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i refuse


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fucking management just sits around thinking "hmm.. people are actually enjoying working here. what can we do to make things harder?" so now we have to fucking track EVERY TIME we go over on our break WHILE working.. so if my break is at 11:30 and im on a phone call until 11:40, i have to track it.


i have 100% ONE HUNDRED PERCENT schedule adherence EVERY month

so you know what? im not going to do it. i refuse. thats three minutes of  MY time i could be using to think of something other than work. fuck them


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In b4  "Those racists fired me" :|

i mean when i was working tech support i had to track when i went to lunch and when i came back. not the EXACT time but if i wasn't back within like 5 minutes they weren't happy. my job starts at 8 now, i come in at 8 but there are people who come in at 9:30 and leave at 4. no one cares as long as the work is done

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bring it!


"you have perfect adherence and are on time everyday every single day...but you didnt log when you went to break 2 minutes past your scheduled time because you were DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB. we have to let you go"


bye bitches. i know any judge will give me immediate unemployment benefits after that mess.

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You have a scheduled time to take a break?



They don't usually care what time we go on break as long as you take a break ... I  think there's  a rule where you can't take a break within 1 hour of coming in but otherwise .... free for all.

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How much do those call centers pay anyway? I can't seem to find  a job in my college field of study because I don't have enough legit social work experience.

if you count technical support as a call center, it's ok for a first job but it's not something i'd tell anyone to stick with

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bring it!


"you have perfect adherence and are on time everyday every single day...but you didnt log when you went to break 2 minutes past your scheduled time because you were DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB. we have to let you go"


bye bitches. i know any judge will give me immediate unemployment benefits after that mess.


wait you got fired? Over that?

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