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You guys seemed to like postin' me songs so do it again. This version even includes the new rule

NO IceJJfish..



  • no rickrolls
  • no darude sandstorm
  • no hatsune miku
  • you know what..no anime theme songs unless made by the pillows.
  • no pink guy
  • no IceJJfish


Wtf is a IceJJFish?

Just go to youtube and type that in.. I'm sure it's a parody or 'troll' type thing, but it's recieved a lot of

recognition just for how horrible it is.. I say it because I've only heard that one viral song, and I hope

there's not more, but there probably is...just don't fuel the fire and look for more PLZ.


Holy shit you were right IceJJFish is baaaaaaaaad. Headache inducing. I've never heard someone be off tune in multiple registers at the same time before listening to that.


I'll be sure to be the one who keeps making new rules be needed. :poop:


dammit well you were the one respnsible for the IceJJfish, but in all fairness I was well aware of the song..

I just think I finally put up a mental block and it just didn't come to me when I was thinking of the rules.

I think you may have just found another one.. I could deal with 54 seconds, but if she keeps doing that

for 3 minutes holy fuck no thanks.  ::D::


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