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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. *bark*
  2. I pretty much went bald by 25, I just shave my head now.
  3. Never knew that about MM!, I thought that show was pretty funny. It was one of the few anime to have the balls to have the mother openly want to bang her son. Yeah deadman wonderland's manga end felt like such a horrible rush job. They pretty much dropped any interaction between the mc and hummingbird and made her more of a brocon. Then there was the other female interest that they only had in one scene of the anime. I would like it if the series got another anime season, but it would be better if it went a different route. Really I could say the same for most anime. Just keep going and doing your own thing regardless of the manga. If the manga end is good enough, or the anime is well received, then just pull a brotherhood or what they are doing with Blue Exorcist.
  4. Black lagoon came back for like 4 months, then went back onto hiatus. I think the original hiatus was to protest online piracy or something like that. I read something that if a series is on hiatus for too long then the publisher will drop them. I'm thinking that the come back was just to fulfill contract obligations so the series wasn't dropped. Highschool of the Dead hiatus is really because the mangaka is a hack and doesn't want to continue, or even finish the story. The written reason though is because he felt that a manga about the apocalypses was too controversial because of the tsunami. The manga had nothing to do with a tsunami, it would be like if we didn't have zombie films because of 9/11. Didn't care for trinity blood, but I didn't know the mangaka died. Kaze no stigma's mangaka died, which was tragic since it was actually a good manga/anime. Zero no Tsukaima got an end, but it was rushed because the mangaka was in poor health and died shortly after. I did actually feel really bad for him while that was going on. He was updating status on social media all the way to keep in touch with fans. I think he had a message that was saying he was scared and didn't want to die. Also that he was disapointed that he couldn't continue the story further, but still prioritized giving it an ending.
  5. They only way that Toonami will ever air an anime that isn't mainstream is if they either create it or fund a light novel into an anime. Anything else that would have any chance at success will be main stream. The way we watch anime I think has also changed enough where we won't have cult hits like we used to. FLCL for example was so under the radar in japan, that most people over there don't even remember it. However thanks to adult swim and bad streaming/torrents of the day. The best way to watch it was catching it on tv at the same time as everyone else. Now everyone has a dvr, everyone has access to either good streams or fast torrents. A small show isn't going to gain the following that it used to. Even shows that weren't all that small like Cowboy bebop probably wouldn't be as well received over here if AS didn't air them around the clock for over a decade. Really I didn't care much for the show the first time I saw it. I then would catch an episode here and there and was indifferent. Then an episode caught my interest for whatever reason that didn't before, and I would watch more intently. Eventually I actually liked the show and the themes it was expressing. Had this been the current trend of one and done, then I probably would have not given it a second thought. The issue is that even if they do go back to that way of showing anime. It wouldn't help because we all have too many other options for media. When I was little it was watch 1 of the 38 tv channels (no dvr if you want to watch something you better be there), play the video game you have played to death because you will only get 1-2 new games a year, or go outside. I really can't remember the last time I actually sat at home and watched toonami. I'm usually either at the bar or asleep when it's on and catch it on the DVR. If this would have been 10 years ago even I would have canceled plans if there was a show I wanted to watch.
  6. Never really got that tone. If anything I think they are more opposite. Zim had a lot of focus on body horror and human ignorance. Star has some dark jokes, and humans who are more meh over someone having magic. I was actually releaved that they didn't try to go the route of keeping her magic a secret, and everyone playing events off as if there was a normal explanation, it was done to death in the 90s.
  7. Why does goofy look like a crack addict? Reminds me of that old newgrounds flash where he keeps asking Micky for drugs.
  8. Sad when I remember that Alan Young who voiced Scrooge since the 70s died this year.
  9. This article is kinda garbage. Just kinda goes with why my friend who went to college for journalism said that it's now dead opinion pieces. It's acting Moana is doing something that no Disney film has done before. It's like they forget that Mulan and Pocahontas were made. "But Moana rescues the guy" So do the aforementioned characters. Lets also face that a Polynesian character isn't a huge jump when you have already done Native American and Chinese, (which is pretty much what a polynesian is). Then they talk about it being the first woman on a quest not trying to find true love thing like true grit. Except Brave had already done that and is seen as one of the worst Disney films. They keep going back to Ariel as whats wrong with disney princesses. Yeah I get it, she's a dumb teen that falls in love at first sight, doesn't know what a fork is, and has men fix all of her self created problems. It's not a good role model character for kids. However people don't remember the little mermaid for that. They remember the great music and animation. It doesn't hurt that Ariel isn't bad looking either. Look at Frozen, if it weren't for the two songs build a snowman/let it go, I wouldn't even remember the film. The animation, character depth, and story were all so forgettable for me. They did say that this is just what the Director is willing to do, and there has been no comment by Disney. That is in the same respects as if John Waters had an idea to make a film for Disney. If that were the case I would actually love to see that. Still it's just a Director is willing to make a project with the idea in mind. Disney I think is smart enough to know how pandering works. They marketed Zootopia with furries as the target audience afterall. However you can go under the radar a lot easier with anthropomorphized characters. The story was pretty meh buddy cop film that had been done to death, but it had good animation and targeted it's audiance, but still kept stuff under the radar "enough" for it to be kid friendly. It's also easier for people to accept things when it isn't outright a human. People tend to assign the race they are most comfortable with as the characters when there isn't really a race and more of a species. Which is kinda odd since people say that Nick represented the black community (really why did you pick a conartist to repres...nevermind), however most human fanart I have seen of him is white same goes for Judy. I digress, I think if it were gay humans the best Disney could hope for would be to just have the characters be gay, but not make romance the key part of the plot. The very vocal minority of the lgbt wants everything to be loud and colorful to represent them, but they don't get that people can't relate to that. It's funny as the main example I have to go on is Dumbledore. Not even movie Dumbledore, just the character in general. I would always find some anti Dumbledore rant that he wasn't gay enough. Pretty much they wanted him to be an old queen that would tell Hermione to do something with her hair, and say sub betch when he talks to Mcgonagall . That is until I see someone talk shit on JK for making him gay or the character for being gay. Then comments turn into the gay equivalent of nazi hate speech. The point I'm making is that no matter how gay they go, it will piss off a large majority of people. Going gay at all will piss off a lot of people and be banned from over seas markets like Russia and China (really big cash loss). Going the Anderson Cooper route will piss off the vocal minority of lgbt (found it odd that he actually gets hate from lgbt which is weird), Going camp gay will piss off the silent majority of gays. Really it's not the kind of film that Disney would make other than to make a statement. They would actually be thinking about how much they are willing to lose, rather than how much is this going to make us.
  10. Most likely it was a transformer explosion. The first time I saw and heard one I thought I was having a stroke and had to ask everyone else if they just saw/heard the same thing. There is a crazy loud electric sounding sonic boom that you can feel, and the whole sky turns green for a moment.
  11. While not what I would say is the best fight in all of anime, but I did enjoy most every fight King Bradley was in during Brotherhood. Also the old Sauske vs Naruto fight pre time skip was pretty good. The pacing was fast, everyone was hitting hard, and there weren't thousands of asspulls. It was just a really good fight scene.
  12. The devil is a part timer, this april will be 4 years of hiatus. It even had a dropped spinoff manga. I almost want to count A certain magical index, except it did get a movie in 2015. However the last season of it was close to 6 years ago. The railgun spinoff isn't much better since it's last update was close to 4 years ago. I heard that they will being giving Accelerator his own spinoff anime, he already has a manga.
  13. This is a thread about show and manga that are essentially dead for one reason or another. It is considered dead if - The season/chapter ended alluding to another season or leaving loose ends untied, but it has been years without any updates. - An abrupt end, more in the case of manga where it just ends out of nowhere, but tries to tie lose ends and shoehorn a resolution. - The Mangaka died - Dead end where the episode or manga chapter leaves off as a normal episode, then no updates for whatever reason. For anime Neskoi is an example of a promised season 2 that never came. Highschool of the Dead is an example for both. The anime ends alluding to a second season, and the manga just ends on an arbitrary chapter.
  14. inhumanoids was crazy dark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt0KUz4Yg-Y I remember liking Pirates of Dark Water, Street Sharks, Biker Mice from Mars, Tales from the Crypt Keeper.
  15. Pingles are a potato powder mixed with water turned into a mush, that is pressed and baked into its shape. A chip has to be sliced from a potato, there was actually a court case over this back in the day. Some countries actually have a law that won't allow them to be sold if it says potato chip on the container. I think in the UK they call them Potato crisps on the package, I have also seen Potato snacks.
  16. New Recruits, Volunteers and Chips
  17. Don't you mean "nothing wrong with loli misaka says misaka misaka". For some reason the loli says her name twice. However technically the misaka there isn't even a misaka. It's Touma's cousin while he was under an illusion.
  18. I want to do a story about moe girls getting hooked on drugs.
  19. The sex is more or less tasteful (vanilla as all hell) , and there is a clean version that just alludes that sex happened.
  20. It's still going, and has gotten fairly popular. I often see people posting image caps of it on /a/.
  21. Closest I have done are the old comedy skits I would write that became Bleach happy to serve you.
  22. Does it just raise in relation to post and likes ratio?
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