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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Those would be like 1930's corn titties, or Madonna corn titties 😁
  2. Omg I'm trying to eat right now! 🤮😆
  3. Okay so, never leave FFA, got it.
  4. Yeah but no, okay, got it.
  5. I rly did chuckle
  6. Wait, is derailing a thread terrible? Cause if that's the case then I probably need to tone it back a bit.
  7. Vela

    tik tok drink

    I was like, 'I didn't know an app could make drinks.'
  8. eeehhhhhhhhhh
  9. How's the coughing going?
  10. I suddenly feel ambushed 😶 And I'm also now worried about zombieninjakitten...she hasn't responded in a while...nuuuuuu pneumonia yyyyyyyyyyy!!!
  11. Vela


    I'm starting to think there were no pictures taken...
  12. Vela


  13. No, it's not you. I find raspberries too bitter. And it goes both ways with taste sensory. If you experience more bitterness from your food then you also perceive less sweetness from that particular food since bitter and sweet are in opposition in the brain.
  14. I used to pick bluberries fresh all the time when I lived up in Michigan, they were every where! And they were tiny because they were wild. I don't think I'll taste anything like them again...tiny little frozen pebbles in my cereal, amazing.
  15. I haven't gone into a minute mart to make cappuccinos in years. Oh man. I shudder when I think about how much sugar and cream I put in mine in highschool. I've made them since then I'm just saying thinking about it is bringing back memories.
  16. That burger is either spewing creamed green-beans and chopped onions or it's about to launch off your plate. Either way it absolutely does look mouth worthy. I would totally wreck that thing.
  17. Hmmm...for some reason I can imagine a younger you with painted nails. Way back when black was kewl.
  18. For realsies! Although I doubt you have your nails done, so our hands can't look exactly the same while typing right now. I told you I really wanted it to be real. I might even be inexorable about this now. I apologize in advance.
  19. Both yes! I didn't mean 'or'. My bad. 😝 Nice.
  20. I'm sorry. Absolutely my bad. For you And for you ex
  21. Mm *nods* Probably. amazon. I'm the reason they're putting other stores out of business.
  22. Well you and I are twins, so I'm not too surprised we have similar tendencies.
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