think she either doesn't KNOW if she's pregnant, or that she's lying about being sexually active.


I don't understand that shit.


I have a friend who's literally never even had sex and her doctor still made her take a pregnancy test.


In medicine, there are some things that it's best to assume that the patient is either lying about or unaware of. Pregnancy is one of them. For example, any woman (and by woman, I mean anybody who has experienced menarche) who presents to the ER with lower abdominal pain gets, among other tests, a pregnancy test to help rule out an ectopic pregnancy, which can be fatal if not treated.  Even if it's not such a dire situation, the earlier prenatal care starts, the better for both mother and child, and if the patient decides that she wants to terminate, the earlier it's done, the safer it is. I have seen kids as young as 12 gets tested; the youngest I've seen come back positive was 14, and she swore up and down that she wasn't having sex, as did mom and dad.


Given that the consequences of not doing one can be catastrophic for both patient and care provider, it's worth a few minutes of being pissed that one's integrity is being called into question.


Tell your friend that she needs to read the Patient's Bill of Rights (yes, there really is such a thing) for her doctor's practice; it usually states in one way or another that the patient gets to participate in any treatment decisions.


There are those gynecologists, who automatically assume that every female is sexually active. If she happens to say no, they either think she either doesn't KNOW if she's pregnant, or that she's lying about being sexually active.


Holy crap, so much this.


I've heard the horror stories first-hand how someone went in for some first time gyno-crap and told when asked that no, they were not nor had ever been sexually active. The doctor refused to believe that because they were like 22-23 at the time and obviously everyone at that age has been screwing around for ages and ended up getting the biggest whatever it was to go spelunking with. Doctor knows-it-all ended up hurting my friend internally. :| Yet another reason to hate doctors.


Holy crap, so much this.


I've heard the horror stories first-hand how someone went in for some first time gyno-crap and told when asked that no, they were not nor had ever been sexually active. The doctor refused to believe that because they were like 22-23 at the time and obviously everyone at that age has been screwing around for ages and ended up getting the biggest whatever it was to go spelunking with. Doctor knows-it-all ended up hurting my friend internally. :| Yet another reason to hate doctors.

Another friend of mine has horrible endometriosis and I keep hearing horror stories from her about how women will go to their doctors, asking about help and get told it's nothing and they're imagining it... only to find out after ages of preventable, excruciating pain, that they have uteran tissue growing all over their internal organs.

Another friend of mine has horrible endometriosis and I keep hearing horror stories from her about how women will go to their doctors, asking about help and get told it's nothing and they're imagining it... only to find out after ages of preventable, excruciating pain, that they have uteran tissue growing all over their internal organs.


I got that kind of crap too. I was told that the horrific pains I was dealing with were just 'female problems' [not likely] and it wasn't until my roommate at the time found me curled up on the bathroom floor one morning that they finally did something - my gall bladder was full of stones, pus and air bubbles. And I'm going through that same level of crap doctor behavior right now. There is literally something attached to my liver, it rubs against my ribcage and the doctor could feel it at the last visit I bothered with but doesn't feel like doing anything about it because that would be work. You'd think that the fact that the last time they had to go in for anything they had to remove a couple of tummy tumors would make them a little faster on the uptake of what kinds of things might be going on in there and want to deal with it as soon as possible. Instead, I get to monitor sizes and aches and cough up blood chunks every so often because medical is a joke if you are female. An expensive joke.


Holy crap, so much this.


I've heard the horror stories first-hand how someone went in for some first time gyno-crap and told when asked that no, they were not nor had ever been sexually active. The doctor refused to believe that because they were like 22-23 at the time and obviously everyone at that age has been screwing around for ages and ended up getting the biggest whatever it was to go spelunking with. Doctor knows-it-all ended up hurting my friend internally. :| Yet another reason to hate doctors.


With that being said, your friend has the right to change her doctor. Some doctors are way too skeptical of their patients and can get to the point of heated arguments. No patient should have to tolerate that bullshit.


With that being said, your friend has the right to change her doctor. Some doctors are way too skeptical of their patients and can get to the point of heated arguments. No patient should have to tolerate that bullshit.


Amen. That is always an option, and sometimes it's the only option.


With that being said, your friend has the right to change her doctor. Some doctors are way too skeptical of their patients and can get to the point of heated arguments. No patient should have to tolerate that bullshit.


This was years ago but if I'm remembering correctly, she definitely got a new doctor and that doctor might not have had their job much longer after than incident.


Unfortunately that's not always possible in some areas where there are only so many doctors to go around and most of them already suck.


This was years ago but if I'm remembering correctly, she definitely got a new doctor and that doctor might not have had their job much longer after than incident.


Unfortunately that's not always possible in some areas where there are only so many doctors to go around and most of them already suck.


Sometimes you have to switch hospitals to get better care. If you're at a hospital and all their doctors are terrible, you must find a better hospital with better doctors. You may have a longer commute, but as long as you have decent doctors, the better.


This was years ago but if I'm remembering correctly, she definitely got a new doctor and that doctor might not have had their job much longer after than incident.


Unfortunately that's not always possible in some areas where there are only so many doctors to go around and most of them already suck.


I live in one of these areas, and there are always alternatives.

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