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The world is finally less one 20 year old cat.

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Damn... That cat was alive for half of my childhood probably.  She bleonged to my best friends family before


they gave her to my mom. Sorry for posting this, but I just had to deal with my mom who called me and had


me rush over there, I'd just got up like 10 minutes prior.  I'm so sad.


I lliterally don't know how to feel right now. I mean.. My mom went to work.. balling...


I treid to stop her or atleast let me drop her off, but she wouldn't let me, she just kinda got angry..


Hooray horrray... This cat lived a long happy life though... It's ok.  |::


She still needs to be immortalized in some way this cat has been with two families that really loved her.


She was almost as old as me and and I'm mid twenties for christ sake..


I'm trying to collect my thoughts enough.

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