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Everything posted by Cille

  1. That yaoi warning tho.
  2. Why is The Cheat Alabama in a yaoi video?
  3. The apartment complex across the street put up theirs about a week ago.
  4. sore throat Because I need to know how concerned I should be that my doctor can't see me for two days. Also that is some fine craftsmanship on that spider.
  5. Well Sasuke always was the hotter one so things are falling into place.
  6. That's bandana kid up there, right? He doesn't do much for me at first glance. His brooding friend might have potential. Nipples aren't generally the first thing I look for, but good to know I guess.
  7. Are there any hot guys at least?
  8. That stuff will probably never see the light of day again, so you probably don't have much to worry about.
  9. Lulz, people were just talking about that in our chat and the consensus was that it wasn't worth spending time on. Good game Toonami.
  10. Plenty of High Rock in Elder Scrolls Online, if that floats your boat. Of course it's not a continuation of Skyrim's storyline, but it's chock-full of Bretony goodness.
  11. Kind of clunky, but it'll work. Thanks for the intel.
  12. So there isn't just one thing I can click on without having to scroll through thread lists looking for stars and slight bolding? That would be a good thing to add for the folks who are adding things. Especially since we had it on the previous iteration.
  13. Is there a way to see threads I've posted in that have unread posts?
  14. So for those of you who might find it significant, my church has a thing for All Saints Day where you can buy white roses in memory of people who are no longer with us. Along with one for each set of my grandparents, I got one for Luuv and GeckoZero. It was just a little memorial but it was a nice way to remember missed friends.
  15. I legit saw a Sinon car parked outside the music school where I rehearse a couple of months ago. Right up at the curb in front of everybody. Didn't get a pic 'cause my phone is dumb, but it was quite a thing.
  16. You should be a halfling. You get to reroll 1s.
  17. I've been playing every weekend at a local game store for about 9-10 months. Playing in 3 different campaigns now. It gets frustrating when there are too many people at the table, but I'm really invested in my characters and I enjoy playing them and most of the time it's fun.
  18. When ghostrek is more savvy in the ways of romance than you are.
  19. Oh I was almost going to give a serious answer there. Glad I caught myself in time.
  20. Bras Texas heat Wearing a bra in Texas heat People talking about politics Politics in general Having to be the HR witness when someone is getting let go Gross bathrooms when I really need to pee When someone is upset and I try to be sympathetic but then they're still upset and I don't know what else to do Driving when I don't know where I'm going Driving in general Wedgies When two people start having an argument and the rest of us are just kind of looking at each other because we can't really do anything about it Breathing in warm air that just got breathed out Hearing what sounds like sexual activity next door when I'm trying to sleep People begging at street corners when I have to sit at a red light Finding out that the food at a place is really expensive when I've already kinda committed to eating there Tags on clothes
  21. I saw the dub and liked it.
  22. Ah, found the AIM chat log from the day the new boards went live: January 25, 2016. This is a fun read.
  23. Wait why are those all tiny. What did you do to my caps, Imgur. Edit: Oh you have to right-click on the picture and click View Image. That's kind of dumb.
  24. AD's last day: The last posts made on the boards: So January 14, 2016 at approximately 3:30pm central time. Those caps were taken on January 22 while the Lithium boards were still accessible if you knew the secret address. As far as other archive type things, I have a bunch of screencaps from ye olden days and maybe some Scrapbook saves of threads from the first or second time we thought the boards would be shut down, if that's of any interest to you.
  25. I thought this was going to be about the musical piece which I've sung before. ...I mostly stopped in to mention that I've sung Belshazzar's Feast before. So there's that.
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