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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. They're on the internet now you have to find them. I'm pretty sure Backpage isn't 100% police​ stings, yet
  2. Fuggs has always, always worked as far as I'm aware, not sure where you could have gotten the impression that she doesn't but save that spiel for your adult family members you're always complaining about having to work hard in order to support, and not the single mom working full time.
  3. It's always, literally always a black person
  4. No wonder this place is so shitty
  5. Sex workers can help
  6. I hate how no one knows how to take control of this city.
  7. I thought you'd consider the Bible a worthy guide to child reading, sparing not the rod and all that.
  8. Couple more nights in the 30s then done with that for 9 months. Days gonna be in the 60s from here on out. Waiting on this thunderstorm right now but am fresh out of weed so idk if I'll sit outside and watch this one.
  9. So my erection is a lie?
  10. You'll excuse Gingai, he's a bit fucked in the head.
  11. Buy a house Become Naraku
  12. Why do I keep replying seriously to this Calvin and Hobbes motherfucker
  13. But viper already kissed the bride
  14. Yes
  15. Check and mate, science.
  16. I'm pretty sure you're not speaking from experience but okay.
  17. Why don't you just start out by making some friends? Male, female, whatever.
  18. Pierce the toilet tank
  19. Do listen to this, though. Don't let her eat the Twizzlers after you hit her with them.
  20. Okay. Well I don't think that's your ex's OkCupid profile, it's a fake account.
  21. Peeps are the worst. The actual, non-hyperbolic worst
  22. Don't listen to this. Buy a couple big bags of Twizzlers and use them to box her ears. What kind of hell is she raising in school?
  23. Slap her across the face. Use a box of crackers so it won't leave a mark
  24. Okay. One last question. When did you first see her OKC? How long ago did she link to it in a post she made on Facebook, and what was the context? Like did she just say "hey friends, check out my fake looking dating site profile with a 2013 pic and no information filled out!" ?
  25. Only God is big enough to affect the environment. Pollution resulting from human activity can't possibly affect something so big as the planet in any way noticeable by little old us. The activities of our species have no effect on ocean acidification or greenhouse gases. Any slight effect we do have can't affect something as big as climate. It's too big! There's only 7 billion of us! We small, planet big! It impossible. - OP, Jingai, the Republicans, et al
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