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Everything posted by Sketch

  1. I watched it the other day. Honestly I'm rather whelmed. It was great to see all those characters again and the concept took the piss out on lots of things but I didn't find it all that funny. I just hope Carey Means got paid well and gets royalties for it this time and for the upcoming season.
  2. True. I just thought it was going “full anime” to give Vixen a fox tail.
  3. I rather hope the 2nd part is longer than an hour (ie longer than 48 minutes) and that Toonami will be able to air both. And here's a thought, since it's roughly the length of two episodes they probably won't need more than a few weeks to dub it so maybe they could run it on March 18th to celebrate Toonami's Birthday along with the Superman/Shazam "short" that's roughly 25 minutes. I guess Attack on Titan won't reach 100 episodes though it did if you count the OVA episodes.
  4. I think Spike and Jet are enjoyable in Netboy Flixbop and arguably in-character. I especially enjoyed the scene where they juxtaposed Jet watching his daughter's recital while Spike fought goons outside. They had good chemistry and screen presence but man was that script lacking. Faye... not so great. Fantastic actress but she isn't given anything good to work with. They absolutely destroyed Vicious. He doesn't feel like a threat at all. He's a whiny little bitch boy getting manipulated by poor attempt at a girl boss. As a sci-fi romp it CAN be entertaining but it is pale imitation of Cowboy Bebop and I say that as somebody who doesn't even adore Cowboy Bebop.
  5. I hope they give it to the TIkTok guy. He nails the voices and can act. But I have a feeling they won't want to go that direction and instead will hire one or two established voice actors. I can only think of The Boondocks situation where Witherspoon's son was up for the role to takeover as Grandad but despite JD Witherspoon being a career voice actor and matching his father well, they were supposedly going to cast some other guy who wouldn't have been as good of a match. But eventually Sony just cancelled it.
  6. Sounds more like Roiland distanced himself from the writers room than his actions forced him out when all things considered his actions should have forced him out. According to this he records from home and takes no vocal direction and if he makes personal appearances to promote projects then he’s not doing it sober. CN investigated his behavior in 2020 but seemingly the executives didn’t do anything until the R&M staff requested the company make a statement.
  7. Might be a good thing that didn't get the Gundam dub premiere because due to inclement weather in Dallas Texas the 2nd episode (kinda the 3rd) wont stream for two more weeks. Toonami gets to catch up on MHA a little bit in theory but they would have quickly run into an issue with G Witch if this weather situation caused more delays. Imagine starting it on February 18th and almost immediately after it has to take 2 weeks off or longer? Probably wouldn't handle that like Gentle was but it would certainly cause some headaches. It's not even a simuldub but the production needs the lead time because they seemingly don't have a stock pile of episodes already but this is one of the reasons why Toonami is probably better off not airing simuldubs just a few weeks behind Japan. Several shows also got delayed due to coronavirus in Japan and other parts of Asia. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2023-02-03/crunchyroll-delays-english-dubs-for-revenger-buddy-daddies-gundam-the-witch-from-mercury-blue-lock-/.194511 Nonetheless the decision to finish off YashaHime the week before the Made in Abyss finale gives us every reason to believe they had two shows planned to air and neither panned out... or more optimistically one or both just needs more time in the oven. For all we know, the first Saturday of March will have another movie and they might even do a 4th night to make a "month" of it leading to their anniversary in the middle of March but I sure hope they don't keep One Piece off that long. They can certainly make up for taking One Piece and Naruto off for two weeks by giving them double shots for a week or two in March but that optics of that aren't great. 😅 I strongly suspect they were counting on Grunge for February and they might have also been banking on Attack on Titan's Final Season Part 3 airing in February like Part 2 did. That is to say it's probably underestimating the situation to think ONLY 2 things fell through early this year. Meanwhile on other parts of the internet people are raising the death flags high but honestly it looked about this dire after Titan and Shenmue ended last year and Toonami is still on the air and still getting promoted outside of Adult Swim (on other WBD owned networks) so let's not take another sudden drought as a sign that the end is nigh. That said, if come March there's double Shippuden and double One Piece for more than 2 weeks... that would be worrisome. If they didn't buy the last 50 episodes of Shippuden yet then there's 22 to go and there's 24 episodes left of Punk Hazard meaning 11 and 12 weeks respectively. They're approaching their 11th year in late May. 11 years and about six months is how long CN Toonami stayed on the air. I'm sure they want to beat that record if nothing else.
  8. That’s the full runtime of the DVD with all the shorts but just Return of Black Adam is 25 minutes.
  9. Rubicon comes to HBO Max on February 21st, does it air on Adult Swim prior? If so, when? EDIT: Oh it’s on the 20th so Toonami gets it 5 days later. Well it deserves to premiere outside of Toonami. I don’t mind a lightly used rerun airing before the movie that week but it could have aired after.
  10. Shazam is in Injustice but that feels like a stretch. If anything it’s counter-programming to Quantumania in theaters that weekend. I would not be surprised to see them run Superman/Shazam vs Black Adam in March though. It’s short but so is the Ballmastrz special.
  11. I’m sure DeMarco has wanted to use DC films to patch holes as often as possible. I think this is just the first time WBD is willing to throw them a bone without something to promote. Nice to see WBD coming in clutch rather than Toonami having no options but doubling up One Piece and Naruto. Granted they can simply do that in March if nothing can be acquired before then. Yeah FLCL Grunge in March seems like a safe bet.
  12. CR has no say with One Piece’s distribution but Toei is unpredictable at best.
  13. One slot goes to Urusei Yatsura, hopefully as dub premieres from Sentai The other slot goes to one of the following: Lupin Zero, which can then be replaced by FLCL Grunge in six weeks FLCL Grunge (with not nearly enough promotion time) A yet to be announced dub premiere of Giant Beasts of Ars from Sentai (it's a co-pro so they probably want to push it) Akiba Maid War or another recently dubbed show from Sentai but there's literally no telling what Sentai titles they're looking at Food Wars Fifth Plate because CR might cave on that if nothing else Bleach, because if they can get it now they probably will even if it makes more sense to wait till closer to Spring so they can continue into the 2nd cour One Piece gets doubled up again because something didn't pan out or alternatively both slots get occupied by extra Naruto and One Piece for a week or so because nothing ever seems to go smoothly these days... but honestly I think they do have 2 shows coming this month it would just be foolish at this point to rule out another sudden drought
  14. Vic would still be employable if he hadn’t tried to sue FUNimation for defamation. Plenty of creeps still work in the industry unfortunately and most are smart enough to lay low after they are MeToo’d. But don’t dismiss the many many many accounts of Vic preying on teenagers and his colleagues just because no one successfully filed charges. And don’t get me started on how disgusting it is that because he was a big draw, conventions invited him and FUNimation kept casting him even when they knew of his behavior. They enabled Vic and in some cases covered for him. The only solace there is in knowing that is also knowing the management that allowed that is no longer at the company formerly known as FUNimation.
  15. What confirms that? EDIT: It almost most certainly is NOT a union contract. It's dubbed in Dallas.
  16. Maybe I was but I’m not one to mix up One Piece things with other things. 😆
  17. It might not be a pop culture reference like in Japan but R. Bruce Elliot’s narrator in Space Dandy was fantastic. It’s kinda true that Guardians of the Galaxy had a similar vibe to Space Dandy and used some of the same retro stuff. In that regard it sorta stole Dandy’s thunder. Watanabe threatening to punch the Animatrix producer cracks me up. And he literally only watched the opening scene of Netboy Cowflix before he deemed it “not Bebop” so uh… so much for any claims of getting Watanabe’s input. I feel like that was a claim but maybe I’m misremembering.
  18. Yeah he retired from VA but it’s possible he would play a one-time role for NYAV Post. They managed to get Diraison to return for Guts after several years of not dubbing. Sinterniklaas has sway. I might be overthinking it though, Sebastian might be the name of the audio engineer or it could be someone who hasn’t dubbed before. But Black Lotus had screen actors so it could be Stan and I’m pretty amused at the prospect of Sebastian Stan voicing a character in FLCL Grunge.
  19. Yet people are saying Adult Swim is being too hasty because the verdict hasn’t been decided. We all know WBD would rather jump through numerous hoops than boot Roiland but they had to do their due diligence here and look into the situation. Whatever they dug up had to be enough for them to expect Roiland is guilty of the accusations. Though I wonder if all his other projects would have booted him if Adult Swim didn’t do so first.
  20. TMS surely was the ones who foot the bill for dubbing but it’s still very unexpected for Amazon Prime to stream a new dub.
  21. So... do you think Sebastian in that call is Sebastian Stan? Wouldn't be out of the question for NYAV Post to grab a screen actor for one of their dubs.
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