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Everything posted by NaBarney

  1. It's not a rumor, it's a joke with the humor lying in the naked absurdity of the idea
  2. Losing at Pokemon probably won't make you feel better but I'm here for you in that capacity, and only in that capacity bc I too am an empty husk.
  3. I thought everyone liked my beggar character
  4. Can you please expound on this?
  5. My only guess is that he's never done it and has no idea exactly how little work is involved. Or maybe he's just a madman.
  6. I honestly couldn't believe it when he said it at first, I thought he must have misspoke. Then I saw him say it cost $30 and described that as "pretty cheap" and my brain melted.
  7. Fuuuuu uhuuuu uhuuuu uhuuuuuck yooooouuuu.
  8. Just burn 30 $1 bills to keep warm. The heat would be more than what you got out of the $30 you threw away earlier today
  9. AutoZone, O'Reilly's, etc will remove your car battery for you and bring it in the store and test it for free. If you bought a new one there you could just walk out to your car and put it in yourself. An employee would probably do it for you, idk I've never asked someone to do it for me bc of how shameful that is. Such a shame.
  10. I didn't think so at first but, this thread man, it HAS to be
  11. You spent over half of a minimum wage employee's daily wages on nothing. Nothing is what you bought for $30 and you called that cheap. It's just disgusting is all.
  12. Yeah complaints about not being able to afford real food bc of his house payment and all his I guess car battery installation-esque expenses
  13. Holy shit, this is the real Packard
  14. If you had gone up to any neighbor you've never met and told them you were about to pay $30 for someone to put in your car battery for you they would have driven you to get a new battery and installed it themselves for free just on principle. It's a full step below paying someone to change your tire for you.
  15. I am appalled just thinking about what else he pays people to do for him while simultaneously complaining about not being able to afford food other than PB&J every other week
  16. You paid $30 for 5 minutes of work that an actual child could have done
  17. I don't care if it's one of those weird cars where you have to remove a tire to get to the battery, or if you need a socket wrench to take off the metal bar over it and he didn't know what he was looking at. You figure it out, you don't pay someone to do that for you. That's money that could've been given to me last week in exchange for nothing.
  18. If he paid anyone any amount of money to put in his battery that's some unbelievable, disgraceful shit.
  19. They know you see them, they know you're talking about them to people, and they're coming for that ass.
  20. You paid someone to put in your car battery for you?
  21. That would be like a bum applying at the bus station he rants and and sexually harasses people outside of every day
  22. After the yuengling family backed Trump I thought I'd miss drinking it but I just don't
  23. Why hasn't Thoward and co. upvoted you to the #1 spot on this forum yet?
  24. Nah, here is what you said she's an old woman today in her late 70's and still works ....what's your excuse? So, do better next time.
  25. Why is trans included in that list of sexual orientations?
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