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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. Yes that’s true but they also said in a prior report that the median age for the networks total daytime viewership is currently 29 years old. A significant amount of that are surely parents but that’s still a wild ratio for a “kids channel”
  2. There are a decent amount of adult animation fans that enjoy Gumball, Craig and yes Teen Titans Go but probably the majority of the audience are parents. I also figure CNs viewership is so absolutely rock bottom that they didn’t gain any adults to reach that ratio they simply lost way more kids. Hard to say what would potentially grow that adult audience by any significant degree beyond heavy amounts of nostalgic programming but there’s basically no hope for getting the kids back.
  3. Yeah I don't think I'm under-selling the ineptitude of the casual Toonami watcher. It's easy to just look at the channel guide but its just as easy to just tune out the moment they see the first airing is a rerun.
  4. And the really amusing thing is Pickle Rick was written by the woman who went on to do She-Hulk.
  5. Ah yes obviously this one action moment is all the action you will get in any given episode and they could only give us this much action in the teaser because of it! I will say it’s not a very exciting teaser but I’m not going to judge it on what… 15 seconds? Certainly could have been a better tease of whatever this is though.
  6. Not much of a teaser but the animation is nice a fluid. I’m excited to see more. They say it’s coming this Summer. I’m guessing it will start right after UWE ends but there could be a little bit of overlap. The real question is how many episodes it will be because if they only ordered 10-13 then that’s probably all that will ever be made. So I hope CN ordered 20 or more before this got redirected to AS.
  7. Well... that's kinda horrifying
  8. Well that’s some weak sauce but it’s the easiest way to buy time so I’m not surprised. This could potentially cause some problems for viewers who don’t keep tabs on the schedule. When they tune in on April 15th and are greeted with an unexpected rerun they would likely assume MHA won’t premiere an episode that night. Maybe Toonami will even goof and promote the new episode for midnight instead of 12:30. BTW AS Saturday is changing up pre-Toonami next week. Futurama x 2 Rick x 2 Royal Crackers x 1 and American Dad x 3. That’s certainly more interesting than 4 x Hill but also means they can easily slide 2 x Hill into 7pm in May and not shift Toonami up to 11pm but it could go either way.
  9. When Michael O. was talking about how CN attracted more adults than kids I was thinking CN would gain more time and go for a broader audience in prime time but instead they taking Adult Swim broader and trying things other than raunchy comedies. There’s some potential there IMO because I love seeing adult targeted animation that isn’t just Family Guy and Rick & Morty clones. But this Superman series going to AS just feels like they’ve given up on CN making shows that aren’t for boys 6-11. It really ought to be presented to tweens with any adult viewership as a bonus but instead they’re going to rely almost entirely on adult animation fans and we all know that’s not going to be enough to keep it in production. Though at least the first season will actually get promoted on AS whereas I had little faith CN would give it adequate attention. The crew working on it feel it’s a dream come true for it to air on Toonami and I think that’s wonderful but I hope that dream doesn’t turn into a nightmare for them.
  10. They barely use Futurama and mostly relegate it to 4am, so they can definitely use that. BTW this is the weeknight schedule starting in April, only 2 hours are encores from earlier in the night and all encores happen after 3am so Futurama is the only show that’s stuck amongst encores but if it’s in primetime in May then it will no longer be the odd man out. 8:00-9:30 - King of the Hill x 3 9:30-10:30 - Bob’s Burgers x 2 10:30-12 -.American Dad x 3 / Royal Crackers on Monday at 10:30 12:00-1:00 Rick & Morty x 2 1:00 The Boondocks 1:30 Mike Tyson Mysteries x 2 2:00 Aqua Unit Patrol Squad 1 x 2 2:30 Robot Chicken x 2 3:00 Rick & Morty encore / Royal Crackers on Monday 3:30 Rick & Morty encore 4:00-5:00 Futurama x 2 5:00-6:00 Bob’s Burgers x 2 encore It’s interesting. Saturday was the only night of Adult Swim that regularly made use of the 2am hour for something other than encores but that looks to be changing.
  11. Toonami definitely should get the 11pm hour. Right now Saturday 8pm-12am is 4 Hills, 3 Dads and a Rick. They clearly have nothing they can use to fill another hour before Toonami. I mean yes they could air Futurama but they’ll need that for weeknights. Just let Toonami start earlier and finish at 2am if they are still strapped for acquisitions.
  12. 9-14 and parents Yeah maybe they should rework that title if it’s airing on Adult Swim
  13. I really don't think Unicorn is going to be so outright rejected by Adult Swim viewers. And think about the casual audience that don't even know the show was being made for CN prime time? They'll think nothing of it beyond, "hey this is from the Samurai Jack and Primal guy" and not be concerned with whether or not it was written for adult audiences specifically. Content wise, lets remember the last show Genndy made for CN was Sym-Bionic Titan which wasn't exactly tame. I know it was after all the premieres when it joined Toonami in 2012 but I don't recall anyone being all that unwelcoming of it at the time.
  14. Didn’t do gang busters? Primal reruns at midnight did great for Toonami last year.
  15. I have another theory disregarding FLCL Grunge. They have kept MHA doubled up because they have an acquisition lined up and now Unicorn has been dropped in their laps so they sped up MHA to clear the spot by May and will start a new acquisition two or three weeks before that depending if Titan is ready by April 15th. Option 1 (makes the most sense) April 15th Titan April 22nd MHA 137 / New Show ep 1 April 29th MHA 138 / New Show ep 2 May 6th Unicorn / New Show ep 3 Option 2 April 15th MHA 137 / New Show ep 1 April 22nd MHA 138 / New Show ep 2 April 29th Titan May 6th Unicorn / New Show ep 3 You can gripe about semantics and how it wastes a slot where a premiere should be but UWE will do much more for Toonami as an encore at midnight than at 2:30am. We know it and they know it.
  16. There's probably no good reason to double up MHA just to make room for encores of Genndy's new show but if the other slot isn't going to FLCL Grunge then it's anyone's guess why they sped through MHA instead of doubling up anything else. I really don't mind sloppy seconds beyond the principle of the matter. If its airing on Toonami it should be the premiere. They saw how Primal did outside of Toonami and inside of it and should have come to the conclusion that premiering it inside Toonami was the better choice. If all they have coming is a glorified rerun and their own originals and they're relying on a Genndy show to garner interest for their block of already streamed anime then its safe to say 2023 is 2022 the sequel. Perhaps their only hope is Bleach. Well... maybe they can get it but it's gonna be old news once they do.
  17. I guess CN got cold feet and pushed it to Adult Swim. I’m very disappointed at CN but this move is probably better for the show’s potential anyway. Safe bet this is replacing MHA at midnight in May or maybe 12:30 if FLCL Grunge starts on May 6th.
  18. I thought it was pretty funny. Kinda a Metalocalypse vibe from the dialogue.
  19. Looks like they’ll just finish out MHA season 6 doubled up. At this point they might as well hold off Titan one more week rather than air it on the 15th and go back to MHA for one last week on the 22nd. Primal season 2 rerun is meh but I don’t care what airs at 2:30am especially if the only affordable option is reruns.
  20. Those allegations were dropped and I hope he's not as much of a creep as was theorized but regardless his behavior at work was reason enough for dismissal. But admittedly it's a more complicated issue now that those allegations are dropped.
  21. Fifth Plate might very well be the reason Toonami was up across the board this week unless there was suddenly less sports or other things. Even so it amuses me that One Piece beat it. Food Wars will probably do better in the weeks to come, at least I hope so.
  22. Oh my bad, I skipped March 24th and jumped to April 1st. You are correct.
  23. You’re off by 2. 18 and 19 air on April 1st/2nd There’s 10 episodes left currently and 8 after this Saturday. Something I’ve noticed. The hour blocks of MHA have all had a particular focus. Each episode continues the story obviously but I mean those particular back to back episodes usually dealt with the same situation. 3/4 - The fight turns around 3/11 - Dealing with the aftermath 3/18 - Todoroki family drama and Hawks’ connection to Endeavor And since I’ve looked ahead it also seems like the upcoming episodes that air back to back are also mainly focused on particular situations. I’ll keep it vague but still use a spoiler block. Now I don’t think they were necessarily intentionally doing this but it’s rather interesting to me how it worked out that way. If they had doubled up MHA a week before or a week later then the two episodes airing each week would be a lot less connected.
  24. This is the current projection if they keep MHA doubled up till it ends and don’t take a week off for Titan before MHA ends. EDIT: Why the hell does copying something from notepad screw up the formatting on this board? Ugh… Just highlight it to read it I guess. Now 130 / 135 5 eps April 1st 131-132 / 136 4 eps April 8th 133-134 / 137 3 eps April 15th 135-136 / 138 2 eps April 22nd 137-138 But I think it will go something like this if FLCL Grunge isn’t ready before May. April 1st 131-132/136 4 eps April 8th Titan / 137 5 eps April 15th 133-134 / 138 4 eps April 22nd 135-136 / 138 2 eps April 29th 137-138
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