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Everything posted by Vela

  1. Oh. Hm. Okay
  2. Does this teacher know he bullied you? Just curious.
  3. Whoa whoa whoa, wait wait wait...what does being protestant have to do with this?..It's unclear from your comments. Unless you're just sharing your aunt's religious discrimination at random. Were you trying to say that this kid wasn't a good Christian? I don't care one way or the other but if you brought it up because you do care then I'd think you'd want to be a "better" Christian and therefore you should have gone to his funeral, thought as much good things you could about him, maybe even tried to understand that he was a troubled person (bullies often are) and prayed for his family. I understand having resentment towards him...but then why were at his funeral? If the answer is, "because it seemed the right thing to do" then Imma refer you to last sentence in the paragraph above.
  4. Hangin round downtown (except not) by myself I heard your song today. Can't remember the last time I actually heard that song on the radio XD But there is a very good chance I was in somebody's car then like I was today . Anyway, glad you're still you ^.^
  5. Vela


    Yours is boxy?
  6. Vela


  7. Vela


    Ohhhhhh I really did chuckle. Thank you.
  8. Maybe because he doesn't stalk you and not every pic he sees on here has been cemented into his brain so the fact that he remembered the picture at all is something in of itself? Idk.
  9. Well I don't know what you're doing that depicts you as a gay man and considering this has reoccurred even into college it sounds like you might not know either, lol. I don't know why people care so much about it though. Well EXCEPT if you're worried SHE might think that.
  10. Oh! I see where I went wrong. My mistake. I should have typed "pub. bathroom" as in 'public bathroom'. Although...when I recall all the pubs and bars I've been in, especially the ones that call themselves pubs, I think I've been in more that are family run or used to be more like a two family house converted into a bar and yeah...they didn't have that paper caddy thing in them.
  11. I guess you could get away with the clean choice. Unless people at work don't know you have a sense of humor. Or, Idk, maybe it's time they know.
  12. This is you being polite by responding to me 😆
  13. Antihistamines, such as meclizine (Antivert). Scopolamine (Transderm-Scop). Sedatives, such as clonazepam (Klonopin). Antiemetic medicines, such as promethazine (Promethegan), may be used if you have severe nausea or vomiting. Aw thank you! I will
  14. which should be in every pub bathroom but are not
  15. On the road I get, emergency I get...otherwise I'm still in that 'at all costs' stage. Like I'll even do the toilet-paper-seat thing 😆
  16. eeeeeehhhhhhhhh 😟 WELL WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS?! 😫
  17. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Well I like this one anyway 😊
  18. Is it for just a week or two? You can hang on for that long, you can do it.
  19. You think it matters how tall you are and how low the toilet is? Like are there any guys out there that need to crouch?
  20. Is this your attempt at human empathy, ghostrek? Aw *pats* we're learning There are good days and bad. Episodes kinda leave me drained and a little groggy, but I manage them with specific exercises I learned at PT rather than taking drugs for it. I figure when I'm old and cracking everywhere I might not be physically able to do the exercises, in which case I'm gunna want the drugs, in which case I don't want to be so used to taking them for years that I need a high dosage for them to have an effect. But I do dread the exercises. They aggravate the symptoms before they help them...i.e. they sometimes make me throw up. But not always! Oddly singing while I do them helps. Fuck if I know y. Maybe because of the way I breath when I sing? No idea.
  21. This all seems logically sound. I definitely hover in public restrooms. No way am I sitting on them things.
  22. Vela


    Nuuuuu, I don't want that to happen to Crimson! I don't care if he's a fucker! D=
  23. No no, that's sounds perfect. There's already an entire story and character build in my head of these two...lol it fits.
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