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Attacks on Christmas


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Are  you guilty of committing crimes against Christmas? Have you put chocolate coins in the Santa's Red Kettle or something similar?

Last year my step dad got these annoying Lazy Lights. Its basically a projector that projects lights on  your house ... annoying as shit.

>.> I kept unplugging it .... but he kept plugging it back up with this ugly orange extension cord running through the front yard .... so I cut the plug off and threw it away in the dumpster at my job.

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I just went to a restaurant that's contributing to the horrid war on Christmas. They hung up a sign that said "Have a very jolly holiday." Underneath that sentence on the sign there were a bunch of Christmas trees, and below the sign there was a painting of Santa Claus, but we all know anyone and everyone who uses the word "holidays" instead of "Christmas" is a godless heathen/Jew/Muslim/Hindu/Buddhist/Atheist

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Nah, Christmas has always been pretty chill, strictly interior decorations. 


The worst thing I've done wasn't on purpose. When I was about 8 my Dad, brother, and I were left in charge of decorating the Christmas tree and put way to many ornaments on one side, it then fell on me.


Laughter ensued by everyone not stuck under the tree at that point. 

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