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Everything posted by Vela

  1. I'm better at remembering people's names when I'm drunk. ... Or maybe I just think I am.
  2. Occasionally, not consistently...but successfully...usually...and other y words...
  3. That was both today and yesterday! Basement's flooded.
  4. Both can happen, I swear...I've been told.
  5. XD I just realized this should prob be in TD or IB anonymous. My bad. Time for sleep.
  6. or not better not respond to him or "react" to his posts until tomorrow... TAKE PICTURES!!! LOTS OF PICTURES! Idc if they're blurry pictures of sidewalks and curbs...AT LEAST YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING!
  7. Aw man Fair warning, step dancing classes be cutthroat in Jersey...jus'sayn'
  9. I meant having a flavored drink after my meal instead of with it is something I do now
  10. Am I keeping you up with notifications?
  11. GO TO SLEEP! Wait...is it my fault for "reacting" to your posts? >.< are you getting notifications? Shoot.
  12. Layered black bean dip and tortilla chips. Strawberry lemonade afterwards, cause that's a thing I apparently do now >.>
  13. Even if I didn't know whatcha looked like I woulda guessed the guy with an equation written on his shirt anyway, no matter how silly the equation may be
  14. I know what the Irish jig is
  15. chilling to be
  16. Everything. Every single thing. Until I start doing it. Then I get really into it. But the voice in my head has to get really fresh and condescending before I listen to it and actually start "doing".
  17. And then this guy *points to @molarbear *
  18. This is something my friends back in the day would 100% have done
  19. The flooding brought the temp down...but bringing everything up three flights of stairs from the basement to the attic brought my temp back up XD THANK YOU! I did my best to stay hydrated. And there's a new character now, her name is Aubrey, General Manager at Doom's Day Emporium. It's hard to see in the video but her apron reads "Doom's Day Emporium. It's time to bunker down."
  20. I've never tried to make cream pie anything...it's way easier than I thought
  21. tldr: Scroll down to Klokbox Eve drop-boxes to better understand the video. Banana Sticker Day From Wickpedia the free encyclopedia (no not really) Premise: Banana Sticker Day was originally designed as a single day event where participants engaged in various activities that were meant to test a person's fortitude. Today, Banana Sticker Day is a five day event set in different locations around the thousand acres of land known as Mordland, where each day participants are presented with a different challenge. ________________________________________________ How it came to be five days: Indicative to the holidays’ founding fathers, the five band members of Dethklok relentlessly disagreed with which activities should be included in said event, so instead, every year the five band members come up with a new challenge of their own design. ________________________________________________ The reward: If you complete a challenge and make it out alive (and within the set time limit) you are given a banana sticker by the actual band member who came up with the challenge you managed to survive. The stickers are so coveted for two reasons; it means that you've personally met and were able to converse with at least one of the band members and it also serves as a ticket to Fan Day (a tour of Mordhaus and a viewing of unreleased song(s)) in the Main Murder Hall. Those are the only two reasons. _________________________________________________ How: Pre registration is required for monetary and legal reasons and also to secure a lot number for camping in designated camping sites around Mordland. Over the years close knit camping-communities have been forged and unique traditions have been formed. Entire forts or mini villages are temporarily erected annually by Dethfan communities. Raiding and pillaging is encouraged and inevitable. _________________________________________________ When: Traditionally eager Dethfans stay up all night partaking in Banana themed pastimes with their friends and family (sharing memories and saying goodbye) five nights prior to Banana Sticker Day. This night has been dubbed Klokbox Eve. Klokbox Eve drop-boxes: Thousands of small black boxes are dropped randomly from the air with clues to what challenges you may encounter during the upcoming event. This is done on or around midnight following the fourth Thursday in November, adding an entirely new and terrifying element to Black Friday as Dethfans flood the stores in order to stock up on supplies and weapons based off of the clues they have received that same morning. The gates to Mordland open the next day on Saturday and the challenges ensue two days later on Monday. ___________________________________________________ Cogs on Gears: Otherwise referred to as just COG, is the only recurring event that takes place on Mordland at varying times throughout Banana Sticker Day. It is also the only event where hunting for humans is legally allowed. For a hefty price you can enter a free-for-all weapon-of-choice hunting grounds. You’re opponents; everybody. However, you gain the most if you can take down a Klokateer. If you manage this feat, and return with the defeated Klocateer’s hood, you may don their hood and begin your barbarous training as an official Klokateer yourself. [ for those of you unfamiliar - Klokateers run the inner workings of Metalocalypse and are branded with the image of a gear on the nape of their necks, hence the name of the event.] ___________________________________________________ Side Quest: The tower of Babble. There is a myth that if you succeed in building a tower high enough to reach the floating Mordhaus it is possible to earn a banana sticker. Quite a few people choose to spend the five days attempting such a feat, returning each year with improved plans and visions. Many have tried, many have died, nobody has succeeded. Chances are if you step foot on Mordhaus grounds unannounced a Klokateer will take you out with their .50 caliber rifles. Maybe one day, someday, someone will be lucky enough find out. The Klockboxes have dropped. You know what that means - time to head to the stores for supplies! Still unsure about the clues? One word; Murmaider. Good luck out there! And Happy Banana Sticker Day!
  22. aaaaand...internet keeps crapping out...guess it's bedtime for me...
  23. That's what I originally thought. Thought it was heat lightning.
  24. Another thunder and lightning storm, thank the gods...now it'll cool down a bit, hopefully.
  25. I don't have air conditioning...there is 0 motivation right now. Well that's not entirely true, I've been experiencing occasional bouts of energy...so maybe in one of my moments of clarity I'll get something going. If not then I'll have to submit the little bit that I've typed out so far outlining stuff. I'M NOT A MACHINE! well that's not entirely true either...we're all biological machine. IT'S EVEN HOT AT NIGHT! I WANNA BE UP IN THE MOUNTAINS RIGHT NOW! But not really because I hear there's some pretty bad flooding up there causing roads to cave in and landslides and such... I'm done talking now.
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