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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Theres too much stuff going on for me. It kinda gives me a headache
  2. The answer is so many I play Mass Effect mostly for the story but also to bang my way around the ship
  3. What is the weirdest food you've eaten? Alligator Have you ever met a Hollywood celebrity? yes I went to a Star Trek Convention so ... but thats the only time If you could move to any place in the world right now, where would you go? Paris France to the Louvre so I can orgasm to art What is your favorite alcoholic beverage? Flying Moose Are you disinclined to acquiesce to my request? Probably If you could switch bodies with someone for a day who would it be? Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think you can emotionally cheat on someone? Would you be the Rocky to my Dr. FrankNfuter?
  4. Is that where you go to meet hot singles in your area?
  5. https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--D1NmO4Mk--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18mgu2frdy5mujpg.jpg[/img] also comes in reverse cuchini ... when you just NEED a cameltoe
  6. They sound stupid
  7. There's a difference between a spanking and a beating. I think we're talking about a spanking. Not child abuse .... I mean the fat shaming is bad
  8. you should get a girlfriend and then ask her to ask you to
  9. It has the makings of a bad vintage porn
  10. women dont wear jeans all the time
  11. I've heard it hides your panty line
  12. I was gonna say
  13. The only Tops I know is a BBQ restaurant.
  14. Are jock straps not thongs?
  15. Then I'd feel like I was taking advantage
  16. There's this one old lady that I like talking to because she's always smiling and positive. I went down to see her this week and she was shivering so I was like ... how are you doing today? Are you cold? She said she wasn't cold but she needed to get home and get the money So I asked what she meant. She kept telling me she needed to bring some money but she was shivering so I tried to fluff her blanket. She snapped at me and was like I SAID I AINT COLD!! Then I noticed she kept trying to get up and reaching down toward her leg like she was looking for it ... only it was amputated like 4 months ago. Then Thursday she was just laying in her chair screaming
  17. well now you have to actually do it or your whole life is a lie
  18. Only one way to get it
  19. I didn't think I get that far. ::HMM:: what do you want?
  20. what? a foot massage? a simple foot massage ... none of that freaky shit
  21. Except no Beauty and the Beast ... thats a crime against childhood.
  22. I went to intern every day this week and stayed my whole shift at work .... I am ... stupid tired. And the old people at the clinic .... they are going to shit and theres nothing I can do (their health is going to shit ... not literally pooping)
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