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Everything posted by Cille

  1. I'm mostly annoyed at how confusing it is to be watching two different story timelines unfold at once. I say this as someone who hasn't watched either of these before. *Chi Chi tells Gohan to go fight in the tournament so they can be rich* "Wait, didn't Mr. Satan give them a whole bunch of money already?" "That was in Super." "............" As far as actual Super... that's the one with Beerus, right? Okay so whatever on the story, I get that they have to keep ramping up the threats that Goku and company have to face, so I guess I can accept that they've gotten to the point where they have to bring in the embodiment of the force of destruction itself so we have to be scared that the Earth will actually be destroyed even though we all know that Goku will eventually find a way to defeat him. So I'm not really in it for the central conflict, and Beerus himself is whatever, he's kind of a dick but then he could be a lot worse so I don't really mind him. I kind of like his character design and I enjoy his rapport with Whis. Other personal impressions: Whis is awesome and I love Ian Sinclair. Trunks and Goten are fun. I wish Videl was still spunky and did more than hang off Gohan's arm and serve tea. But they're cute together and it's nice that they're happy. Bulma and Vegeta having an actual relationship is still weird to me. I'm still not used to Dende not sounding like Al. Goku is still an idiot and I feel bad for King Kai.
  2. if I could get paid a dollar for each haiku I would write all day I'll be over here hiding from that hungry Buu and his hax powers
  3. Cille is not tasty not like chocolate at all more like um cardboard
  4. I do like choc'late but if Buu made some for me he would drool on it
  5. 5-7-5 or GTFO Empress of Fangurlz she needs to step up her game so all know her sex wait that came out wrong I meant all know her gender stupid syllables
  6. fancy sandwich man has crazy Hamon powers never spills his wine
  7. I'm not staying up for these, but... ninja in orange probably not too stealthy but he believes it set sail for One Piece it's the name of the treasure on the Grand Line, yo
  8. oh hey that pomp guy he writes haiku too it seems but mine are better
  9. Kurapika's eyes reveal the anger within beware the red glow
  10. good lord this recap all these people doing stuff I am so confused
  11. Jojo is naughty spying on his master's bath he's gonna get punched
  12. tsundere Videl tough and unapproachable Gohan gon' hit that
  13. This made me laugh. Actually most of these made me laugh. Beerus likes to eat someone give him some pudding or Earth will blow up
  14. We need more culture up in this piece. Three lines, 5-7-5 syllables. Go. look at those muscles Jojo and Caesar posing all the ladies swoon
  15. Yay Jin bump. <3 That brings up another relevant haiku from the collection: even Jin fangirls love the lanky speed-demon 'cause he's so damn cool And I was going to link you the AD wiki but I see you already found it. Lots of good shiz on that thing. It was written by errybody back in the day so with a few exceptions I couldn't tell you who was responsible for what. You can check the revision history, but the original stuff had to be moved over by pierrot or somebody so we don't have the record of the original authors. Looks like Lost did the most recent revision on Heartless' page, including the Harems and Transexualz section.
  16. Oh hey and here's one that's actually topical to this thread! two blurple fangirls now Cali and I must wait we will join you soon Ah blurple...
  17. Some of my favorites: ha ha ha, what's wrong? you can't find your little balls? I've got 'em right here! "SHOCKING FIRST BULLET!!" there goes Kazuma again stuff's gonna blow up did you see that blur? of course you didn't, silly Cougar moves too fast how many requests before Cougar gets a date with Miss Minori? Engrish is the best even if it makes no sense we can sing along Kimishima's car so reliable and fast always gets blown up mind-boggling power you'd not expect from a skirt: gravity defied "what up, homie G!" oh lord, Cougar's talking street still funny as hell watermelon dude makes you wonder what they're for boom - instant transport Unkei strikes again this time a harem fanfic Ryuho gets three wives s-CRY-ed pwns j00 with cheeky awesome power you should check it out what's under the shirt? we'd sure like to see those abs Cougar must be buff Ryuho's hotness can't be confined to three lines but I do my best those gleaming green orbs no true fangirl can resist his happy fun balls Kigetsuki's an ass but he does look rather good in that snappy suit And a c-c-c-combo... Boxers: I'd do Ziggy in A parking lot because that's Hawt and stuff like that. Ryuho_Is_Hot: Zigmarl hot? Liek, ew! Ryuho is way hotter than that mullet-head There are way more I have saved, and some serious ones too, but that's enough for one spam post.
  18. Hey man we had a rockin' s-CRY-ed fanbase back in the day. Standin' up to the haters, writing s-CRY-ed haiku (I still have the file saved), yelling HAMMER at each other, it was great. And yes, the balls.
  19. Ah, the lovely days of knowing what ranks people were just by the colors, and you actually noticed people ranking up because their color would change and we all congratulated each other for it. I also set up some of my alts with suitable color combos. I was peeved when they changed ranks and my Cougar alt wasn't hot pink anymore. I think I had to spam up its post count to get to orange or something. I also remember the dark days before we could submit user-made icons, and how badly we wanted s-CRY-ed icons, and I did some mockups which I can't find now or I'd post them. And then we finally got 5 s-CRY-ed icons and Cougar wasn't among them and I rioted. Good times, good times.
  20. OMNI was just about to join the Navy last I saw him, so I assume that's what he did. I like to think he's an admiral or something by now. Don't really know about any of the others. I was only on sporadically myself for the last several years, and I guess they all just kind of drifted away like people do.
  21. Well if we're spamming the thread with nostalgia screencaps making fun of OMNI... Wait apparently you can't click on it to see it full-size so here's an old-school link. Which you'll still probably have to zoom in on because Photobucket is ass now.
  22. Hey I'm from the northeast too and I generally hate confrontation. I don't even bother with internet dramu anymore. But being rational and fair and not easily swayed by one-sided emotional arguments also makes me about the best candidate we have for dealing with HR issues. Which is why I'm doing it now. Until very recently I was in more of a shadow advisor role which I liked because I could tell the boss what I thought and then I wasn't the one who had to do something about it. Of course it's not so great when he just goes and does what he wants anyway even if I know it's a bad idea. But whatever, baby steps and stuff. Hey I have this in my Photobucket and it seems relevant here considering this thread is supposed to be about Athena and her job. Is this meme even still a thing? Well whatever, #YOLO #swag #2005 #hotanimemendrawnbadly #lolthatlasthashtaghadthewordmemeinitunintentionally
  23. Well I'm almost always the one having to deal with the HR issues because we don't have a real HR person in our (rather small) company. That's most of what I've been doing the last two weeks because apparently everything needed to go to hell all at once. Things like mediating between middle-aged women having a middle-school rivalry and doing damage control after the boss makes a stupid decision (after I had to explain why it was stupid and convince him to change his mind). And establishing myself as the go-to person if anybody in the shop has issues that they don't want to talk to their supervisor about. And playing wingman for some layoffs. I mean I guess it's interesting, but I wouldn't call it very much fun. Maybe I do need to use more memes, although most of them would involve making fun of people, so I dunno.
  24. There have been many times I've wanted to respond to a HR situation with one or more relevant anime memes.
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