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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. Rick & Morty on Saturday was the highest rated rerun for AS that week and 11pm Dad was the 2nd highest. Primal barely missed top 10 but that’s still quite impressive.
  2. As always we appreciate your service.
  3. It’s the first 7 episodes. How very pointless.
  4. So maybe Toonami eventually. That’s what I read from Jason’s response. In short if its an anime series (not film) co-production then WBD is all about putting it on Adult Swim and Toonami but if it’s a western action/drama then off to HBO Max it goes and Primal is the only exception for now. I suppose you could look at it another way. If WBD has to foot the bill for an animated action/drama series then they don’t think it’s worth it if it’s just for Adult Swim and they see HBO Max as the primary platform for that audience. Hence why they’re not sharing Young Justice.
  5. Well that doesn’t bode well for Lupin airing directly after Primal. Probably gonna lose 100,000 viewers from it every week. Nice to see AC finish so high. It came so close to 300,000.
  6. Nah nah nah. Saitama should be played by Moby… or Jim Rash. I joke, they’re both too old.
  7. Ya know unless you count One Piece (which is surely a Toei contract), Netflix hasn't added anything under the Crunchyroll, FUNimation, Aniplex umbrella in a while. I think the last addition was SAO Alicization War of Underworld. I don't think they've picked up anything from Sentai all that recently either. I was thinking like season 1 before it, Demon Slayer season 2 would come to Netflix after CR/FUNi finished streaming the dub but so far that hasn't happened. It could still happen later this year but if it doesn't then I think we can take that as a clear sign that Toonami isn't the only platform that Sony isn't making new deals with. Also the first batch of anime licenses from Aniplex and Crunchyroll on HBO Max expired recently. Seems unlikely they will let the contracts be renewed no matter what HBO Max is willing to pay.
  8. He was gone much too soon. His story is heartbreaking, they didn't find the cancer until he was already in stage 4. I really thought he was going to make it despite how advanced his case became. It's just too much. He was so talented and genuine and kind. Only the good die young. Rest in peace Billy. There was a Cells at Work story like that wasn't there? Man... I have the dubbed version of the opening song from the first season where he and Cherami sing. That song and Billy's voice was more morning wake-up alarm encouraging me every day. This hits as hard or harder than when Kirby Morrow passed away.
  9. They don’t usually (if ever) get the TV rights but Discotek did help Toonami get Lupin Part 4 so maybe they can help them get something else in the future.
  10. They have 11 followers and effectively no reach. Pretty sure I have seen their commentary on Anime Super Hero and 4chan. It certainly reads like them and regurgitates the same arguments. And on Twitter they follow Toonami Faithful staff, CN Schedule Archive and barely anyone else. I think they need a new hobby. One should not dedicate themselves so much to critiquing a television block.
  11. You might be right but I won’t see that as much of an upgrade and I’d be annoyed if One Piece was pushed back down so soon. I don’t think double Shippuden will last more than a month or so but it could feasibly last a while if they hold off on adding anything else until the 3am shows are finished.
  12. I’m not opposed to Adult Swim airing AEW before Toonami though if it’s not a live event then it will probably do a lot worse than AEW does on TBS. Still might do better than Saturday comedy but Saturday comedy doesn’t do bad compared to other nights.
  13. The most frustrating thing is we are entirely in the dark when it comes to knowing most of what Toonami has been trying to get and who will come to the table at all. It’s hard to believe that Toei and TMS are the only companies that want their wares on cable television. I have not given up hope that Toho will push for MHA to return to Toonami but it could go either way. I don’t think WBD would bother giving precious as-space to the block if they didn’t intend to support it so I don’t think the acquisition budget is why they’re so limited still.
  14. During American Dad as well? That’s excellent!
  15. I think Lupin and One Piece have proven their usefulness in recent months and earned a chance to air earlier, but maybe that’s just me. Yeah get through the filleryomi sooner and take less than two years to finish Shippuden! Lupin getting to be the 2nd show on the block is a hell of a thing and One Piece at one, like God intended. I’m only watching till 2am starting next week, so I can go to sleep earlier or throw on something else to wind down but I’m glad the smug haters weren’t right about the block dropping 3:30am. I will probably rewatch Primal eps 6-10 because I only saw each of them once before. Maybe I’ll rewatch episode 5 as well because it’s freak’n rad. Things look dire but I don’t think that’s because Toonami is in danger. The unexciting lineup in recent weeks has been doing better than when Shenmue and Titan were premieres. Which is both a win but also feels like a loss. They can start a show any time but clearly it’s never been harder to get something and I really hope that’s not due to a lack of budget. It’s looking to be an uneventful Summer and AS won’t even premiere Primal season 2 on Toonami but the encores should do more than well enough to support Toonami. It still a waste of potential but Genndy gonna Genndy.
  16. Thursday specifically? I don't think anything has premiered on just Thursday except for way back in 2005 when they tried airing a different anime every night but they have done stripped premieres across the same time slot on Monday-Friday like they did with Primal's first 5 episodes. Friday at one point was live-action premiere night and interestingly enough in 2004 action premiere night almost became Thursday nights when the network was deciding whether or not to bring ASA back to Saturday to pair with Saturday prime time Toonami (when it was launching in April of 2004) or to let Toonami fill 7pm-2am the way SVES did. An early schedule drafts showed them doing that but they eventually settled on having Adult Swim Action return to Saturday nights 11pm-2am with Toonami airing 7pm-11pm.
  17. Ah good it aired during AEW, as it should.
  18. They most likely don't feel it will mesh well with new episodes of Tuca & Bertie but they can stick it on after Rick & Morty any other night of the week and do better there.
  19. While it’s possible that AS could change their minds between now and then, I think they have every intention of premiering Primal on Thursdays, with next day on HBO Max and encores on Toonami covering all their bases. Bubbleblabber isn’t a bad source and they most likely got the info from Adult Swim PR.
  20. They (probably Mitty from Reddit) is among the people counting on Toonami to lose a slot and will definitely remind everyone that they’ve been expecting this ever since the first airing of the lineup promo used the wrong time.
  21. I don’t blame the man for choosing not to engage on Twitter, I would have recommended that years ago at this point. When so many people have made up their mind not to trust that you know what you are doing, what’s the point in saying anything? That said, I have an unfortunate feeling that he just posted this now because bad news is coming, be it another rerun or a slot cut. Personally I hope it’s another rerun rather than a slot cut because I don’t want to see those smug asshats who expect a slot cut because of the promo flub a while back to be right.
  22. Primal is on fire! It was most likely another very good week for Saturday comedy, particularly Rick & Morty and the 11pm American Dad.
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