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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. I would not have been annoyed if they didn’t air Toonami on Christmas Eve but I suppose the audience is so volatile that doing that even once will make some people think Toonami got canceled again. Turns out as Nirvash suspected they will be reairing The Fire Place from 2am-4am. They certainly could have given up the encores of Futurama instead of cutting Toonami short but looking at that night, 2 hours of Primal sticks out like a sore thumb and 3 hours would even more so. Everything else that night is holiday themed. Toonami feels really out of place but there isn’t much else they could have done. While airing Tokyo God Fathers or I dunno Batman: Sub Zero would have been a treat, it would be a waste to only air them on a night when viewership is sure to be low. A block with holiday themed episodes they have on hand would have been cost effective but I don’t think they have enough of those to fill even 2 hours much less 3.
  2. If not for YashaHime, One Piece and Shippuden might have broke 200k or 0.10 18-49. At any rate it’s great to see MHA close to 300k and MIA following close behind it.
  3. We don't actually know how long Ninja Kamui is but based on the track record of original anime for Toonami that aren't Crunchyroll co-pros... it might be 4 or 6 episodes but it could also between 10 and 13 episodes based on other original production orders. I believe Log Horizon seasons 1 and 2 are no longer in the Sentai catalog and when FUNimation acquired season 3 they got the other the rights to the other two seasons. The Sentai box sets seem to be out of print as well.
  4. Or they might skip YashaHime the week MiA ends and finish it the next week to stagger the two premieres but it’s just about as likely they’ll expand the block for the night or bump another show for one week.
  5. Things I expect them to aim for that they can probably get: Bleach TYBW, G Witch, Urusei Yatsura, Lupin Zero, Dr. Stone season 3 Things I hope they consider: Birdie Wing (if Sunrise dubs it), Kaiji and Akiba Maid War Made in Abyss might be directly replaced by Attack on Titan but the next Sentai show is either Urusei Yatsura or Lupin Zero. YashaHime is replaced by Bleach TYBW or G Witch. I’m holding out a tiny bit of hope that when Primal reruns finish in January that we’ll get a 6th premiere. Maybe the G Witch dub will be ready by then and eternal shounen hour shifts down. Alternatively, they might get 11:30 back if they have enough new content to warrant it.
  6. The median age of the Cartoon Network audience is 29? Safe to say kids grew up and didn’t stop watching. You know what this young adult skewing Network ought to air? Close Enough and Infinity Train for two. Time to try Young Justice on linear again while they’re at it. So Max won’t be making kids cartoons that CN won’t air because CN will be making whatever kids content that will end up on Max… what a concept! I feel like this new “old” direction for Cartoon Network makes Adult Swim airing before 11pm kinda superfluous. Make it a block again and be willing to air the FOX shows and even some anime outside of it. They could probably get away with uncensored MHA, Naruto and One Piece even in the afternoon and early evening for sure. But as long as they have FOX reruns and American Dad, they won’t be giving weekdays 9-11pm to much else. On paper this direction sounds like a dream come true for older animation fans and there’s a lot of potential for an unprecedented amount of creative freedom for show developers. It remains to be seen how they will actually try to build toward that goal. Its rather comical that after all these years of killing shows because not enough kids were watching or not enough toys were selling that CN is more or less giving up on selling to kids 6-11.
  7. This could be great if the right MAPPA team is assigned to it. I sure hope they don’t incorporate CGI poorly but even MAPPAs worst CGI is at least more animated than a lot of season 2 was.
  8. It all comes down to money and how little of it WBD will give to Adult Swim compared to how much money another company is willing to spend for DC content. Synergy be darned, Warner has always operated its networks by a fend for yourself mentality.
  9. There’s a pretty obvious reason why they haven’t done a convention panel in person since 2019. Might be a while longer before they do another one.
  10. How the hell is Minoriteam not top 2 worst? I didn’t hate it but like is a strong word.
  11. I don’t expect Blue Lock was even on their radar.
  12. I don’t think this means the end of HBO Max and DC event shilling for Toonami but it crushes remaining hopes of regularly airing DC shows. Not there was much reason to expect that but Amazon will pay way more than Adult Swim can afford. So there’s all the more not to throw Toonami a bone.
  13. I had a feeling when they said The Caped Crusader would be shopped around that Amazon would be very interested. Just watch as Young Justice is revived on yet another streaming platform.
  14. Easy money the show they most want from Sentai is the soon to be dubbed Urusei Yatsura series. They love Rumiko Takahashi and UY is legendary. I’m hoping they’re also looking at Kaiji and willing to give Akiba Maid War a shot.
  15. Sentai and Viz are still at the table and it sounds like (barring hiccups) they aren’t flying at the seat of their pants going into 2023. But they’re so short-staffed that everything including the process or getting shows is slower. I guess it’s time to start making “Gill Austin is killing Toonami” memes
  16. Probably best not to assume anything but these delays certainly feel like interference from Sony. Maybe Toonami isn’t even allowed to run a promo or topicals but that would be next level petty. It might have been the case that season 6 was supposed to start last Saturday but there are other likely explanations for why the marathon got no promo, less than a week notice and no additional bumps. Such as Toonami trying to pivot to a Kevin Conroy tribute or simply being told not to waste effort on a marathon.
  17. They must be trying their darndest to secure either MHA or Bleach but clearly they should have done something else for the time being until they could actually make that happen. Sacrifices in the middle of the year probably mainly came down to the budget freeze as opposed to just saving up for a big fish. Still they did manage to maintain 5-6 cable premieres most of the year even with their hands tied and they’re not having to resort to triple YashaHime like last December. But admittedly they would have looked way worse over the Summer without Primal encores and I honestly don’t know what else they would have done at the time so they’re lucky they were allowed to air it.
  18. It’s honestly kind of unnecessary to promote a marathon of reruns even if it’s MHA which will feasibly do better than a regular lineup. The real question is did they make a bunch of additional bumpers for this marathon or will they mostly reuse the current ones? They had to at least make a bumper to say MHA is up next because they currently don’t have one of those.
  19. Supposedly Aniplex gave them a real good deal on Durarara. I suspect Viz also gave them a good deal on Kekkaishi. No doubt they paid considerably more for FMA Brotherhood and in turn kept it for longer than 2 years. Before those three pick ups ASA had quite a dead period between 2008 and 2010. Just new episodes of Bleach and the rest of Moribito once Code Geass R2 wrapped. The avoided Funimation for whatever reason after One Piece and DBZ were pulled from Toonami. 2009 and 2011 were both years when it looked like ASA wasn’t long for this world.
  20. So that MiA promo flat out lied, go figure. This is exactly what I expected to air if they didn’t run a Kevin Conroy tribute. They seem like they have season 6 but for whatever reason can’t say so directly. Why not just announce that along with this schedule? But I can see them saving that for a post on Wednesday or an on-air promo.
  21. I’ve asked Maki about it personally and I trust her when she says they’ve been working diligently on Uzumaki. She also mentioned the studio is animating it with a technique that unlike anything that’s ever been done before.
  22. Regardless of when it's finished, it won't air until October almost guaranteed. In June they'll probably be airing the 2nd of the two seasons of FLCL with the first airing in February or March. At the very least they are putting tremendous effort into translating Junji Ito's detailed art into animation which was a huge problem for the Junji Ito Collection. That won't assure the story will adapt well into 4 episodes of TV anime but it's certainly better than it looking as shoddy and campy as the Collection. It will be tremendously difficult to live up to 4 years+ of development but it is what it is.
  23. Yeah they ran a toyetic anime but they must have had no interest in DBS over on the CN side, otherwise Toei would have given it to CN in a heart beat. It's going to be interesting to see what Toei decides to do with future DB series there's really no telling what could happen with the way the market is constantly changing.
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