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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. Yeah hardly anyone ever comments on the news or editorials but the podcast is still going. Paul didn't post an episode we recorded last month for some reason. I'm currently editing our podcast discussing the WarnerMedia restructure and the Crunchyroll partnership. Podcast.ToonamiFaithful.com is pretty much a dead page but soundcloud.com/ToonamiFaithfulPodcast and all the podcast feeds (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play and even Spotify) have the latest episodes. You can also listen to podcasts on the website main page in the little box on the side bar.
  2. Without new Dragon Ball they’ll just have to set their expectations lower. At this point I don’t think Toonami would collapse without DBS. If 0.16-0.20 18-49 wasn’t adequate right now for most of the premieres then Toonami would already have been minimized to like 2 hours by now. I don’t like to think along the lines of DB haters who say DB has ruined AS Toonami but when they claim DB does nothing to benefit most of the lineup they’re probably right about that much. I do think Toonami wouldn’t have been anywhere near as successful without DBZ Kai in 2015 and 2016, it may have even been pulled off the air without DBZ back to fill the hole Bleach left behind. That was back when the anchor pulling in less than 900,000 viewers wasn’t very adequate compared to the rest of cable and Adult Swim. Toonami has a MUCH lower bar to meet now. I think MHA could lead adequately if it is a simuldub. Boruto will end up as the new anchor whether it’s first or second on the lineup. I’d like to see them lead the block with short series and preferably dub premieres.
  3. March 31st is usually the prank night once it reaches midnight and becomes April 1st. That’s Sunday this year.
  4. I hope they would not fire someone for that happening once but thanks for the insight.
  5. They’re replaying episode 6 next Saturday and premiering episodes 7 and 8 the Saturday after that. That gives them an extra week before starting whatever is replacing Megalobox.
  6. The cable on-demand may temporarily be using the same night recording but it probably will switch to a fixed version some time this week. Currently the AS app has the episode without the glitch.
  7. Typical Toonami, waiting till the last feasible second to announce the next show. Though if they are planning to run the OVA before going into season 2, they may not say anything until the week before the OVA airs and hide the schedule to avoid spoiling it.
  8. Not that SAO has much hype material right now but most of those Boruto topicals only made it more apparent that not a dang interesting thing happens in that show.
  9. Every single week they don't run a topical for Super the Facebook is flooded with comments asking if DBS was still airing. They should probably keep doing those.
  10. I suppose we were all kind of waiting for this shoe to drop after the vague articles when Mob was announced and then the Blade Runner deal. This could be marvelous synergy for AT&T's anime and action animation offerings. They have a strong streaming platform and the only linear TV venue for non-toyetic action animation teaming up to ensure CR's content can reach additional casual audiences. Adult Swim has good connections internationally that can benefit Crunchyroll and CR will also partner with Toonami on future original co-productions. I don't think for a second that this means Crunchyroll series will take up the majority of the slots on Toonami any time soon and I don't expect any big changes until they finish a few more long running series. Next year and beyond though? That could be very interesting. This ensures Toonami will still have options if Hulu's FUNimation deal takes a bunch of good shows off the table and Viz ever decides to take their content elsewhere (we're not escaping Boruto and Shippuden any time soon though).
  11. Samurai Jack and FLCL 2/3 should be on VRV Selects if nothing else but with this deal a Toonami section on VRV only makes sense.
  12. Initially AS revived Toonami to recharge ASA out of its state of decay. From 2013 till probably at least 2016 AS thrived as a linear network on cable against TV competition and streaming but now it’s definitely losing that battle more and more every year. But I don’t think there ever was a point where making Toonami just a streaming service made sense. They’d never compete well against Netflix, Hulu or Crunchyroll as just a streaming service. Now any Toonami original can and should stream on VRV and/or CR after the TV broadcast but if Toonami tried to make its own paid service it would fail miserably.
  13. I suppose that’s a reasonable theory. Though they did say Akame was heavily requested at the time so that may have been a factor. I have a couple. The most obvious was DBS was forced to air in prime time until Toei could see kids weren’t interested. I figure JoJo has gotten priority over several premieres due to the cost of airing it. The EDs play a big part in the cost. Black Clover was thrown at Toonami for a very good price. There was probably an initial stipulation it had to get a good time slot but as soon as they could they tossed it to the back because it was cheap.
  14. They could certainly use more sci-fi in the mix.
  15. Boon and BD did quite a bit worse the week after. Though it may just be one bad week.
  16. They just keep making similar lines about making magic whenever they get to Black Clover. It’s pretty uninspired.
  17. I’d rather they regularly show the lineup promo than do topicals for several shows. i don’t think Boruto and MHA are likely to shift down. Maybe MHA for Mob or new Titan but Boruto is holding Super better than MHA did.
  18. I guess they don’t see any reason to announce Titan is going back to season 1 because the schedule hasn’t technically changed.
  19. They probably won’t air the recap on Toonami. It may not even get dubbed.
  20. That's totally fair, all schedules are subject to change and they make use of placeholders to avoid spoiling upcoming changes. I'm just saying there's no need to skeptical of things posted on Toonami Squad that aren't also posted on Toonami News. Sometimes they're just faster at getting these things confirmed than we are.
  21. WTF were they thinking with that display? That's horrendous.
  22. According to the director of the first season dub, season 2's dub doesn't exist yet. He may not be speaking totally transparently though. Shield Hero's dub finally surfaced and is now up to date with the Japanese broadcast. Curiously it has not been added to FUNimation's service. Perhaps Crunchyroll was waiting until they would no longer be under obligation to share the series with FUNimation. Likewise, Mob season 2 might not end up on FUNimation's service any time soon, if ever. As things stand now it's about equally likely for Mob season 2 to premiere on Toonami when MegaloBox finishes or for it to show up on Crunchyroll any given week. And the fact that the Japanese side thought the Reigan OVA was going to air on Toonami the week after season 1 ended has me thinking that Toonami has definitely secured beyond the first season. Maybe it's just the OVA for now and that would actually be a dub premiere because it's not streaming dubbed anywhere yet, but it seems just as likely that they will get season 2 once it's ready or once they have another opening. It's entirely possible that they intended to show the Reigan OVA and then go into season 2 but the dub for season 2 wasn't ready yet so delayed it's arrival until MegaloBox wraps up in March.
  23. I ended up going. It was a pretty good story as small part of a larger whole. It had great animation and a good sound track. Seeing some massive destruction on the big screen was well worth the ticket price.
  24. For the record AL, Toonami Squad is just as reliable a news source as the Toonami News twitter. Sometimes even more so because they verify schedule changes with Adult Swim public relations via e-mail. So you can trust their reports.
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