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Everything posted by Skiles

  1. Agreed. I've always believed that everyone with the same first and last name should have to battle to the death for the right to the name.
  2. Okay, I guess I'll ask the question now. Why did my dad leave when I was young?
  3. Boy, that sure sounds absolutely horrendous. How are they?
  4. That's not something you wanted or needed to know, but you know it now. 😐
  5. Basically if your last name starts with F, you have to use the Piledriver. Like Jerry "The King" Flawler.
  6. I prefer the Piledriver, personally.
  7. I can't watch anything at work. At least not with sound.
  8. I can't watch it because I'm at work, but based on the thumbnail, that's gonna be a big nope from me, dawg.
  9. You just hate counting Haiku is easy to do Refrigerator
  10. If you meet the required exaggerated stereotype, there is a chance that you come from the South.
  12. To quote the legendary philosopher E-40... "You want that fast quarter, I want that slow nickel."
  13. Shit, you're right. I remember now because I had the VHS. The III was claw marks. Never mind, I was a fool. Stand by while I formulate my answer.
  14. While I'm considering my answer, isn't Lost World the third movie, or am I crazy?
  15. I've never been pulled over and not gotten a ticket. I think it's because I was a young punk, and I guess they thought it was a "teachable moment." I hope they're dead. 😐
  16. If your lack of meme knowledge is giving you heartburn, you may want to consume Prilosec.
  17. I am aware of Ronald.
  18. Are you not familiar with Lawrence the Cable Gentleman?
  19. I'm the ralph-a and the o-bleh-ga.
  20. Perhaps, but have you been having heartburn issues recently? I may have just the medicine you need.
  21. That's Mr. The Cable Guy to you, pal.
  22. That is funny right there. Get her done.
  23. That's all you can ask for.
  24. Even a couple of my bosses didn't get 100%. I should be running this place.
  25. This is going right up on the fridge.
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