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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. If you take a break at some point the documentary is pretty good. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rWZHlD4OKzU Fuck op's intentions, slint thread
  2. This is everything I love about April. Oh and frogs
  3. Took me almost two hours to get home from work because the roads are a cluster fuck Fuck the rain.
  4. I've listened to Spiderland more times than most other albums.
  5. IB was pretty dead by 2012. In my mind 2010-2011 was the last big slowdown, 2013 death knell, on life support afterward.
  6. You are a baller for all of this, thank you very much.
  7. I'm angry they left your birth off of the list, too
  8. Worry not, I'll win them back by posting more about my $8 an hour job
  9. You should try to become like him
  10. First you back it up, then you dump it
  11. The new episode was great. "I'm the patriarch now, Morty!" Or w/e
  12. Well Portland's only real competition at this point is Denver, I don't know what their schedules are like but I'd say yous guys probably have a better shot at winning the right to lose to Golden State.
  13. Yefh wtf it's almost 2am and I'm not back to my original TedCruz2020 name yet
  14. Little people or daddy's lil girls?
  15. Oh I see why you asked if it was a joke. A mod transposed the numbers in the thread title, that's all.
  16. Nope, everything's 110% real. Thanks, I'm glad too. Very glad they didn't just fire me outright, but they're hurting for bodies everywhere so I didn't really expect that to happen. I actually would have chosen the dept I'm being moved into if it was one of the options given to me during the interview. So glad I bailed on the shit job. Let some other desperate pos try to deal with that mess. This desperate pos is moving on to marginally better things.
  17. Okay that's really good.
  18. I got got with the classic pic of a positive pregnancy test. The relief of it being a joke has made this shitty day feel suddenly serene. All my little problems no longer seem so bad Definitely staying celibate for the rest of my life now though.
  19. Well to update, I called out this morning right before my shift and was told to call back to talk to HR. I told them the position is wack but they'd heard I'd done a good job during training so I'm being moved to a completely different position where I won't have to deal with many if any customers, hopefully none at all ever. Still pays the same and now I won't get rained on. Since I'm treating this more as an emergency fund rather than a real job I'm basically just pretending this whole thing is one long tour of the place, kinda like one of those workplace reality shows -- Dirty Jobs, Undercover Boss. I come in, be like "oh so this is how that works" and "wow y'all really do this shit every day?", bank pay and then bail on it to go back to my better job. What's funny is the position I'm being moved to is the one the fat guy who started with me was aspiring to be moved up into once he proved himself in the shitty spot they gave him. Hoping he sees me in the dept he wanted and asks how I got there so I can say "idk I tried to quit and they moved me here." The thread title April fool's joke is good, especially glad it's not a There is No 4 joke.
  20. Y'all I think I'm really about to call in and quit, and not *just* because I haven't slept in a very long time. Like life would be easier with the $ because that's how you get food, but I'll survive without it, you know? And in two months I'll be relatively balling. So fuck it. I don't need this shit. I don't need food. Who gives a fuck.
  21. Well hey they still might drag themselves into the playoffs without a decent center, then if he recovers quickly and stays healthy he might be able to rule the paint swatting them to an upset over the Warriors... Okay, only one of those things is remotely probable.
  22. I was seriously warned about this. These people are petty not for sport but as a lifestyle.
  23. I'll try harder to make this more apparent, but need to be careful to not be outright rude because these people don't​ have any pressing engagements or sense of scale and would relish the opportunity to get into a prolonged argument with me over disrespecting them.
  24. I know.
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