quebecelegy Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 u cant prove me wrong durarara, fma brotherhood, gits, flcl, bebop lol, now one piece, kai, filler mode shippuden and soon db super sad days. Quote
StarPanda Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Nah toonami has had some great shows after 2012 But can beat the golden era of 2004-2012 Quote
Zenigundam Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 I can see why people liked that, but really FMA and GitS aren't my cup of tea. Just trife eye candy imo. The best ASA line-up to me was back in late '02 with Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Mobile Suit Gundam, Gundam 0080, and Outlaw Star. That was pure coke while it lasted. I can't think of any stellar Toonami line-up. It's always at least had one or two shows on that weren't all that interesting. Quote
Jman Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 So shit, and exhausted reruns x4. FUCK ASA. Quote
mochi Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 u cant prove me wrong durarara, fma brotherhood, gits, flcl, bebop lol, now one piece, kai, filler mode shippuden and soon db super sad days. the raitings beg to differ Quote
PokeNirvash Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Half of this thread is needlessly negative and it fucking sickens me. [durarara rules] Quote
quebecelegy Posted December 23, 2016 Author Posted December 23, 2016 Nah toonami has had some great shows after 2012 But can beat the golden era of 2004-2012 great shows but the poor lineup of the current toonami is really saddening tbh especially if you're not wearing nostalgia goggles for dbz and gundam shouldn't even be called gundam Quote
quebecelegy Posted December 23, 2016 Author Posted December 23, 2016 I can see why people liked that, but really FMA and GitS aren't my cup of tea. Just trife eye candy imo. The best ASA line-up to me was back in late '02 with Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Mobile Suit Gundam, Gundam 0080, and Outlaw Star. That was pure coke while it lasted. I can't think of any stellar Toonami line-up. It's always at least had one or two shows on that weren't all that interesting. hmm a very well informed opinion, zeni would you say the current toonami's lineup has shows that match the quality of late 02 asa with yyh, bebop, gundam, and outlaw star? Quote
quebecelegy Posted December 23, 2016 Author Posted December 23, 2016 Durarara is the poor man's Baccano baccano's great prefer drrr tho Quote
quebecelegy Posted December 23, 2016 Author Posted December 23, 2016 So shit, and exhausted reruns x4. FUCK ASA. >ASA was shit he says, as he watches a lineup that's 90% trash with one piece, kai, that random gundam show that literally made me stop watching the last time i tried to watch toonami, and will watch db super which is a backhand slap to viewers, but everyone happily begs for more. Quote
quebecelegy Posted December 23, 2016 Author Posted December 23, 2016 the raitings beg to differ idk about ratings last time i read about them was when aot was still premiering Quote
Zenigundam Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Not at all. I don't think Toonami's current line-up compares to any version of ASA. If anything, it's pretty similar to Toonami back in 2000 when it was showing Gundam Wing, the Cell Saga of DBZ, the three Tenchi series, Sailor Moon, etc crossed with the Toonami that showed Naruto, Zatch Bell, Bobobo, 4KidsPiece. Quote
Jman Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 ASA was always shit. Geass, shit. Death note, shit. Kekkaishi, kid shit. I can go on forever, but FUCK ASA. Quote
Zenigundam Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Death note, shit. Death Note is a brilliant anime. It's the threshold of creativity and substance. Quote
quebecelegy Posted December 23, 2016 Author Posted December 23, 2016 ASA was always shit. Geass, shit. Death note, shit. Kekkaishi, kid shit. I can go on forever, but FUCK ASA. IT'S BAD CAUSE I SAY IS BAD ^that's you here are some objectively true fax geass is a good, if often overrated show death note is amazing show for the first half. like actually 10/10 worth, but struggles through the last 1/3 kekkaishi i liked and didn't mind, but was a weird choice over soul eater. kid shit lol i should've known, ur just trallin Quote
Bookend47 Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Well the shows were darker, which therefore meant they were more interesting and more enjoyable to watch weekly. But any given year of revived Toonami curb-stomps any year of ASA in terms of quality and variety. Quote
Chapinator_X Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Toonami 2014-2016 was much better than 2011-2012. Kill la Kill, Titan, JoJo, Dandy, Parasyte, Hunter, OPM, Gurren Lagann, Hellsing, Michiko and Hatchin, they really stepped up their game and got some very good shows. 2011 was all the rerun stuff combined with Cockaishi, and 2012 was a combination of Funimation's dregs and children's cartoons that previously showed up on Cartoon Network. Actually, the best era is 2005-2007, but I digress. Quote
quebecelegy Posted December 23, 2016 Author Posted December 23, 2016 Toonami 2014-2016 was much better than 2011-2012. Kill la Kill, Titan, JoJo, Dandy, Parasyte, Hunter, OPM, Gurren Lagann, Hellsing, Michiko and Hatchin, they really stepped up their game and got some very good shows. 2011 was all the rerun stuff combined with Cockaishi, and 2012 was a combination of Funimation's dregs and children's cartoons that previously showed up on Cartoon Network. Actually, the best era is 2005-2007, but I digress. my favorite toonami lineup was prob early 2014 if only instead of sao they had gotten f/zero it would've been 10/10 honestly, 2014 was probably toonami's best year in terms of getting really good shows and shows that made a bridge for casual viewers. Quote
quebecelegy Posted December 23, 2016 Author Posted December 23, 2016 Well the shows were darker, which therefore meant they were more interesting and more enjoyable to watch weekly. But any given year of revived Toonami curb-stomps any year of ASA in terms of quality and variety. idk, how? in what way does toonami today curbstomp early asa lineup vs all shows on asa during 2003 were great and at worst watchable toonami today has two good shows, one of which is relegated to a fucking dead slot not even counting how badly one piece and shippuden drag the overall quality of toonami down op alone brings drags down toonami from a 7/10 to a 2/10 Quote
scope Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 It's all a matter of perspective, ASA came at a time where you couldn't just find any anime on the internet anytime you wanted. ASA got me into anime so I will always have a soft spot for it, I always just saw DBZ and Naruto as "just cartoons" but Cowboy Bebop came and I started to take anime more seriously.....then they added GITS and FMA and Paranoia Agent and I realized it was a medium with depth......I give Toonami credit for continuing anime on television even if I don't watch it much but being an older fan early ASA will always be important to my viewership. Quote
scope Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 I can see why people liked that, but really FMA and GitS aren't my cup of tea. Just trife eye candy imo. Stand Alone Complex is literally the exact opposite of "eye candy" it doesn't hold it's viewers hand or pander to the audience, it's a rare gritty cyberpunk anime that cuts no corners and you'd be hard pressed to find anything similar nowadays. Quote
Zenigundam Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Hah I remember those like they were yesterday. Doesn't feel that long ago even though it was. With what Scope said, in the early days of ASA, if you missed an episode that Saturday, you were screwed and had to wait three months for a rerun assuming the show didn't get pulled. If you miss an episode of JoJo on Toonami, you can watch the dub within the hour online. Also, it was the first time many of us got to see cursing and blood pimped out on Cartoon Network. The hellish atmosphere around it and the dark content of some of its shows made Toonami look like child's play. The good thing about Toonami right now is that even though it lacks variety and would be best served airing every weeknight so that more people would follow its runs of HxH, OP, and Naruto, the state of the rest of CN is so lowly that any kid or teen who watches CN and then sees Toonami will think it's the hottest sh-- ever just by virtue of how much better, different, and edgier it is. 1 Quote
Zenigundam Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Stand Alone Complex is literally the exact opposite of "eye candy" it doesn't hold it's viewers hand or pander to the audience, it's a rare gritty cyberpunk anime that cuts no corners and you'd be hard pressed to find anything similar nowadays. It's crisp and beautifully animated. It could almost pass for an anime that came out in Japan last year. I don't see much appeal otherwise, but my attention span isn't great when it comes to processing intricate, technology/military babble. Quote
Bookend47 Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 idk, how? in what way does toonami today curbstomp early asa lineup vs all shows on asa during 2003 were great and at worst watchable toonami today has two good shows, one of which is relegated to a fucking dead slot not even counting how badly one piece and shippuden drag the overall quality of toonami down op alone brings drags down toonami from a 7/10 to a 2/10 Shouldn't have said the any given year part but you got me. A bit unfair to have Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, a great Gundam show, and Yu Yu Hakusho all in one promo, it's impossible to find a post-cut Toonami lineup that can match that. Like it doesn't even exist, also I thought you were referring solely to the 2011-2012 ASA but I'll take this lost. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Hard for me to compare since now I watch nearly everything subbed first so there's not much I see new anymore. I do have very fond memories of the early Yu Yu Hakusho/Inuyasha era circa 02. Also of E7, Paranoia Agent, and Lupin circa 05 I think? The era that had Deadman and Casshern and Tenchi GXP as the big new shows was definitely worse than those and now. Quote
Zenigundam Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Gundam 0083... it could have been way better. Still a decent show imo. I was really into the UC storyline, and wanted to watch all of the Gundams in order from MSG through, but CN/AS made that impossible at the time. Always loved the opening for 0083 though with Kou running in space as the years since the One Year War go by. So 80s haha. Not as bad as how they've handled One Piece though between the 4Kids dub when 4Kids never even wanted OP for the long haul and then Toonami bringing it back on AS like two hundred episodes in haha. It's really just on there for casual viewing. Nobody's actually supposed to religiously follow OP on Toonami. Toonami's return with Deadman Wonderland and Casshern Sins was pretty bad. The fans were clamoring for its return and they put up two duds as their first acquisitions. It was like they didn't really prepare for the return and were just throwing on anything they could afford at the last minute. And I recall Deadman's first or second episode being really awesome... how the heck did its creators botch such a cool concept of imprisonment survival so badly? 1 Quote
scope Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 I don't see much appeal otherwise, but my attention span isn't great when it comes to processing intricate, technology/military babble. I find this amusing from a person with GUNDAM in their username LOL anyways yes Stand Alone Complex has really nice animation for it's era, I can understand someone not being in the mood to follow the plot but you really can't say it's just pretty, there's no filler, no gimmicks like fan service just a collection of raw cyber punk stories can you say any of the anime currently airing on Toonami do the same and don't waste time with their narrative? I'll wait.... Quote
Zenigundam Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Gundam series are at least comprehensible, save for the convoluted ones like Wing, Seed, IBO etc. Everybody in Ghost in the Shell talks like Otacon in Metal Gear Solid... for real lmao. All spouting out esoteric knowledge of things that are foreign to normal people. DBZ Kai doesn't waste time. That's its sole reason for existing. : Quote
scope Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Gundam series are at least comprehensible, save for the convoluted ones like Wing, Seed, IBO etc. Everybody in Ghost in the Shell talks like Otacon in Metal Gear Solid... for real lmao. All spouting out esoteric knowledge of things that are foreign to normal people. DBZ Kai doesn't waste time. That's its sole reason for existing. : I didn't find the dialogue foreign at all.....just because something doesn't have non-canon "filler" doesn't mean it doesn't waste time with it's narrative....DBZ Kai fights still sometimes take 5 or more episodes to finish a single fight....trying to tell me a show that's 35 percent yelling and powering up doesn't waste time because it cut out the filler, what a joke. Quote
Zenigundam Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Vegeta, Frieza, and Cell are no jokes. They can't be beaten in one episode. Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 great shows but the poor lineup of the current toonami is really saddening tbh especially if you're not wearing nostalgia goggles for dbz and gundam shouldn't even be called gundam I take it you haven't seen any of Gundam Unicorn yet, then? It's about as "Gundam" as Gundam can be! There IS a reason Sketch once had it at #1 on his list of shows he'd want to see on Toonami! Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Gundam 0083... it could have been way better. Still a decent show imo. I was really into the UC storyline, and wanted to watch all of the Gundams in order from MSG through, but CN/AS made that impossible at the time. Always loved the opening for 0083 though with Kou running in space as the years since the One Year War go by. So 80s haha. Not as bad as how they've handled One Piece though between the 4Kids dub when 4Kids never even wanted OP for the long haul and then Toonami bringing it back on AS like two hundred episodes in haha. It's really just on there for casual viewing. Nobody's actually supposed to religiously follow OP on Toonami. Toonami's return with Deadman Wonderland and Casshern Sins was pretty bad. The fans were clamoring for its return and they put up two duds as their first acquisitions. It was like they didn't really prepare for the return and were just throwing on anything they could afford at the last minute. And I recall Deadman's first or second episode being really awesome... how the heck did its creators botch such a cool concept of imprisonment survival so badly? Gundam Unicorn is definitely a UC series with big-budget OVA animation; hope you enjoy it. One Piece is just as worthy of being religiously followed as any of the other Toonami shows, though I will agree that since after Hunter x Hunter, Netflix viewing is possible, it does kinda serve to bring Shippuden and OP down an echelon. Finally, Deadman Wonderland was a great show for 11.5 episodes, up until its cheeseball non-ending. Too bad it didn't sell well enough in Japan to continue! But JoJo and Gundam IBO did better in the ratings at 12:30 than Deadman. Quote
BUU8800 Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 Vegeta, Frieza, and Cell are no jokes. They can't be beaten in one episode. *cough* Quote
CaptainStarwind Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 I think the best era for Toonami was 2013 to 2014. 2013 saw Toonami beginning to pick up higher profile shows (I'll take Soul Eater over Deadman Wonderland anyday), and it seemed like the block began to develop an identity for itself, rather than just being "ASA with Toonami packaging" like it seemed to be in 2012. 2014 took it further, with expansion and the addition of even better shows (Gurren Lagann, Black Lagoon). Toonami in 2014 struck a pretty good balance between airing long running shonens, shorter seinen series, and older Adult Swim reruns. It seemed like the block had something for everybody. Quote
ben0119 Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 So shit, and exhausted reruns x4. FUCK ASA. Quote
OwlChemist81 Posted December 23, 2016 Posted December 23, 2016 I think the best era for Toonami was 2013 to 2014. 2013 saw Toonami beginning to pick up higher profile shows (I'll take Soul Eater over Deadman Wonderland anyday), and it seemed like the block began to develop an identity for itself, rather than just being "ASA with Toonami packaging" like it seemed to be in 2012. 2014 took it further, with expansion and the addition of even better shows (Gurren Lagann, Black Lagoon). Toonami in 2014 struck a pretty good balance between airing long running shonens, shorter seinen series, and older Adult Swim reruns. It seemed like the block had something for everybody. Yeah, I think 2014 was probably Toonami on Adult Swim's best year in terms of variety if not ratings, though 2015 was no slouch either despite being kneecapped tightly down to 12-3:30 only to escape for DST abnormalities, and has far outshined any other year so far in the ratings. Especially the first half of 2015 will probably go down in history as a "unique" year, what with Toonami having more female appeal than perhaps any time in its history between Kill la Kill, Sword Art Online, Michiko & Hatchin, and InuYasha: The Final Act, which all either had strong female leads or focused extensively on romance. But somehow now going into 2017 Toonami's managed to capture some of the same variety as 2014 with fewer shows: Want HOT, NEW? It doesn't get much hotter than DB Super's dub! Want vampires? Got 'em! (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) Want giant robots? Got 'em! (Gundam Unicorn) Want ninjas? Got 'em! (Naruto: Shippuden) Want pirates? Got 'em! (One Piece) Want movies? Well, it may still happen again in 2017, as last year's Miyazaki-esque Children Who Chase Lost Voices (Makoto Shinkai) showed up at the end of DST and felt like a late-year call-back to 2006's Month of Miyazaki. I would like to see them pop up at a time slot other than 3 AM and pre-empt portions of the normal lineup this time though. Eva 3.33 is of course the low-hanging fruit, and maybe Toonami would even be able to cut a deal with FUNimation to stream 1.11 (Monday-Wednesday) and 2.22 (Wednesday-Friday) again on their marathon channel so viewers wouldn't be hopelessly lost! And finally, the "strong female lead" is actually coming back right at the end of the block with Ghost In The Shell on February 4th! Quote
Sketch Posted December 24, 2016 Posted December 24, 2016 Shouldn't have said the any given year part but you got me. A bit unfair to have Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, a great Gundam show, and Yu Yu Hakusho all in one promo, it's impossible to find a post-cut Toonami lineup that can match that. Like it doesn't even exist, also I thought you were referring solely to the 2011-2012 ASA but I'll take this lost. I dunno Summer 2014 might have that beat. Space Dandy, Black Lagoon, Gurren Lagann, FMAB and Cowboy Bebop. I suppose if you don't like One Piece, Shippuden or Bleach then it's lacking a show comparable to YYH but I'd say One Piece suffices. Lets not forget most of the shows on ASA in 2002 were considerably censored compared to what Black Lagoon was allowed to get away with. I'd take Gurren over Gundam 0083, Dandy and Lagoon are as good or better than Outlaw Star IMO and FMAB is shounen done right. Sure you could argue some shows on the line-up drag it down but lets not forget Pilot Candidate was on Adult Swim Action back then and you can't tell me that even Shippuden filler, Bleach and Beware the Batman are worse than that. 1 Quote
scope Posted December 24, 2016 Posted December 24, 2016 I dunno Summer 2014 might have that beat. Dandy and Lagoon are as good or better than Outlaw Star IMO I agree with most of what you said but these three are apples and oranges and all pretty great. Quote
Sketch Posted December 24, 2016 Posted December 24, 2016 For most of 2016 Toonami has been monotonous and it has only become more monotonous and will be yet even more monotonous in January. There are some great shows airing but it's too much of the same shit over and over and over again. I happen to enjoy most of the shows on Toonami but I'm still burnt out on the same shit all the time. I don't think ASA has ever gotten quite as monotonous as Toonami has become but it definitely had dry spells and 2011-2012 was boring as hell once Durarara finished it's first run. Quote
CaptainStarwind Posted December 24, 2016 Posted December 24, 2016 For most of 2016 Toonami has been monotonous and it has only become more monotonous and will be yet even more monotonous in January. There are some great shows airing but it's too much of the same shit over and over and over again. I happen to enjoy most of the shows on Toonami but I'm still burnt out on the same shit all the time. I completely agree with this. I've been burnt out on Toonami for a long while, which is a shame since I like so many of the shows individually. I think the tipping point for me was right after they picked up Akame Ga Kill, actually. Quote
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