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Everything posted by Vela

  1. I don't even try anymore - I see that type of container whether it's cake, fruit, shrimp and I just destroy it - just shove all four fingers collapsing the plastic with the mind-set of "This'll only make it easier next time mf." Otherwise you could be there for seven minutes going around and around eventually putting it in a choke hold, it get's personal after that. With that in mind I just assume establish dominance at the start, right? ...Fuck you container.
  2. I guess it's unanimous then! Best girl.
  3. @scoobdog Okay so...we're doing it individually now and if we get enough votes we go on to the next challenge. So these current submissions, that are due the 17th I think, will conclude the Fourth (Holiday themed) Challenge, correct? After Sunday no more Banana Day theme, and whoever progresses starts an entirely new fifth challenge, correct?
  4. She's got a nice mouth I like it when she talks I'm actually serious though
  5. I didn't hate the show so much as I hated Carl from Aqua teen It wasn't because of how brilliant a job they did of making him so disgusting but I think maybe it was because he was disgusting and had a New Jersey accent (which I can also have on occasion). But then even he started to grow on me. Also I stopped watching cable and tv in general around 2012, went all anime and youtube and...gardening and shit.
  6. Banana cupcakes happened, that's what I'm going to go ahead and take note on the derailment of threads as well, now that I've seen this message, only because I'm a pretty big repeat offender myself and it's so much my style that I don't even realize I'm doing it. So I'll try to be more conscientious of it. It isn't my place to butt in but seeing as how you made a thread about it and didn't just send him a PM I am going to say that I know he currently has a lot on his plate at home and it's all been pretty taxing on him. Even thought it's just a game, and it really doesn't matter what you submit, dropping out for him is sort of like commanding his brain to chill the fuck out and take a vaca. which I think he needs right now, just wants to come here and shit post.
  7. I think he's dropping out for other reasons as well. This week has been somewhat hellish for him dealing with his grandparent's ailing health. Also, @Gemini have you heard of sundowning? Late afternoon and early evening can be difficult for some people with Alzheimer's disease. They may experience sundowning—restlessness, agitation, irritability, or confusion that can begin or worsen as daylight begins to fade—often just when tired caregivers need a break.
  8. Okay. But...I'm pretty sure he would have given helpful advice equally to anybody participating. But I get it.
  9. I only give one shit...but never two.
  10. @jackiemarie90 You'd look awesome in this.
  11. Then why do people leave it my trash can instead of theirs!
  12. The word "suck" is so versatile, isn't it?
  13. Me and @blueraven1999 be like: Everybody else is all: Maybe there should be some sort of rule that only friendly shit talking or memes are allowed before submissions and then afterwards it's nothing but, "good game"s and "congrats"ing? Idk.
  14. Something about building rituals for whichever holiday wins.
  15. I was pretty chill in the part of the video that made it into the final cut...there was actually more to the video that I left out. I psycho-bitch-ranting-about-a-leviathan pit- part of the video. It's wet and cold in those leviathan pits.
  16. Some girls really do practice conditioning their ankles...it's the weirdest thing to walk into a sleep over (when I was in college) with everybody lounging around, eating snacks with their fuzzy socks on and noticing half the girls sitting with their feet at an unnaturally odd angle like they were being pulled by an invisible force and straining their toes to point straight. It looked so uncomfortable and SO BIZZARRE. Give me wedges any time.
  17. No but seriously, how do women do that with their ankles? Actually I know how, I've witnessed girls literally training their ankles so my real question then and now is...wtf why
  18. Ahhh...I see. I understand where you're going with the Persephone...but then what...were her family blacksmiths who married her off to a miller? The craziest part about this is I literally have a friend who's last name is Mueleman and who's hobby/business is blacksmithing. https://www.meuleurgy.com/?fbclid=IwAR0d6lr-JUQtQRR5bczMbzLvVkoiZGD62ZS7tyeri9IyV7FK5MJ_PX6ngVQ AND AND AND! The wedding that I made that victorian dress for that I posted a few days ago was his wedding. Weird.
  19. lmao. IT'S LEICHENVENE!!! Her youtube persona is called Leichenvene. It means Goat Herder in German! XD She'd fit right in at Dethklolk's Mordhaus. >.> It's...possible I put too much thought into these things; it's a two minute video but she still has an entire back-story and everything
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