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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. you have to give them a minute to get there ... they're old
  2. dispatches toothless grannies to give you a good time in your pants .... they go .... all the way down
  3. well I mean ... as long as you dont go out there strangling random dogs on the side of the road to make your hat then ... I can't judge you
  4. me too ... maybe I can sneak into a store and buy myself some make up but then be too busy to wear it
  5. Going to eat at my grandparents house .... and wait for some Grade A family drama to unfold
  6. I just got called in to work Saturday. But FedEx sucks the joy out of Xmas for everybody .... hopefully I'll be in a better job next year. Im tired of getting cursed out several times a day because these grandmas dont know where their kids live .... or where they live .... or they address fucking packages that require signatures to infants
  7. The ones with registered sex offenders
  8. well if you take the question the way I took .... definitely
  9. I dunno .... if I trust Richard Simmons to make desserts
  10. well you can't have it both ways. You gotta have one or the other. I'd take the carolers and do something low down like install a sprinkler system ....or let a dog poop in the lawn
  11. Could be worse .... you could be hearing gunshots instead of carolers ...
  12. If you still can't get any help for your mental health ... then I suggest you find a nice wholesome weed man ... erm ... drug dealer ... but nothing crazy like meth or bath salts
  13. what has you so anxious?
  14. Lol try working for 8 years at Fedex
  15. If you haven't seen Ru Paul's Drag Race ... you are missing out
  16. We almost never have a white christmas but this weekend's weather is fucking crazy. It might snow when the temperature changes because they expect storms all Saturday
  17. Its going to be 70 degrees tomorrow then 33 degrees Sunday
  18. monthly
  19. I mean ... just be upfront and be like ... dont catch feelings ... this is just sex
  20. I appreciate this information. Learn something new everyday
  21. Liiiike .... aren't you supposed to use lube or lotion ... or something?! But hey I dunno ....
  22. I save my taxes for vacations
  23. I kinda stopped watching it because they looked weird to me ... all long and pointy. It made my eyes hurt
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