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Everything posted by Cille

  1. The idea of Lacks being a HR person kind of scares me. Although it gives the screen name a whole new dimension. I say that as someone who's been dragged into dealing with HR crap at my company by virtue of having a brain that can think critically and somehow being able to refrain from calling people dramallamas and telling them to grow the hell up. Oh lawd. Someone skipped the first day of Things You Don't Say in Interviews class... I hope things work out for you, Athena. At least knowing what field you want to be employed in should give you some options you can pursue.
  2. I like how the thread title is specifically about the kid baggage and then the rest of the thread has nothing to do with that. Are either of these girls interested in you for more than sex?
  3. I mostly ignore it. Like I forget it's there.
  4. That works so well with that avatar.
  5. Aww you can't just dunk them in there and set up an underwater fight scene?
  6. I haven't actually read any of the Thrawn/Mara Jade books so I don't know how their storyline would mesh with what's going on in the new movies, but would it even make sense for them to be around doing their thing since the movies are disengaged from the storyline of the books and there was the whole time skip with no mention of them having been around during that time period? I know a lot of people were disappointed in the official canon universe losing out on the two of them. Since they didn't show up in The Force Awakens I assumed that the movie writers were just not going to involve them.
  7. This makes me think of a direct comparison between Goku and Luffy that just happens to involve scenes from the most recent episodes of Dragonball Super on Toonami and the One Piece Japanese airing: (Vague spoilers for current Japanese One Piece)
  8. Chichi decided as a child that Goku would have to marry her, because he patted her crotch because that was the only way he could tell whether someone was a boy or a girl. Then years later she showed up at the World Martial Arts Tournament and fought him and took him up on his promise to marry her, which he had forgotten about and had only made in the first place because he thought a "wedding" was a kind of food. So yeah, Goku's not really the romance type. Of course, bringing it back to the comparison between Goku and Luffy, (One Piece Toonami spoilers I guess) so I guess they have that sort of in common.
  9. I just got to this episode in my super-behind DVR watching, and I have a story. Back when our watching chat was doing the original Hunter, there was an episode where Hisoka has his hair down and isn't in his clown getup and it was a real crisis moment for me. Something like this: I randomly saw that picture on another message board last week and it made me think of Hisoka and I had to save it. I also found this in the chat logs from that show: Cille: I can't deal with Hisoka when he doesn't look like Hisoka Cille: NOT SURE IF HOT So yeah, crises... owo
  10. I feel like Luffy is more reliant on his friends and considers them more of a team (the ol' nakama concept) than Goku does with his friends. I mean they both care about their friends, but with Goku his friends are people he cares about but he'd rather keep them out of trouble and take on the bad guy himself. The exceptions being Gohan when they were training and maybe Vegeta and Piccolo because they're so strong. Whereas Luffy hand-picked his crew members and relies on them for things he knows he can't do himself. He doesn't worry so much about protecting them because he knows they can take care of themselves. Ultimately in both cases it'll come down to Goku/Luffy fighting the big bad because nobody else can beat him, because that's how it works in a shounen, but I think the team dynamics are different in each case. Maybe it also seems like that because in every arc I've seen, Goku's friends just get their asses kicked before Goku shows up, whereas the Straw Hats tend to get matched up with minibosses and do fairly well for themselves while Luffy is focusing on the big bad (or trying to get himself unstuck, as the case may be).
  11. Needs moar anime figurines scuba-diving.
  12. I approve of ben's current sig. Carry on.
  13. If all that ragehate venom is "really you," then maybe you should watch Kekkaishi again and remember that you don't have to be that way.
  14. We had Talented and Gifted (TAG) in elementary school and I did that. We'd leave our regular class and go to the TAG room at designated times and do creative projects, like making our own countries (I was in charge of designing our country's currency, and I remember that another group named their country New Kids on the Block Land which I thought was super silly) or choosing personalities for ourselves if we were stranded on a desert island or something (I think I was the "shy quiet one" and I wrote all of my journal entries with intentionally bad spelling because I decided my alter ego wasn't very well educated). We also put on a performance of The Velveteen Rabbit. I was a donkey and I was very proud of my high kicks. I also remember watching a movie about a place where it rains all the time except for one day and on the day the sun is supposed to come out the main girl gets locked in the closet by her douche classmates and it made me cry. If we're also talking about honors classes and stuff I did some of those, but that was separate from the TAG program.
  15. Mark Hamill has said that if anybody sees Luke as gay, that's totally cool. But that's less about canon (and not an official confirmation of whether he is or not) and more about Luke being an inspirational figure to people of any sexuality. I wouldn't call him strictly gay considering his romantic interest in a female early on. I also find it quite believable that his Jedi calling became more important to him than romance, or that he hasn't found someone he wanted to pursue a relationship with. It's also entirely possible that he did have one or more relationships in between Return of the Jedi and where he is now and we just didn't get to see it because time skip. And yeah obvz Rey's parentage is going to be important, or they wouldn't have made such a big deal out of it. Whether it's Luke or someone else of import remains to be seen.
  16. Isn't hetero "ice skaters falling in love" already a thing? I mean Ice Castles and The Cutting Edge covered that ground decades ago.
  17. Wait I thought it was supposed to be a secret and then we all have to guess who they are.
  18. Well of course, those who agree with you are among those who don't have taste cancer and aren't elitist, even if they are the only ones who can see what the good shows are. It's only the people who disagree with you who can't see a good show from the hole in their backsides and have to be all self-righteous about it.
  19. Don't forget that everyone else is an elitist and thinks that their opinions are the only right ones and everyone who thinks differently is beneath them.
  20. A bunch of mangaka contributed to a tribute for One Piece's 10th anniversary. I don't feel like relinking all of the pictures so you can just look here.
  21. If you're wondering how he eats and breathes And other science facts Just repeat to yourself "It's just a show One Piece I should really just relax"
  22. I've done a bunch of writing for AD's communal fanfic La Revolution, which is posted on this here website. The story is long and has had many authors, but I'm finishing it out. It's pretty good stuff considering the road it's been down.
  23. I like Poke's avatar.
  24. Cille

    ello govna~

    Says the Guy Fawkes bomb polisher.
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