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Everything posted by SloweyJoey46

  1. Square Tactics. I mean, Triangle Strategy. It's like Final Fantasy Tactics if you took away all of the jobs and grinding. I think I like that better, honestly. But the plot does not live up to FFT. Like that even had to be said, though amirite?
  2. Wow, just 200k? I remember when Toonami could hit a million in at least one show each week. Thems weres the days.
  3. So we just shoot the shit in this thread? Neat. What's up folks. sohadow_swordsmang, the cringe meister himself, is here. How have all of you people been in the last 4 years or so?
  4. I watched through this show again recently. Or rather I stopped after Aizen's defeat. Just didn't seem right to go any further than that. I was wondering if I was the only one that felt this way, but how do you guys feel about the other soul reapers? Particularly the captains and lieutenants (and I guess Yumichika and Ikkaku). I honestly didn't like how they kinda stole the show after the Soul Society arc. Like some of the characters are fine (though a few of them are really underdeveloped) but I always felt they kinda pulled the attention away from Ichigo's relationship with his friends. Like I was fine with Renji being pulled into the regular cast since that just seemed to make sense, but I feel like Chad, Orihime and (albeit to a lesser extent) Uryu just get shafted at some point. Especially Chad. Poor Chad. Dude barely does a thing throughout the entirety of the Arrancar saga. Orihime is probably the more humorous situation though because she's such a big deal to Ichigo and the others in the Hueco Mundo arc, but whenever the filler kicks in, she's always given sidekick status. Especially in that one filler where the female Soul Reapers go to the beach and a lot of the Soul Reapers go to get some R&R and Chad, Uryu and Orihime are just there to serve their whims. Pretty hilarious. Anyway, what do you guys think? Am I kinda alone in thinking all that or are there some that agree?
  5. I've been sick the last two days, but hopefully I won't flake on you guys tomorrow. On the topic of Ultimate though, I am very excited for the game. Glad that Simon, Inkling and King K. Rool were added to the roster. I was really hoping to see Travis Touchdown, but it's probably fair to say that that ship has sailed a long time ago... Oh well. I like how single player heavy this game will be. That was like my main complaint with the last entry. I mean you pretty much had the entire cast of characters unlocked at the start and it literally maybe took an hour and a half of grinding to unlock the few that were locked away behind certain conditions. Having only the first eight characters from the first game tells me that this is going to be a very lengthy investment too. I'm really looking forward to it.
  6. Baldur's Gate was my first RPG. Love that game.
  7. It is a little disappointing but I kinda saw this coming eventually. I don't believe that Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo really need E3 to showcase their stuff anymore. Especially when Nintendo has their own Directs every few months and Sony has their own events like PlayStation Experience (although I think even that too has been canceled?). Like you said, Sony seems interested in moving on to their next console and with how successful they've been this past generation, I guess they feel they don't need to have any presentations next year. They have some big balls if that is indeed their mindset. I'm curious to see how next year plays out.
  8. Dragon Quest XI. Gonna pick up Spider-Man later today too and try to balance both games but we'll see where that gets me...
  9. I really hope that isn't true, but if it is, that really blows. Luuv was a great guy who always put forth effort to make those around him as happy and content as can be. He will definitely be missed.
  10. Apparently the Hyperion server is full... Sadface.
  11. I'm thinking that I might play now, but would you wanna join a scrub lord like me?
  12. Do you have empathy towards me, atomsk? REMEMBER ALL THE FOND MEMORIES WE HAD IN THAT DANK ASS TINYCHAT???
  13. Hey, it's true! Not ALL of it's god awful. But most of it definitely is trash.
  14. Meh. Both anime adaptations suffer in a lot of ways. It's mostly due to their pacing. Naruto, once it gets to Shippuden, is just all over the damn place in terms of quality. One Piece's only major problem is that it's slow as all hell. Otherwise, it would be a much better show. As much as I do enjoy One Piece, I can't really pick either of them. Sure, One Piece has that awesome source material to work off of, but it just stretches and stretches until it pops you back into the damn eye. Shippuden can produce some pretty damn good episodes at times, but it's just so inconsistent. Neither of them are really all that impressive.
  15. I found breaking the game pretty fun, honestly. So many humorous moments happened during my time playing.
  16. You're not missing out on much, really. It's diet Fire Emblem at the end of the day.
  17. Public spectacle? I don't know if I should be insulted or flattered. I'm feeling more of the latter.
  18. You make it sound like we care or something.
  19. I think he's going to be convinced to get an Xbax.
  20. I have it on PS4 but don't have a subscription to it yet... Should probably do that at some point.
  21. There's like nine of us in here right now. lol
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvOy3sjQUe8
  23. I got lucky and rolled two 5 star units in the same...the hell would you call it? A pack I guess? I have a total of four 5 star units so far. Raven, Lyn, Azura and Abel. Lyn practically saved my ass through that Narcian event. Was happy to get him as a unit as well because he's probably my favorite villain in the series. I'm having fun with the game, but if anything, it just makes me want that Gaiden remake even more. May 19th can't come sooner.
  24. Mahvel without Mag-fuking-neto? Plz
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