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Everything posted by Vamped

  1. Reading the bible is fine and all but have you fapped to muscular white Jesus?
  2. Were they Asian and thought you were the smartest person in the world? I dunno man ... I have extremely limited experience in this arena
  3. I've heard you just have to find a prostitute that likes having sex or something
  4. .... welp .... I think thats enough twitter for tonight The dicks are there .... and detailed. I .... am ... going to bed ...
  5. I'm not paying for a paramount + membership though
  6. You know what .... I think I saw a clip or something awhile ago to one of his YouTube videos .... I can't remember where I found it. Was it on here? It was somewhere .... and some dude posted it about single mothers or something ...... damn I feel like it was here... but it might have been reddit There was a random candle.... purple maybe Anyway he was talking shit
  7. I have no idea who this dude even is/was XD
  8. So I have been working to get this person's special transportation extended all morning. I have been on hold for probably 3 hours on one phone and doing my regular work/conference calls/team meetings with google voice on my cell phone (which the company does not pay for at all). They have the nerve to curse me out on the floor because I AM NOT A NURSE AND CANNOT GIVE HEM TYLENOL ..... sir .... if I was low down .... I would say fuck it ... I hope you have to crawl down the fucking street to get here next week But I'm not, so I'm going to do my fucking job and complain about it to people on the internet
  9. I dont make the rules ... sexists racists classist old white men Republicans conservatives do
  10. TN says you wont be able to slip and have an abortion at home via home delivery meds. You have to go in person and have the doctor put the meds in your hand. It takes 2 months just to see my doctor for my annual wellness visit. More than that for my OBGYN and that's if by the time my appointment comes around my period hasn't decided to get crafty and bleed right then and there
  11. Guess you both have to go to jail now. Killed too many potential kids.
  12. I'm sorry we're gonna have to put you under arrest, you've been killing millions of potential babies. We're suppose to be out here populating the over populated Earth Religious stuff is stupid. Some Catholics claim they dont believe in birth control but buy condoms so ... y'know.
  13. That's terrifying. Luckily they didn't throw that person against that fire hydrant but also how heavy are those fucking scooters?!!
  14. Vamped

    is jackie ok?

    I hope she is. I wish she could check in every so often. Wasn't she going to Thailand or Taiwan next??
  15. you just shout it into the crowd?!! XD
  16. Stopped in the middle of a conference call to google XD https://www.history.com/news/10-things-you-may-not-know-about-the-oddest-founding-father#:~:text=After suffering from crippling gout,whale bone as a catheter.
  17. The Tylenols hit the spot without the extra effort. Plus if you dont like peenies in the first place XD
  18. Masturbation is bad because clearly in addition to whoring herself out to men, this huge dildo is probably ruining her vagina mold for all the incels out there in the streets. Women aren't supposed to get any satisfaction from sex anyway. Also I feel like I've heard men masturbating is wasting seed so its always been bad.
  19. I swear I wasn't trying to derail this thread with dildos XD
  20. "Men I've whored myself out to" And the lightened family XD
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