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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. The wii u mario games didn't do well at all so they kinda had to jump ship and market the hell out of mario land games. The best selling one for wii u was Mario Kart 8 and that was 8 million units. On a list of most sold mario games that would put the highest sold mario game on wii u at 14th place. New Super Mario Bros U sold about 5.5 million which would put it way down at 30th. The only things that the Wii U games have sold better than are the mario olympic/golf/tennis games, the mario & luigi games the paper mario series, and a handfull of mario party games.
  2. Well you can still get naked, drunk you'll have to work on.
  3. Modern being 1500 - 1815 I find interesting. It had all kinds of stuff going on, and Europe even had it's own ice age which is why it's snowing in just about every single old story form the period, because for 200 years you had 2 spring like months then snow the rest of the year. Also a lot of interesting innovations going on, and wars were still done with swords.
  4. Trump, because nothing has made me smile more than watching people breakdown in tears. I'm not even a republican
  5. Show up drunk and naked, also ask the kids if they want to bounce on your knee. Worked for my uncle on getting out of future family stuff.
  6. Wouldn't it be easier to just fake the images for the paper. Its a guy in a suit, just hire a body double and dress him up.
  7. On Saturday, because I like leftovers and am bad at telling people that I have other plans. Thur - get invited to different peoples things to eat their food Fri - Friends from out of town are stopping by and want to go to the bars Sat - Hungover trying not to puke while stuffing a salmonella infested asshole. Then go home and prepare a turkey for me and my family.
  8. There are two things that often get confused for one another being parody and satire. Satire is a deconstruction of a genre and characters, while parody inserts original ideas into a pre-existing media. Most of what we see in anime is actually Satire such as one punch man and Kill la Kill. A parody tends to use more of a direct influence but changes some key factors. For example if we look at the book Dracula, but change Dracula into a teen tsundere that is dealing with her doki doki feeling of Renfield showing up, only complicated by a kuudere teen girl Hellsing showing up that is trying to save Renfield and kill Dracula. That would be a parody because it follows the basic story format, but is original enough to be it's own story. Satire, for example I'll use kill la kill; takes popular tropes in anime and overly exaggerates them, or turns them around. The later a good example would be male characters having blinding light coming from their nipples. It's funny or sad on my part how many people seemed to have missed that this is a joke about how female characters are censored with blinding light on the TV release (buy the blu ray!). Other things such as the overly powerful student council and after school clubs, acting like field day is a real battle of life and death, etc. Those are all satire of the genre.
  9. If you like Lupin and Trigun then you would like Desert Punk.
  10. "You bitched about plotholes and dropped plot threads" I have seen you actually hate things for less than that. As for the deaths there were a few that actually gave me some feels. One because I liked the characters and wish we had gotten more of them, the other is that the characters death didn't accomplish much. Not bad but I do wish things would have turned out differently for these characters. Pretty much every other death though I had no strong feelings over. It felt more like culling the herd which should have been done long ago for characters who had done nothing forever. Then there was the case of Sajin who is just a dog/fox/wolf now. I think even kubo forgot that he didn't kill him. Iba was acting like the he was gone forever rather than just being forever doge. I expected to see him talking Sajin out for walkies. I wasn't too big on most of the fights. This happened way too much. Except in the case of some captains like Kenpachi where he would get hit a lot say his tough guy line like "is that it", "are you finished" or "my turn" then curb stomps. It's the issue with having a few dozen fights happening in a row, especially when you are kubo and do a cool thing so you'll do it every fight Not that all the fights were bad, but I had many moments where I had kubo battle fatigue while reading. Yamma's bankai was cool, I actually wouldn't mind seeing a prequel for bleach that focuses on the head captain in his prime. Soul king and the Royal guard were disappointments, but at least the way the soul king looks made sense of Aizen turning into a metapod. Ichibe's fight I actually didn't enjoy. He had too many marry sue abilities only to job hard. It was interesting at first but a few chapters in and you want the guy to die. Ichigo's parents meeting was a nice arc, pretty much any arc that deals with the past and actually gives backstory seems to be better than any current arc of bleach. All in all at least for me the build up felt wrong for the payoff. I guess there are a few ways to look at it. One drink the koolaid and say everything about reading this book for ten years was 100000% worth my time. Scratch your head and question if you spent your time wisely, or get salty as all hell and damn kubo for wasting your time. I'm in the middle of those, I don't think that the manga was a full waste of my time, but as well I feel like I devoted more of my time to it than I got out. Really I only think you should be in the last example if you had actually paid for the manga.
  11. My pc is reaching 5 years this spring, the only thing I have upgraded on it has been the GPU two years ago. I'm still able to run max settings on most games and still average 70fps. The far cry games are the only ones that I can think of where I have to tone down the graphics to get playable frames, but that is more due to horrible optimization on ubisofts part. Also I'm still a 1080peasant, which is good for frames. Really I don't see me upgrading resolution for a while as I would rather have smooth fast frames. I'll probably do a new build from scratch in another 2-3 years, even then I don't think it'll be all that necessary since the game market has catered to consoles so much that it has hindered pc game innovation.
  12. MAL - show's story revolves around Yuuri Katsuki, who carried all of Japan's hopes on his shoulders to win at the Grand Prix Finale ice skating competition but suffered a crushing defeat. He returns home to Kyushu and half feels like he wants to retire, and half feels like he wants to continue ice skating. With those mixed feelings swirling inside him, he confines himself inside his parents' house. Suddenly the five-time consecutive world championship ice skater Viktor Nikiforov appears before him, and along with him is Yuri Plisetsky, a young Russian figure skater who is already defeating his seniors. Viktor and both Yuris take up the challenge on an unprecedented Grand Prix series
  13. The 3ds is a huge part of why Nintendo was able to keep it's head above water. They actually put effort into making games for it and marketing the 3ds as well. As well I think that the wii u will be the first system to have ever not had it's own Metroid or Zelda game, unless you count the dynasty warriors clone.
  14. When are the girls showing up? The guys are getting so restless they are starting to ohhhhh...I was mistaken.
  15. This^^ People need to stop crying over their bigot utopia cartoon getting a one off conservative character. (we aren't bigots) The amount of hate I see based on someones beliefs begs to differ. It's not a right or wrong issue, its a morally gray thing and that's life. The episode wasn't about one side winning over the other, or one person being wrong. It was both sides coming to an understanding while still holding onto their own fundamental beliefs. On different sites it's the same view though, people crying over a conservative character in their cartoon. It's a two way street, you can't be filled with anger and disgust at a group then cry and call them intolerant when they don't accept your lifestyle/core beliefs. It's on par with someone screaming rape at the top of their lungs any time you enter a room, then they think you are excluding them when you leave a room when they enter because you don't want to hear them scream. I thought the jokes in the episode were pretty funny. The people who are getting triggered by steven universe of all shows says something about the culture.
  16. I have accepted that there is no privacy online. It's to the same extent of locking the front door of your home when there is a large glass window with a pile of rocks near it. It's just a sense of security, if someone wants into your stuff, they'll get into your stuff.
  17. Ball of hate??? Okay.... I didn't go on hearsay those are thing I legitimately had wondered about since the day the manga ended. I can like something and not think it's a perfect masterpiece.
  18. Been running mine for two years in that case and dust hasn't been an issue. You don't really need all that much fan power in it, most of the heat will just raise through the mesh at the top, but if you don't have space then you don't have space.
  19. I'm going to agree with empressangel on most of that. He had a lot of things that went nowhere, stuff that was never explained, and build up with no good pay off. They forgot about Harribel, Kenpachi kills Unohana to master his Shiki then jobs, The zero squad for all the build up they had were forgettable characters that went nowhere and mostly just arc fodder, Karin working for Urahara went nowhere, the two young shinigami that were shown at the start of the quincy arc went nowhere, Yoruichi's cat form was never explained, It was never explained why Orihime couldn't bring any of the captains back to life as we had seen she can totally do that because of her hax reality bending powers, Quincy having fullbring/arrancar like powers was never explained as they were mainly just supposed to be human magic archers, Uruyu's part in the whole arc felt underwhelming. Really there was just a lot of stuff that I have noticed and heard people complain about this arc to see it as an amazing let alone good end.
  20. I use the cooler master haf xb evo case. It's wide, but shorter than a full tower and has good ventilation.
  21. Bush did 9/11
  22. My bro since gen 1 gengar losing levitate is rough. Being immune to ground attacks was great, I guess this makes mega gengar more mandatory.
  23. In japan there are two types of sick being the cold and flu. Being able to function is the cold, anything else from influenza to lung cancer is the flu. Even in this link it lists a woman having died of stomach cancer as one of the 09 flu victims. It has something to do with their way of many thing falling into one word/one world meaning many things, depending on the context. It makes it odd for western fans when we hear about them getting sick for extended periods of time, and sometimes even dying when all that was announced was a minor illness. All in all if Kubo's health returns I could see him doing more work. If he is still combating illness I doubt that would happen. I wasn't a fan of the end of bleach just because of the rush job it got. However knowing that he wasn't feeling well it's better than a worst case scenario. Much like how Zero no Teskumina's creator had to rush the ending, but the fans while not loving how it ended, did respect what he was doing given his condition and his devotion to finishing his work before his passing. Still with Kubo it'll always be a case of how much was it kubo being kubo, how much was it his illness, how much was it publisher meddling etc. I think Kubo is great at coming up with ideas and characters, but has a hard time connecting everything together into a well paced story. Much of that is more just how Japan does things. I do think that he could have done much better quality work had he not been meeting the deadlines that they had given him. Bleach would have been better off being a bi monthly or monthly release. I think that is the kind of format where we would really see Kubo shine.
  24. It worked later in the day and works now, might have been something up with my ISP then.
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