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Everything posted by HardcoreHunter

  1. The only thing I ever had my tongue stuck to was a Popsicle.
  2. For the short series ones I think it would be nice if they added some extra stuff. Even outtakes would be welcome, since the special features are usually just the textless op/ed and ads for other anime they are selling. Funimation streaming has pretty much eliminated the need to buy any funi anime. Pretty much for what one boxset costs you can watch all of their shows for the year. Still what we pay is a drop in the bucket compared to what they pay in Japan. Buying a series over there can run $100-$600. For example a Naruto DVD only has 3 episodes on it compared to the US which has 25 eps per set, but it costs $30 usd. That means to own every episode of Naruto in Japan it would roughly cost $7k.
  3. Thread says it all. A Christmas Horror Story - I watched this on netflix the other night, and I was actually surprised. It wasn't amazing but it was enjoyable to watch. Possibly going into it with low expectations could attribute some to that. It's somewhat of a creep show/Trick r treat like anthology tale. Much like trick r treat many of the stories have some connection. The main connection being William Shatner; who plays a raido DJ that is trying to get his listeners through the holidays. His segments seem nonsensical till the end of the story. There are 3 tales and the film jumps between each story. I would have rather had them finish each story before going on to the next, but one of the stories requires this type of story telling for the optimal effect. One story has the focus on an asshole family going to a rich aunt to ask for money. The asshole son smashes a statue of Krampus, this leads to the events to follow of them being hunted by the demon. The other story is of Santa in the North Pole. One of his elves gets sick and dies. However elves apperently can't die. This leads to the other elves getting infected as well and becoming zombies. The rest of the story is Santa killing his helpers which has a great end. The third story has some creepy moments and only ties some with the final story, all in all the connection it has with the other story felt unnecessary. A cop who is taking time off from the force due to stress of a case he worked on last year, and his family go looking for a christmas tree. They find a tree on land that is marked no trespassing. Their child gets lost, but is soon found in a hollowed out tree. However the kid is different in an eerie way. The is more confirmed when you see a refection of the child that is not his own. There is some sort of fallout between the mother and the father over the kid being an asshole. At one point the kid outright stabs his dad with a fork, the dad gets mad and goes to beat the kid, but the mother flips shit over it. Later the kid destroys the presents under the tree and smiles like a dick about it. The dad actually beats the kids ass for that with a belt. The mother flips shit once again but says the father is fucked up in the head. From there the story starts to pick up but it's about over by that point. The final story which I felt was somewhat of a throw away or filler story; is about three kids that are working on a project. It's about two kids that were killed in another school that time of year. The video they watch has the cop from the aforementioned story doing a walkthrough of the case. The kids sneak into the basement area of the school where the murder happened and are locked in. To follow is some eerie grudge type stuff, and some good jump scares that actually got me a few times. I would give this a 3.5/5, really it's worth a watch if you have netflix Krampus - Made by the team behind Trick r Treat. I found this film to be not as good as I had expected. It is almost the reverse of my experience of A Christmas Horror Story. Not that this film is bad, in fact I think it is better than the other film. However I had fairly high expectations of it, that it seems couldn't be met. The movie has a few flaws, the cast, pacing, and some segments. The issue with the cast is that they are not only unlikable, but they are forgettable. The only characters that I can really remember are the Grandma who barely spoke, the Aunt that spouted one liners, and the main kid. All I remember about the parents on both sides is that one is that one side is well off with upper middle class problems, and the other is what you expect of a sterotype trump supporter that thinks they are better off than the rich upper middle class inlaws. The pacing has some issues, with some scenes taking much longer than they should. The one that I actually hated involved the gingerbread men. It felt too out of place for the film. Also it was probably the longest running scene in the film. I think it was trying to act like Gremlins, but it was like watching the Minions attack people. The story as a whole was alright, the lore of krampus and how he works is probably one of the more interesting parts of the film. I would say this is a 3.9/5 Gremlins - Probably the first black comedy christmas film. Still it's more like a film that just takes place at christmas than a christmas film. I think it tries to shoehorn in some christmas lessons from time to time, but really it's just about the Gremlins causing chaos. In short a dad gets some mystical living animal from a chinaman. The rules are sunlight kills it so don't do that, Don't get it wet, and don't feed it after midnight. What do you know all of those things happen in one way or another and shit goes down. I loved the puppet work of this as a kid, everything moves like it's a real living thing. 4.5/5 Santa's Slay - Another black comedy, the only reason I even gave this a shot was due to Goldberg staring in it. The best thing this has going for it is the history of Santa. The story goes that like Jesus, Santa was born of an immaculate conception. However rather than god being the father, his father was Satan. Satan...Santa I see what you did there movie. Santa in this case is an asshole. He is pretty much like the robot Santa from futurama in the past. An Angel appears and makes a bet with Santa. If Santa wins he will get the Angel's soul, if the Angel wins then Christmas must become a positive happy holiday for 1000 years. It just so happens that he lost and the 1000 years are now up. Really that's about it to the movie other than Santa killing some people. I give it a 2.8 out of 5 Silent Night Bloody Night - This is a whodunit slasher type of film. The issues of the film are more a product of most 70s films. The tone is very much a night of the living dead meets Don't look in the Basement. A house of people who don't trust each other and are quick to blame everyone else for the killings. The film has a good amount of tension moments, but this also leads to a lot of dead air where nothing happens. The film even has a damn narrator to move the plot along. 2/5 Jack Frost - It's pretty much childsplay with a snowman instead of a doll, done on a shoestring budget. A serial killer (not chucky) is melted by a chemical. His body dissolves into the snow. His DNA then fuses with the snow, and is promptly built into a snowman by the sheriff's son. The killer snowman now kills people, and the people of the town think it's the kid and not the snowman like he says. The puppet work for the snowman is pretty cheesy, and the deaths are more comical than in childsplay. Also loads of puns are used, it's clear that they tired to copy the personality of chucky, but without any of the tone or charm. This film as a sequel, but it's not as good as the first one which isn't saying much. 3.1/5 Black Christmas - I am going to talk about the 74 version as I liked it better than the 06 version. The 06 version tries to go for more of a gritty tone like the remake of Texas Chainsaw. The 74 version just feels like a more well put together piece, without trying to be something else. In the film you never get to see who the killer is, you get some stories of the killer being an escaped psycho, but you never get to see him. It's also very well filmed. I like that it goes for a mix of somber music for violent death scenes. Pretty much it's about a family and friends being killed by this Psycho. The acting is actually really good for the 70s. I really like this film and give it a 5/5. They have it on youtube to watch which is a plus.
  4. I must never be on during peak hours, that or I just have a good internet connection.
  5. I think it would be good if they could cover up at least to the training camp arc. It looks like that arc may be an OVA. Either way if season 2 covers the festival arc and the hero killer arc I'll be happy with it. If they hold off on the camp arc for a season 3, then they could easily fill a full season with that and the raid arc.
  6. 17 comes from the age "most likely lying" that she put on her contest pass under her alies.
  7. I don't think Ivy ever visibly showed interest in Brock, it seemed one sided. However the unspoken thing happened which could have been one of a few things. 1 She rejected him or already had a boyfriend that came back into the picture. I actually think it would have been funny if her boyfriend were the orange league champion that Ash beat. Him losing would have given him free time to head home to bang his gf lol. 2 She was too kinky for Brock or he couldn't sexually satisfy her (judging by his normal excitement around ladies he could be premature). 3 Age may have been a thing since Brock is 15, and Ivy looks to be mid 20s to early 30s, as she seems to be more developed than Jessie who depending on the episode is 17 to her mid 20s (It's assumed mid 20s and she lies about her age being 17)
  8. The only girl I remember that actually liked Brock was Lucy, she had an eye fetish.
  9. Kinda a let down that it is only going to focus on the sports festival arc. I thought that arc would have taken 6 episodes max, they must be really padding it.
  10. (bloody facepalm) I get it now
  11. My name isn't wilson
  12. There were a lot of romantic moments between Dawn and Ash. Romantic moments from most to least go Serena>Dawn>Misty>May>Iris. They kinda didn't want MayxAsh to be a thing for whatever reason. It's why they introduced Drew, not to mention having her brother max tag along. Apparently the writers said that they didn't want AshxMisty to be a thing despite a lot of hints. I haven't caught anything aside from the first episode of the new series. The animation is painful to look at. Especially after how good the animation was last series. Also don't forget there are a lot of side characters that crushed on Ash. Lyra, Bianca movie*could have been latias, Anabel, Macy, Bianca series, Melody, Angie, Miette
  13. I'm on the left
  14. You wouldn't be the first person to have said that if you believe it.
  15. My dad does hate all holidays.
  16. I think we all have had those moments.
  17. No prob, I mean just look at how normal we turned out.
  18. Ouch! I actually got checked for that once, turned out my groin pain was due to a hernia...From being shot in the stomach and never getting the bullets removed. Back when I was 12, A friend was shooting a shotgun, and he banked a shot that had a half dozen pellets hit me in my thigh and stomach. I had that fixed this past summer.
  19. We got strong enough to overpower them. The tradition ended pretty quick when they realized that they could get hurt. Dad had some of his ribs broken, and my uncle got hit in the head with a brick and beaten with a shovel. I had two of my ribs broken and a black eye, and my brother had a broken nose. I think I would have came out of that better had I waited another couple of years, but I guess it was good enough for 14 lol. So pretty much we ruined christmas.
  20. Cream and booze never goes well for my stomach.
  21. Share your awkward and horrific christmas stories. Probably my worst memories of christmas involved my Dad and his brother dressing up as Belsnickel and beating me and my brother with a branch. It sucked, and they did it just for the love of beating kids, it didn't matter if you were good or bad. It got to the point where my cousins on my moms side wouldn't visit christmas day because of how violent it would get. A trick they would do is have one standing outside while the other chased us in the house. That way if we ran outside it would be like a damn Jason Voorhees moment. One example was when I ran outside, and was promptly tackled to the ground and dragged by my leg over to the oak tree; I was 7 years old by the way. I then had my leg tied to a rope and I was hoisted into the air by my leg. My shirt was then pulled down over my face and my bare stomach and chest were beaten with a branch. Some of the welts actually bled! That also dislocated my leg, which I have had a slight limp in it ever since. My brother was held down and had one of his baby teeth pulled out with pliers. It was fucking sadistic. We did get gifts and stuff, but if we acted mopey or pissed off the rest of the day from our beating, our parents would say we were ungrateful for our gifts and Belsnickel would be back if we didn't cheer up. Most people I know didn't have this tradition, and people who did said that they were threatened with being beat, but never got beat.
  22. Adventures of Sinbad ep 5
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