ghostrek2 Posted September 10, 2017 Posted September 10, 2017 godzilla and mothra that dose not even make sense
Zenigundam Posted September 11, 2017 Posted September 11, 2017 Any attractive girl I've ever asked out, and the scraggly beta male I was cheated on for.
ghostrek2 Posted September 11, 2017 Author Posted September 11, 2017 That's what makes it hot. *ghostrek2 walks out*
SwimModSponges Posted September 11, 2017 Posted September 11, 2017 Jean and Storm of the X-Men being brutally raped by dinosaurs. !!TRIGGER WARNING- HARDCORE NON-CONSENSUAL DINOSAUR FUCKING!! The screen inside the cabin of the crashed lander glowed with information as I typed at the control console. In seconds I had a topographical map of the area and a HUD for every member of the team, complete with vital readings and video feed. Deadpool climbed back in through the hatch and sat down next to me. “Hey, so remember earlier, when we were joking about having sex with a dinosaur?” he began. “I was only joking. Please don’t make me have sex with a dinosaur.” We sat in silence for a moment. “Unless it’s like, a really fucking sexy dinosaur,” he continued. “Actually, no; I’ve heard of people getting diseases from handling their pet iguanas, I mean… that’s the kind of risk I don’t want to take, not even with my dick.” I nodded slowly as I kept my attention on the monitor. “Again,” he said, “unless she was like dinosaur supermodel hot.” “Ok, I get it Wade, Jesus. We’ll see what I can get away with in a post-credits scene, OK?” I said briefly turning my attention away. “Now go outside and wait for the enemy or something.” “That’s all I’m asking for,” he said as he turned to leave. “Emergency situation, I repeat, emergency situation!” the voice of Storm cracked out over the communicator. “This is Sponges, what is your emergency?” I said as I brought her HUD and video stream into the main window on the display. To her left stood Jean Grey, crouched down and looking nervous, Storm turned and I was able to see they were surrounded. “Dinosaurs,” replied Storm. The creatures were small and bipedal, slightly larger than wolves, with dark yellow hides interspersed with slashes of red down the flank. The beasts had large jaws filled with razor sharp teeth, including a pair of tusks which jutted out midway down the jawline. Long rows of bright blue quills ran down their backs. Roughly a dozen of them stood around the clearing with Jean and Storm in the center. “I’ve got a really simple solution,” said Wade, who had never actually left. “Take your guns out, and shoot them. Bang bang bang, problem solved, right?” “One problem,” remarked Jean. “We left the guns in the duffel bag.” “You did WHAT?!” shouted Deadpool over the receiver. “Piece of advice, when someone says ‘there are dinosaurs out there, bring a gun,’ you should really bring the goddamn gun.” “We don’t need weapons, we have our powers,” replied Jean. “Storm, is there any way you could attack them with wind or lightening? Maybe lift us out of here?” “There isn't enough ambient electromagnetism in the atmosphere down here for lightening. I could toss one of them about twenty feet, but I don’t think that would be much help,” began Storm, “And the branches of the trees are all too high to reach. Try calming them with your telepathic posers.” “I’ve been trying,” retorted Jean. “Their minds are like nothing I’ve felt before. “Be calm,” she whispered as she reached her hand out to the nearest animal in a gesture of peace. “We don’t wish to hurt you.” The dinosaur snapped at her hand which she pulled away in shock. “I don’t think they’re afraid of being hurt,” said Deadpool over the radio. “Maybe they’re just hungry? Try telling them you taste like a sack of moldy assholes.” Jean closed her eyes and concentrated, reaching out to the animal again. It seemed to calm slightly as it approached her, head down. “Oh god,” she said, her eyes now wide open, staring at the animal who stood before her panting heavily; a glazed over expression in its eyes as its jaw slowly widened. “What is it Jean?” asked Storm, visibly alarmed. “They’re not hungry,” said Jean, still staring. Storm followed her gaze as she noticed a growing red patch on the creature's otherwise pale throat. Veins withing the flush area pumped rapidly as the creature threw its head back in display; a trill of high-pitched coughing ululations issuing from its fanged jaws. “Oh god,” echoed Storm as her gaze continued to follow Jean's downwards, from the bright red throat display down the corded primal musculature which rippled down the beast's chest. The dinosaur chortled again; his back arched as the ladies line of sight terminated on the large, glistening protrusion which had thrust its way from the beast's scaly cloaca. “Awwww man,” said Deadpool. “We’re about to see some freaky shit go down right here.” He edged closer to the monitor as the other creatures within the clearing began to mirror the behaviors of the first. “Go outside Wade, keep watch.” I replied. “Do it now.” I demanded, reaching for the zipper of my pants. “And don’t come back in until I say.” “Whaaat? No man, I’ve got to see this” he said. “I’ll tape it for you, now go outside.” I said as I turned my attention back to the monitor. The lead creature let out a fearsome cry as the cacophony of excited chirps suddenly grew silent, the pent-up energy of the clearing now coalescing itself in an anxious silence as the creature lowered its head to look Jean Grey in the eye. "Please," pleaded the visibly terrified redheaded woman as she tried in vain to activate some shred of sympathy within the creature's cold reptilian brain. A single tear rolled down her cheek as the dinosaur once again opened its chiseled jaw, baring its fangs as it took an awkward step towards her; its bulbous reptilian penis bouncing from side to side as it went about deciding the most practical way of mounting her. "Jean!" cried Storm suddenly, her cry attracting the attention of the beast momentarily. Storm summoned the wind to toss the dinosaur roughly into the trunk of a nearby tree as Jean made a break for it. With terrified, ragged gasps Jean dashed towards the underbrush; but her futile attempt at an escape was cut off by a pair of the hissing monsters which rushed forth from the periphery of the clearing. Behind her, Storm cried as one of the smaller beasts leapt onto her back, her hand held firmly in its jaw a it pulled her to the forest floor, effectively preventing her from further interference. Another of the creatures stalked up behind, sniffing at her raised hindquarters. Jean stood, frozen with fear, staring at the two monsters which blocked her egress. She whimpered pitifully, her gaze fixed straight ahead as the her attacker stood and shook himself off. She could feel its hot breath on the back of her neck as its jaws closed down around her shoulder. Boiling hot pricks drove unto her back as the creature pressed its clawed foot into her back, causing her to cry out in pain as the beast slashed downwards, rivulets of blood forming in the shallow cuts left in her skin and clothing from shoulder-blade to mid-thigh. The torn fabric fell from her body in ribbons as the pressure of the creature's scaly foot again returned to her back, forcing her downwards. The pressure of the fangs around her shoulder increased, puncturing her flesh as she was forced to submit to its primal demands. Her whimpering had broken now, into uncontrolled sobs as she felt the sticky red rocket of the creature rubbing hotly against the sweat-moistened skin of her lower back, her buttocks, her inner thighs. The beast on top of her explored her body with its engorged phallus, its instinctual thrusts running along the seam of her shapely ass. The narrow tip of the creature's genitalia pressed up against the puckered ring of Jean's anus; the beast, having found a means of ingress into her body hissed excited and attempted to thrust forwards against the impossibly tight opening. Jean gasped as the thing found its way inside of her; eyes wide in her head as it wormed its way roughly a few centimeters into her most forbidden orifice. Frustrated by its inaccurate copulation attempt, the creature pulled himself out of her anus and again attempted coitus. Storm cried out once again; out of the corner of her eye Jean could see that she was in a similar position; clothing torn to shreds as one of the beasts thrusted against her ebony folds. As Jean watched, the monster above Storm pulled back its hips and thrust forwards; its penis finding its mark as it sunk deep withing her. Storm gasped as the beast inserted itself as deep inside her womb as it possibly could before pulling halfway out for another tremendous thrust. And another. The beast's fangs clamped down around Storms throat, which issued a pained gasp with every intermission of the creature's genitals. Jean turned back, unable to watch any more as her attention again focused on the beast which was presently attempting to penetrate her. Overcome by terror; she felt her bladder involuntarily begin to drain; a steady stream of fear urine issuing out from between the lips of her vagina, splattering in the dirt between her knees. As she knelt crying, the pulsating red member of the creature followed the stream to its source; the delicate pink curtains beneath Jean Grey's fiery red pubic mound parting as the monster found its way inside of her. The pressure of the creatures throbbing cock inside of her was immense; she could feel the ridges and bumps as they slid in and out of her body with forceful thrusts. She and Storm cried out in vain as the beasts had their way with them. For a time, the space around them faded away; no trees, no sky, no world above. Just the constant pounding of the monsters inside; unending as waves crashing ashore. Jean felt a warmth begin to spread; a tingling sensation she could not control. Across the clearing, Storms cries had changed; from whimpers to breathless grunts, now the slight edge of a moan lie underneath. Jean could feel the blood pounding through her veins, her body trembling as her loins grew hotter with every thrust. From beneath she lifted her hand to her crotch, careful to not upset the fearsome beast which still held her down. She ran her fingers across the outside of her labia as the monster thrusted, and was astonished by how wet she had become. She looked back over to Storm, who appeared to be losing the fight against her own body as well. She winced and inhaled sharply as the beast began to become irregular with its thrusts, the ragged breath which escaped her mouth signifying the eruption to come. As Jean watched, the creature atop Storm issued a loud coughing cry as its thrusts reached a fever pitch; arching its back as it made a final push; pearly white seamen spraying out from the over-filled mocha lips which wrapped tightly against its cock; contracting to extract every drop of the liquid as Storm cried out from the orgasm which had forced it way out of her. The creature pulled out, a stream of sticky white beads waterfalling from Storm's gaping hole. She lay there, ass in the sky, gasping and catching her breath, as a second beast stepped up to mount her. Jean could feel the rhythmic pulsations of the beast inside of her begin to grow irregular, as its penis swelled in preparation of orgasm. The heat which spread through her body was now uncontrollable; she could fight her bodily sensations no longer. Reaching back up to her impossibly wet snatch, she began rubbing her clitoris as the beast unloaded its sticky white cum deep inside her throbbing pussy. She cried out as the orgasm filled her, bringing her hand back up to her face she found her fingers were sticky with both her own vaginal fluids and the musky white nectar of the beast. Her head swam as the strong pheromone odor hit her, she felt intoxicated by the experience. Bringing her fingers to her lips, she tasted the substance which covered them before reaching her hand back down to guide the next dinosaur penis into her. “Wow…” I began. “That was…” “Graphic,” continued Deadpool, who must have snuck back in at some point. “It’s kind of, burned into my mind now, you know what I mean?” “Yeah, there’s no way to unsee that.” I agreed. “I didn’t expect them to be so… bitey.” “Yeah," said Deadpool "They should probably get some Neosporin." he continued, "And probably some penicillin, you know. I mean, if iguanas can give you the herp, well there's no telling what those guys were carrying...” An awkward silence took over the cabin. “I think I should probably go back and prevent that from happening.” I said finally, still staring at the screen. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” replied Wade. “You still recorded it though, right?” he said turning it to me. “Are you joking? Of course I did.” “Make sure you give me a copy,” he said.
Guest VegetaFajita Posted September 11, 2017 Posted September 11, 2017 tweek and Craig tweek x craig :D :D :D
bnmjy Posted September 11, 2017 Posted September 11, 2017 whats more disgusting is someone as small dicked as you is pretending to be ghostrek with his mandingo the fuck out of here :it:
lupin_bebop Posted September 11, 2017 Posted September 11, 2017 Fuggs and any living, breathing human male.
Sawdamizer Posted September 11, 2017 Posted September 11, 2017 i am ghostrek Say something stupid that only the real ghostrek would say, in true ghostrek fashion.
André Toulon Posted September 11, 2017 Posted September 11, 2017 i am ghostrek OK wow that strange Now tell me what I sent to your FB inbox
Sandstone Posted September 11, 2017 Posted September 11, 2017 That's what makes it hot. It makes my scales tingle.
enad Posted September 11, 2017 Posted September 11, 2017 i am ghostrek Did you need a separate account just for your hog?
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