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Everything posted by Vela

  1. I shall dub him Sir Libertine DF FFA
  2. goddamnitnowIwantramen I was also gunna make a comment about your spicy pork...but your comment in the other thread spooked me out of it.😝
  3. probably because of how quiet it is. The highlight of your day is the noise of one accidentally rolling off your desk and...dare I say, hitting the floor. Question: does your job also entail sharpening or is that a pay grade above?
  4. Deal. Hope you like water chestnuts.
  5. I thought it was teasing he was so good at *sideways glance at Rogue*
  6. I do ramen. I do ramen reeeeeal good.
  7. with other pencils?
  8. I've done bear before
  9. There's only one way to get better at it! But fine, can you sew?
  10. Well you are making some assumptions cause this is fugg and I at the park... lolololol, jk Idk her irl. But I think she'd find it funny? Doo eet. Rough draft in my box by the 1st. lolbox
  11. I get dressed and think about leaving the house too sometimes
  12. Dude, guys work at maid cafes too. Usually behind the counter.
  13. Oh 😊 😆 Ehhhhh like I didn't set my self up for it. Also, srsly? Who among us could possibly cast that stone.
  14. I'm sure we can find you another one. Like at a maid cafe or delivery boy or piloting a mech. The animeworlds' your friggen oyster! LET'S GO!
  15. Thank you! Because it does indeed sound like a tennis skirt! Whew, that was bothering me days now.
  16. I would say that's pretty normal
  17. If that was a question the answer in "no" 😶 😋
  18. And then I make us all brunch
  19. it's not a what it's a how
  20. It's the heart rate that gets ya.
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