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Everything posted by Cille

  1. Well I'm glad we're all on the same page about that now.
  2. Maximum the Hormone is the fun kind of screamo. The guys who did the first Hunter ED and that Parasyte song are just autotuned earbleed.
  3. Okay good, I was genuinely concerned for you for a moment there.
  4. Did Hunter get a new ED at some point, or do you have godawful taste in music?
  5. That detail was in the anime too. I've been slowly catching up on old Hunter and I'd just like to say how much I enjoy that Hisoka and Speedwagon are voiced by the same guy. Also Hisoka's flamenco theme music is hilarious. And Leorio is hot and should spend more time with his shirt off.
  6. Sounds like party time at the office.
  7. You clicked on the number that told you how many unread posts there were in the thread. Still one of the best features of the old boards that you almost never see on other boards.
  8. Wait is Togusa even in this thing? I went to the IMDb page and the only Section 9 members listed are the Major, Batou, Aramaki, and Ishikawa. There's also a Kuze so I guess we know which plot they're using. Oh nevermind the Wiki page has other characters listed including Togusa. I hope this Singaporean guy can rock a mullet.
  9. They better get Togusa's mullet right.
  10. Ichigo spends all his time in Soul Society knocking down buildings though. Or is that just part of his greater plan to keep the reconstruction industry employed?
  11. Naw man, I was a cow girl. I posted this in another thread but you can have it too. And yes that is my like 12-year-old body there. Try not to get too excited.
  12. I'll up yours right now just for agreeing with me. And no I didn't just like your post so I could say "up yours" in reference to it. Okay maybe I did.
  13. Maybe they just weren't paying attention and flagged the wrong post. Actually that wouldn't surprise me given that one time I thought I was quoting one post and it quoted the post under it. Maybe their own board layout confused them.
  14. I love how that one little elephant gets shoved out of the way and then he's just like "whatever guys I'm out."
  15. We should definitely have a way to assign karma or likes or whatever to specific posts. I want Buu to know that I liked his "yes Nanny" post in that one thread. I was disappointed when it only made his karma go up by 1.
  16. I have no problem with just not caring that much while the people doing the work do their work. Presumably eventually it'll be fine.
  17. Just make sure that Cille ho never finds this place. I'd never post on a board where she posts.
  18. Wait are we talking the old boards, or the old old boards? Or the actual old boards before everything went to hell? I don't even know what my rank was on the old boards. Something about spiders I think.
  19. I was always more of a 4-H person myself.
  20. I feel like posting Holland in the washer would be passe at this point. So here's a cow wearing sunglasses.
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