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Everything posted by SloweyJoey46

  1. I feel ya. There's only been maybe a handful of games this generation (At least on PS4/XB1) that I've been really hyped for. This year especially has been just absolutely terrible for gaming. I mean, sure there's been a lot of great games, but there's been just as many disappointments...
  2. Has anyone come across a Pokemon with Pokerus yet? I'll trade ya a starter or an exclusive for one. I needs it for ev training. >.>
  3. You know, I actually don't remember that. Was that also in 2014?
  4. That was the one thing I was kinda looking forward to and then they went and made it Kingdom Hearts......again. Like what the hell? And they've pretty much already confirmed that they're splitting the game into three, similar to the FFXIII trilogy. Like all Square does is irritate the crap out of me but I keep coming back... I may have stockholm syndrome.
  5. I don't have much hope for it, but I'm going to give the game a chance. Honestly, it shouldn't get another chance after that garbage trilogy Square released, but...I'm already too invested in the series at this point to give it up. I am a total schmuck.
  6. I member those days. I member those avatars of Buu poopin'. Member?
  7. Pssh, you can't forget the place ya came from. Otherwise you wouldn't really be here, now would ya?
  8. I strongly approve of this Pokemon. Give him all my scheckles.
  9. You guys member when we did the April Fool's stuff? I member.
  10. So like I know the forum is just getting started and whatnot. Not a whole lot of us here at the moment. But I figured I'd make this little thread to help compile everyone's gaming personas (like Friend Codes, Gamertags, Steam and Playstation usernames, etc etc etc) for easy access. Feel free to share yours here if'n you want to as well as share whatever it is you play often. You know, so we can like get together and play together. Whoooop. Anyway, here's my stuff and things. SloweyJoey: Gamertag: SloweyJoey46 PSN: SohadowSwordsman Wii U: SloweyJoey46 3DS: 1177-9799-4823 Steam: SloweyJoey I've mostly been playing Overwatch lately both on the Xbox One and PS4. More so on Xbone though with my palaroos, Team IB.
  11. So I went to Walmart last night for their early Black Friday Day sales like around 11 or so to see whatever they had left of their sales (it started around like 6). Pretty much all of their Xbone games were gone so I had to make due with their PS4 games. Not a whole lot of that end either, but I did pick up a few gems. Got The Last of Us Remastered and Bloodborne for 15 bucks each. Got The Division and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire for 25 bucks each. And I found Final Fantasy X/X2 for just 8 bucks. I've played that game like half a million times but I had to get it again for that price... >.> But anyway, not the best turn out, but not too shabby either if'n I do say so myself... So like, what games have you gotten on sale and from where? I'm sure at least some of you have more impressive grabs than me.
  12. Pokemon Sun and Moon music.
  13. Fire Emblem didn't really catch on until Awakening, so that might be why Radiant Dawn's worth so much. Skies of Arcadia is a pretty rare game especially if you own the Dream Cast version.
  14. But what about our fancy ranks from a year ago on the lithium boards? Can we get those too? >.>
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