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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. I always thought you were part of the IB virgin crew Next you're going to tell me the IB never had a driver's license crew is defunct
  2. If you're tired of him bringing up your daughter in every thread every day you can block his posts from showing by adding him to the ignore list in your profile somewhere but I can't find it now. Admin[/member] DJ Sona[/member] where is the block user feature/ignore list, is it gone? I found it easily and used it successfully a few months ago.
  3. Why pretend like this is real though?
  4. You should know by now to never respond to stilgar. Everyone else has figured it out.
  5. It's pretty funny how you have to pretend to work at a high school for content because it's the only environment you're familiar with outside of your home and shitty retail stores.
  6. Cyberbully360[/member] battle me Tomorrow night since it's already 530am
  7. How do you know, where do you see those jobs advertised
  8. That's a really good thing she made
  9. Eight dollars for every sixty minutes of work. Does that sound fair to you?
  10. His video review is definitely coming either this weekend, sometime next week, or never so just be patient
  11. NaBarney

    Gay Swans

    Do the gay swans mate for life like the straight ones do, or are they more promiscuous?
  12. http://www.newsweek.com/alex-jones-apologize-pizzagate-fake-news-574025
  13. Please don't do this to her. You want stilgar commenting on her vids?
  14. They bringing in 60 year old Sting yet? Booker T? Kevin Nash?
  15. 40 year old AJ Styles vs 50 year old Shawn Michaels sucking up 20 minutes of time that should go to anyone under 35 What a hilariously shitty idea.
  16. He probably cares more about the MVP award anyway so I don't think he'll mind clocking out early and letting Kawhi or someone go home with the Finals MVP.
  17. Lesnar, Cena, Orton, Miz, AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, Samoa Joe, Sheamus, the Hardy Boys and most of these other names I'm seeing all have to be at least 40 years old by now right? Triple H, Jericho, Big Show, Batista, Shane McMahon all pushing 50. Undertaker and Goldberg have got to be older than 50. They're not going to have a roster in 5 years, are they? Why is the Roman Reigns forever push still happening? Why do people keep giving this company money? It's just amazing. Also Kane is apparently running for mayor of where I live. Apparently he's a libertarian.
  18. Please fine this dude steeply for not playing right. http://nba.nbcsports.com/2017/03/23/james-harden-fouls-3-pointers-more-than-any-nba-team-herring/
  19. He's like an impotent Captain Ahab, angrily following his white whale on Twitter.
  20. Home internet without data caps here is like $90.
  21. Paige's sex videos made me remember WWE exists and lol, what a hilariously awful state it's in. Can't believe these 40+ and 50+ year old cartoon characters are even still around. Goldberg vs Lesnar is the main event? After their WrestleMania match like 15 years ago with the crowd hilariously booing everyone involved the entire time? How is this company still solvent.
  22. I have a big yard next to woods in the South When spring rolls around my yard becomes a beautiful butterfly and hummingbird garden of exotic looking wild flowers without any human intervention
  23. I think you mean your bones aren't honed for this, top cat.
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